I am so psychosomatic it makes me sick just thinking about it! -- George Constanza % It's not a lie, if you believe it. -- George Constanza % G: I don't want hope. Hope is killing me. My dream is to become hopeless. When you're hopeless you don't care. And when you care, that indifference makes you attractive. J: So, hopelessness is the key? G: It's my only hope. -- George Constanza & Jerry Seinfeld % Pity's very underrated. I like pity. It's good. -- George Constanza % Yeah, I'm a great quitter. It's one of the few things I do well. I come from a long line of quitters. My father was a quitter, my grandfather was a quitter... I was raised to give up. -- George Constanza % You can do better than me. You could throw a dart out the window and hit someone better than me. I'm no good! -- George Constanza % I always get the feeling that when lesbians look at me, they're thinking, '*That's* why I'm not a heterosexual.' -- George Constanza % Borrowing money from a friend is like having sex. It just completely changes the relationship. -- George Constanza % 'It's not you, it's me....'? You're giving me the 'It's not you, it's me' routine? I invented 'It's not you, it's me.' Nobody tells me it's them, not me. If it's anybody, it's me. -- George Constanza % For me to ask a woman out, I've got to get into a mental state like the karate guys before they break the bricks. -- George Constanza % Instead of doing a wash, I just keep buying underwear. My goal is to have over 360 pair. That way I only have to do wash once a year. -- George Constanza % You should've seen her face. It was the exact same look my father gave me when I told him I wanted to be a ventriloquist. -- George Constanza % Bald men with no jobs and no money who live with their parents don't approach strange women. -- George Constanza % Hey, it's George. I got nothing to say. -- George Constanza, message in Jerry's answering machine % I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable. -- George Constanza % All fathers are intimidating. They're intimidating because they are fathers. Once a man has children, for the rest of his life, his attitude is, "To hell with the world, I can make my own people. I'll eat whatever I want. I'll wear whatever I want, and I'll create whoever I want." -- Jerry Seinfeld