]> git.llucax.com Git - z.facultad/75.42/plaqui.git/commit
- Hice una regla para construir la librería estática (server.a) con todos los
authorLeandro Lucarella <llucax@gmail.com>
Sun, 19 Oct 2003 06:20:33 +0000 (06:20 +0000)
committerLeandro Lucarella <llucax@gmail.com>
Sun, 19 Oct 2003 06:20:33 +0000 (06:20 +0000)
- Hice una regla para construir la librería estática (server.a) con todos los
  .o de las clases del servidor.
- Me copio de ricky y pongo los .h en un directorio 'include' :)
- Pongo un directorio 'tests' con las pruebas.
Server/include/connection.h [moved from Server/src/connection.h with 100% similarity]
Server/include/controlclient.h [moved from Server/src/controlclient.h with 100% similarity]
Server/include/controlserver.h [moved from Server/src/controlserver.h with 100% similarity]
Server/include/receiver.h [moved from Server/src/receiver.h with 100% similarity]
Server/include/runnable.h [moved from Server/src/runnable.h with 100% similarity]
Server/include/server.h [moved from Server/src/server.h with 100% similarity]
Server/include/transmitter.h [moved from Server/src/transmitter.h with 100% similarity]
Server/tests/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
Server/tests/server_test.cpp [moved from Server/src/server_test.cpp with 100% similarity]