+Translated by Leonardo Fantascienza, downloaded from http://codepad.org/xGDCS3KO
+A D implementation of the Voronoi Olden benchmark. Voronoi
+generates a random set of points and computes a Voronoi diagram for
+the points.
+L. Guibas and J. Stolfi. "General Subdivisions and Voronoi Diagrams"
+ACM Trans. on Graphics 4(2):74-123, 1985.
+The Java version of voronoi (slightly) differs from the C version
+in several ways. The C version allocates an array of 4 edges and
+uses pointer addition to implement quick rotate operations. The
+Java version does not use pointer addition to implement these
+Run it with:
+time voronoi1_d -n 100000 -v
+version (Tango) {
+ import tango.stdc.stdio: printf, fprintf, sprintf, stderr;
+ import tango.stdc.stdlib: exit;
+ import tango.math.Math: sqrt, exp, log;
+ import tango.stdc.time: CLOCKS_PER_SEC, clock;
+ import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
+ alias Integer.parse toInt;
+} else {
+ import std.c.stdio: printf, fprintf, sprintf, stderr;
+ import std.c.stdlib: exit;
+ import std.math: sqrt, exp, log;
+ import std.c.time: CLOCKS_PER_SEC, clock;
+ import std.conv: toInt;
+double myclock() {
+ return clock() / cast(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+class Stack(T) {
+ T[] data;
+ int length() { return data.length; }
+ bool empty() { return data.length == 0; }
+ void push(T item) { data ~= item; }
+ T pop() {
+ assert(data.length);
+ T last = data[$-1];
+ data.length = data.length - 1;
+ return last;
+ }
+* A class that represents a wrapper around a double value so
+* that we can use it as an 'out' parameter. The java.lang.Double
+* class is immutable.
+final class MyDouble {
+ public double value;
+ this(double d) {
+ value = d;
+ }
+ public char* toCString() {
+ auto repr = new char[64];
+ sprintf(repr.ptr, "%f", value);
+ return repr.ptr;
+ }
+* Vector Routines from CMU vision library.
+* They are used only for the Voronoi Diagram, not the Delaunay Triagulation.
+* They are slow because of large call-by-value parameters.
+class Vec2 {
+ double x,y;
+ double norm;
+ this() {}
+ this(double xx, double yy) {
+ x = xx;
+ y = yy;
+ norm = x * x + y * y;
+ }
+ final public double X() {
+ return x;
+ }
+ final public double Y() {
+ return y;
+ }
+ final public double Norm() {
+ return norm;
+ }
+ final public void setNorm(double d) {
+ norm = d;
+ }
+ final public char* toCString() {
+ auto repr = new char[256];
+ sprintf(repr.ptr, "%f %f", x, y);
+ return repr.ptr;
+ }
+ final Vec2 circle_center(Vec2 b, Vec2 c) {
+ Vec2 vv1 = b.sub(c);
+ double d1 = vv1.magn();
+ vv1 = sum(b);
+ Vec2 vv2 = vv1.times(0.5);
+ if (d1 < 0.0)
+ // there is no intersection point, the bisectors coincide.
+ return vv2;
+ else {
+ Vec2 vv3 = b.sub(this);
+ Vec2 vv4 = c.sub(this);
+ double d3 = vv3.cprod(vv4) ;
+ double d2 = -2.0 * d3 ;
+ Vec2 vv5 = c.sub(b);
+ double d4 = vv5.dot(vv4);
+ Vec2 vv6 = vv3.cross();
+ Vec2 vv7 = vv6.times(d4 / d2);
+ return vv2.sum(vv7);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * cprod: forms triple scalar product of [u,v,k], where k = u cross v
+ * (returns the magnitude of u cross v in space)
+ **/
+ final double cprod(Vec2 v) {
+ return x * v.y - y * v.x;
+ }
+ /* V2_dot: vector dot product */
+ final double dot(Vec2 v) {
+ return x * v.x + y * v.y;
+ }
+ /* V2_times: multiply a vector by a scalar */
+ final Vec2 times(double c) {
+ return new Vec2(c * x, c * y);
+ }
+ /* V2_sum, V2_sub: Vector addition and subtraction */
+ final Vec2 sum(Vec2 v) {
+ return new Vec2(x + v.x, y + v.y);
+ }
+ final Vec2 sub(Vec2 v) {
+ return new Vec2(x - v.x,y - v.y);
+ }
+ /* V2_magn: magnitude of vector */
+ final double magn() {
+ return sqrt(x * x + y * y);
+ }
+ /* returns k X v (cross product). this is a vector perpendicular to v */
+ final Vec2 cross() {
+ return new Vec2(y, -x);
+ }
+} // Vec2 ends
+* A class that represents a voronoi diagram. The diagram is represnted
+* as a binary tree of points.
