:E-Mail: luca@llucax.com.ar
:Web: http://www.llucax.com.ar/
-:Location: Villa Urquiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
+:Location: Berlin, Germany
:Nationality: Argentine with Italian citizenship
:Birth: 1979-02-15
:Updated: |date|
- Programming languages theory with deep practical knowledge of modern
C++, C and Python.
-- Wide range of web development knowledge.
- Concurrent and network programming, including POSIX threads, BSD
sockets, TCP/IP and TIPC_ (Transparent Inter Process Communication)
- VoIP knowledge (specially H.248).
-- GUI programming using GTK+ (glade/libglade included).
- Object-oriented design and programming.
-- Shell scripting and Linux system administration.
+- Shell scripting and Linux system administration and performance tunning.
- Training people on programming topics.
.. _TIPC: http://tipc.sourceforge.net/
- SQLObject_ (2006-2007) [Python]: Minor features and bugfixes.
- TurboGears_ (2006) [Python]: Minor features and bugfixes.
- Gnomad2_ (2005) [C]: Minor GUI improvements.
+ - DMD_ (2008-now) [C++/D]: Minor improvements to the compiler and runtime.
- Creation of several small/medium sized FLOSS_ projects as part of a team:
.. _libev: http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html
.. _mutest: http://www.llucax.com.ar/proj/mutest/
.. _personal FLOSS projects: http://www.llucax.com.ar/proj/
+.. _DMD: http://dlang.org/
.. _MECONlib: http://git.llucax.com.ar/w/mecon/meconlib.git
.. _SAMURAI: http://git.llucax.com.ar/w/mecon/samurai.git
.. _YATTA: http://git.llucax.com.ar/w/mecon/yatta.git