1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <XMI xmlns:UML="org.omg/standards/UML" verified="false" timestamp="" xmi.version="1.2" >
5 <XMI.exporter>umbrello uml modeller http://uml.sf.net</XMI.exporter>
6 <XMI.exporterVersion>1.1.5</XMI.exporterVersion>
7 <XMI.exporterEncoding>UnicodeUTF8</XMI.exporterEncoding>
9 <XMI.model xmi.name="umlOut" href="/home/martin/public_html/meconlib/doc/umlOut.xmi" />
10 <XMI.metamodel xmi.name="UML" href="UML.xml" xmi.version="1.3" />
13 <docsettings viewid="4" documentation="MANTENER LA MISMA ESTRUCTURA QUE EN EL REPOSITORIO" uniqueid="13" />
15 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HTML" xmi.id="1" abstract="0" documentation="HTML Link representation
16 adding GET variables if the value is an object it looks for a toString method if it doesn't exists or if is an array it serializes the object/array to get a string value
17 is done in toHtml method Object are stored as references
18 " name="MECON_HTML_Link" static="0" scope="200" >
19 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Gets GetVars
20 " name="getGetVars" static="0" scope="200" />
21 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="5" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Sets GetVars
22 " name="setGetVars" static="0" scope="200" >
23 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="GetVars " name="getVars" static="0" scope="0" />
25 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="6" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor
26 " name="MECON_HTML_Link" static="0" scope="200" >
27 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Hypertext reference " name="href" static="0" scope="0" />
28 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Array as key value pairs of GET variables to pass to the link " name="contents" static="0" scope="0" />
29 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="array" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getVars" static="0" scope="0" />
30 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="6" value="array" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
32 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="7" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Converts to HTML output
33 " name="toHtml" static="0" scope="200" />
34 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="8" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Gets hypertext reference
35 " name="getHref" static="0" scope="200" />
36 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="9" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Sets hypertext reference
37 " name="setHref" static="0" scope="200" >
38 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Hypertext reference " name="href" static="0" scope="0" />
40 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="10" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Set a GET variable
41 " name="setGetVar" static="0" scope="200" >
42 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Key for the GET variable " name="key" static="0" scope="0" />
43 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Value for the variable " name="value" static="0" scope="0" />
45 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="11" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Updates GET variables
46 they doesn't exists they are added if they exists they are updated
47 " name="updateGetVars" static="0" scope="200" >
48 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Array as key value pairs of GET variables to update " name="vars" static="0" scope="0" />
50 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="12" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Unsets removes GET variables This method supports variable arguments
51 " name="unsetGetVars" static="0" scope="200" >
52 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Key of the GET variable to remove " name="key" static="0" scope="0" />
54 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="13" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Adds contents to the link
55 " name="addContents" static="0" scope="200" >
56 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Contents to add Can be an object with a toHtml method " name="contents" static="0" scope="0" />
58 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="14" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Gets link contents" name="getContents" static="0" scope="200" />
59 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="15" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Set link contents" name="setContents" static="0" scope="200" >
60 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="New link contents " name="contents" static="0" scope="0" />
62 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="array" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Variables to send via GET HTTP method
63 " name="getVars" static="0" scope="202" />
64 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="array" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Link contents
65 " name="contents" static="0" scope="202" />
67 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="16" abstract="0" documentation="Dibuja un mensaje de error en HTML
68 " name="MECON_HTML_Error" static="0" scope="200" >
69 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="18" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor
70 " name="MECON_HTML_Error" static="0" scope="200" >
71 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Mensaje de error " name="msg" static="0" scope="0" />
73 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="19" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Dibuja el HTML
74 " name="toHtml" static="0" scope="200" />
75 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="17" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Mensaje de error
76 " name="msg" static="0" scope="200" />
78 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="20" abstract="0" documentation="QuickForm renderer que usa Tabla como backend
79 Basado en el QuickForm Renderer basico
80 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tabla" static="0" scope="200" >
81 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="28" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor
82 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tabla" static="0" scope="200" >
83 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="array" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Array o sting con el estilo de la tabla u objeto tabla alternativo" name="param" static="0" scope="0" />
85 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="29" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="returns the HTML generated for the form
86 " name="toHtml" static="0" scope="200" />
87 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="30" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Called when visiting a form before processing any form elements
88 " name="startForm" static="0" scope="200" >
89 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm object being visited" name="form" static="0" scope="0" />
91 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="31" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Called when visiting a form after processing all form elements
92 Adds required note form attributes validation javascript and form content
93 " name="finishForm" static="0" scope="200" >
94 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm object being visited" name="form" static="0" scope="0" />
96 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="32" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Called when visiting a header element
97 " name="renderHeader" static="0" scope="200" >
98 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm_header element being visited" name="header" static="0" scope="0" />
100 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="33" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Renders an element Html
101 Called when visiting an element
102 " name="renderElement" static="0" scope="200" >
103 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm_element object being visited" name="element" static="0" scope="0" />
104 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="an element is required" name="required" static="0" scope="0" />
105 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="error message associated with an element" name="error" static="0" scope="0" />
107 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="34" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Renders an hidden element
108 Called when visiting a hidden element
109 " name="renderHidden" static="0" scope="200" >
110 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm_hidden object being visited" name="element" static="0" scope="0" />
112 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="35" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Called when visiting a raw HTML/text pseudo element
113 " name="renderHtml" static="0" scope="200" >
114 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm_html element being visited" name="data" static="0" scope="0" />
116 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="36" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Called when visiting a group before processing any group elements
117 " name="startGroup" static="0" scope="200" >
118 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm_group object being visited" name="group" static="0" scope="0" />
119 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="a group is required" name="required" static="0" scope="0" />
120 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="error message associated with a group" name="error" static="0" scope="0" />
122 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="37" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Called when visiting a group after processing all group elements
123 " name="finishGroup" static="0" scope="200" >
124 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="HTML_QuickForm_group object being visited" name="group" static="0" scope="0" />
126 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="38" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Actualiza los atributos de la tabla que utiliza el rendere" name="updateAttributes" static="0" scope="200" >
127 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Html attributes" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
129 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="39" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Setea los atributos de la tabla que utiliza el renderer" name="setAttributes" static="0" scope="200" >
130 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Html attributes" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
132 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="40" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Obtiene los atributos la tabla que utiliza el renderer" name="getAttributes" static="0" scope="200" />
133 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="41" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Setea la tabla alternativa para utilizar" name="setTable" static="0" scope="200" >
134 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="Tabla" abstract="0" documentation="Objeto tabla alternativo para utilizar" name="param" static="0" scope="0" />
136 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="21" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Tabla usada para dibujar el formulario
137 " name="tabla" static="0" scope="201" />
138 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="22" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="HTML con los scripts para poner antes del formulario tipicamente
140 " name="script" static="0" scope="201" />
141 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="23" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="HTML para agregar antes de la tabla tipicamente un javascript
142 " name="prepend" static="0" scope="201" />
143 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="24" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="HTML para agregar despues de la tabla
144 " name="append" static="0" scope="201" />
145 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="25" value="false" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="True if we are inside a group
146 " name="inGroup" static="0" scope="201" />
147 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="26" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Group error related message
148 " name="groupError" static="0" scope="201" />
149 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="27" value="array" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Array with HTML generated for group elements
150 " name="groupElements" static="0" scope="201" />
152 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="42" abstract="0" documentation="Class to dynamically create HTML Select elements from a date
153 Modificado para que cumpla con los requisitos de mecon
154 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm_mdate" static="0" scope="200" >
155 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="43" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Class constructor
157 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm_mdate" static="0" scope="200" >
158 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="null" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="optional Input field name attribute" name="elementName" static="0" scope="0" />
159 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="null" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="optional Either a typical HTML attribute string" name="elementLabel" static="0" scope="0" />
160 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="array" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="options" static="0" scope="0" />
161 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="6" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="attributes" static="0" scope="0" />
163 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="44" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Creates a numeric option list based on a start number and end number
164 " name="_createNumericOptionList" static="0" scope="200" >
165 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="The start number" name="start" static="0" scope="0" />
166 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="The end number" name="end" static="0" scope="0" />
168 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="45" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve un objeto date
169 " name="getValue" static="0" scope="200" />
170 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="46" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Verifica que una fecha sea valida
171 Verifica que una fecha sea valida El formato siempre debe ser
173 " name="validate" static="0" scope="200" >
174 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="valor" static="0" scope="0" />
175 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="nombre" static="0" scope="0" />
176 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="formato" static="0" scope="0" />
179 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="47" abstract="0" documentation="Class to dynamically create HTML Select elements from a date
180 @author Bertrand Mansion bmansion@mamasam com
181 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm_caritas" static="0" scope="200" >
182 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="52" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Lista archivos devolviendo un array apropiado para un SELECT
183 " name="listarArchivos" static="0" scope="200" >
184 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Directorio donde estan las imagenes " name="dir" static="0" scope="0" />
185 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="prepend" static="0" scope="0" />
186 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="5" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="append" static="0" scope="0" />
188 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="53" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Class constructor
189 or an associative array Date format is passed along the attributes
190 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm_caritas" static="0" scope="200" >
191 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="null" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="optional Input field name attribute" name="elementName" static="0" scope="0" />
192 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="null" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="optional Either a typical HTML attribute string" name="elementLabel" static="0" scope="0" />
193 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="array" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="options" static="0" scope="0" />
194 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="6" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="attributes" static="0" scope="0" />
196 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="54" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="sets the defaults options
202 " name="_setDefaults" static="0" scope="201" >
203 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="array of options" name="options" static="0" scope="0" />
