Title: TODO list
Tags: en, d, dgc, todo, project, issue tracker, plan
-I've activated the `issue tracker module`__ in my `D Garbage Collector
+I've activated the *issue tracker module* in my `D Garbage Collector
Research project`__ to be able to track my *TODO* list.
-__ https://proj.llucax.com.ar/projects/dgc/issues
-__ https://proj.llucax.com.ar/projects/dgc
+__ /proj/dgc/
This is probably useful just for me, but maybe you can be interested in knowing
-`what I will do next`__ =)
-__ https://proj.llucax.com.ar/projects/dgc/issues?query_id=3
+*what I will do next* =)
.. vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :