Santiago del Estero, se lo comen a pan lactal.
If you want to be alone, just be alone
-If you want to watch the sea just watch the sea
+If you want to watch the sea, just watch the sea
But do it now, timing is the answer, do it now
Timing is the answer to success
Si ella es la flor, yo soy la espina
Si ella es quien florece, yo quien se marchita
Y estamos en eclipse total, y estamos en eclipse total
-Completamente cruzados, completamente cruzas
+Completamente cruzados, completamente cruzados
Si pudiera acercarme un poco más, hacia vos
Te diría que me tiemblan los dos pies, cuando me mirás
Scared of the spotlight
You don't come to visit
I'm stuck on this bed
+Hay manos capaces de fabricar herramientas
+con las que se hacen máquinas para hacer ordenadores
+que a su vez diseñan máquinas que hacen herramientas
+para que las use la mano
+Cada uno da lo que recibe
+y luego recibe lo que da
+nada es más simple
+no hay otra norma
+nada se pierde
+todo se transforma
+Estamos cantando a la sombra de nuestra parra
+una canción que dice que uno sólo conserva lo que no amarra
+Novocaine for the soul
+you better give me something
+to fill the hole
+before I sputter out
+Si pensas que el alma no se ve
+el alma sí se ve en los ojos
+Se ha dicho tanto que las apariencias engañan
+Por supuesto que engañarán a quien sea tan vulgar como para creerlo
+Si pensas que el alma no se ve
+El alma sí se ve y puede combinar muy bien
+If you don't know what direction you should take
+You don't know where you are
+Never let a fool kiss you, or let a kiss fool you
+We are born naked, wet and hungry
+Then things get worse
+Your success is measured by your ability to finish things
+Skepticism is the beginning of failure
+Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names
+There is no such thing as right or wrong
+Only consequences
+All men are born equal
+But quite a few get over it
+Sometimes I think the sure sign that life exists elsewhere in the universe
+Is that that none of them tried to contact us
+Be nice to nerds
+Chances are you'll end up working for one
+Do not get mad with others
+Because they know more than you
+It is not their fault
+If you do not change your beliefs
+Your life will always be like this
+Fantasy is as important as wisdom
+The biggest lie you can tell yourself is
+When I get what I want I will be happy
+Don't take life to seriously, you won't get out alive
+Creativity is great but plagiarism is faster
+You are the very reason why everything happens to you
+Every day 21 new born babies will be given to the wrong parents
+The average person laughs 13 times a day
+41% of all people take people with curly hair less seriously
+22% of the time a pizza will arrive faster than an ambulance in Great-Britain
+3 people die every year, testing if a 9 volts battery works on their tongue
+"The Guinness Book of Records" holds the record for being the most
+stolen book in public libraries
+The world's best known word is "okay"
+The second most well-known word is "Coca-Cola"
+Charles Chaplin once won 3rd price in a Charles Chaplin look-a-like contest
+In 1995 a Japanese trawler sank, because a Russian
+cargo plane dropped a living cow from 30,000 feet
+1 cigarette takes away 5 minutes of a person's life
+1950 we were 3 billion people on the earth,
+today we are 6 billion people
+More people die from a champagne-cork popping,
+than from poison spiders
+Did you know the originally a Danish guy invented the burglar-alarm
+unfortunately, it got stolen
+The number of wars fought between countries
+That both have at least one McDonalds is zero
+Every 5 minutes an area of rainforest the size of a foot ball field
+Is eliminated
+A can of diet coke will float in water
+While a can of regular coke will sink
+The Muppet show was banned from TV in Saudi Arabia
+Because one of its stars was a pig
+More than 50% of the people in the world have never made
+Or received a telephone call
+According to several sources
+Dr. Harvey Kellogg tried to make a cure for masturbation
+When he made cornflakes
+In Minnesota there's a law
+That prevents men from having sex with living fish
+I can't watch TV for four minutes without thinking
+I have five serious diseases.
+Like: "Do you ever wake up tired in the mornings?"
+Oh my god I have this, write this down. Whatever it is, I have this.
+Americans, let's face it: We've been a spoiled country for a long time.
+Do you know what the number one health risk in America is?
+Obesity, obesity! They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic.
+An epidemic, like it's polio. Like we'll be telling our grand kids about
+it one day: The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004.
+"How'd you get through it grandpa?"
+"Oh, it was horrible Johnny, but there was cheesecake
+and pork chops everywhere."
+Sometimes you got to suffer a little in your youth to motivate you to
+succeed later in life. Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high
+school, do you think there'd be a Microsoft? Of course not. You gotta
+spend a lot of time stuffin your own locker with your underwear wedged
+up your arse before you think "I'm gona take over the world with
+computers! You'll see I'll show them."
+This homeless guy asked me for some money the other day.
+And I was gonna give it to him but then I thought you're
+just gonna use it on drugs or alcohol.
+And then I thought, that's what I'm gonna use it on.
+Why am I judging this poor bastard.
+People love to judge homeless guys.
+Like, your giving him money he's just gonna waste it.
+He's just gonna waste the money
+Well, he lives in a box, what do you want him to do?
+Save up and buy a wall unit?
+Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a CD rack?
+He's homeless.