+final class Vertex : Vec2 {
+ /**
+ * The left and right child of the tree that represents the voronoi diagram.
+ **/
+ Vertex left, right;
+ /**
+ * Seed value used during tree creation.
+ **/
+ static int seed;
+ this() { }
+ this(double x, double y) {
+ super(x, y);
+ left = null;
+ right = null;
+ }
+ public void setLeft(Vertex l) {
+ left = l;
+ }
+ public void setRight(Vertex r) {
+ right = r;
+ }
+ public Vertex getLeft() {
+ return left;
+ }
+ public Vertex getRight() {
+ return right;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a voronoi diagram
+ **/
+ static Vertex createPoints(int n, MyDouble curmax, int i) {
+ if (n < 1 )
+ return null;
+ Vertex cur = new Vertex();
+ Vertex right = Vertex.createPoints(n / 2, curmax, i);
+ i -= n/2;
+ cur.x = curmax.value * exp(log(Vertex.drand()) / i);
+ cur.y = Vertex.drand();
+ cur.norm = cur.x * cur.x + cur.y * cur.y;
+ cur.right = right;
+ curmax.value = cur.X();
+ Vertex left = Vertex.createPoints(n / 2, curmax, i - 1);
+ cur.left = left;
+ return cur;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds delaunay triangulation.
+ **/
+ Edge buildDelaunayTriangulation(Vertex extra) {
+ EdgePair retVal = buildDelaunay(extra);
+ return retVal.getLeft();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursive delaunay triangulation procedure
+ * Contains modifications for axis-switching division.
+ **/
+ EdgePair buildDelaunay(Vertex extra) {
+ EdgePair retval = null;
+ if (getRight() !is null && getLeft() !is null) {
+ // more than three elements; do recursion
+ Vertex minx = getLow();
+ Vertex maxx = extra;
+ EdgePair delright = getRight().buildDelaunay(extra);
+ EdgePair delleft = getLeft().buildDelaunay(this);
+ retval = Edge.doMerge(delleft.getLeft(), delleft.getRight(),
+ delright.getLeft(), delright.getRight());
+ Edge ldo = retval.getLeft();
+ while (ldo.orig() != minx) {
+ ldo = ldo.rPrev();
+ }
+ Edge rdo = retval.getRight();
+ while (rdo.orig() != maxx) {
+ rdo = rdo.lPrev();
+ }
+ retval = new EdgePair(ldo, rdo);
+ } else if (getLeft() is null) {
+ // two points
+ Edge a = Edge.makeEdge(this, extra);
+ retval = new EdgePair(a, a.symmetric());
+ } else {
+ // left, !right three points
+ // 3 cases: triangles of 2 orientations, and 3 points on a line. */
+ Vertex s1 = getLeft();
+ Vertex s2 = this;
+ Vertex s3 = extra;
+ Edge a = Edge.makeEdge(s1, s2);
+ Edge b = Edge.makeEdge(s2, s3);
+ a.symmetric().splice(b);
+ Edge c = b.connectLeft(a);
+ if (s1.ccw(s3, s2)) {
+ retval = new EdgePair(c.symmetric(), c);
+ } else {
+ retval = new EdgePair(a, b.symmetric());
+ if (s1.ccw(s2, s3))
+ c.deleteEdge();
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print the tree
+ **/
+ void print() {
+ Vertex tleft, tright;
+ printf("X=%f Y=%f\n", X(), Y());
+ if (left is null)
+ printf("NULL\n");
+ else
+ left.print();
+ if (right is null)
+ printf("NULL\n");
+ else
+ right.print();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Traverse down the left child to the end
+ **/
+ Vertex getLow() {
+ Vertex temp;
+ Vertex tree = this;
+ while ((temp=tree.getLeft()) !is null)
+ tree = temp;
+ return tree;
+ }
+ /****************************************************************/