205 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="55" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Sets the number of cols columns
206 " name="setCols" static="0" scope="200" >
207 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Input field name attribute" name="cols" static="0" scope="0" />
209 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="56" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Sets the input field name
210 " name="setName" static="0" scope="200" >
211 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Input field name attribute" name="name" static="0" scope="0" />
213 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="57" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Sets the element value
214 " name="setValue" static="0" scope="200" >
215 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="value" static="0" scope="0" />
217 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="58" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Sets the element value
218 " name="setSelected" static="0" scope="200" >
219 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="value" static="0" scope="0" />
221 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="59" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Returns the element value
222 " name="getValue" static="0" scope="200" />
223 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="60" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Returns the element value
224 " name="getSelected" static="0" scope="200" />
225 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="61" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Returns the element name
226 " name="getName" static="0" scope="200" />
227 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="62" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Creates the select objects
228 " name="_createRadios" static="0" scope="200" />
229 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="63" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Returns the SELECT in HTML
231 " name="toHtml" static="0" scope="200" />
232 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="64" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
235 " name="onQuickFormEvent" static="0" scope="200" >
236 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Name of event" name="event" static="0" scope="0" />
237 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="event arguments" name="arg" static="0" scope="0" />
238 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="calling object" name="caller" static="0" scope="0" />
240 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="48" value="array" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Contains the select objects
241 " name="radios" static="0" scope="201" />
242 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="49" value="null" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Default values of the SELECTs
243 " name="selected" static="0" scope="201" />
244 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="50" value="5" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="cols" static="0" scope="201" />
245 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="51" value="false" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Frozen flag tells if element is frozen or not
246 " name="flagFrozen" static="0" scope="201" />
248 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="65" abstract="0" documentation="QuickForm de uso general del MECON
249 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm" static="0" scope="200" >
250 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="67" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_HTML_QuickForm" static="0" scope="200" >
251 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="formName" static="0" scope="0" />
252 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="'post'" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="method" static="0" scope="0" />
253 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="action" static="0" scope="0" />
254 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="6" value="'_self'" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="target" static="0" scope="0" />
255 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="8" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="attributes" static="0" scope="0" />
257 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="68" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="toHtml" static="0" scope="200" />
258 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="69" type="" abstract="0" documentation="TODO aclarar que usar
259 $FORM renderer updateAttributes
261 " name="setRendererOpts" static="0" scope="200" >
262 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="opts" static="0" scope="0" />
264 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="70" type="" abstract="0" documentation="TODO aclarar que usar
265 $FORM renderer updateAttributes
267 " name="getRendererOpts" static="0" scope="200" />
268 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="71" type="" abstract="0" documentation="TODO aclarar que usar
269 $FORM renderer updateAttributes
271 " name="updateRendererOpts" static="0" scope="200" >
272 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="opts" static="0" scope="0" />
274 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="66" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="renderer" static="0" scope="200" />
276 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="72" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_HTML_Arbol" static="0" scope="200" >
277 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="76" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor
278 " name="MECON_HTML_Arbol" static="0" scope="200" >
279 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Datos con los cuales construir el árbol " name="datos" static="0" scope="0" />
280 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Título " name="titulo" static="0" scope="0" />
281 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Nodo raíz de donde empezar a dibujar el árbol " name="link_append" static="0" scope="0" />
283 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="77" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getCSS" static="0" scope="200" />
284 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="78" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="expandir" static="0" scope="200" >
285 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dat" static="0" scope="0" />
286 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="n" static="0" scope="0" />
287 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="tabla" static="0" scope="0" />
289 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="79" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="toHTML" static="0" scope="200" />
290 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="80" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="expandirArray" static="0" scope="200" >
291 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dat" static="0" scope="0" />
292 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="n" static="0" scope="0" />
293 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="filtrarActivos" static="0" scope="0" />
295 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="81" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="toArray" static="0" scope="200" >
296 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="true" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="filtrarActivos" static="0" scope="0" />
298 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="82" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="expandirString" static="0" scope="200" >
299 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dat" static="0" scope="0" />
300 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="n" static="0" scope="0" />
301 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="filtrarActivos" static="0" scope="0" />
303 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="83" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="toString" static="0" scope="200" >
304 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="true" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="filtrarActivos" static="0" scope="0" />
306 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="84" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Activa un nodo del árbol
307 " name="setActivo" static="0" scope="200" >
308 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Id del nodo a modificar " name="id" static="0" scope="0" />
309 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="1" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Nuevo valor true si está activo false si no " name="activo" static="0" scope="0" />
