#!/usr/bin/php4 -qC [] []\n\n"; echo "Por defecto se usa el directorio actual y se guarda el resultado en MP3_.glabels\n"; exit; } $numero = $argv[1]; $dir = @$argv[2] ? $argv[2] : '.'; $filename = @$argv[3] ? $argv[3] : "videos-dvd-$numero.glabels"; $template = 'Template.VIDEOS.glabels'; $template_dir = '.'; $datos = array(); $d = dir($dir); while (($f = $d->read()) !== false) { if (is_dir("$dir/$f") and $f != '.' and $f != '..') { $d2 = dir("$dir/$f"); while (($f2 = $d2->read()) !== false) { if (in_array(strtolower(preg_replace('/.*\.(.*)/', '$1', $f2)), $extensiones)) { # Es un video $datos[ucwords($f)][] = ucwords(preg_replace('/(.*)\..*/', '$1', $f2)); } } } elseif (in_array(strtolower(preg_replace('/.*\.(.*)/', '$1', $f)), $extensiones)) { # Es un video if (preg_match('/(.*) - (.*)/', $f, $m)) { $datos[ucwords(preg_replace('/(.*)\..*/', '$1', $m[1]))][] = ucwords(preg_replace('/(.*)\..*/', '$1', $m[2])); } else { $datos[ucwords(preg_replace('/(.*)\..*/', '$1', $f))] = array(); } } } if ($datos) { $tpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma($template_dir); $tpl->loadTemplateFile($template); $tpl->setGlobalVariable(array( 'N' => sprintf("%02d", $numero), 'PUNTOS' => PUNTOS, )); $x = X_BASE; $y = Y_BASE; ksort($datos); foreach ($datos as $artista => $albums) { if ($y > Y_MAX and !@$col2) { $x = X_COL2; $y = Y_BASE; $col2 = true; } $tpl->setVariable(array( 'X' => $x, 'TEXTO_Y' => $y, 'LINEA_Y' => $y + PUNTOS + 2.5, 'LINEA_ANCHO' => strlen($artista) * 2.5 + 25 / strlen($artista), 'ARTISTA' => translate($artista), )); sort($albums); for ($i = 0; $i < count($albums); $i++) { // assign data $tpl->setVariable('ALBUM', translate($albums[$i])); // process the block $tpl->parse('ALBUMS'); } $y += PUNTOS * ($i + 2); $tpl->parse('ARTISTAS'); } $results = $tpl->get(); $fo = fopen($filename, 'w'); fputs($fo, $results); fclose($fo); } function translate($str) { static $tabla = array(); if (!@$tabla) { $tabla = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); array_shift($tabla); foreach ($tabla as $char => $void) { $tabla[$char] = '&#' . ord($char) . ';'; } } return strtr($str, $tabla); } # vim: set et sw=4 : ?>