@use Celdas-2-5. @define CELDAS_MAX_TURN_VELOCITY 2. Controller DemoController. CeldasControl : DemoController { + variables: vehicle (object). n (int). + to init: obs(object). obs = new CeldasObstacle . obs init at-location (0,1,10)with-size (20,3,1). obs set-direction at (0,0,1) . obs = new CeldasObstacle. obs init at-location (-25,1,0) with-size (20,3,1). obs set-direction at (0,0,1). obs = new CeldasObstacle. obs init at-location (-10,1,-10) with-size (1,3,20). obs set-direction at (1,0,0). obs = new CeldasObstacle. obs init at-location (-10,1,10) with-size (1,3,20). obs set-direction at (1,0,0). vehicle = new CeldasVehicle. self watch item vehicle. vehicle move to (-20, 0.8, -3). vehicle set-global-velocity to 15.0. }