+ /* Geometric primitives
+ ****************************************************************/
+ bool incircle(Vertex b, Vertex c, Vertex d) {
+ // incircle, as in the Guibas-Stolfi paper
+ double adx, ady, bdx, bdy, cdx, cdy, dx, dy, anorm, bnorm, cnorm, dnorm;
+ double dret;
+ Vertex loc_a,loc_b,loc_c,loc_d;
+ int donedx,donedy,donednorm;
+ loc_d = d;
+ dx = loc_d.X(); dy = loc_d.Y(); dnorm = loc_d.Norm();
+ loc_a = this;
+ adx = loc_a.X() - dx; ady = loc_a.Y() - dy; anorm = loc_a.Norm();
+ loc_b = b;
+ bdx = loc_b.X() - dx; bdy = loc_b.Y() - dy; bnorm = loc_b.Norm();
+ loc_c = c;
+ cdx = loc_c.X() - dx; cdy = loc_c.Y() - dy; cnorm = loc_c.Norm();
+ dret = (anorm - dnorm) * (bdx * cdy - bdy * cdx);
+ dret += (bnorm - dnorm) * (cdx * ady - cdy * adx);
+ dret += (cnorm - dnorm) * (adx * bdy - ady * bdx);
+ return (0.0 < dret) ? true : false;
+ }
+ bool ccw(Vertex b, Vertex c) {
+ // TRUE iff this, B, C form a counterclockwise oriented triangle
+ double dret;
+ double xa,ya, xb, yb, xc, yc;
+ Vertex loc_a, loc_b, loc_c;
+ int donexa, doneya, donexb, doneyb, donexc, doneyc;
+ loc_a = this;
+ xa = loc_a.X();
+ ya = loc_a.Y();
+ loc_b = b;
+ xb = loc_b.X();
+ yb = loc_b.Y();
+ loc_c = c;
+ xc = loc_c.X();
+ yc = loc_c.Y();
+ dret = (xa-xc) * (yb-yc) - (xb-xc) * (ya-yc);
+ return (dret > 0.0)? true : false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A routine used by the random number generator
+ **/
+ static int mult(int p,int q) {
+ int p1, p0, q1, q0;
+ int CONST_m1 = 10000;
+ p1 = p / CONST_m1; p0 = p % CONST_m1;
+ q1 = q / CONST_m1; q0 = q % CONST_m1;
+ return ((p0 * q1 + p1 * q0) % CONST_m1) * CONST_m1 + p0 * q0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate the nth random number
+ **/
+ static int skiprand(int seed, int n) {
+ for (; n != 0; n--)
+ seed = random(seed);
+ return seed;
+ }
+ static int random(int seed) {
+ int CONST_b = 31415821;
+ seed = mult(seed, CONST_b) + 1;
+ return seed;
+ }
+ static double drand() {
+ double retval = (cast(double)(Vertex.seed = Vertex.random(Vertex.seed))) /
+ cast(double)2147483647;
+ return retval;
+ }
+} // Vertex ends
+* A class that represents the quad edge data structure which implements
+* the edge algebra as described in the algorithm.
+* <p>
+* Each edge contains 4 parts, or other edges. Any edge in the group may
+* be accessed using a series of rotate and flip operations. The 0th
+* edge is the canonical representative of the group.
+* <p>
+* The quad edge class does not contain separate information for vertice
+* or faces; a vertex is implicitly defined as a ring of edges (the ring
+* is created using the next field).
+final class Edge {
+ /**
+ * Group of edges that describe the quad edge
+ **/
+ Edge quadList[];
+ /**
+ * The position of this edge within the quad list
+ **/
+ int listPos;
+ /**
+ * The vertex that this edge represents
+ **/
+ Vertex vertex;
+ /**
+ * Contains a reference to a connected quad edge
+ **/
+ Edge next;
+ /**
+ * Create a new edge which.
+ **/
+ this(Vertex v, Edge[] ql, int pos) {
+ vertex = v;
+ quadList = ql;
+ listPos = pos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new edge which.
+ **/
+ this(Edge[] ql, int pos) {
+ this(null, ql, pos);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a string representation of the edge
+ **/
+ public char* toCString() {
+ if (vertex !is null)
+ return vertex.toCString();
+ else
+ return "None";
+ }
+ public static Edge makeEdge(Vertex o, Vertex d) {
+ Edge ql[] = new Edge[4];
+ ql[0] = new Edge(ql, 0);
+ ql[1] = new Edge(ql, 1);
+ ql[2] = new Edge(ql, 2);
+ ql[3] = new Edge(ql, 3);
+ ql[0].next = ql[0];
+ ql[1].next = ql[3];
+ ql[2].next = ql[2];
+ ql[3].next = ql[1];
+ Edge base = ql[0];
+ base.setOrig(o);
+ base.setDest(d);
+ return base;
+ }
+ public void setNext(Edge n) {
+ next = n;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize the data (vertex) for the edge's origin
+ **/
+ public void setOrig(Vertex o) {
+ vertex = o;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize the data (vertex) for the edge's destination
+ **/
+ public void setDest(Vertex d) {
+ symmetric().setOrig(d);
+ }
+ Edge oNext() {
+ return next;
+ }
+ Edge oPrev() {
+ return this.rotate().oNext().rotate();
+ }
+ Edge lNext() {
+ return this.rotateInv().oNext().rotate();
+ }
+ Edge lPrev() {
+ return this.oNext().symmetric();
+ }
+ Edge rNext() {
+ return this.rotate().oNext().rotateInv();
+ }
+ Edge rPrev() {
+ return this.symmetric().oNext();
+ }
+ Edge dNext() {
+ return this.symmetric().oNext().symmetric();
+ }
+ Edge dPrev() {
+ return this.rotateInv().oNext().rotateInv();
+ }
+ Vertex orig() {
+ return vertex;
+ }
+ Vertex dest() {
+ return symmetric().orig();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the symmetric of the edge. The symmetric is the same edge
+ * with the opposite direction.
+ * @return the symmetric of the edge
+ **/
+ Edge symmetric() {
+ return quadList[(listPos + 2) % 4];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the rotated version of the edge. The rotated version is a
+ * 90 degree counterclockwise turn.
+ * @return the rotated version of the edge
+ **/
+ Edge rotate() {
+ return quadList[(listPos + 1) % 4];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the inverse rotated version of the edge. The inverse
+ * is a 90 degree clockwise turn.
+ * @return the inverse rotated edge.
+ **/
+ Edge rotateInv() {
+ return quadList[(listPos + 3) % 4];
+ }
+ Edge nextQuadEdge() {
+ return quadList[(listPos + 1) % 4];
+ }
+ Edge connectLeft(Edge b) {
+ Vertex t1,t2;
+ Edge ans, lnexta;
+ t1 = dest();
+ lnexta = lNext();
+ t2 = b.orig();
+ ans = Edge.makeEdge(t1, t2);
+ ans.splice(lnexta);
+ ans.symmetric().splice(b);
+ return ans;
+ }
+ Edge connectRight(Edge b) {
+ Vertex t1, t2;
+ Edge ans, oprevb, q1;
+ t1 = dest();
+ t2 = b.orig();
+ oprevb = b.oPrev();
+ ans = Edge.makeEdge(t1, t2);
+ ans.splice(symmetric());
+ ans.symmetric().splice(oprevb);
+ return ans;
+ }
+ /****************************************************************/
+ /* Quad-edge manipulation primitives
+ ****************************************************************/
+ void swapedge() {
+ Edge a = oPrev();
+ Edge syme = symmetric();
+ Edge b = syme.oPrev();
+ splice(a);
+ syme.splice(b);
+ Edge lnexttmp = a.lNext();
+ splice(lnexttmp);
+ lnexttmp = b.lNext();
