--- /dev/null
+-- Ion main configuration file
+-- This file only includes some settings that are rather frequently altered.
+-- The rest of the settings are in cfg_ioncore.lua and individual modules'
+-- configuration files (cfg_modulename.lua).
+-- Set default modifiers. Alt should usually be mapped to Mod1 on
+-- XFree86-based systems. The flying window keys are probably Mod3
+-- or Mod4; see the output of 'xmodmap'.
+-- These may be defined in /etc/default/ion3, loaded as cfg_debian.
+-- Terminal emulator
+-- Some basic settings
+ -- Maximum delay between clicks in milliseconds to be considered a
+ -- double click.
+ --dblclick_delay=250,
+ -- For keyboard resize, time (in milliseconds) to wait after latest
+ -- key press before automatically leaving resize mode (and doing
+ -- the resize in case of non-opaque move).
+ --kbresize_delay=1500,
+ -- Opaque resize?
+ --opaque_resize=false,
+ -- Movement commands warp the pointer to frames instead of just
+ -- changing focus. Enabled by default.
+ --warp=true,
+ -- Switch frames to display newly mapped windows
+ --switchto=true,
+ -- Default index for windows in frames: one of 'last', 'next' (for
+ -- after current), or 'next-act' (for after current and anything with
+ -- activity right after it).
+ --frame_default_index='next',
+ -- Auto-unsqueeze transients/menus/queries.
+ --unsqueeze=true,
+ -- Display notification tooltips for activity on hidden workspace.
+ --screen_notify=true,
+-- Load default settings. The file cfg_defaults loads all the files
+-- commented out below, except mod_dock. If you do not want to load
+-- something, comment out this line, and uncomment the lines corresponding
+-- the the modules or configuration files that you want, below.
+-- The modules' configuration files correspond to the names of the
+-- modules with 'mod' replaced by 'cfg'.
+-- Load configuration of the Ion 'core'
+-- Load some kludges to make apps behave better.
+-- Define some layouts.
+-- Load some modules.
+-- Common customisations
+-- Uncommenting the following lines should get you plain-old-menus instead
+-- of query-menus.
+defbindings("WScreen", {
+ kpress(ALTMETA.."F12", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu', {big=true})"),
+defbindings("WMPlex.toplevel", {
+ kpress(META.."M", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'ctxmenu')"),
+-- Mis bindings
--- /dev/null
+-- Ion core configuration file
+-- Bindings. This includes global bindings and bindings common to
+-- screens and all types of frames only. See modules' configuration
+-- files for other bindings.
+-- WScreen context bindings
+-- The bindings in this context are available all the time.
+-- The variable META should contain a string of the form 'Mod1+'
+-- where Mod1 maybe replaced with the modifier you want to use for most
+-- of the bindings. Similarly ALTMETA may be redefined to add a
+-- modifier to some of the F-key bindings.
+defbindings("WScreen", {
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ bdoc("Go to first region demanding attention or previously active one."),
+ kpress("K", "mod_menu.grabmenu(_, _sub, 'focuslist')"),
+ -- Alternative without (cyclable) menu
+ --kpress("K", "ioncore.goto_activity() or ioncore.goto_previous()"),
+ --bdoc("Go to previous active object."),
+ --kpress("K", "ioncore.goto_previous()"),
+ --bdoc("Go to first object on activity/urgency list."),
+ --kpress("I", "ioncore.goto_activity()"),
+ }),
+ --bdoc("Go to n:th screen on multihead setup."),
+ --kpress(META.."Shift+1", "ioncore.goto_nth_screen(0)"),
+ --kpress(META.."Shift+2", "ioncore.goto_nth_screen(1)"),
+ --bdoc("Go to next/previous screen on multihead setup."),
+ --kpress(META.."Shift+comma", "ioncore.goto_prev_screen()"),
+ --kpress(META.."Shift+period", "ioncore.goto_next_screen()"),
+ bdoc("Create a new workspace of chosen default type."),
+ kpress(META.."F9", "ioncore.create_ws(_)"),
+ bdoc("Display the main menu."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F12", "mod_query.query_menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu', 'Main menu:')"),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F12", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu', {big=true})"),
+ mpress("Button3", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu')"),
+ bdoc("Display the window list menu."),
+ mpress("Button2", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'windowlist')"),
+ bdoc("Forward-circulate focus."),
+ -- '_chld' used here stands to for an actual child window that may not
+ -- be managed by the screen itself, unlike '_sub', that is likely to be
+ -- the managing group of that window. The right/left directions are
+ -- used instead of next/prev, because they work better in conjunction
+ -- with tilings.
+ kpress(META.."Tab", "ioncore.goto_next(_chld, 'right')",
+ "_chld:non-nil"),
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ bdoc("Backward-circulate focus."),
+ kpress("AnyModifier+Tab", "ioncore.goto_next(_chld, 'left')",
+ "_chld:non-nil"),
+ bdoc("Raise focused object, if possible."),
+ kpress("AnyModifier+R", "WRegion.rqorder(_chld, 'front')",
+ "_chld:non-nil"),
+ }),
+-- Client window bindings
+-- These bindings affect client windows directly.
+defbindings("WClientWin", {
+ bdoc("Nudge the client window. This might help with some "..
+ "programs' resizing problems."),
+ kpress_wait(META.."L", "WClientWin.nudge(_)"),
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ bdoc("Kill client owning the client window."),
+ kpress("C", "WClientWin.kill(_)"),
+ bdoc("Send next key press to the client window. "..
