return rt_now;
-#define array_roundsize(base,n) ((n) | 4 & ~3)
+#define array_roundsize(type,n) ((n) | 4 & ~3)
-#define array_needsize(base,cur,cnt,init) \
+#define array_needsize(type,base,cur,cnt,init) \
if (expect_false ((cnt) > cur)) \
{ \
int newcnt = cur; \
do \
{ \
- newcnt = array_roundsize (base, newcnt << 1); \
+ newcnt = array_roundsize (type, newcnt << 1); \
} \
while ((cnt) > newcnt); \
- base = ev_realloc (base, sizeof (*base) * (newcnt)); \
+ base = (type *)ev_realloc (base, sizeof (type) * (newcnt));\
init (base + cur, newcnt - cur); \
cur = newcnt; \
-#define array_slim(stem) \
+#define array_slim(type,stem) \
if (stem ## max < array_roundsize (stem ## cnt >> 2)) \
{ \
stem ## max = array_roundsize (stem ## cnt >> 1); \
- base = ev_realloc (base, sizeof (*base) * (stem ## max)); \
+ base = (type *)ev_realloc (base, sizeof (type) * (stem ## max));\
fprintf (stderr, "slimmed down " # stem " to %d\n", stem ## max);/*D*/\
w->pending = ++pendingcnt [ABSPRI (w)];
- array_needsize (pendings [ABSPRI (w)], pendingmax [ABSPRI (w)], pendingcnt [ABSPRI (w)], (void));
+ array_needsize (ANPENDING, pendings [ABSPRI (w)], pendingmax [ABSPRI (w)], pendingcnt [ABSPRI (w)], (void));
pendings [ABSPRI (w)][w->pending - 1].w = w;
pendings [ABSPRI (w)][w->pending - 1].events = events;
anfds [fd].reify = 1;
- array_needsize (fdchanges, fdchangemax, fdchangecnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (int, fdchanges, fdchangemax, fdchangecnt, (void));
fdchanges [fdchangecnt - 1] = fd;
assert (("ev_io_start called with negative fd", fd >= 0));
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, 1);
- array_needsize (anfds, anfdmax, fd + 1, anfds_init);
+ array_needsize (ANFD, anfds, anfdmax, fd + 1, anfds_init);
wlist_add ((WL *)&anfds[fd].head, (WL)w);
fd_change (EV_A_ fd);
assert (("ev_timer_start called with negative timer repeat value", w->repeat >= 0.));
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++timercnt);
- array_needsize (timers, timermax, timercnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_timer *, timers, timermax, timercnt, (void));
timers [timercnt - 1] = w;
upheap ((WT *)timers, timercnt - 1);
((WT)w)->at += ceil ((rt_now - ((WT)w)->at) / w->interval) * w->interval;
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++periodiccnt);
- array_needsize (periodics, periodicmax, periodiccnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_periodic *, periodics, periodicmax, periodiccnt, (void));
periodics [periodiccnt - 1] = w;
upheap ((WT *)periodics, periodiccnt - 1);
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++idlecnt);
- array_needsize (idles, idlemax, idlecnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_idle *, idles, idlemax, idlecnt, (void));
idles [idlecnt - 1] = w;
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++preparecnt);
- array_needsize (prepares, preparemax, preparecnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_prepare *, prepares, preparemax, preparecnt, (void));
prepares [preparecnt - 1] = w;
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, ++checkcnt);
- array_needsize (checks, checkmax, checkcnt, (void));
+ array_needsize (struct ev_check *, checks, checkmax, checkcnt, (void));
checks [checkcnt - 1] = w;
assert (("ev_signal_start called with illegal signal number", w->signum > 0));
ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, 1);
- array_needsize (signals, signalmax, w->signum, signals_init);
+ array_needsize (ANSIG, signals, signalmax, w->signum, signals_init);
wlist_add ((WL *)&signals [w->signum - 1].head, (WL)w);
if (!((WL)w)->next)
ev_once (EV_P_ int fd, int events, ev_tstamp timeout, void (*cb)(int revents, void *arg), void *arg)
- struct ev_once *once = ev_malloc (sizeof (struct ev_once));
+ struct ev_once *once = (struct ev_once *)ev_malloc (sizeof (struct ev_once));
if (!once)