| // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ // // Inicialization {{{ ini_set('include_path', '../src:../../hit/src:../../bife/src:'. ini_get('include_path')); umask('002'); require_once 'HTML/Template/HIT.php'; require_once 'BIFE/Parser.php'; require_once 'BIFE/Translate.php'; // }}} // Selects the file to view {{{ $file = isset($_REQUEST['BIFE']) ? $_REQUEST['BIFE'] : 'index.xbf'; #$file = isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? ".{$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']}" : 'index.xbf'; // }}} // Looks if we want to show the source {{{ if (@$_REQUEST['S']) { if (@$_REQUEST['B']) { // We want to see the BIFE file source. echo '
        echo htmlentities(join('', file($file)));
    } else {
        // We want to see the php file source.
// }}}

// If we are not looking at the source, we use BIFE to show the page {{{
$template =& new HTML_Template_HIT('templates');
$parser   =& new BIFE_Parser('BIFE_Translate');
$page     =& $parser->parseFile($file);
echo $page->render($template);
// }}}
