2 # __,ôô by : MuttrcBuilder <http://mutt.netliberte.org>
3 # \\,_O date : Sun Jun 30, 2002 03:52:40
4 # /~ for : []
9 # User description ########################################################
10 set realname = "Leandro Lucarella"
12 #set reverse_name = no
13 #set reverse_realname = yes
14 #set from = "luca@lucarella.com.ar"
15 #set gecos_mask = "^[^,]*"
17 set hostname = "lucarella.com.ar"
18 set alternates = "(luca|leandro)(-.*)?@(lucarella.com.ar|(linuxmendoza|lugmen).org.ar|.*llucax.hn.org)"
20 # This is so that Outlook and Outlook Express won't get confused and
21 # send replies to the wrong address
24 # General mutt options ####################################################
27 #set status_on_top = no
32 #set delete_untag = no
33 #set prompt_after = yes
42 #set date_format = "!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z"
44 #set dotlock_program = "/usr/local/bin//mutt_dotlock"
46 set charset = "iso-8859-1"
49 # OS Specifiques options ##################################################
52 #set print_command = "lpr"
53 #set print_decode = yes
54 set ispell="aspell -e -c"
57 #set spoolfile = "~/Maildir"
58 set spoolfile = "imap://burns/INBOX"
60 # Menu index ##############################################################
61 #set wrap_search = yes
63 #set status_chars = "-*%A"
64 #set status_format = "-%r-Mutt: %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? %l?]---(%s/%S)-%>-(%P)---"
65 #set strict_threads = no
66 #set thorough_search = no
67 #set to_chars = " +TCF"
68 #set simple_search = "~f %s | ~s %s"
70 set sort_browser = unsorted
71 #set sort_aux = date-sent
73 set index_format = "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-30.30L (%4c) %s"
76 #set arrow_cursor = no
79 #set collapse_unread = yes
80 #set uncollapse_jump = no
82 # Internal Pager ##########################################################
86 #set smileys = "(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])"
87 set quote_regexp = "^(([ \t]*|[A-Za-z]*)[>|\|])+"
88 #set pager = "builtin"
90 #set pager_format = "-%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n %s"
91 set pager_index_lines = 5
97 # Composing ###############################################################
99 set signature = "~/bin/firma|"
100 #set postpone = ask-yes
101 set postponed = "=.Drafts"
102 #set postponed = "~/Maildir/.Drafts"
103 set query_command = "abook --mutt-query "
104 #set recall = ask-yes
107 #set abort_nosubject = ask-yes
108 #set abort_unmodified = yes
112 # Replying ################################################################
113 #set post_indent_string = ""
114 #set reply_regexp = "^(re([\\[0-9\\]+])*|aw):[ \t]*"
116 #set indent_string = "> "
117 #set in_reply_to = "%i; from %a on %{!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z}"
118 #set honor_followup_to = yes
119 #set ignore_list_reply_to = no
121 set attribution = "%n, %{el %A %e de %B a las %R} me escribiste:"
122 #set bounce_delivered = yes
124 # Forwarding ##############################################################
125 #set forward_decrypt = yes
126 #set forward_decode = yes
127 #set forward_format = "[%a: %s]"
128 #set forward_quote = no
130 # Folder and Mailbox ######################################################
132 #set sort_browser = alpha
134 #set pipe_decode = no
137 #set mask = "!^\\.[^.]"
139 set mbox_type = Maildir
141 #set confirmappend = yes
142 #set confirmcreate = yes
144 #set default_hook = "~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)"
145 #set fcc_attach = yes
147 #set folder = "~/Maildir"
148 set folder = "imap://burns/INBOX"
149 set record = "=.Sent"
150 #set folder_format = "%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
153 # Headers #################################################################
156 #set edit_headers = no
159 # Sending #################################################################
162 #set save_address = no
163 #set save_empty = yes
165 set send_charset = "us-ascii:iso-8859-1"
166 #set mix_entry_format = "%4n %c %-16s %a"
167 #set mixmaster = "mixmaster"
169 #set encode_from = no
170 #set envelope_from = no
171 #set followup_to = yes
173 # Alias ###################################################################
174 #set sort_alias = alias
175 #set reverse_alias = no
176 #set alias_file = "~/.muttrc"
177 #set alias_format = "%4n %t %-10a %r"
179 # Attached documents ######################################################
180 #set attach_format = "%u%D%I %t%4n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?, %C?, %s] "
181 #set attach_sep = "\n"
182 #set attach_split = yes
184 # MIME ####################################################################
185 #set rfc2047_parameters = no
186 #set mime_forward_rest = yes
187 #set message_format = "%s"
188 #set mailcap_path = ""
189 #set mailcap_sanitize = yes
190 #set mime_forward = no
191 #set mime_forward_decode = no
192 #set implicit_autoview = no
194 # POP #####################################################################
202 # IMAP ####################################################################
203 #set imap_checkinterval = 60
204 #set imap_list_subscribed = no
205 #set imap_user = "luca"
206 #set imap_pass = "xxx"
207 #set imap_cramkey = ""
208 #set imap_passive = yes
209 #set imap_servernoise = yes
210 #set imap_home_namespace = ""
211 #set imap_preconnect = ""
213 # SSL #####################################################################
214 #set entropy_file = ""
215 #set ssl_usesystemcerts = yes
216 #set ssl_use_sslv3 = yes
217 #set ssl_use_tlsv1 = yes
218 #set imap_force_ssl = no
220 # PGP #####################################################################
221 set pgp_timeout = 6000
222 #set pgp_verify_sig = yes
223 #set pgp_sort_keys = address
224 set pgp_create_traditional = yes
225 #set pgp_decode_command = ""
226 #set pgp_getkeys_command = ""
227 #set pgp_decrypt_command = ""
228 #set pgp_clearsign_command = ""
229 #set pgp_sign_command = ""
230 #set pgp_encrypt_sign_command = ""
231 #set pgp_encrypt_only_command = ""
232 #set pgp_import_command = ""
233 #set pgp_export_command = ""
234 #set pgp_verify_key_command = ""
235 #set pgp_list_secring_command = ""
236 #set pgp_list_pubring_command = ""
237 #set certificate_file = ""
238 set pgp_autosign = yes
239 #set pgp_autoencrypt = no
240 #set pgp_entry_format = "%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u"
241 #set pgp_long_ids = no
242 #set pgp_replyencrypt = no
243 set pgp_replysign = yes
244 #set pgp_replysignencrypted = no
245 #set pgp_retainable_sigs = no
246 #set pgp_show_unusable = yes
247 #set pgp_sign_as = ""
248 #set pgp_sign_micalg = "pgp-md5"
249 #set pgp_strict_enc = yes
250 #set pgp_verify_command = ""
252 # Scoring #################################################################
254 #set score_threshold_delete = -1
255 #set score_threshold_flag = 9999
256 #set score_threshold_read = -1
258 # Sendmail ################################################################
259 #set use_8bitmime = no
260 #set sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail -oem -oi"
261 #set sendmail_wait = 0
265 # Extra - dom jun 30 00:51:37 ART 2002
267 set auto_tag # Trabaja sobre mensajes seleccionados
268 set nomark_old # Toma mensajes no leidos viejos como nuevos
270 # No confirma cuando se mueve un email
274 source "~/.mutt/muttrc.mailboxes"
277 source "~/.mutt/muttrc.binds"
280 source "~/.mutt/muttrc.hooks"
283 source "~/.mutt/muttrc.headers"
286 source "~/.mutt/muttrc.color"