311 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="85" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Modifica un nodo del array
312 " name="modificarNodo" static="0" scope="200" >
313 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Datos del árbol a modificar " name="datos" static="0" scope="0" />
314 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Id del elemento a modificar " name="id" static="0" scope="0" />
315 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Clave del dato a modificar " name="key" static="0" scope="0" />
316 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Nuevo valor " name="val" static="0" scope="0" />
318 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="73" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="datos" static="0" scope="200" />
319 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="74" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="titulo" static="0" scope="200" />
320 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="75" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="link_append" static="0" scope="200" />
322 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HTML" xmi.id="86" abstract="0" documentation="HTML Image representation
323 " name="MECON_HTML_Image" static="0" scope="200" >
324 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="87" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor
325 " name="MECON_HTML_Image" static="0" scope="200" >
326 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Image location " name="src" static="0" scope="0" />
327 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Other image attributes " name="alt" static="0" scope="0" />
328 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="array" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
330 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="88" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Converts to HTML output
331 " name="toHtml" static="0" scope="200" />
332 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="89" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Gets image location
333 " name="getSrc" static="0" scope="200" />
334 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="90" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Sets image location
335 " name="setSrc" static="0" scope="200" >
336 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Image location " name="src" static="0" scope="0" />
338 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="91" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Gets image alternate text
339 " name="getAlt" static="0" scope="200" />
340 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="92" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Sets image alternate text
341 " name="setAlt" static="0" scope="200" >
342 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Alternate text " name="alt" static="0" scope="0" />
345 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="93" abstract="0" documentation="Manejo de las tablas estandares de MECON
346 " name="MECON_HTML_Tabla" static="0" scope="200" >
347 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="96" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor
348 Puede recibir como parametro un string o un array con atributos html, y la indicacion de un estilo en particular (comun, servicio, impresion)." name="MECON_HTML_Tabla" static="0" scope="200" >
349 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="null" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Atributos diferentes a los estandares para la tabla" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
350 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="'comun'" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="estilo" static="0" scope="0" />
352 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="97" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Agrega una fila del tipo cabecera tomando colores y demas del
353 archivo de configuracion Recibe como parametro un array con
354 los datos a incluir en la linea Agrega tantas columnas como
355 elementos tenga el array Si no recibe parametro alguno
356 inserta una fila en blanco Devuelve el identificador de la
357 fila en donde inserto los datos
359 " name="agregarFilaCabecera" static="0" scope="200" >
360 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Contenido de la fila" name="contenido" static="0" scope="0" />
361 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="atributos" static="0" scope="0" />
363 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="98" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Agrega una fila del tipo comun tomando colores y demas del
364 archivo de configuracion Recibe como parametro un array con
365 los datos a incluir en la linea Agrega tantas columnas como
366 elementos tenga el array Si no recibe parametro alguno
367 inserta una fila en blanco Devuelve el identificador de la
368 fila en donde inserto los datos
370 " name="agregarFila" static="0" scope="200" >
371 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Contenido de la fila" name="contenido" static="0" scope="0" />
373 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="99" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Modifica el atributo rowSpan a la celda pasada por parametro
375 " name="rowSpan" static="0" scope="200" >
376 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la fila que se quiere modificar" name="fila" static="0" scope="0" />
377 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
378 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Atributo a modificar" name="valor" static="0" scope="0" />
380 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="100" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Modifica el atributo colSpan a la celda pasada por parametro
382 " name="colSpan" static="0" scope="200" >
383 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la fila que se quiere modificar" name="fila" static="0" scope="0" />
384 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
385 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Atributo a modificar" name="valor" static="0" scope="0" />
387 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="101" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Modifica el atributo aling de la celda pasada por parametro
389 " name="align" static="0" scope="200" >
390 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la fila que se quiere modificar" name="fila" static="0" scope="0" />
391 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
392 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Atributo a modificar" name="valor" static="0" scope="0" />
394 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="102" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Setea una columna como del tipo cabecera
396 " name="setColCabecera" static="0" scope="200" >
397 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
399 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="103" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Setea una columna como del tipo titulo
401 " name="setColTitulo" static="0" scope="200" >
402 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
404 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="104" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Alinea una columna entera
406 " name="setColAlign" static="0" scope="200" >
407 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
408 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Valor" name="valor" static="0" scope="0" />
410 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="105" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Cambia el tamanio de una columna entera
412 " name="setColWidth" static="0" scope="200" >
413 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificadore de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
414 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Valor" name="valor" static="0" scope="0" />
416 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="106" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Cambia el color de fondo de una celda
418 " name="setCellBgcolor" static="0" scope="200" >
419 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la fila que se quiere modificar" name="fila" static="0" scope="0" />
420 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="columna" static="0" scope="0" />
421 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Atributo a modificar" name="valor" static="0" scope="0" />
423 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="107" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve el html a imprimir.
424 Como parametro recibe el indicador de tabla simple. Si es falso devuelve el html con 2 (una externa y una interna), si es false devuelve una tabla sola.
425 " name="toHtml" static="0" scope="200" >
426 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="0" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Tipo de tabla que se quiere recibir " name="simple" static="0" scope="0" />
428 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="108" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Cambia las propiedades de una celda Si $attrs es un array asociativo se setean los atributos representados por las claves con los valores.
429 " name="updateCellAttributes" static="0" scope="200" >
430 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la fila que se quiere modificar" name="row" static="0" scope="0" />
431 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="col" static="0" scope="0" />
432 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Atributo a modificar" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
434 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="109" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Establece las propiedades de una celda Si $attrs es un array asociativo se setean los atributos representados por las claves con los valores .
435 " name="setCellAttributes" static="0" scope="200" >
436 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la fila que se quiere modificar" name="row" static="0" scope="0" />
437 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Identificador de la columna que se quiere modificar" name="col" static="0" scope="0" />
438 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Atributo a modificar" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
440 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="110" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Agrega una fila El contenido es el que viene representado por el array $content Recibe los atributos en la variable $attrs.
441 " name="addRow" static="0" scope="200" >
442 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Contenido" name="content" static="0" scope="0" />
443 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="'comun'" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Atributos" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
445 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="111" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Convierte un atributo HTML al string para pasar a los metodos de HTML_Table.
446 Recibe en $attrs los atributos a modificar.
447 Es una redefinicion para que se maneje con los estilos propios de MECON.
448 " name="_translateAttributes" static="0" scope="201" >
449 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Atributos" name="attrs" static="0" scope="0" />
451 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="94" value="" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Valores de Configuracion particular
452 " name="conf" static="0" scope="202" />
453 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="95" value="" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Atributos de las tabla
454 " name="attrs" static="0" scope="202" />
456 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="112" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_HTML_ArbolDB" static="0" scope="200" >
457 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="123" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_HTML_ArbolDB" static="0" scope="200" >
458 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dbdata" static="0" scope="0" />
459 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="titulo" static="0" scope="0" />
460 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="link_append" static="0" scope="0" />
462 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="124" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="BuscarHijos" static="0" scope="200" >
463 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="id" static="0" scope="0" />
465 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="113" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="padre" static="0" scope="200" />
466 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="114" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="tabla" static="0" scope="200" />
467 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="115" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="nombre" static="0" scope="200" />
468 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="116" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="id" static="0" scope="200" />
469 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="117" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="id_activo" static="0" scope="200" />
470 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="118" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="link" static="0" scope="200" />
471 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="119" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="link_append" static="0" scope="200" />
472 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="120" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="where" static="0" scope="200" />
473 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="121" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="order" static="0" scope="200" />
474 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="122" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="db" static="0" scope="200" />
476 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="125" abstract="0" documentation="QuickForm de uso general del MECON
477 " name="MECON_HTML_QuickFormSimple" static="0" scope="200" >
478 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="126" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_HTML_QuickFormSimple" static="0" scope="200" >
479 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="formName" static="0" scope="0" />
480 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="'post'" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="method" static="0" scope="0" />
481 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="action" static="0" scope="0" />
482 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="6" value="'_self'" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="target" static="0" scope="0" />
483 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="8" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="attributes" static="0" scope="0" />
485 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="127" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Igual que QuickForm pero pone por default validación en el cliente además
487 " name="addRule" static="0" scope="200" >
488 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="element" static="0" scope="0" />
489 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="message" static="0" scope="0" />
490 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="type" static="0" scope="0" />
491 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="format" static="0" scope="0" />
492 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="5" value="'client'" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="validation" static="0" scope="0" />
493 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="7" value="false" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="reset" static="0" scope="0" />
494 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="9" value="false" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="force" static="0" scope="0" />
496 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="128" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Igual que QuickForm pero pone por default validación en el cliente además
498 " name="addGroupRule" static="0" scope="200" >
499 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="group" static="0" scope="0" />
500 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="arg1" static="0" scope="0" />
501 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="type" static="0" scope="0" />
502 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="''" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="format" static="0" scope="0" />
