Total requested: 32,007 objecs, 38,872,712 bytes [37.07MiB] Scanned: 24,006 (75%) objecs, 19,664,700 bytes [18.75MiB] (50.59%) Not scanned: 8,001 (25%) objecs, 19,208,012 bytes [18.32MiB] (49.41%) Different object sizes: 234 Objects requested with a bin size of: 16 bytes: 2 (0.01%) objects, 28 bytes (0%) 64 bytes: 8,000 (24.99%, 25% cumulative) objects, 416,000 bytes [406.25KiB] (1.07%, 1.07% cumulative) 256 bytes: 2 (0.01%, 25.01% cumulative) objects, 346 bytes (0%, 1.07% cumulative) 512 bytes: 1 (0%, 25.01% cumulative) objects, 336 bytes (0%, 1.07% cumulative) 1024 bytes: 24 (0.07%, 25.09% cumulative) objects, 24,200 bytes [23.63KiB] (0.06%, 1.13% cumulative) 2048 bytes: 16,000 (49.99%, 75.07% cumulative) objects, 19,240,176 bytes [18.35MiB] (49.5%, 50.63% cumulative) 4096 bytes: 7,976 (24.92%, 99.99% cumulative) objects, 19,159,624 bytes [18.27MiB] (49.29%, 99.92% cumulative) more than a page: 2 (0.01%) objects, 32,002 bytes [31.25KiB] (0.08%) Conservative mode: Total allocated: 66,014,756 bytes [62.96MiB] Total wasted: 27,142,044 bytes [25.88MiB], 41.12% Wasted due to objects that should use a bin of: 16 bytes: 4 bytes (0%) 64 bytes: 96,000 bytes [93.75KiB] (0.35%, 0.35% cumulative) 256 bytes: 166 bytes (0%, 0.35% cumulative) 512 bytes: 176 bytes (0%, 0.35% cumulative) 1024 bytes: 376 bytes (0%, 0.36% cumulative) 2048 bytes: 13,527,824 bytes [12.9MiB] (49.84%, 50.2% cumulative) 4096 bytes: 13,510,072 bytes [12.88MiB] (49.78%, 99.97% cumulative) more than a page: 7,426 bytes [7.25KiB] (0.03%) Precise mode: Total allocated: 66,021,940 bytes [62.96MiB] Total wasted: 27,149,228 bytes [25.89MiB], 41.12% Wasted due to objects that should use a bin of: 16 bytes: 20 bytes (0%) 64 bytes: 96,000 bytes [93.75KiB] (0.35%, 0.35% cumulative) 256 bytes: 166 bytes (0%, 0.35% cumulative) 512 bytes: 176 bytes (0%, 0.35% cumulative) 1024 bytes: 7,544 bytes [7.37KiB] (0.03%, 0.38% cumulative) 2048 bytes: 13,527,824 bytes [12.9MiB] (49.83%, 50.21% cumulative) 4096 bytes: 13,510,072 bytes [12.88MiB] (49.76%, 99.97% cumulative) more than a page: 7,426 bytes [7.25KiB] (0.03%)