+ syme.splice(lnexttmp);
+ Vertex a1 = a.dest();
+ Vertex b1 = b.dest();
+ setOrig(a1);
+ setDest(b1);
+ }
+ void splice(Edge b) {
+ Edge alpha = oNext().rotate();
+ Edge beta = b.oNext().rotate();
+ Edge t1 = beta.oNext();
+ Edge temp = alpha.oNext();
+ alpha.setNext(t1);
+ beta.setNext(temp);
+ temp = oNext();
+ t1 = b.oNext();
+ b.setNext(temp);
+ setNext(t1);
+ }
+ bool valid(Edge basel) {
+ Vertex t1 = basel.orig();
+ Vertex t3 = basel.dest();
+ Vertex t2 = dest();
+ return t1.ccw(t2, t3);
+ }
+ void deleteEdge() {
+ Edge f = oPrev();
+ splice(f);
+ f = symmetric().oPrev();
+ symmetric().splice(f);
+ }
+ static EdgePair doMerge(Edge ldo, Edge ldi, Edge rdi, Edge rdo) {
+ while (true) {
+ Vertex t3 = rdi.orig();
+ Vertex t1 = ldi.orig();
+ Vertex t2 = ldi.dest();
+ while (t1.ccw(t2, t3)) {
+ ldi = ldi.lNext();
+ t1=ldi.orig();
+ t2=ldi.dest();
+ }
+ t2 = rdi.dest();
+ if (t2.ccw(t3, t1))
+ rdi = rdi.rPrev();
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ Edge basel = rdi.symmetric().connectLeft(ldi);
+ Edge lcand = basel.rPrev();
+ Edge rcand = basel.oPrev();
+ Vertex t1 = basel.orig();
+ Vertex t2 = basel.dest();
+ if (t1 == rdo.orig())
+ rdo = basel;
+ if (t2 == ldo.orig())
+ ldo = basel.symmetric();
+ while (true) {
+ Edge t = lcand.oNext();
+ if (t.valid(basel)) {
+ Vertex v4 = basel.orig();
+ Vertex v1 = lcand.dest();
+ Vertex v3 = lcand.orig();
+ Vertex v2 = t.dest();
+ while (v1.incircle(v2,v3,v4)){
+ lcand.deleteEdge();
+ lcand = t;
+ t = lcand.oNext();
+ v1 = lcand.dest();
+ v3 = lcand.orig();
+ v2 = t.dest();
+ }
+ }
+ t = rcand.oPrev();
+ if (t.valid(basel)) {
+ Vertex v4 = basel.dest();
+ Vertex v1 = t.dest();
+ Vertex v2 = rcand.dest();
+ Vertex v3 = rcand.orig();
+ while (v1.incircle(v2, v3, v4)) {
+ rcand.deleteEdge();
+ rcand = t;
+ t = rcand.oPrev();
+ v2 = rcand.dest();
+ v3 = rcand.orig();
+ v1 = t.dest();
+ }
+ }
+ bool lvalid = lcand.valid(basel);
+ bool rvalid = rcand.valid(basel);
+ if ((!lvalid) && (!rvalid))
+ return new EdgePair(ldo, rdo);
+ Vertex v1 = lcand.dest();
+ Vertex v2 = lcand.orig();
+ Vertex v3 = rcand.orig();
+ Vertex v4 = rcand.dest();
+ if (!lvalid || (rvalid && v1.incircle(v2, v3, v4))) {
+ basel = rcand.connectLeft(basel.symmetric());
+ rcand = basel.symmetric().lNext();
+ } else {
+ basel = lcand.connectRight(basel).symmetric();
+ lcand = basel.rPrev();
+ }
+ }
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print the voronoi diagram and its dual, the delaunay triangle for the
+ * diagram.
+ **/
+ void outputVoronoiDiagram() {
+ Edge nex = this;
+ // Plot voronoi diagram edges with one endpoint at infinity.
+ do {
+ Vec2 v21 = nex.dest();
+ Vec2 v22 = nex.orig();
+ Edge tmp = nex.oNext();
+ Vec2 v23 = tmp.dest();
+ Vec2 cvxvec = v21.sub(v22);
+ Vec2 center = v22.circle_center(v21, v23);
+ Vec2 vv1 = v22.sum(v22);
+ Vec2 vv2 = vv1.times(0.5);
+ Vec2 vv3 = center.sub(vv2);
+ double ln = 1.0 + vv3.magn();
+ double d1 = ln / cvxvec.magn();
+ vv1 = cvxvec.cross();
+ vv2 = vv1.times(d1) ;
+ vv3 = center.sum(vv2);
+ printf("Vedge %s %s\n", center.toCString(), vv3.toCString());
+ nex = nex.rNext();
+ } while (nex != this);
+ // plot delaunay triangle edges and finite VD edges.