503 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="6" value="0" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="howmany" static="0" scope="0" />
504 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="8" value="'client'" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="validation" static="0" scope="0" />
506 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="129" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Obtiene el inicio del formulario
507 " name="getBegin" static="0" scope="200" />
508 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="130" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Obtiene el fin del formulario
509 " name="getEnd" static="0" scope="200" />
510 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="131" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Agrega un path al include path
511 " name="prepend_include_path" static="0" scope="200" >
512 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Include path a agregar antes del actual " name="ip" static="0" scope="0" />
515 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HE" xmi.id="132" abstract="1" documentation="Representa un conjunto de entradas y salidas para formar una banda horaria
517 @author Gonzalo Merayo gmeray@mecon gov ar
518 " name="MECON_Tiempo_Banda" static="0" scope="200" >
519 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="134" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_Tiempo_Banda" static="0" scope="200" />
520 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="135" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="Cargar" static="0" scope="200" >
521 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="agente" static="0" scope="0" />
522 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="fecha" static="0" scope="0" />
524 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="136" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="CompletarSalidas" static="0" scope="200" />
525 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="137" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Agrega un intervalo a la banda
526 Chequeando superposiciones y en orden
527 " name="agregarIntervalo" static="0" scope="200" >
528 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="Intervalo" abstract="0" documentation="Intervalo a agregar " name="intervalo" static="0" scope="0" />
530 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="138" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Saca
531 " name="sacarBanda" static="0" scope="200" >
532 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="banda" static="0" scope="0" />
534 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="139" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Saca un intervalo de una banda horaria
535 " name="sacarIntervalo" static="0" scope="200" >
536 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="intervalo" static="0" scope="0" />
538 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="140" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="sacarTiempo" static="0" scope="200" >
539 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="t" static="0" scope="0" />
541 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="141" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="chequearIntervalo" static="0" scope="200" >
542 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="intervalo" static="0" scope="0" />
544 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="142" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="chequearBanda" static="0" scope="200" >
545 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="banda" static="0" scope="0" />
547 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="143" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="toString" static="0" scope="200" />
548 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="144" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getIntervalos" static="0" scope="200" />
549 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="145" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Corta una banda devolviendo la banda previa al punto de corte
550 La banda actual queda con los intervalos posteriores al punto de corte
551 y se devuelve la banda con los intervalos anteriores
552 El punto de corte puede ser tanto una hora como un intervalo
553 " name="cortar" static="0" scope="200" >
554 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Donde cortar " name="c" static="0" scope="0" />
556 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="146" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve el timpo total que contiene la banda
557 " name="total" static="0" scope="200" />
558 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="147" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Alias de Banda total para compatibilidad con Intervalo
559 " name="getDuracion" static="0" scope="200" />
560 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="148" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Resetea la banda
561 " name="flush" static="0" scope="200" />
562 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="149" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="copy" static="0" scope="200" >
563 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="b" static="0" scope="0" />
565 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="150" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="__clone" static="0" scope="200" />
566 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="133" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="intervalos" static="0" scope="200" />
568 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HE" xmi.id="151" abstract="1" documentation="Representa una hora
570 @author Gonzalo Merayo gmeray@mecon gov ar
571 " name="MECON_Tiempo_Hora" static="0" scope="200" >
572 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="152" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="set" static="0" scope="200" />
573 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="153" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="get" static="0" scope="200" />
575 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HE" xmi.id="154" abstract="0" documentation="Representa un Intervalo entre 2 horas del mismo dia
577 @author Gonzalo Merayo gmeray@mecon gov ar
578 " name="MECON_Tiempo_Intervalo" static="0" scope="200" >
579 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="157" type="" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor
580 fin es anterior a la de inicio
581 " name="MECON_Tiempo_Intervalo" static="0" scope="200" >
582 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="null" type="Hora" abstract="0" documentation="Hora de inicio por defecto cero " name="inicio" static="0" scope="0" />
583 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="null" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Invierte el intervalo si la hora de" name="fin" static="0" scope="0" />
584 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="true" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="chequear" static="0" scope="0" />
586 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="158" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="_chequear" static="0" scope="200" />
587 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="159" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="invertido" static="0" scope="200" />
588 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="160" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="setInicio" static="0" scope="200" >
589 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="inicio" static="0" scope="0" />
591 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="161" type="" abstract="0" documentation="setFin
592 " name="setFin" static="0" scope="200" >
593 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="var" abstract="0" documentation="" name="fin" static="0" scope="0" />
595 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="162" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getDuracion" static="0" scope="200" />
596 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="163" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="seSuperpone" static="0" scope="200" >
597 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="intervalos" static="0" scope="0" />
599 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="164" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="fusionar" static="0" scope="200" >
600 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="f" static="0" scope="0" />
602 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="165" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="superponer" static="0" scope="200" >
603 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="i" static="0" scope="0" />
605 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="166" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Corta un intervalo devolviendo el intervalo previo al punto de corte
606 El intervalo actual queda con el intervalo posterior al punto de corte
607 El punto de corte puede ser tanto una hora como un intervalo
608 " name="cortar" static="0" scope="200" >
609 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Donde cortar " name="c" static="0" scope="0" />
611 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="167" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Corta un intervalo devolviendo el intervalo previo a la hora de corte
612 El intervalo actual queda con el intervalo posterior a la hora de corte
613 " name="cortarHora" static="0" scope="200" >
614 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Donde cortar " name="h" static="0" scope="0" />
616 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="168" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Corta un intervalo devolviendo el intervalo previo al intervalo de corte
617 El intervalo actual queda con el intervalo posterior al intervalo de corte
618 " name="cortarIntervalo" static="0" scope="200" >
619 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Donde cortar " name="i" static="0" scope="0" />
621 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="169" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="toString" static="0" scope="200" />
622 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="170" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="copy" static="0" scope="200" >
623 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="int" static="0" scope="0" />
625 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="171" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="__clone" static="0" scope="200" />
626 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="155" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Hora de inicio del intervalo
627 " name="inicio" static="0" scope="200" />
628 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="156" value="" type="object" abstract="0" documentation="Hora de fin del intervalo
629 " name="fin" static="0" scope="200" />
631 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="172" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_Dependencia" static="0" scope="202" >
632 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="176" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_Dependencia" static="0" scope="200" >
633 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="codep" static="0" scope="0" />
635 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="177" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getAgentes" static="0" scope="200" />
636 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="178" type="dependencia" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getDependencias" static="1" scope="200" />
637 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="179" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getNombre" static="0" scope="200" />
638 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="180" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getNombreBreve" static="0" scope="200" />
639 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="173" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="codep" static="0" scope="200" />
640 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="174" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="nombre" static="0" scope="200" />
641 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="175" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="nombre_breve" static="0" scope="200" />
643 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HE" xmi.id="181" abstract="1" documentation="Representa un Intervalo entre 2 horas del mismo dia
645 @author Gonzalo Merayo gmeray@mecon gov ar
646 " name="MECON_Novedad" static="0" scope="200" >
647 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="182" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="codigo" static="0" scope="200" />
648 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="183" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="intervalo" static="0" scope="200" />
650 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="184" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_Agente" static="0" scope="200" >
651 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="187" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getDependencia" static="0" scope="200" />
652 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="188" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getTipo" static="0" scope="200" />
653 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="189" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_Agente" static="0" scope="200" >
654 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="agente" static="0" scope="0" />
656 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="190" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getNombre" static="0" scope="200" />
657 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="191" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getHoraDesde" static="0" scope="200" />
658 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="192" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getHoraHasta" static="0" scope="200" />
659 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="193" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getCuil" static="0" scope="200" />
660 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="194" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getOtrosDatos" static="0" scope="200" />
661 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="195" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="buscarAgente" static="0" scope="200" >
662 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="agente" static="0" scope="0" />
664 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="185" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="agente" static="0" scope="200" />
665 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="186" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="datos" static="0" scope="200" />
667 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HE" xmi.id="196" abstract="1" documentation="Representa un Intervalo entre 2 horas del mismo dia
669 @author Gonzalo Merayo gmeray@mecon gov ar
670 " name="MECON_NovedadesDia" static="0" scope="200" >
671 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="201" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_NovedadesDia" static="0" scope="200" >
672 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="agente" static="0" scope="0" />
673 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="fecha" static="0" scope="0" />
675 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="202" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="deLicencia" static="0" scope="200" />
676 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="203" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="enComicion" static="0" scope="200" />
677 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="204" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="esFranco" static="0" scope="200" />
678 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="205" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="debioVenir" static="0" scope="200" />
679 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="206" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getAtos" static="0" scope="200" />
680 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="207" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="BuscarLicencia" static="0" scope="200" />
681 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="208" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="BuscarNovedadesTemporales" static="0" scope="200" />
682 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="209" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="BuscarNovedadDiaria" static="0" scope="200" />
683 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="197" value="array" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="novedades" static="0" scope="200" />
684 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="198" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="agente" static="0" scope="200" />
685 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="199" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="fecha" static="0" scope="200" />
686 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="200" value="null" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="db" static="0" scope="201" />
688 <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="210" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_Usuario" static="0" scope="200" >
689 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="215" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="ArmarconDNI" static="0" scope="200" >
690 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dni" static="0" scope="0" />
692 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="216" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="ArmarconLOGIN" static="0" scope="200" >
693 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="login" static="0" scope="0" />
695 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="217" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="MECON_Usuario" static="0" scope="200" >
696 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="NULL" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dni" static="0" scope="0" />
697 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="NULL" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="login" static="0" scope="0" />
699 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="218" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="Insertar_Usuario" static="0" scope="200" >
700 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="NULL" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dni" static="0" scope="0" />
701 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="NULL" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="login" static="0" scope="0" />
702 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="NULL" type="" abstract="0" documentation="" name="nombre" static="0" scope="0" />
704 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="219" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getDni" static="0" scope="200" />
705 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="220" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getLogin" static="0" scope="200" />
706 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="221" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getNombre" static="0" scope="200" />
707 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="222" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="buscarUsuarioDNI" static="0" scope="200" >
708 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dni" static="0" scope="0" />
710 <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="223" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Verifica si el login pasado por parametro es valido
711 " name="verificarLogin" static="0" scope="200" >
712 <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="0" value="null" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Login a verificar" name="login" static="0" scope="0" />
714 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="211" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dni" static="0" scope="200" />
715 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="212" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="login" static="0" scope="200" />
716 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="213" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="nombre" static="0" scope="200" />
717 <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="214" value="'mysql" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="" name="dsn" static="0" scope="200" />
719 <UML:Class stereotype="class" package="" xmi.id="7" abstract="0" documentation="x2c:external" name="HTML_Common" static="0" scope="200" />
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721 <UML:Class stereotype="class" package="" xmi.id="9" abstract="0" documentation="x2c:external" name="HTML_QuickForm_date" static="0" scope="200" />
722 <UML:Class stereotype="class" package="" xmi.id="10" abstract="0" documentation="x2c:external" name="HTML_QuickForm_element" static="0" scope="200" />
723 <UML:Class stereotype="class" package="" xmi.id="11" abstract="0" documentation="x2c:external" name="HTML_Table" static="0" scope="200" />
724 <UML:Class stereotype="class" package="" xmi.id="12" abstract="0" documentation="x2c:external" name="HTML_QuickForm" static="0" scope="200" />
725 <UML:Class stereotype="class" package="" xmi.id="13" abstract="0" documentation="" name="Date_Span" static="0" scope="200" />
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727 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="86" roleb="7" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
728 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="20" roleb="8" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
729 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="42" roleb="9" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
730 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="47" roleb="10" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
731 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="112" roleb="72" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
732 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="72" roleb="11" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
733 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="93" roleb="11" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
734 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="125" roleb="12" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
735 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="65" roleb="125" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
736 <UML:Association nameb="" stereotype="" visibilitya="200" visibilityb="200" assoctype="500" rolea="151" roleb="13" multia="" doca="" multib="" docb="" package="" xmi.id="-1" abstract="0" documentation="" name="" static="0" scope="200" changeabilitya="900" changeabilityb="900" namea="" />
739 <diagram snapgrid="1" showattsig="1" fillcolor="#ffffc0" zoom="100" showgrid="1" showopsig="0" usefillcolor="1" snapx="10" canvaswidth="792" snapy="10" showatts="1" xmi.id="3" documentation="" type="402" showops="1" showpackage="0" name="Diagrama" localid="30000" showstereotype="0" showscope="1" snapcsgrid="0" font="Clean,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,1,0" linecolor="#ff0000" canvasheight="657" >
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742 <UML:ClassWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="177" showattsigs="601" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="180" linecolour="none" y="20" showopsigs="600" instancename="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" fillcolour="none" height="162" usefillcolor="1" showattributes="1" isinstance="0" xmi.id="172" showoperations="1" showpackage="0" showscope="1" showstereotype="0" font="Clean,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,1,0" />
743 <UML:ClassWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="1" width="136" showattsigs="601" usesdiagramusefillcolour="1" x="380" linecolour="none" y="20" showopsigs="600" instancename="" usesdiagramlinecolour="1" fillcolour="none" height="63" usefillcolor="1" showattributes="1" isinstance="0" xmi.id="181" showoperations="1" showpackage="0" showscope="1" showstereotype="0" font="Clean,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,1,0" />
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