--- /dev/null
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+Esto es provisorio, hasta tanto se defina cOmo han de actualizarse y mostrarse estos informes en la nueva Intranet.
+" name="Servicios_Informes" static="0" scope="200" >
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+ <listitem open="0" type="807" id="188" label="class diagram" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="813" id="190" label="HTML_Table" />
+ <listitem open="1" type="813" id="189" label="Servicios_Informes" >
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="191" label="getCSS" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="815" id="192" label="toHtml" />
+ </listitem>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem open="1" type="802" id="-1" label="Use Case View" />
+ <listitem open="1" type="821" id="-1" label="Component View" />
+ <listitem open="0" type="823" id="-1" label="Diagrams" />
+ <listitem open="1" type="827" id="-1" label="Deployment View" />
+ </listitem>
+ </listview>
+ </XMI.content>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ ! vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
+ ! **********************************************************************
+ ! * Ministerio de Economía *
+ ! * Intranet *
+ ! **********************************************************************
+ ! * This file is part of Intranet. *
+ ! * *
+ ! * Intranet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ ! * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published *
+ ! * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, *
+ ! * or (at your option) any later version. *
+ ! * *
+ ! * Intranet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
+ ! * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ ! * General Public License for more details. *
+ ! * *
+ ! * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ ! * along with Hooks; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, *
+ ! * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111*1307 USA *
+ ! **********************************************************************
+ ! * Creado: Mon Jun 23 14:09:15 ART 2003 *
+ ! * Autor: Martin Marrese <mmarre@mecon.gov.ar>
+ ! *********************************************************************+
+ !
+ ! $Id: xmi2code.config 50 2003-08-12 19:00:38Z mmarre $
+ !
+ !-->
+ <option key="target" value="*"/>
+ <option key="xmi-input" value="informes.xmi"/>
+ <option key="config-file" value="xmi2code.config"/>
+ <option key="config-file-set" value="false"/>
+ <option key="handler" value="umbrello"/>
+ <option key="generator-path" value="../../../sistema/local_lib/"/>
+ <option key="use-underscores-as-dirs" value="true"/>
+ <option key="use-package-as-dir" value="false"/>
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+ <option key="files-case" value="preserve"/>
+ <option key="generator" value="php.pear"/>
+ <option key="template-path" value="."/>
+ <option key="php.template" value="xmi2code.tpl.php"/>
+ <option key="php.default-code" value="trigger_error('Not implemented!', E_USER_WARNING);"/>
+ <option key="php.pear.use-package-in-classnames" value="false"/>
+ <option key="php.pear.underscore-in-nonpublic" value="true"/>
--- /dev/null
+// vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Ministerio de Economía |
+// | Intranet |
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This file is part of Intranet. |
+// | |
+// | Intranet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
+// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published |
+// | by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, |
+// | or (at your option) any later version. |
+// | |
+// | Intranet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+// | General Public License for more details. |
+// | |
+// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
+// | along with Hooks; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
+// | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Creado: @@date
+// | Autor: Myrna Degano <mdegan@mecon.gov.ar>
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: xmi2code.tpl.php 50 2003-08-12 19:00:38Z mmarre $
--- /dev/null
+// vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Ministerio de Economía |
+// | Intranet |
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This file is part of Intranet. |
+// | |
+// | Intranet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
+// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published |
+// | by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, |
+// | or (at your option) any later version. |
+// | |
+// | Intranet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+// | General Public License for more details. |
+// | |
+// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
+// | along with Hooks; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
+// | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Creado: Tue Nov 4 18:17:24 2003
+// | Autor: Myrna Degano <mdegan@mecon.gov.ar>
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: xmi2code.tpl.php 50 2003-08-12 19:00:38Z mmarre $
+require_once 'DB.php';
+require_once 'MECON/HTML/Image.php';
+require_once 'MECON/HTML/Link.php';
+// +X2C includes
+require_once 'HTML/Table.php';
+// ~X2C
+// +X2C Class 189 :Servicios_Informes
+ * Clase para la visualizaciOn de Informes Parlamentarios por Intranet.
