+Title: The Black Keys - Turn incompressible
+Tags: en, music, album, 2014, the black keys, black keys, turn blue, compression, jpg, png
+Maybe you heard about the new album from The Black Keys. Maybe you didn't. In
+any case, I don't want to talk about the album (which is good BTW), I want to
+talk about the album cover:
+.. image:: ##POST_URL##/07-the-black-keys-turn-blue.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :alt: The Black Keys - Turn Blue album cover
+ :target: ##POST_URL##/07-the-black-keys-turn-blue-big.jpg
+See how bad it looks? Now click on the image and see how good it looks (in terms
+of quality, the album cover is pretty ugly anyway :P). The thing is, this stupid
+pattern is very hard to compress, so even using a JPG quality of 90%, you get
+a quite big file size and a pretty crappy image quality (126KB for a 500x500
+image is quite a lot, 294KB for PNG using compression 9). If you look at the big
+image, even the colors are different, so the image makes resizing algorithms
+also go nuts, the image looks darker (or is this just an ilusion because of the
+changed relationship between both colors?).
+Try it yourself, download the image, resize it, save it with different formats
+and qualities.
+Coincidence? I guess not.
+.. vim: set et sw=3 sts=3 tw=80 fo+=lt1n: