2 @plugin "plugin.so" (SAbrFunctions).
4 @define ANY -3000000.
6 Object : Teoria (aka Teorias) {
11 + to init named name (string) with-action action (string)
12 executed k = 1 (int) succeeded p = 1 (int):
13 ptr = TeoriaNew(name, action, k, p).
15 + to set-dato-inicial name theName (string) value theValue (float):
16 TeoriaSetDatoInicial(ptr, theName, theValue).
18 + to set-dato-final name theName (string) value theValue (float):
19 TeoriaSetDatoFinal(ptr, theName, theValue).
22 return TeoriaGetNombre(ptr).
25 return TeoriaGetAccion(ptr).
30 - to set-ptr ptr p (pointer):
37 Object : SistemaAutonomo {
43 ptr = SistemaAutonomoNew().
45 + to add teoria theTeoria (object):
46 SistemaAutonomoAddTeoria(ptr, (theTeoria get-ptr)).
48 + to set-entorno value theValue (float) with-name theName (string):
49 SistemaAutonomoSetValue(ptr, theName, theValue).
51 + to set-dato-final value theValue (float) with-name theName (string):
52 SistemaAutonomoSetDatoFinal(ptr, theName, theValue).
54 + to update-entorno entorno theEntorno (hash):
56 foreach nombre in keys(theEntorno): {
57 self set-entorno value theEntorno{nombre} with-name nombre.
60 + to update-datos-finales datos-finales datos (hash):
62 foreach nombre in keys(datos): {
63 self set-dato-final value datos{nombre} with-name nombre.
67 SistemaAutonomoPlan(ptr).
69 + to has-next-theory:
70 return SistemaAutonomoHasNextTheory(ptr).
72 + to get-next-theory:
75 t set-ptr ptr SistemaAutonomoGetNextTheory(ptr).
78 + to validate theory theTheory (object):
79 return SistemaAutonomoValidateTheory(ptr, (theTheory get-ptr)).
82 SistemaAutonomoDelete(ptr).