#define ABSPRI(w) ((w)->priority - EV_MINPRI)
-#define EMPTY /* required for microsofts broken pseudo-c compiler */
+#define EMPTY0 /* required for microsofts broken pseudo-c compiler */
+#define EMPTY2(a,b) /* used to suppress some warnings */
typedef struct ev_watcher *W;
typedef struct ev_watcher_list *WL;
w_->pending = ++pendingcnt [ABSPRI (w_)];
- array_needsize (ANPENDING, pendings [ABSPRI (w_)], pendingmax [ABSPRI (w_)], pendingcnt [ABSPRI (w_)], (void));
+ array_needsize (ANPENDING, pendings [ABSPRI (w_)], pendingmax [ABSPRI (w_)], pendingcnt [ABSPRI (w_)], EMPTY2);
pendings [ABSPRI (w_)][w_->pending - 1].w = w_;
pendings [ABSPRI (w_)][w_->pending - 1].events = revents;
anfds [fd].reify = 1;
- array_needsize (int, fdchanges, fdchangemax, fdchangecnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (int, fdchanges, fdchangemax, fdchangecnt, EMPTY2);
fdchanges [fdchangecnt - 1] = fd;
now_floor = mn_now;
rtmn_diff = ev_rt_now - mn_now;
- if (!(flags & EVMETHOD_NOENV) && !enable_secure () && getenv ("LIBEV_FLAGS"))
+ if (!(flags & EVFLAG_NOENV) && !enable_secure () && getenv ("LIBEV_FLAGS"))
flags = atoi (getenv ("LIBEV_FLAGS"));
if (!(flags & 0x0000ffff))
array_free (pending, [i]);
/* have to use the microsoft-never-gets-it-right macro */
- array_free (fdchange, EMPTY);
- array_free (timer, EMPTY);
+ array_free (fdchange, EMPTY0);
+ array_free (timer, EMPTY0);
- array_free (periodic, EMPTY);
+ array_free (periodic, EMPTY0);
- array_free (idle, EMPTY);
- array_free (prepare, EMPTY);
- array_free (check, EMPTY);
+ array_free (idle, EMPTY0);
+ array_free (prepare, EMPTY0);
+ array_free (check, EMPTY0);
method = 0;
double block;
loop_done = flags & (EVLOOP_ONESHOT | EVLOOP_NONBLOCK) ? 1 : 0;
- do
+ while (activecnt)
/* queue check watchers (and execute them) */
if (expect_false (preparecnt))
queue_events (EV_A_ (W *)checks, checkcnt, EV_CHECK);
call_pending (EV_A);
+ if (loop_done)
+ break;
- while (activecnt && !loop_done);
if (loop_done != 2)
loop_done = 0;
assert (("ev_timer_start called with negative timer repeat value", w->repeat >= 0.));
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++timercnt);
- array_needsize (struct ev_timer *, timers, timermax, timercnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_timer *, timers, timermax, timercnt, EMPTY2);
timers [timercnt - 1] = w;
upheap ((WT *)timers, timercnt - 1);
ev_timer_stop (EV_A_ w);
else if (w->repeat)
- ev_timer_start (EV_A_ w);
+ {
+ w->at = w->repeat;
+ ev_timer_start (EV_A_ w);
+ }
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++periodiccnt);
- array_needsize (struct ev_periodic *, periodics, periodicmax, periodiccnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_periodic *, periodics, periodicmax, periodiccnt, EMPTY2);
periodics [periodiccnt - 1] = w;
upheap ((WT *)periodics, periodiccnt - 1);
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++idlecnt);
- array_needsize (struct ev_idle *, idles, idlemax, idlecnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_idle *, idles, idlemax, idlecnt, EMPTY2);
idles [idlecnt - 1] = w;
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++preparecnt);
- array_needsize (struct ev_prepare *, prepares, preparemax, preparecnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_prepare *, prepares, preparemax, preparecnt, EMPTY2);
prepares [preparecnt - 1] = w;
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++checkcnt);
- array_needsize (struct ev_check *, checks, checkmax, checkcnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_check *, checks, checkmax, checkcnt, EMPTY2);
checks [checkcnt - 1] = w;