+/* Jacu Team - GPL */
#include "blocksorting/bs.h"
#include "mtf/mtf.h"
#include "zerogrouping/zerogrouping.h"
#include "statichuff/statichuff.h"
#include "vfile/vfile.h"
+#include "vfile/common.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int dflag = 0;
int zflag = 0;
int tflag = 0;
- int pflag = 0;
+ int qflag = 0;
+ int sflag = 0;
+ int mflag = 0;
long int volumesize = 0;
size_t pagesize = 32768; /* 32KB */
int ch;
t_BlockSort *bs;
+ HUFF_STATE *shuff;
+ char *staticmodel = NULL;
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "cdzt:p:")) != -1) {
+ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "scdzm:t:q:")) != -1) {
switch (ch) {
case 'c': cflag = 1;
case 'z': zflag = 1;
- case 't': tflag = 1;
- volumesize = atol(optarg);
- break;
- case 'p': pflag = 1;
- pagesize = atoi(optarg);
+ case 'm': mflag = 1;
+ staticmodel = optarg;
+ case 's': sflag = 1;
+ break;
- default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-cdpt] sourcefile targetfile\n", argv[0]);
+ case 't': tflag = 1;
+ volumesize = atol(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'q': qflag = 1;
+ switch (atoi(optarg))
+ {
+ case 0: pagesize = 1024; /* 1K */
+ break;
+ case 1: pagesize = 2048; /* 2K */
+ break;
+ case 2: pagesize = 4096; /* 4K */
+ break;
+ case 3: pagesize = 8192; /* 8K */
+ break;
+ case 4: pagesize = 16384; /* 16K */
+ break;
+ case 5: pagesize = 32768; /* 32K */
+ break;
+ case 6: pagesize = 65536; /* 64K */
+ break;
+ case 7: pagesize = 131072; /* 128K */
+ break;
+ case 8: pagesize = 262144; /* 256K */
+ break;
+ case 9: pagesize = 524288; /* 512K */
+ break;
+ default: pagesize = 0; /* error */
+ }
+ break;
+ default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-cdzs][-q blksize][-t volsize][-m modeldumpfile] source target\n", argv[0]);
- if ( (argc == 1) || (cflag & dflag) || !(cflag | dflag) || ((argc - optind) < 2) ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-cdt] sourcefile targetfile\n", argv[0]);
+ if ( (argc == 1) || (cflag & dflag) || !(cflag | dflag) || ((argc - optind) < 2) || (mflag & sflag)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-cdzs][-q blksize][-t volsize][-m modeldumpfile] source target\n", argv[0]);
return (3);
if ((tflag) && (volumesize <= 0l)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: The volume size must be a non-zero value\n");
return (4);
- if ((pflag) && (pagesize <= 1u)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: El tamaño de página debe ser mayor a 1 byte.\n");
+ if ((qflag) && (pagesize <= 1u)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error: El nivel de compresión debe ser entre 0 (menor) y 9 (mayor).\n");
return (5);
if (cflag == 1) {
- /* Comprimo */
- /* No me gusta el tmpfile ... es para probar como anda todo junto */
- FILE *fp, *fp_out;
+ /* Comprimo */
+ FILE *fp;
Uint32 i, j, total, k;
- char *mtf;
- char *salida, *data, c;
- char *z;
+ unsigned char *mtf;
+ unsigned char *salida, *data;
+ unsigned char *z;
int z_len;
- data = malloc(sizeof(char)*pagesize);
- /* Reservo lugar tambien para guardar el k y el tamaño */
- salida = malloc(sizeof(char)*(pagesize)+sizeof(Uint32)*2);
+ /* Preparo el compresor huffman */
+ if ((shuff = shuff_init_encoder_bychunk(argv[optind+1],volumesize*1024)) == NULL) return 1;
+ if (mflag == 1) shuff_loadmodel(shuff,staticmodel);
+ /* Preparo el BS alocando mem para la Salida: V(vector) + K(colnum) */
+ data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*pagesize);
+ salida = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*pagesize+sizeof(Uint32));
bs = bs_create(pagesize);
+ /* Abrimos el archivo a comprimir y encodeamos bloques */
fp = fopen(argv[optind], "rb");
- fp_out = fopen("tmp.comp", "wb");
- c = fgetc(fp);
+ /* Guardamos el pagesize como header (huffencoded) */
+ shuff_scanfreq_chunk(shuff,(char*)&pagesize,sizeof(size_t));
total = 0;
while (!feof(fp)) {
i = 0;
while ((!feof(fp)) && (i < pagesize)) {
- data[i++] = c;
- c = fgetc(fp);
+ data[i++] = fgetc(fp);
- /* Hago el BS */
- bs_solve(data, salida, bs, &k, i);
+ /* Saco un EOF que lee de mas */
+ if (i<pagesize) i--;
- /* Le aplico el MTF, salteo el tamaño del bloque para que no se pierda. */
- mtf = jacu_mtf(salida+sizeof(Uint32), i+sizeof(Uint32), &z, &z_len);
+ /* Aplico BS guardando su resultado + el K en salida */
+ bs_solve(data, salida, bs, &k, i);
+ /* Le aplico el MTF a salida */
+ mtf = jacu_mtf(salida, i+sizeof(Uint32), &z, &z_len);
/* Si me lo piden, aplico ZG. */
if (zflag) {
size_t len;
for (j = 0; j < i; ++j)
- if ((len = zg_group(&zg, buff, mtf[j]))) fwrite(buff, 1, len, fp_out);
- } else {
- /* Guardo el PageSize */
- for(j=0; j<sizeof(Uint32); j++)
- fputc(mtf[j], fp_out);
- /* Guardo el Z len y el Z */
- fwrite(&z_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp_out);
- fwrite(z, z_len, sizeof(char), fp_out);
- /* Guardo la salida del MTF */
- for(j=sizeof(Uint32); j<i; j++)
- fputc(mtf[j], fp_out);
+ if ((len = zg_group(&zg, buff, mtf[j]))) shuff_scanfreq_chunk(shuff,buff,len);
+ } else {
+ /* Comprimo el Z len y el Z */
+ shuff_scanfreq_chunk(shuff,(char*)&z_len,sizeof(int));
+ shuff_scanfreq_chunk(shuff,z,z_len);
+ /* Comprimo la salida del MTF */
+ shuff_scanfreq_chunk(shuff,mtf,i+sizeof(Uint32));
+ free(z);
/* Limpiando */
- fclose(fp);
- fclose(fp_out);
+ fclose(fp);
- /* Comprimo con huffman */
- i = shuff_encode_file("tmp.comp",argv[optind+1], volumesize);
- /* borro el temporal */
- unlink("tmp.comp");
+ /* Comprimo con Huffman */
+ shuff_encode_file(shuff);
+ if (sflag == 1) shuff_savemodel(shuff);
+ /* Shutdown Huffman */
+ shuff_deinit_encoder(shuff);
+ free(shuff);
/* Muestro bpb */
printf("Comprimido a %.04f bpb.\n", get_file_size(argv[optind+1])*8.0/get_file_size(argv[optind]));
- return i;
+ return 0;
if (dflag == 1) {
/* Descomprimo */
FILE *fp_out;
- VFILE *fp_in;
- Uint32 block_size, k;
- char *block, *mtf, *orig;
- char *z;
- shuff_decode_file(argv[optind], "tmp.comp"); /*argv[optind+1]);*/
- fp_in = vfopen("tmp.comp", "r", 0);
+ /*FILE *fp_in;*/
+ Uint32 block_size = 0, k;
+ unsigned char *block, *mtf, *orig;
+ unsigned char *z;
+ int z_len,moredata = 0,decoded = 0;
+ /* Inicializo el descompresor */
+ if ((shuff = shuff_init_decoder(argv[optind],NULL)) == NULL) return 1;
+ /* Abrimos el archivo de salida */
fp_out = fopen(argv[optind+1], "wb");
+ /* Descomprimo primero que nada el pagesize utilizado para comprimir */
+ if (!(moredata = shuff_decode_chunk(shuff,(char*)&block_size,sizeof(Uint32),&decoded))) return 1;
+ block = malloc(block_size*sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(Uint32));
+ orig = malloc(block_size*sizeof(unsigned char));
- while (!vfeof(fp_in)) {
- block_size = 0;
- vfread(&block_size, sizeof(Uint32), 1, fp_in);
+ /* Descomprimimos de a chunks segun convenga */
+ do {
if (block_size > 0) {
- block = malloc((block_size+sizeof(Uint32))*sizeof(char));
- orig = malloc(block_size*sizeof(char));
- vfread(block, block_size, sizeof(char), fp_in);
- mtf = jacu_mtf_inv(z, block, block_size);
- memcpy(&k, block, sizeof(Uint32));
- bs_restore(orig, block+sizeof(Uint32), k, block_size);
- fwrite(orig, block_size, sizeof(char), fp_out);
- free(block);
- free(orig);
+ /* Descomprimo el Zlen y el Z del MTF */
+ moredata = shuff_decode_chunk(shuff,(char*)&z_len,sizeof(int),&decoded);
+ z = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*z_len);
+ moredata = shuff_decode_chunk(shuff,z,z_len,&decoded);
+ /* Levanto una salida de MTF y le aplico MTF Inverso */
+ moredata = shuff_decode_chunk(shuff,block,block_size+sizeof(Uint32),&decoded);
+ mtf = jacu_mtf_inv(z, block, decoded);
+ /* Ya tengo la salida del BS, tonces levanto su K */
+ memcpy(&k, mtf, sizeof(Uint32));
+ /* Obtengo el chunk original aplicando BS Inverso */
+ bs_restore(orig, mtf+sizeof(Uint32), k, decoded - sizeof(Uint32));
+ fwrite(orig, decoded - sizeof(Uint32), sizeof(unsigned char), fp_out);
+ free(z);
- }
- vfclose(fp_in);
+ else return 1;
+ } while (moredata);
+ /* Close up files and free mem */
+ free(block);
+ free(orig);
+ /* Shutdown Huffman */
+ shuff_deinit_decoder(shuff);
+ free(shuff);
return 0;
return file_size;