+Esto es provisorio, hasta tanto se defina cOmo han de actualizarse y mostrarse estos informes en la nueva Intranet.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ */
+class Servicios_Informes extends HTML_Table {
+ // ~X2C
+ // +X2C Operation 191
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function getCSS() // ~X2C
+ {
+ $css = '/sistemas/intranet/css/servicios_informes.css';
+ return $css;
+ }
+ // -X2C
+ // +X2C Operation 192
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function toHtml() // ~X2C
+ {
+ //Base de Datos
+ $dbh = DB::connect("mysql://mark:mark@intranet-db/MEconDAV");
+ //Imágenes
+ $IMG_l296 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_l296.gif', '', array('height'=>'1', 'width'=>'296'));
+ $IMG_l24 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_l296.gif', '', array('height'=>'1', 'width'=>'24'));
+ $IMG_l320 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_l320.gif', '', array('height'=>'24', 'width'=>'320'));
+ $IMG_parl =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_parl.gif', '-', array('height'=>'24', 'width'=>'24'));
+ //Informes
+ $SECCION = 53;
+ $sql= " SELECT headline, Articles.article_id, publication_date
+ FROM Articles, ArticlePublicationStates
+ WHERE section_id = $SECCION AND
+ Articles.article_publication_state_id=ArticlePublicationStates.article_publication_state_id AND
+ ArticlePublicationStates.publication_state_id=5
+ ORDER BY publication_date desc, Articles.article_id desc";
+ $informes = $dbh->getAll($sql);
+ $cant_col2 = intval(count($informes)/2);
+ $cant_col1 = count($informes) - $cant_col2;
+ $tabla_out =& new HTML_Table('border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="660" align="center"');
+ $tabla_col1 =& new HTML_Table('border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="320"');
+ for ($i=0; $i<$cant_col1; $i++){
+ $tabla_col1->addRow(array($informes[$i][0]), array('class'=>'servicios_informes_informe', 'colspan'=>'2'));
+ $tabla_col1->addRow(array($IMG_l24->toHtml(), $IMG_l296->toHtml()));
+ //Obtener Adjuntos
+ $sql = "SELECT file_for_article_id, mimetype, filename, caption
+ FROM FilesForArticle
+ WHERE article_id = ". $informes[$i][1]. " AND
+ (oculto <> 1 OR oculto IS NULL)
+ ORDER BY file_for_article_id ASC";
+ $adjuntos = $dbh->getAll($sql);
+ foreach ($adjuntos as $item){
+ $url = '/sistemas/intranet/servicios/informes/get_file.php';
+ $link_adjunto = new MECON_HTML_Link($url,
+ $item[3],
+ array('id'=>$item[0]),
+ array('target'=>'_blank'));
+ $tabla_col1->addRow(array($IMG_parl->toHtml(), $link_adjunto->toHtml()), array('class'=>'servicios_informes_adjunto'));
+ }
+ $tabla_col1->addRow(array($IMG_l320->toHtml()), array('colspan'=>'2'));
+ }
+ $tabla_col2 =& new HTML_Table('border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="320"');
+ for ($i=$cant_col1; $i<count($informes); $i++){
+ $tabla_col2->addRow(array($informes[$i][0]), array('class'=>'servicios_informes_informe', 'colspan'=>'2'));
+ $tabla_col2->addRow(array($IMG_l24->toHtml(), $IMG_l296->toHtml()));
+ //Obtener Adjuntos
+ $sql = "SELECT file_for_article_id, mimetype, filename, caption
+ FROM FilesForArticle
+ WHERE article_id = ". $informes[$i][1]. " AND
+ (oculto <> 1 OR oculto IS NULL)
+ ORDER BY file_for_article_id ASC";
+ $adjuntos = $dbh->getAll($sql);
+ foreach ($adjuntos as $item){
+ $url = '/sistemas/intranet/servicios/informes/get_file.php';
+ $link_adjunto = new MECON_HTML_Link($url,
+ $item[3],
+ array('id'=>$item[0]),
+ array('target'=>'_blank'));
+ $tabla_col2->addRow(array($IMG_parl->toHtml(), $link_adjunto->toHtml()), array('class'=>'servicios_informes_adjunto'));
+ }
+ $tabla_col2->addRow(array($IMG_l320->toHtml()), array('colspan'=>'2'));
+ }
+ $tabla_out->addRow(array($tabla_col1->toHtml(), $tabla_col2->toHtml()), array('align'=>'center', 'valign'=>'top'));
+ return $tabla_out->toHtml();
+ }
+ // -X2C
+} // -X2C Class :Servicios_Informes
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+.servicios_informes_informe { \r
+ color: #003366; \r
+ font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; \r
+ font-size: 10pt; \r
+ font-style: bold; \r
+ line-height: normal; \r
+ text-align: left; \r
+ vertical-align: middle ; \r
+ font-weight: bold; \r
+.servicios_informes_titulo { \r
+ color: #000000; \r
+ font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; \r
+ font-size: 12pt; \r
+ font-style: bold; \r
+ line-height: normal; \r
+ text-align: center; \r
+ vertical-align: middle ; \r
+ font-weight: bold; \r
+.servicios_informes_subtitulo { \r
+ color: #000000; \r
+ font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; \r
+ font-size: 10pt; \r
+ font-style: bold; \r
