-This script generates a light xmi file. This xmi file will include all the
-classes, the functions and the attributes that are content in the php file.
+This file will receive a directory or a list of archives as argument.
+The directory search is not recursive so if you want to parse it recursively
+you may use the find command to solve this.
+Example: ./code2xmi HTMl/
+Example: ./code2xmi Table.php Form.php etc
+Example: ./code2xmi `find HTML/ -name '*.php'`
+The output will be a single file named umlOut.xmi and it will be generated in
+the same path were the script was run.
+This script generates a light xmi file (Class only no diagrams will be
+generated). This xmi file will include all the classes, the functions and the
+attributes that are content in the php file.