-.. raw:: html
- <div style="width: 220px; height: 270px; float: right; margin-left: 1em; margin-top: 1em">
- <iframe width="220" height="270" style="border: none; outline: none" src="http://tools.flattr.net/widgets/thing.html?thing=1141689"></iframe>
- </div>
in the `doc repository directory`__, but it's all in spanish (unfortunately if
you don't speak the language).
-__ http://git.llucax.com.ar/w/z.facultad/66.09/etherled.git/tree/HEAD:/doc
+__ https://git.llucax.com.ar/w/z.facultad/66.09/etherled.git/tree/HEAD:/doc
There are no releases for this project, but you can get the code from the Git_
repository__ (or a snapshot).
-__ http://git.llucax.com.ar/w/facultad/66.09/etherled.git
+__ https://git.llucax.com.ar/w/facultad/66.09/etherled.git