+ line-height: normal; \r
+ text-align: center; \r
+ vertical-align: middle ; \r
+ font-weight: bold; \r
+.servicios_informes_adjunto { \r
+ color: #000000; \r
+ font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; \r
+ font-size: 10pt; \r
+ font-style: normal; \r
+ line-height: normal; \r
+ text-align: left; \r
+ vertical-align: middle ; \r
+ font-weight: normal; \r
--- /dev/null
+Intranet del Ministerio de Economía
+Informes Parlamentarios
+Este servicio es provisorio hasta tanto se decida cómo se actualizan estos
+informes sin utilizar MEconDAV
+Myrna Degano <mdegan@mecon.gov.ar>
+require_once 'DB.php';
+//Conexión a la BD
+$dbh = DB::connect("mysql://mark:mark@intranet-db/MEconDAV");
+if (DB::isError($dbh)) {
+ die ($dbh->getMessage());
+//Obtener Datos del Adjunto
+$sql = "SELECT mimetype, filename, size
+ FROM FilesForArticle
+ WHERE file_for_article_id = ". $_GET['id'];
+$datos = $dbh->getAll($sql);
+$mime = $datos[0][0];
+$filename = $datos[0][1];
+$filesize = $datos[0][2];
+//Esta es la dirección en donde se alojan los adjuntos
+$dir = '/var/www/mecondav/archivos/';
+$dir = $dir.$_GET['id'];
+header("Content-Type: ".$mime);
+header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
+header("Pragma: no-cache");
+header("Expires: 0");
+header("Content-Length: ".$filesize);
+readfile ($dir);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Intranet del Ministerio de Economía
+Informes Parlamentarios
+Este servicio es provisorio hasta tanto se decida cómo se actualizan estos
+informes sin utilizar MEconDAV
+Myrna Degano <mdegan@mecon.gov.ar>
+require_once '../../../local_lib/HTML_DietMarco.php';
+require_once 'MECON/HTML/Image.php';
+require_once 'HTML/Table.php';
+require_once '../../../local_lib/Servicios/Informes.php';
+//Marco de servicios en intranet
+$MARCO = new HTML_DietMarco('servicios', 'Informes Parlamentarios');
+$MARCO->addTitle('Informes Parlamentarios');
+$IMG_Blanco1_30 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_blanco1.gif', '', array('height'=>'1', 'width'=>'30'));
+$IMG_Blanco1_170 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_blanco1.gif', '', array('height'=>'1', 'width'=>'170'));
+$IMG_Blanco1_20 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_blanco1.gif', '', array('height'=>'1', 'width'=>'20'));
+$IMG_Blanco1_1 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_blanco1.gif', '', array('height'=>'6', 'width'=>'1'));
+$IMG_Blanco1_10 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_blanco1.gif', '', array('height'=>'10', 'width'=>'10'));
+$IMG_l1 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_l1.gif', '', array('height'=>'2', 'width'=>'760'));
+$IMG_l2 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_l2.gif', '', array('height'=>'2', 'width'=>'760'));
+$IMG_t1 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_t1.gif', '', array('height'=>'24', 'width'=>'30'));
+$IMG_t2 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_t2.gif', '', array('height'=>'24', 'width'=>'30'));
+$IMG_deco1 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_deco1.gif', '', array('height'=>'20', 'width'=>'200'));
+$IMG_deco2 =& new MECON_HTML_Image('../../images/servicios_informes_deco2.gif', '', array('height'=>'20', 'width'=>'200'));
+//Informes Parlamentarios
+$INFORMES =& new Servicios_Informes();
+//Tabla Contenedora
+$TABLA =& new HTML_Table ('border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="760"');
+ $IMG_Blanco1_170->toHtml(),
+ $IMG_Blanco1_170->toHtml(),
+ $IMG_Blanco1_20->toHtml(),
+ $IMG_Blanco1_170->toHtml(),
+ $IMG_Blanco1_170->toHtml(),
+ $IMG_Blanco1_30->toHtml()));
+$TABLA->addRow(array($IMG_l1->toHtml()), array('height'=>'2'));
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(1,0, 'colspan="7"');
+ ' ',
+ 'Servicios', '', '',
+ ' ',
+ $IMG_t2->toHtml()));
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(2,2, array('colspan'=>'3', 'class'=>'servicios_informes_titulo'));
+$TABLA->addRow(array($IMG_l2->toHtml()), array('height'=>'2'));
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(3,0, 'colspan="7"');
+$TABLA->addRow(array($IMG_deco1->toHtml(), '',
+ 'Informes Parlamentarios', '', '',
+ $IMG_deco2->toHtml(), ''));
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(4,0, 'colspan="2"');
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(4,2, 'colspan="3" class="servicios_informes_subtitulo"');
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(4,5, 'colspan="2"');
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(5,0, 'colspan="7"');
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(6,0, 'colspan="7"');
+$TABLA->updateCellAttributes(7,0, 'colspan="7"');