-from mako.template import Template
-from mako.runtime import Context
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from os import path
- import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle
- from seqtools import Sequence
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class Sequence: pass
- from dispatcher import handler, HandlerError, Handler
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class HandlerError(RuntimeError): pass
- class Handler: pass
- def handler(help):
- def wrapper(f):
- return f
- return wrapper
-__ALL__ = ('IpHandler','Error','DeviceError','DeviceNotFoundError','RouteError','RouteNotFoundError',
- 'RouteAlreadyExistsError','AddressError','AddressNotFoundError','AddressAlreadyExistsError')
-pickle_ext = '.pkl'
-pickle_devices = 'devs'
-template_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
-command_filename = 'command'
-device_com = 'device.command'
-ip_add_com = 'ip_add.command'
-ip_del_com = 'ip_del.command'
-ip_flush_com = 'ip_flush.command'
-route_add_com = 'route_add.command'
-route_del_com = 'route_del.command'
-route_flush_com = 'route_flush.command'
-class Error(HandlerError):
- r"""
- Error(command) -> Error instance :: Base IpHandler exception class.
- All exceptions raised by the IpHandler inherits from this one, so you can
- easily catch any IpHandler exception.
- message - A descriptive error message.
- """
- def __init__(self, message):
- r"Initialize the Error object. See class documentation for more info."
- self.message = message
- def __str__(self):
- return self.message
-class DeviceError(Error):
- def __init__(self, device):
- self.message = 'Device error : "%s"' % device
-class DeviceNotFoundError(DeviceError):
- def __init__(self, device):
- self.message = 'Device not found : "%s"' % device
-class AddressError(Error):
- def __init__(self, addr):
- self.message = 'Address error : "%s"' % addr
-class AddressNotFoundError(AddressError):
- def __init__(self, address):
- self.message = 'Address not found : "%s"' % address
-class AddressAlreadyExistsError(AddressError):
- def __init__(self, address):
- self.message = 'Address already exists : "%s"' % address
-class RouteError(Error):
- def __init__(self, route):
- self.message = 'Route error : "%s"' % route
-class RouteNotFoundError(RouteError):
- def __init__(self, route):
- self.message = 'Route not found : "%s"' % route
-class RouteAlreadyExistsError(RouteError):
- def __init__(self, route):
- self.message = 'Route already exists : "%s"' % route
-class Route(Sequence):
- def __init__(self, net_addr, prefix, gateway):
- self.net_addr = net_addr
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.gateway = gateway
- def as_tuple(self):
- return(self.addr, self.prefix, self.gateway)
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- if self.net_addr == other.net_addr \
- and self.prefix == other.prefix \
- and self.gateway == other.gateway:
- return 0
- return cmp(id(self), id(other))
-class RouteHandler(Handler):
- def __init__(self, devices):
- self.devices = devices
- @handler(u'Adds a route to a device')
- def add(self, device, net_addr, prefix, gateway):
- if not device in self.devices:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(device)
- r = Route(net_addr, prefix, gateway)
- try:
- self.devices[device].routes.index(r)
- raise RouteAlreadyExistsError(net_addr + '/' + prefix + '->' + gateway)
- except ValueError:
- self.devices[device].routes.append(r)
- @handler(u'Deletes a route from a device')
- def delete(self, device, net_addr, prefix, gateway):
- if not device in self.devices:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(device)
- r = Route(net_addr, prefix, gateway)
- try:
- self.devices[device].routes.remove(r)
- except ValueError:
- raise RouteNotFoundError(net_addr + '/' + prefix + '->' + gateway)
- @handler(u'Flushes routes from a device')
- def flush(self, device):
- if not device in self.devices:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(device)
- self.devices[device].routes = list()
- @handler(u'List routes')
- def list(self, device):
- try:
- k = self.devices[device].routes.keys()
- except ValueError:
- k = list()
- return k
- @handler(u'Get information about all routes')
- def show(self):
- try:
- k = self.devices[device].routes.values()
- except ValueError:
- k = list()
- return k
-class Address(Sequence):
- def __init__(self, ip, prefix, broadcast):
- self.ip = ip
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.broadcast = broadcast
- def as_tuple(self):
- return (self.ip, self.prefix, self.broadcast)
-class AddressHandler(Handler):
- def __init__(self, devices):
- self.devices = devices
- @handler(u'Adds an address to a device')
- def add(self, device, ip, prefix, broadcast='+'):
- if not device in self.devices:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(device)
- if ip in self.devices[device].addrs:
- raise AddressAlreadyExistsError(ip)
- self.devices[device].addrs[ip] = Address(ip, prefix, broadcast)
- @handler(u'Deletes an address from a device')
- def delete(self, device, ip):
- if not device in self.devices:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(device)
- if not ip in self.devices[device].addrs:
- raise AddressNotFoundError(ip)
- del self.devices[device].addrs[ip]
- @handler(u'Flushes addresses from a device')
- def flush(self, device):
- if not device in self.devices:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(device)
- self.devices[device].addrs = dict()
- @handler(u'List all addresses from a device')
- def list(self, device):
- try:
- k = self.devices[device].addrs.keys()
- except ValueError:
- k = list()
- return k
- @handler(u'Get information about addresses from a device')
- def show(self, device):
- try:
- k = self.devices[device].addrs.values()
- except ValueError:
- k = list()
- return k
-class Device(Sequence):
- def __init__(self, name, mac):
- self.name = name
- self.mac = mac
- self.addrs = dict()
- self.routes = list()
- def as_tuple(self):
- return (self.name, self.mac)
-class DeviceHandler(Handler):
- def __init__(self, devices):
- self.devices = devices
- dev_fn = path.join(template_dir, device_com)
- self.device_template = Template(filename=dev_fn)
- @handler(u'Bring the device up')
- def up(self, name):
- if name in self.devices:
- print self.device_template.render(dev=name, action='up')
- else:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(name)
- @handler(u'Bring the device down')
- def down(self, name):
- if name in self.devices:
- print self.device_template.render(dev=name, action='down')
- else:
- raise DeviceNotFoundError(name)
- @handler(u'List all devices')
- def list(self):
- return self.devices.keys()
- @handler(u'Get information about a device')
- def show(self):
- return self.devices.items()
-class IpHandler(Handler):
- def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
- r"Initialize DhcpHandler object, see class documentation for details."
- self.pickle_dir = pickle_dir
- self.config_dir = config_dir
- ip_add_fn = path.join(template_dir, ip_add_com)
- ip_del_fn = path.join(template_dir, ip_del_com)
- ip_flush_fn = path.join(template_dir, ip_flush_com)
- self.ip_add_template = Template(filename=ip_add_fn)
- self.ip_del_template = Template(filename=ip_del_fn)
- self.ip_flush_template = Template(filename=ip_flush_fn)
- route_add_fn = path.join(template_dir, route_add_com)
- route_del_fn = path.join(template_dir, route_del_com)
- route_flush_fn = path.join(template_dir, route_flush_com)
- self.route_add_template = Template(filename=route_add_fn)
- self.route_del_template = Template(filename=route_del_fn)
- self.route_flush_template = Template(filename=route_flush_fn)
- try:
- self._load()
- except IOError:
- p = Popen('ip link list', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
- devs = _get_devices(p.stdout.read())
- self.devices = dict()
- for eth, mac in devs:
- self.devices[eth] = Device(eth, mac)
- self._dump()
- self.addr = AddressHandler(self.devices)
- self.route = RouteHandler(self.devices)
- self.dev = DeviceHandler(self.devices)
- self.commit()
- @handler(u'Commit the changes (reloading the service, if necessary).')
- def commit(self):
- r"commit() -> None :: Commit the changes and reload the DHCP service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria que hace el pickle deberia llamarse
- #al hacerse un commit
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
- @handler(u'Discard all the uncommited changes.')
- def rollback(self):
- r"rollback() -> None :: Discard the changes not yet commited."
- self._load()
- def _dump(self):
- r"_dump() -> None :: Dump all persistent data to pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self._dump_var(self.devices, pickle_devices)
- def _load(self):
- r"_load() -> None :: Load all persistent data from pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self.devices = self._load_var(pickle_devices)
- def _pickle_filename(self, name):
- r"_pickle_filename() -> string :: Construct a pickle filename."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return path.join(self.pickle_dir, name) + pickle_ext
- def _dump_var(self, var, name):
- r"_dump_var() -> None :: Dump a especific variable to a pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- pkl_file = file(self._pickle_filename(name), 'wb')
- pickle.dump(var, pkl_file, 2)
- pkl_file.close()
- def _load_var(self, name):
- r"_load_var()7 -> object :: Load a especific pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return pickle.load(file(self._pickle_filename(name)))
- def _write_config(self):
- r"_write_config() -> None :: Execute all commands."
- for device in self.devices.values():
- print self.route_flush_template.render(dev=device.name)
- print self.ip_flush_template.render(dev=device.name)
- for address in device.addrs.values():
- print self.ip_add_template.render(
- dev=device.name,
- addr=address.ip,
- prefix=address.prefix,
- broadcast=address.broadcast
- )
- for route in device.routes:
- print self.route_add_template.render(
- dev=device.name,
- net_addr=route.net_addr,
- prefix=route.prefix,
- gateway=route.gateway
- )
-def _get_devices(string):
- l = list()
- i = string.find('eth')
- while i != -1:
- eth = string[i:i+4]
- m = string.find('link/ether', i+4)
- mac = string[ m+11 : m+11+17]
- l.append((eth,mac))
- i = string.find('eth', m+11+17)
- return l
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- ip = IpHandler()
- print '----------------------'
- ip.dev.up('eth0')
- ip.addr.add('eth0','','24','')
- ip.addr.add('eth0','','24')
- ip.commit()
- ip.route.add('eth0','','24','')
- ip.route.add('eth0','','24','')
- ip.commit()
- ip.route.flush('eth0')
- ip.commit()
- ip.addr.delete('eth0','')
- ip.commit()