2 -- WScreen context bindings
4 -- The bindings in this context are available all the time.
6 defbindings("WScreen", {
8 bdoc("Switch to n:th object (workspace, full screen client window) "..
9 "within current screen."),
10 kpress(META.."F1", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 0)"),
11 kpress(META.."F2", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 1)"),
12 kpress(META.."F3", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 2)"),
13 kpress(META.."F4", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 3)"),
14 kpress(META.."F5", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 4)"),
15 kpress(META.."F6", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 5)"),
16 kpress(META.."F7", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 6)"),
17 kpress(META.."F8", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 7)"),
18 --kpress(META.."F9", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 8)"),
19 --kpress(META.."F10", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 9)"),
20 --kpress(META.."F11", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 10)"),
21 --kpress(META.."F12", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 11)"),
23 bdoc("Switch to next/previous object within current screen."),
24 kpress(META.."Mod1+Left", "WScreen.switch_prev(_)"),
25 kpress(META.."Mod1+Right", "WScreen.switch_next(_)"),
27 bdoc("Go to first region demanding attention or previously active one."),
28 kpress(META.."Shift+space", "mod_menu.grabmenu(_, _sub, 'focuslist')"),
30 bdoc("Go to first object on activity/urgency list."),
31 kpress(META.."n", "ioncore.goto_activity()"),
33 bdoc("Go to previous active object."),
34 kpress(META.."Shift+n", "ioncore.goto_previous()"),
37 bdoc("Clear all tags."),
38 kpress(META.."Shift+T", "ioncore.tagged_clear()"),
40 bdoc("Create a new workspace of chosen default type."),
41 kpress(META.."F9", "ioncore.create_ws(_)"),
43 bdoc("Display the main menu."),
44 --kpress(ALTMETA.."F12", "mod_query.query_menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu', 'Main menu:')"),
45 --kpress(ALTMETA.."F12", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu', {big=true})"),
46 mpress("Button2", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu')"),
48 bdoc("Display the frame menu."),
49 mpress("Button3", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu')"),
53 -- Frames for transient windows ignore this bindmap
55 defbindings("WMPlex.toplevel", {
60 bdoc("Run a terminal emulator."),
61 kpress("x", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-terminal-emulator')"),
63 bdoc("Run a web browser."),
64 kpress("n", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-www-browser')"),
66 bdoc("Run an IRC client."),
67 kpress("i", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'xchat')"),
69 bdoc("Run a mail user agent."),
70 kpress("m", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-terminal-emulator -e muttng')"),
72 bdoc("Run a jabber client."),
73 kpress("j", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-terminal-emulator -e mcabber')"),
80 bdoc("Go to the next song."),
81 kpress("Right", "ioncore.exec('mpc next')"),
83 bdoc("Got to the previous song."),
84 kpress("Left", "ioncore.exec('mpc prev')"),
86 bdoc("Stop playing."),
87 kpress("s", "ioncore.exec('mpc stop')"),
89 bdoc("Togle play/pause."),
90 kpress("p", "ioncore.exec('mpc toggle')"),
95 bdoc("Raise the volume by 5."),
96 kpress(META.."Mod1+Up", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 5%+')"),
98 bdoc("Lower the volume by 5."),
99 kpress(META.."Mod1+Down", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 5%-')"),
101 bdoc("Raise the volume by 1."),
102 kpress(META.."Mod1+Shift+Up", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 1%+')"),
104 bdoc("Lower the volume by 1."),
105 kpress(META.."Mod1+Shift+Down", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 1%-')"),
109 defbindings("WFrame.toplevel", {
111 bdoc("Switch to n:th object within the frame."),
112 kpress(META.."1", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 0)"),
113 kpress(META.."2", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 1)"),
114 kpress(META.."3", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 2)"),
115 kpress(META.."4", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 3)"),
116 kpress(META.."5", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 4)"),
117 kpress(META.."6", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 5)"),
118 kpress(META.."7", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 6)"),
119 kpress(META.."8", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 7)"),
120 kpress(META.."9", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 8)"),
121 kpress(META.."0", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 9)"),
125 -- vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :