]> git.llucax.com Git - mecon/meconlib.git/blob - lib/MECON/PDF/Marco/medidas.php
MECON_PDF en proceso de desarrollo
[mecon/meconlib.git] / lib / MECON / PDF / Marco / medidas.php
1 <?php /* vim: set binary expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=80 foldmethod=marker:
2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3                              Ministerio de Economía
4                                     meconlib
5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 This file is part of meconlib.
8 meconlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
10 Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
11 any later version.
13 meconlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
15 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License; if not,
18 write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
19 Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 Creado: lun oct 27 12:17:32 ART 2003
22 Autor:  Martin Marrese <mmarre@mecon.gov.ar>
23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 $Id$
25 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 /**
28  * Medidas para cada formato de pagina.
29  */
31 return array (
32         // A4 {{{
33         'a4' => array (
34                 //Portrait {{{ 
35                 'portrait' => array (
36                         'Xi' => -40,  //Esquina inferior izquierda
37                         'Xf' => 490,  //Esquina inferior derecha
38                         'Yi' => -110, //Esquina inferior izquierda
39                         'Yf' => 700,  //Esquina superior izquierda
40                         //Encabezado {{{
41                         'encabezado' => array ( //Encabezado de cada pagina
42                                 'Xi' => -40,
43                                 'Xf' => 490,
44                                 'Yi' => 657,
45                                 'Yf' => 700,
46                                 'logo' => array (
47                                         'X' => -33,
48                                         'Y' => 665,
49                                     ),
50                                 'linea1' => array (
51                                         'Xi' => 110,
52                                         'Xf' => 110,
53                                         'Yi' => 657,
54                                         'Yf' => 700,
55                                     ),
56                                 'linea2' => array (
57                                         'Xi' => 404,
58                                         'Xf' => 404,
59                                         'Yi' => 657,
60                                         'Yf' => 700,
61                                     ),
62                                 'linea3' => array (
63                                         'Xi' => -40,
64                                         'Xf' => 110,
65                                         'Yi' => 657,
66                                         'Yf' => 666,
67                                     ),
68                                 'seccion' => array (
69                                         'Y'      => 685,
70                                         'font'   => 'Helvetica-Bold',
71                                         'height' => 12,
72                                     ),
73                                 'subseccion' => array (
74                                         'Y'      => 664,
75                                         'font'   => 'Helvetica',
76                                         'height' => 12,
77                                     ),
78                                 'paginador' => array (
79                                         'Y'      => 685,
80                                         'font'   => 'Helvetica',
81                                         'height' => 9,
82                                     ),
83                                 'fecha' => array (
84                                         'Y'      => 664,
85                                         'font'   => 'Helvetica',
86                                         'height' => 9,
87                                     ),
88                             ),
89                         //}}}
90                         //Titulos {{{
91                         'titulo' => array (
92                                     'Y'      => 630,
93                                     'font'   => 'Helvetica-Bold',
94                                     'height' => 16,
95                                 ),
96                         'subtitulo' => array (
97                                     'Y'      => 615,
98                                     'font'   => 'Helvetica',
99                                     'height' => 13
100                                 ),
101                         //}}}
102                     ),
103                 //}}}
104                 //LandScape {{{
105                 'landscape' => array (
106                         ),
107                 //}}}
108             ),
109         //}}}
110         );
112 ?>