--- /dev/null
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+<XMI xmlns:UML="org.omg/standards/UML" verified="false" timestamp="" xmi.version="1.2" >
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+ <XMI.documentation>
+ <XMI.exporter>umbrello uml modeller http://uml.sf.net</XMI.exporter>
+ <XMI.exporterVersion>1.1.5</XMI.exporterVersion>
+ <XMI.exporterEncoding>UnicodeUTF8</XMI.exporterEncoding>
+ </XMI.documentation>
+ <XMI.model xmi.name="bandas" href="/home/matias/sistemas/php/intranet/doc/servicios/bandas/bandas.xmi" />
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+ <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="182" abstract="0" documentation="x2c:extern
+x2c:include:MECON/Agente.php" name="Agente" static="0" scope="200" >
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+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="188" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Método que devuelve el tipo de agente. Este puede ser de planta permanente (PER), de planta transitoria (TRA), en gabinete (GAB), pasante (BEC), etc.
+En el caso de los contratados devuelve el string "CON " concatenado con el marco legal de contratación" name="getTipo" static="0" scope="200" />
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+ </UML:Operation>
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+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="193" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Método que devuelve la hora oficial de egreso del agente" name="getHoraHasta" static="0" scope="200" />
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+ </UML:Class>
+ <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="183" abstract="0" documentation="" name="Intranet_Servicios_Bandas_Agente" static="0" scope="200" >
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+ <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="null" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Número de documento del agente a instanciar" name="agente" static="0" scope="201" />
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+ </UML:Operation>
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="194" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getCredencial" static="0" scope="200" >
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+ </UML:Operation>
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="197" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="" name="getPromedioMensual" static="0" scope="200" />
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+ <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="null" type="date" abstract="0" documentation="La fecha que se desea consultar" name="dia" static="0" scope="200" />
+ </UML:Operation>
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+ <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="" type="date" abstract="0" documentation="" name="fecha_hasta" static="0" scope="200" />
+ </UML:Operation>
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="207" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve la cantidad de días laborales trabajados por el agente en el mes considerado" name="getDiasLaborablesTrabajados" static="0" scope="200" />
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="208" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve la cantidad de días trabajados por el agente en el mes considerado" name="getDiasTrabajados" static="0" scope="200" />
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="212" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve la cantidad de ausentes sin aviso del agente en el mes considerado" name="getNASA" static="0" scope="200" />
+ <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="214" value="null" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Todos los accesos del agente en el mes pedido" name="accesos" static="0" scope="201" />
+ <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="215" value="" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="" name="credencial" static="0" scope="201" />
+ </UML:Class>
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+x2c:include:MECON/Dependencia.php" name="Dependencia" static="0" scope="200" >
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+ </UML:Operation>
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="217" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve el nombre de la dependencia" name="getNombre" static="0" scope="200" />
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+ </UML:Class>
+ <UML:Class stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="200" abstract="0" documentation="Clase que representa una dependencia con bandas horarias" name="Intranet_Servicios_Bandas_Dependencia" static="0" scope="200" >
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="202" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve todos los agentes de la dependencia" name="getAgentes" static="0" scope="200" >
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+ <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="" type="Tipo_Agente" abstract="0" documentation="" name="Tipo_agente" static="0" scope="200" />
+ </UML:Operation>
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="203" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve el promedio horario mensual de la dependencia en un mes en particular" name="getPromedio" static="0" scope="200" >
+ <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="todos" type="Tipo_Agente" abstract="0" documentation="" name="Tipo_agente" static="0" scope="200" />
+ </UML:Operation>
+ <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="209" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Devuelve la cantidad de ausentes sin aviso de la dependencia en un mes." name="getNASA" static="0" scope="200" >
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+ </UML:Operation>
+ </UML:Class>
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+x2c:include:MECON/NovedadesDia.php" name="NovedadesDia" static="0" scope="200" />
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+ <listview>
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+ <listitem open="0" type="814" id="184" label="agente" />
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+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="189" label="Agente" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="186" label="getDependencia" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="192" label="getHoraDesde" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="193" label="getHoraHasta" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="190" label="getNombre" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="188" label="getTipo" />
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem open="1" type="813" id="199" label="Dependencia" >
+ <listitem open="0" type="814" id="218" label="codep" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="814" id="219" label="nombre" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="216" label="Dependencia" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="217" label="getNombre" />
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem open="1" type="813" id="183" label="Intranet_Servicios_Bandas_Agente" >
+ <listitem open="0" type="814" id="214" label="accesos" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="814" id="215" label="credencial" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="213" label="Intranet_Servicios_Bandas_Agente" />
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+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="194" label="getCredencial" />
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+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="208" label="getDiasTrabajados" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="198" label="getHoras" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="212" label="getNASA" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="197" label="getPromedioMensual" />
+ </listitem>
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+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="202" label="getAgentes" />
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+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="203" label="getPromedio" />
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem open="1" type="813" id="206" label="NovedadesDia" />
+ </listitem>
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--- /dev/null
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+ ! vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
+ ! **********************************************************************
+ ! * Ministerio de Economía *
+ ! * Intranet *
+ ! **********************************************************************
+ ! * This file is part of Intranet. *
+ ! * *
+ ! * Intranet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ ! * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published *
+ ! * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, *
+ ! * or (at your option) any later version. *
+ ! * *
+ ! * Intranet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
+ ! * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ ! * General Public License for more details. *
+ ! * *
+ ! * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ ! * along with Hooks; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, *
+ ! * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111*1307 USA *
+ ! **********************************************************************
+ ! * Creado: Mon Jun 23 14:09:15 ART 2003 *
+ ! * Autor: Matias Sklar <msklar@mecon.gov.ar>
+ ! *********************************************************************+
+ !
+ ! $Id$
+ !
+ !-->
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+ <option key="php.default-code" value="trigger_error('Not implemented!', E_USER_WARNING);"/>
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