+ Stack!(Edge) edges = new Stack!(Edge);
+ bool[Edge] seen;
+ pushRing(edges, seen);
+ printf("no. of edges = %d\n", edges.length);
+ while (!edges.empty()) {
+ Edge edge = edges.pop();
+ if (edge in seen && seen[edge]) {
+ Edge prev = edge;
+ nex = edge.oNext();
+ do {
+ Vertex v1 = prev.orig();
+ double d1 = v1.X();
+ Vertex v2 = prev.dest();
+ double d2 = v2.X();
+ if (d1 >= d2) {
+ printf("Dedge %s %s\n", v1.toCString(), v2.toCString());
+ Edge sprev = prev.symmetric();
+ Edge snex = sprev.oNext();
+ v1 = prev.orig();
+ v2 = prev.dest();
+ Vertex v3 = nex.dest();
+ Vertex v4 = snex.dest();
+ if (v1.ccw(v2, v3) != v1.ccw(v2, v4)) {
+ Vec2 v21 = prev.orig();
+ Vec2 v22 = prev.dest();
+ Vec2 v23 = nex.dest();
+ Vec2 vv1 = v21.circle_center(v22, v23);
+ v21 = sprev.orig();
+ v22 = sprev.dest();
+ v23 = snex.dest();
+ Vec2 vv2 = v21.circle_center(v22, v23);
+ printf("Vedge %s %s\n", vv1.toCString(), vv2.toCString());
+ }
+ }
+ seen[prev] = false;
+ prev = nex;
+ nex = nex.oNext();
+ } while (prev != edge);
+ }
+ edge.symmetric().pushRing(edges, seen);
+ }
+ }
+ void pushRing(Stack!(Edge) stack, ref bool[Edge] seen) {
+ Edge nex = oNext();
+ while (nex != this) {
+ if (!(nex in seen)) {
+ seen[nex] = true;
+ stack.push(nex);
+ }
+ nex = nex.oNext();
+ }
+ }
+ void pushNonezeroRing(Stack!(Edge) stack, ref bool[Edge] seen) {
+ Edge nex = oNext();
+ while (nex != this) {
+ if (nex in seen) {
+ seen.remove(nex);
+ stack.push(nex);
+ }
+ nex = nex.oNext();
+ }
+ }
+} // Edge ends
+* A class that represents an edge pair
+final class EdgePair {
+ Edge left;
+ Edge right;
+ this(Edge l, Edge r) {
+ left = l;
+ right = r;
+ }
+ public Edge getLeft() {
+ return left;
+ }
+ public Edge getRight() {
+ return right;
+ }
+} // EdgePair ends
+struct Voronoi {
+ /**
+ * The number of points in the diagram
+ **/
+ private static int points = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set to true to print informative messages
+ **/
+ private static bool printMsgs = false;
+ /**
+ * Set to true to print the voronoi diagram and its dual,
+ * the delaunay diagram
+ **/
+ private static bool printResults = false;
+ /**
+ * The main routine which creates the points and then performs
+ * the delaunay triagulation.
+ * @param args the command line parameters
+ **/
+ public static void main(char[][] args) {
+ parseCmdLine(args);
+ if (printMsgs)
+ printf("Getting %d points\n", points);
+ auto start0 = myclock();
+ Vertex.seed = 1023;
+ Vertex extra = Vertex.createPoints(1, new MyDouble(1.0), points);
+ Vertex point = Vertex.createPoints(points-1, new MyDouble(extra.X()),
+ points-1);
+ auto end0 = myclock();
+ if (printMsgs)
+ printf("Doing voronoi on %d nodes\n", points);
+ auto start1 = myclock();
+ Edge edge = point.buildDelaunayTriangulation(extra);
+ auto end1 = myclock();
+ if (printResults)
+ edge.outputVoronoiDiagram();
+ if (printMsgs) {
+ printf("Build time %f\n", end0 - start0);
+ printf("Compute time %f\n", end1 - start1);
+ printf("Total time %f\n", end1 - start0);
+ }
+ printf("Done!\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the command line options.
+ * @param args the command line options.
+ **/
+ private static final void parseCmdLine(char[][] args) {
+ int i = 1;
+ while (i < args.length && args[i][0] == '-') {
+ char[] arg = args[i++];
+ if (arg == "-n") {
+ if (i < args.length)
+ points = toInt(args[i++]);
+ else
+ throw new Exception("-n requires the number of points");
+ } else if (arg == "-p") {
+ printResults = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-v") {
+ printMsgs = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-h") {
+ usage();
+ }
+ }
+ if (points == 0)
+ usage();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The usage routine which describes the program options.
+ **/
+ private static final void usage() {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usage: voronoi_d -n <points> [-p] [-m] [-h]\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -n the number of points in the diagram\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -p (print detailed results/messages - the voronoi diagram>)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -v (print informative message)\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -h (this message)\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+} // Voronoi ends
+void main(char[][] args) {
+ Voronoi.main(args);