+ "Some programs may not allow this by default."),
+ kpress("Q", "WClientWin.quote_next(_)"),
+ }),
+-- Client window group bindings
+defbindings("WGroupCW", {
+ bdoc("Toggle client window group full-screen mode"),
+ kpress_wait(META.."Return", "WGroup.set_fullscreen(_, 'toggle')"),
+-- WMPlex context bindings
+-- These bindings work in frames and on screens. The innermost of such
+-- contexts/objects always gets to handle the key press.
+defbindings("WMPlex", {
+ bdoc("Close current object."),
+ kpress_wait(META.."C", "WRegion.rqclose_propagate(_, _sub)"),
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ bdoc("Detach (float) or reattach an object to its previous location."),
+ -- By using _chld instead of _sub, we can detach/reattach queries
+ -- attached to a group. The detach code checks if the parameter
+ -- (_chld) is a group 'bottom' and detaches the whole group in that
+ -- case.
+ kpress("D", "ioncore.detach(_chld, 'toggle')", "_chld:non-nil"),
+ }),
+-- Frames for transient windows ignore this bindmap
+defbindings("WMPlex.toplevel", {
+ bdoc("Toggle tag of current object."),
+ kpress(META.."T", "WRegion.set_tagged(_sub, 'toggle')", "_sub:non-nil"),
+ --bdoc("Query for manual page to be displayed."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F1", "mod_query.query_man(_, ':man')"),
+ --bdoc("Show the Ion manual page."),
+ --kpress(META.."F1", "ioncore.exec_on(_, ':man ion3')"),
+ --bdoc("Run a terminal emulator."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F2", "ioncore.exec_on(_, XTERM or 'x-terminal-emulator')"),
+ --bdoc("Query for command line to execute."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F3", "mod_query.query_exec(_)"),
+ --bdoc("Query for Lua code to execute."),
+ --kpress(META.."F3", "mod_query.query_lua(_)"),
+ --bdoc("Query for host to connect to with SSH."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F4", "mod_query.query_ssh(_, ':ssh')"),
+ --bdoc("Query for file to edit."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F5", "mod_query.query_editfile(_, 'run-mailcap --action=edit')"),
+ --bdoc("Query for file to view."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F6", "mod_query.query_runfile(_, 'run-mailcap --action=view')"),
+ --bdoc("Query for workspace to go to or create a new one."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F9", "mod_query.query_workspace(_)"),
+ bdoc("Query for a client window to go to."),
+ kpress(META.."G", "mod_query.query_gotoclient(_)"),
+ bdoc("Display context menu."),
+ kpress(META.."M", "mod_query.query_menu(_, _sub, 'ctxmenu', 'Context menu:')"),
+ kpress(META.."Shift+M", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'ctxmenu')"),
+-- WFrame context bindings
+-- These bindings are common to all types of frames. Some additional
+-- frame bindings are found in some modules' configuration files.
+defbindings("WFrame", {
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ bdoc("Maximize the frame horizontally/vertically."),
+ kpress("H", "WFrame.maximize_horiz(_)"),
+ kpress("V", "WFrame.maximize_vert(_)"),
+ }),
+ bdoc("Display context menu."),
+ mpress("Button3", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'ctxmenu')"),
+ bdoc("Begin move/resize mode."),
+ kpress(META.."R", "WFrame.begin_kbresize(_)"),
+ bdoc("Switch the frame to display the object indicated by the tab."),
+ mclick("Button1@tab", "WFrame.p_switch_tab(_)"),
+ mclick("Button2@tab", "WFrame.p_switch_tab(_)"),
+ bdoc("Resize the frame."),
+ mdrag("Button1@border", "WFrame.p_resize(_)"),
+ mdrag(META.."Button3", "WFrame.p_resize(_)"),
+ bdoc("Move the frame."),
+ mdrag(META.."Button1", "WFrame.p_move(_)"),
+ bdoc("Move objects between frames by dragging and dropping the tab."),
+ mdrag("Button1@tab", "WFrame.p_tabdrag(_)"),
+ mdrag("Button2@tab", "WFrame.p_tabdrag(_)"),
+-- Frames for transient windows ignore this bindmap
+defbindings("WFrame.toplevel", {
+ bdoc("Query for a client window to attach."),
+ kpress(META.."A", "mod_query.query_attachclient(_)"),
+ bdoc("Switch to next/previous object within the frame."),
+ kpress(META.."Right", "WFrame.switch_next(_)"),
+ kpress(META.."Left", "WFrame.switch_prev(_)"),
+ bdoc("Move current object within the frame left/right."),
+ kpress(META.."Shift+Left", "WFrame.dec_index(_, _sub)", "_sub:non-nil"),
+ kpress(META.."Shift+Right", "WFrame.inc_index(_, _sub)", "_sub:non-nil"),
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ -- Display tab numbers when modifiers are released
+ submap_wait("ioncore.tabnum.show(_)"),
+ bdoc("Switch to n:th object within the frame."),
+ kpress("1", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 0)"),
+ kpress("2", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 1)"),
+ kpress("3", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 2)"),
+ kpress("4", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 3)"),
+ kpress("5", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 4)"),
+ kpress("6", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 5)"),
+ kpress("7", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 6)"),
+ kpress("8", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 7)"),
+ kpress("9", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 8)"),
+ kpress("0", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 9)"),
+ --bdoc("Switch to next/previous object within the frame."),
+ --kpress("N", "WFrame.switch_next(_)"),
+ --kpress("P", "WFrame.switch_prev(_)"),
+ --bdoc("Move current object within the frame left/right."),
+ --kpress("comma", "WFrame.dec_index(_, _sub)", "_sub:non-nil"),
+ --kpress("period", "WFrame.inc_index(_, _sub)", "_sub:non-nil"),
+ bdoc("Maximize the frame horizontally/vertically."),
+ kpress("H", "WFrame.maximize_horiz(_)"),
+ kpress("V", "WFrame.maximize_vert(_)"),
+ bdoc("Attach tagged objects to this frame."),
+ kpress("A", "ioncore.tagged_attach(_)"),
+ }),
+-- Bindings for floating frames.
+defbindings("WFrame.floating", {
+ bdoc("Toggle shade mode"),
+ mdblclick("Button1@tab", "WFrame.set_shaded(_, 'toggle')"),
+ bdoc("Raise the frame."),
+ mpress("Button1@tab", "WRegion.rqorder(_, 'front')"),
+ mpress("Button1@border", "WRegion.rqorder(_, 'front')"),
+ mclick(META.."Button1", "WRegion.rqorder(_, 'front')"),
+ bdoc("Lower the frame."),
+ mclick(META.."Button3", "WRegion.rqorder(_, 'back')"),
+ bdoc("Move the frame."),
+ mdrag("Button1@tab", "WFrame.p_move(_)"),
+-- WMoveresMode context bindings
+-- These bindings are available keyboard move/resize mode. The mode
+-- is activated on frames with the command begin_kbresize (bound to
+-- META.."R" above by default).
+defbindings("WMoveresMode", {
+ bdoc("Cancel the resize mode."),
+ kpress("AnyModifier+Escape","WMoveresMode.cancel(_)"),
+ bdoc("End the resize mode."),
+ kpress("AnyModifier+Return","WMoveresMode.finish(_)"),
+ bdoc("Grow in specified direction."),
+ kpress("Left", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 1, 0, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("Right", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 1, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("Up", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 1, 0)"),
+ kpress("Down", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0, 1)"),
+ kpress("F", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 1, 0, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("B", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 1, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("P", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 1, 0)"),
+ kpress("N", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0, 1)"),
+ bdoc("Shrink in specified direction."),
+ kpress("Shift+Left", "WMoveresMode.resize(_,-1, 0, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("Shift+Right", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0,-1, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("Shift+Up", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0,-1, 0)"),
+ kpress("Shift+Down", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0,-1)"),
+ kpress("Shift+F", "WMoveresMode.resize(_,-1, 0, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("Shift+B", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0,-1, 0, 0)"),
+ kpress("Shift+P", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0,-1, 0)"),
+ kpress("Shift+N", "WMoveresMode.resize(_, 0, 0, 0,-1)"),
+ bdoc("Move in specified direction."),
+ kpress(META.."Left", "WMoveresMode.move(_,-1, 0)"),
+ kpress(META.."Right", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 1, 0)"),
+ kpress(META.."Up", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0,-1)"),
+ kpress(META.."Down", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0, 1)"),
+ kpress(META.."F", "WMoveresMode.move(_,-1, 0)"),
+ kpress(META.."B", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 1, 0)"),
+ kpress(META.."P", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0,-1)"),
+ kpress(META.."N", "WMoveresMode.move(_, 0, 1)"),
+-- Menu definitions
+-- Main menu
+defmenu("mainmenu", {
+ menuentry("Run...", "mod_query.query_exec(_)"),
+ menuentry("Terminal", "ioncore.exec_on(_, XTERM or 'x-terminal-emulator')"),
+ menuentry("Lock screen",
+ "ioncore.exec_on(_, ioncore.lookup_script('ion-lock'))"),
+ menuentry("Help", "mod_query.query_man(_)"),
+ menuentry("About Ion", "mod_query.show_about_ion(_)"),
+ submenu("Styles", "stylemenu"),
+ submenu("Debian", "Debian"),
+ submenu("Session", "sessionmenu"),
+-- Session control menu
+defmenu("sessionmenu", {
+ menuentry("Save", "ioncore.snapshot()"),
+ menuentry("Restart", "ioncore.restart()"),
+ menuentry("Restart TWM", "ioncore.restart_other('twm')"),
+ menuentry("Exit", "ioncore.shutdown()"),
+-- Context menu (frame actions etc.)
+defctxmenu("WFrame", "Frame", {
+ -- Note: this propagates the close to any subwindows; it does not
+ -- destroy the frame itself, unless empty. An entry to destroy tiled
+ -- frames is configured in cfg_tiling.lua.
+ menuentry("Close", "WRegion.rqclose_propagate(_, _sub)"),
+ -- Low-priority entries
+ menuentry("Attach tagged", "ioncore.tagged_attach(_)", { priority = 0 }),
+ menuentry("Clear tags", "ioncore.tagged_clear()", { priority = 0 }),
+ menuentry("Window info", "mod_query.show_tree(_, _sub)", { priority = 0 }),
+-- Context menu for groups (workspaces, client windows)
+defctxmenu("WGroup", "Group", {
+ menuentry("Toggle tag", "WRegion.set_tagged(_, 'toggle')"),
+ menuentry("De/reattach", "ioncore.detach(_, 'toggle')"),
+-- Context menu for workspaces
+defctxmenu("WGroupWS", "Workspace", {
+ menuentry("Close", "WRegion.rqclose(_)"),
+ menuentry("Rename", "mod_query.query_renameworkspace(nil, _)"),
+ menuentry("Attach tagged", "ioncore.tagged_attach(_)"),
+-- Context menu for client windows
+defctxmenu("WClientWin", "Client window", {
+ menuentry("Kill", "WClientWin.kill(_)"),
+-- Auto-generated Debian menu definitions
+if os and os.execute("test -x /usr/bin/update-menus") == 0 then
+ if ioncore.is_i18n() then
+ dopath("debian-menu-i18n")
+ else
+ dopath("debian-menu")
+ end
--- /dev/null
+-- Ion statusbar module configuration file
+--defwinprop {
+-- class = "Docker",
+-- statusbar = "dock"
+-- Create a statusbar
+ -- First screen, bottom left corner
+ screen = 0,
+ pos = 'bl',
+ -- Set this to true if you want a full-width statusbar
+ fullsize = false,
+ -- Swallow systray windows
+ systray = true,
+ -- Template. Tokens %string are replaced with the value of the
+ -- corresponding meter. Currently supported meters are:
+ -- date date
+ -- load load average (1min, 5min, 15min)
+ -- load_Nmin N minute load average (N=1, 5, 15)
+ -- mail_new mail count (mbox format file $MAIL)
+ -- mail_unread mail count
+ -- mail_total mail count
+ -- mail_*_new mail count (from an alternate mail folder, see below)
+ -- mail_*_unread mail count
+ -- mail_*_total mail count
+ --
+ -- Space preceded by % adds stretchable space for alignment of variable
+ -- meter value widths. > before meter name aligns right using this
+ -- stretchable space , < left, and | centers.
+ -- Meter values may be zero-padded to a width preceding the meter name.
+ -- These alignment and padding specifiers and the meter name may be
+ -- enclosed in braces {}.
+ --
+ -- %filler causes things on the marker's sides to be aligned left and
+ -- right, respectively, and %systray is a placeholder for system tray
+ -- windows and icons.
+ --
+ template = "%mpd %filler [mails: %exec_maildir | im: %exec_psi] " ..
+ "[mem: %mem_hused/%mem_cached/%mem_total | " ..
+ "swap: %mem_sw_used/%mem_sw_total | load: %load] %date %systray",
+ --template="[ %date || load: %05load_1min || mail: %02mail_new/%02mail_total ] %filler%systray",
+ --template="[ %date || load:% %>load ] %filler %systray_dock",
+-- Launch ion-statusd. This must be done after creating any statusbars
+-- for necessary statusd modules to be parsed from the templates.
+ -- Date meter
+ date = {
+ -- ISO-8601 date format with additional abbreviated day name
+ date_format = '%a %d, %H:%M',
+ -- Finnish etc. date format
+ --date_format = '%a %d.%m.%Y %H:%M',
+ -- Locale date format (usually shows seconds, which would require
+ -- updating rather often and can be distracting)
+ --date_format = '%c',
+ -- Additional date formats.
+ --[[
+ formats = {
+ time = '%H:%M', -- %date_time
+ }
+ --]]
+ },
+ -- Load meter
+ load = {
+ --update_interval=10*1000,
+ --important_threshold=1.5,
+ --critical_threshold=4.0,
+ },
+ -- Mail meter
+ --
+ -- To monitor more mbox files, add them to the files table. For
+ -- example, add mail_work_new and mail_junk_new to the template
+ -- above, and define them in the files table:
+ --
+ -- files = { work = "/path/to/work_email", junk = "/path/to/junk" }
+ --
+ -- Don't use the keyword 'spool' as it's reserved for mbox.
+ --mail = {
+ -- update_interval = 60*1000,
+ -- mbox = os.getenv("MAIL"),
+ -- files = {},
+ --},
+ -- MPD
+ mpd = {
+ -- 500 or less makes seconds increment relatively smoothly while playing
+ update_interval = 1000,
+ -- mpd server info (localhost:6600 are mpd defaults)
+ address = "localhost",
+ port = 6600,
+ -- mpd password (if any)
+ password = nil,
+ -- seconds to consider the mpd in 'important' hint (0 never, -1 always)
+ important_time = 15, -- seconds
+ -- display template
+ -- ---
+ -- can use the following:
+ -- track metadata: %artist, %title, %num, %album, %year, %len
+ -- current track position: %pos
+ -- escape for the percent character: %%
+ template = "%title by %artist, track %num from %album, %year (%pos/%len) [%volume]",
+ },
+ -- Memory monitor
+ mem = {
+ used_alarm = 75, -- Limits percentaje
+ used_sw_alarm = 75,
+ units = "m", -- "g" , "m" or "k"
+ },
+ -- Scripts
+ exec = {
+ psi = {
+ program = '~/.ion3/psi_status.sh',
+ retry_delay = 1 * 1000, -- 1 segundo
+ hint_regexp = {
+ important = '^[0-9]',
+ },
+ },
+ maildir = {
+ program = '~/.ion3/maildir_status_server.sh 10',
+ retry_delay = 10 * 1000,
+ hint_regexp = {
+ important = '([0-9]+)',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+-- vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :
--- /dev/null
+-- This file has been generated by Ion. Do not edit.
+return {
+ ["mpd"] = {
+ ["port"] = 6600,
+ ["template"] = "%title by %artist, track %num from %album, %year (%pos/%len) [%volume]",
+ ["address"] = "localhost",
+ ["important_time"] = 15,
+ ["update_interval"] = 1000,
+ },
+ ["date"] = {
+ ["date_format"] = "%a %d, %H:%M",
+ },
+ ["exec"] = {
+ ["psi"] = {
+ ["hint_regexp"] = {
+ ["important"] = "^[0-9]",
+ },
+ ["retry_delay"] = 1000,
+ ["program"] = "~/.ion3/psi_status.sh",
+ },
+ ["maildir"] = {
+ ["hint_regexp"] = {
+ ["important"] = "([0-9]+)",
+ },
+ ["retry_delay"] = 10000,
+ ["program"] = "~/.ion3/maildir_status_server.sh 10",
+ },
+ },
+ ["load"] = {
+ },
+ ["mem"] = {
+ ["used_alarm"] = 75,
+ ["used_sw_alarm"] = 75,
+ ["units"] = "m",
+ },
--- /dev/null
+-- Ion tiling module configuration file
+-- Bindings for the tilings.
+defbindings("WTiling", {
+ bdoc("Split current frame vertically."),
+ kpress(META.."S", "WTiling.split_at(_, _sub, 'bottom', true)"),
+ bdoc("Go to frame above/below/right/left of current frame."),
+ kpress(META.."Up", "ioncore.goto_next(_sub, 'up', {no_ascend=_})"),
+ kpress(META.."Down", "ioncore.goto_next(_sub, 'down', {no_ascend=_})"),
+ kpress(META.."Control+Right", "ioncore.goto_next(_sub, 'right')"),
+ kpress(META.."Control+Left", "ioncore.goto_next(_sub, 'left')"),
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ kpress("Tab", "ioncore.goto_next(_sub, 'left')"),
+ bdoc("Split current frame horizontally."),
+ kpress("S", "WTiling.split_at(_, _sub, 'right', true)"),
+ bdoc("Destroy current frame."),
+ kpress("X", "WTiling.unsplit_at(_, _sub)"),
+ }),
+-- Frame bindings
+defbindings("WFrame.floating", {
+ submap(META.."K", {
+ bdoc("Tile frame, if no tiling exists on the workspace"),
+ kpress("B", "mod_tiling.mkbottom(_)"),
+ }),
+-- Context menu for tiled workspaces.
+defctxmenu("WTiling", "Tiling", {
+ menuentry("Destroy frame",
+ "WTiling.unsplit_at(_, _sub)"),
+ menuentry("Split vertically",
+ "WTiling.split_at(_, _sub, 'bottom', true)"),
+ menuentry("Split horizontally",
+ "WTiling.split_at(_, _sub, 'right', true)"),
+ menuentry("Flip", "WTiling.flip_at(_, _sub)"),
+ menuentry("Transpose", "WTiling.transpose_at(_, _sub)"),
+ menuentry("Untile", "mod_tiling.untile(_)"),
+ submenu("Float split", {
+ menuentry("At left",
+ "WTiling.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'left')"),
+ menuentry("At right",
+ "WTiling.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'right')"),
+ menuentry("Above",
+ "WTiling.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'up')"),
+ menuentry("Below",
+ "WTiling.set_floating_at(_, _sub, 'toggle', 'down')"),
+ }),
+ submenu("At root", {
+ menuentry("Split vertically",
+ "WTiling.split_top(_, 'bottom')"),
+ menuentry("Split horizontally",
+ "WTiling.split_top(_, 'right')"),
+ menuentry("Flip", "WTiling.flip_at(_)"),
+ menuentry("Transpose", "WTiling.transpose_at(_)"),
+ }),
+-- Extra context menu extra entries for floatframes.
+defctxmenu("WFrame.floating", "Floating frame", {
+ append=true,
+ menuentry("New tiling", "mod_tiling.mkbottom(_)"),
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+-- WScreen context bindings
+-- The bindings in this context are available all the time.
+defbindings("WScreen", {
+ bdoc("Switch to n:th object (workspace, full screen client window) "..
+ "within current screen."),
+ kpress(META.."F1", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 0)"),
+ kpress(META.."F2", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 1)"),
+ kpress(META.."F3", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 2)"),
+ kpress(META.."F4", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 3)"),
+ kpress(META.."F5", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 4)"),
+ kpress(META.."F6", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 5)"),
+ kpress(META.."F7", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 6)"),
+ kpress(META.."F8", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 7)"),
+ --kpress(META.."F9", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 8)"),
+ --kpress(META.."F10", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 9)"),
+ --kpress(META.."F11", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 10)"),
+ --kpress(META.."F12", "WScreen.switch_nth(_, 11)"),
+ bdoc("Switch to next/previous object within current screen."),
+ kpress(META.."Mod1+Left", "WScreen.switch_prev(_)"),
+ kpress(META.."Mod1+Right", "WScreen.switch_next(_)"),
+ bdoc("Go to first region demanding attention or previously active one."),
+ kpress(META.."Shift+space", "mod_menu.grabmenu(_, _sub, 'focuslist')"),
+ bdoc("Go to first object on activity/urgency list."),
+ kpress(META.."n", "ioncore.goto_activity()"),
+ bdoc("Go to previous active object."),
+ kpress(META.."Shift+n", "ioncore.goto_previous()"),
+ bdoc("Clear all tags."),
+ kpress(META.."Shift+T", "ioncore.tagged_clear()"),
+ bdoc("Create a new workspace of chosen default type."),
+ kpress(META.."F9", "ioncore.create_ws(_)"),
+ bdoc("Display the main menu."),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F12", "mod_query.query_menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu', 'Main menu:')"),
+ --kpress(ALTMETA.."F12", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu', {big=true})"),
+ mpress("Button2", "mod_menu.menu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu')"),
+ bdoc("Display the frame menu."),
+ mpress("Button3", "mod_menu.pmenu(_, _sub, 'mainmenu')"),
+-- Frames for transient windows ignore this bindmap
+defbindings("WMPlex.toplevel", {
+ -- Programas
+ submap(META.."p", {
+ bdoc("Run a terminal emulator."),
+ kpress("x", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-terminal-emulator')"),
+ bdoc("Run a web browser."),
+ kpress("n", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-www-browser')"),
+ bdoc("Run an IRC client."),
+ kpress("i", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'xchat')"),
+ bdoc("Run a mail user agent."),
+ kpress("m", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-terminal-emulator -e muttng')"),
+ bdoc("Run a jabber client."),
+ kpress("j", "ioncore.exec_on(_, 'x-terminal-emulator -e mcabber')"),
+ }),
+ -- Música
+ submap(META.."x", {
+ bdoc("Go to the next song."),
+ kpress("Right", "ioncore.exec('mpc next')"),
+ bdoc("Got to the previous song."),
+ kpress("Left", "ioncore.exec('mpc prev')"),
+ bdoc("Stop playing."),
+ kpress("s", "ioncore.exec('mpc stop')"),
+ bdoc("Togle play/pause."),
+ kpress("p", "ioncore.exec('mpc toggle')"),
+ }),
+ -- Volumen
+ bdoc("Raise the volume by 5."),
+ kpress(META.."Mod1+Up", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 5%+')"),
+ bdoc("Lower the volume by 5."),
+ kpress(META.."Mod1+Down", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 5%-')"),
+ bdoc("Raise the volume by 1."),
+ kpress(META.."Mod1+Shift+Up", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 1%+')"),
+ bdoc("Lower the volume by 1."),
+ kpress(META.."Mod1+Shift+Down", "ioncore.exec('amixer -q sset PCM 1%-')"),
+defbindings("WFrame.toplevel", {
+ bdoc("Switch to n:th object within the frame."),
+ kpress(META.."1", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 0)"),
+ kpress(META.."2", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 1)"),
+ kpress(META.."3", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 2)"),
+ kpress(META.."4", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 3)"),
+ kpress(META.."5", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 4)"),
+ kpress(META.."6", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 5)"),
+ kpress(META.."7", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 6)"),
+ kpress(META.."8", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 7)"),
+ kpress(META.."9", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 8)"),
+ kpress(META.."0", "WFrame.switch_nth(_, 9)"),
+-- vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :
--- /dev/null
+-- This file has been generated by Ion. Do not edit.
+return {
+ [0] = {
+ ["type"] = "WRootWin",
+ ["name"] = "WRootWin",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupWS",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupWS",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WTiling",
+ ["name"] = "WTiling",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["split_tree"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 1035,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 840,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<4>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<3>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 838,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12582967,
+ ["checkcode"] = 1,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<2>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 838,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12582951,
+ ["checkcode"] = 2,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<15>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 838,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583294,
+ ["checkcode"] = 3,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<16>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 838,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583841,
+ ["checkcode"] = 4,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "horizontal",
+ ["brs"] = 840,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<1>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<14>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 838,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583228,
+ ["checkcode"] = 5,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ ["windowid"] = 12582916,
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 22,
+ ["x"] = 4,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["checkcode"] = 6,
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<10>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 838,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583150,
+ ["checkcode"] = 7,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<11>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 838,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583167,
+ ["checkcode"] = 8,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 833,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "vertical",
+ ["brs"] = 15,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["type"] = "WSplitST",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupWS",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupWS<1>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WTiling",
+ ["name"] = "WTiling<1>",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["split_tree"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 1024,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 1035,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<2>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 18874371,
+ ["checkcode"] = 9,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<1>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12584141,
+ ["checkcode"] = 10,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<9>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 14680144,
+ ["checkcode"] = 11,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<19>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1016,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583875,
+ ["checkcode"] = 12,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 4,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1022,
+ ["h"] = 1008,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "vertical",
+ ["brs"] = 15,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["type"] = "WSplitST",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "horizontal",
+ ["brs"] = 656,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 525,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<4>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 654,
+ ["h"] = 506,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12582985,
+ ["checkcode"] = 13,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 1,
+ ["x"] = 2,
+ ["w"] = 651,
+ ["h"] = 504,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<17>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 654,
+ ["h"] = 506,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583807,
+ ["checkcode"] = 14,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 1,
+ ["x"] = 2,
+ ["w"] = 651,
+ ["h"] = 504,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ ["windowid"] = 12584023,
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 19,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 651,
+ ["h"] = 504,
+ },
+ ["checkcode"] = 15,
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<22>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 654,
+ ["h"] = 506,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12584073,
+ ["checkcode"] = 16,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 1,
+ ["x"] = 2,
+ ["w"] = 651,
+ ["h"] = 504,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "vertical",
+ ["brs"] = 525,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<5>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<21>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 654,
+ ["h"] = 506,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12584056,
+ ["checkcode"] = 17,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 1,
+ ["x"] = 2,
+ ["w"] = 651,
+ ["h"] = 504,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583002,
+ ["checkcode"] = 18,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 19,
+ ["x"] = 3,
+ ["w"] = 651,
+ ["h"] = 504,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupWS",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupWS<2>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WTiling",
+ ["name"] = "WTiling<2>",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["split_tree"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 1068,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<3>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<6>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 1066,
+ ["h"] = 1031,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 16777219,
+ ["checkcode"] = 19,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1066,
+ ["h"] = 1031,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "horizontal",
+ ["brs"] = 612,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 916,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 659,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<10>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<7>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 640,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 23068708,
+ ["checkcode"] = 20,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 640,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<20>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 640,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583909,
+ ["checkcode"] = 21,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 5,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 609,
+ ["h"] = 630,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<18>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 640,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583926,
+ ["checkcode"] = 22,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 5,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 609,
+ ["h"] = 630,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "vertical",
+ ["brs"] = 257,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<11>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<12>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 238,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 23071375,
+ ["checkcode"] = 23,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 238,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "vertical",
+ ["brs"] = 134,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<12>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<8>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 1,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 115,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 23069783,
+ ["checkcode"] = 24,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 610,
+ ["h"] = 115,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupWS",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupWS<3>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WTiling",
+ ["name"] = "WTiling<3>",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["split_tree"] = {
+ ["tls"] = 717,
+ ["tl"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<8>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["dir"] = "horizontal",
+ ["brs"] = 963,
+ ["br"] = {
+ ["regparams"] = {
+ ["mode"] = 1,
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "WFrame<7>",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ },
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitRegion",
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WSplitSplit",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [5] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupWS",
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 272,
+ ["x"] = 320,
+ ["w"] = 634,
+ ["h"] = 468,
+ },
+ ["type"] = "WFrame",
+ ["name"] = "*scratchpad*",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["level"] = 1024,
+ ["mode"] = 0,
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<5>",
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 2,
+ ["w"] = 630,
+ ["h"] = 448,
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 12583053,
+ ["checkcode"] = 25,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 630,
+ ["h"] = 448,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ ["type"] = "WGroupCW",
+ ["name"] = "WGroupCW<13>",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 18,
+ ["x"] = 2,
+ ["w"] = 630,
+ ["h"] = 448,
+ },
+ ["switchto"] = true,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["managed"] = {
+ [1] = {
+ ["type"] = "WClientWin",
+ ["bottom"] = true,
+ ["windowid"] = 25167302,
+ ["checkcode"] = 26,
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "full",
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 630,
+ ["h"] = 448,
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["level"] = 0,
+ },
+ },
+ ["sizepolicy"] = "free_glue",
+ },
+ },
+ ["unnumbered"] = true,
+ ["name"] = "*scratchws*",
+ ["pseudomodal"] = true,
+ ["level"] = 1,
+ ["geom"] = {
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["w"] = 1680,
+ ["h"] = 1050,
+ },
+ ["hidden"] = true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
--- /dev/null
+-- This file has been generated by Ion. Do not edit.
+return {
+ [1] = "run:cdcat",
+ [2] = "run:k3b",
+ [3] = "run:gmpc",
+ [4] = "windowname:mca",
+ [5] = "run:rox",
+ [6] = "run:iceweasel",
+ [7] = "yesno:no",
+ [8] = "yesno:n",
+ [9] = "run:icedove",
+ [10] = "run:iced",
+ [11] = "run:xchat",
+ [12] = "run:",
+ [13] = "run:wmnd",
+ [14] = "run:bubblefishymon -n",
+ [15] = "run:wmix",
+ [16] = "run:wmclock",
+ [17] = "run:mcabber",
+ [18] = "run:psi",
--- /dev/null
+-- This file has been generated by Ion. Do not edit.
+return {
--- /dev/null
+#set -x
+[ -n "$1" ] && delay="$1"
+[ -n "$2" ] && maildir="$2"
+cd $maildir
+maildirs=`find -type d -name new | grep -v historial`
+ messages=
+ for d in $maildirs
+ do
+ msgs=`ls $d | wc -l`
+ if [ $msgs -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ name=`dirname $d`
+ name=`basename $name | cut -b2-`
+ [ -z "$name" ] && name=Inbox
+ messages="$messages $name ($msgs)"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -n "$messages" ]
+ then
+ echo $messages
+ else
+ echo "nada nuevo"
+ fi
+while sleep $delay
+ print_status
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from socket import socket
+from time import sleep
+s = socket()
+s.connect(('localhost', 6600))
+volume = state = pos = len = ''
+while True:
+ s.send('status\ncurrentsong\n')
+ sleep(1)
+ for line in s.recv(4096).split('\n'):
+ if line.startswith('volume: '):
+ volume = line[8:]
+ if line.startswith('state: '):
+ state = line[7:]
+ if line.startswith('time: '):
+ i = line.rindex(':')
+ len = line[i+1:]
+ pos = line[line.index(':')+2:i]
+ if line.startswith('Artist: '):
+ artist = line[8:]
+ if line.startswith('Title: '):
+ title = line[7:]
+ if line.startswith('Album: '):
+ album = line[7:]
+ if line.startswith('Track: '):
+ track = line[7:]
+ if line.startswith('Date: '):
+ date = line[6:]
+ if line.startswith('Genre: '):
+ genre = line[7:]
+ print volume, state, pos, len, artist, title, album, track, date, genre
--- /dev/null
+msgs=`egrep "$regex" $events_files | wc -l`
+jids=`egrep "$regex" $events_files \
+ | sed 's/.*<jid>\(.*\)<\/jid>.*/\1/' | sort -u`
+if [ $msgs -eq 0 ]
+ echo "nada nuevo"
+ [ $msgs -gt 1 ] && pl=s
+ echo "$msgs mensaje$pl nuevo$pl (de $jids)"
--- /dev/null
+-- Shows system available memory catching [free] command outputs.
+-- It is intended to make it simpler than statusd_meminfo, plus user configurable
+-- measurement units and alarms for "all" available memory metters.
+-- USAGE:
+-- Just set any of the following labels on cfg_statusbar.lua: %mem_hused, %mem_shared
+-- %mem_free, %mem_hfree, %mem_swap, %mem_used, %mem_cached. Example: [MF: %mem_free]
+--> ** "mem_hfree" poses as "htop free memory" or "mem_free +cached +buffers",
+-- in oposition, "mem_hused" is "mem_used -cached -buffers"; other labels have
+-- transparent meanings.
+------- CONFIG EXAMPLE: ------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- To modify settings is quite simple and flexible, write (on cfg_statusbar.lua)
+-- something like this, without comments:
+-- mem = {
+-- update_interval = 15*1000, --> Milliseconds
+-- free_alarm = 25, --> Limits percentaje ...
+-- used_alarm = 65,
+-- units = "m" --> "g" or "k" too
+-- }
+-- Write only the settings that do you want to change or leave this section as is...
+--> ** "update_interval" means "time in milliseconds to update info (default = 15)"
+-- "xx_alarm" means "do a color advise when memory *percentage* reaches this value".
+-- (both defaults are 50). "units" means Gb "g", Mb "m" or Kb "k" (default = "m")
+-- NOTES:
+-- * Alarms for used memory are inverse to alarms for free memory (think about it...)
+-- "mem_total" label is useless. If total memory varies, its time to open your
+-- hardware and check this script from barebone. Seriously, may be your video or wifi
+-- devices were claiming some free R.A.M. on your machine start-up.
+-- However, I included "mem_total" just in case.
+-- ** This script has non blocking I/O.
+-- GPL2 Copyright(C)2006 Mario Garcia H.
+-- (Please see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html to read complete license)
+-- T.STAMP: Thu Dec 7 03:28:04 2006
+-- DEPENDS: "free" command. Probably, all GNU/Linux distros have one.
+-- INSECTS: Not known.
+-- G.H. <drosophila (at) nmental (dot) com>
+------- DEFAULT SETTINGS :-----------------------------------------------------------------
+local mem_timer
+local defaults = {
+ update_interval = 15*1000,
+ free_alarm = 50,
+ used_alarm = 50,
+ used_sw_alarm = 50,
+ free_sw_alarm = 50,
+ units = "m"
+local settings = table.join(statusd.get_config("mem"), defaults)
+------- MEM MONITOR :----------------------------------------------------------------------
+local function show_meminfo(status)
+ while status do
+ local ok, _, total, used, free, shared, buffers, cached =
+ string.find(status, "Mem:%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+" ..
+ "(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)")
+ local sw_ok, _, sw_total, sw_used, sw_free =
+ string.find(status, "Swap:%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)")
+ --
+ if not ok or not sw_ok
+ then
+ statusd.inform("mem_template", "--")
+ return
+ end
+ --
+ local hused = tostring(used - cached - buffers)
+ local hfree = tostring(free + cached + buffers)
+ statusd.inform("mem_total", total)
+ statusd.inform("mem_used", used)
+ statusd.inform("mem_free", free)
+ statusd.inform("mem_shared", shared)
+ statusd.inform("mem_buffers", buffers)
+ statusd.inform("mem_cached", cached)
+ statusd.inform("mem_hused", hused)
+ statusd.inform("mem_hfree", hfree)
+ statusd.inform("mem_sw_total", sw_total)
+ statusd.inform("mem_sw_used", sw_used)
+ statusd.inform("mem_sw_free", sw_free)
+ --
+ statusd.inform("mem_used_hint",
+ (used * 100 / total >= settings.used_alarm) and
+ "critical" or "normal")
+ statusd.inform("mem_hused_hint",
+ (hused * 100 / total >= settings.used_alarm) and
+ "critical" or "normal")
+ statusd.inform("mem_free_hint",
+ (free * 100 / total <= settings.free_alarm) and
+ "critical" or "normal")
+ statusd.inform("mem_hfree_hint",
+ (hfree * 100 / total <= settings.free_alarm) and
+ "critical" or "normal")
+ --
+ statusd.inform("mem_sw_used_hint",
+ (sw_used * 100 / total >= settings.used_sw_alarm) and
+ "critical" or "normal")
+ statusd.inform("mem_sw_free_hint",
+ (sw_free * 100 / total <= settings.free_sw_alarm) and
+ "critical" or "normal")
+ --
+ status = coroutine.yield()
+ end
+local function update_mem()
+ statusd.popen_bgread("free -"..settings.units.."o", coroutine.wrap(show_meminfo))
+ mem_timer:set(settings.update_interval, update_mem)
+mem_timer = statusd.create_timer()
--- /dev/null
+-- statusd for MPD (Music Player Daemon)
+-- bugs/requests/comments: delirium@hackish.org
+-- requires that netcat is available in the path
+local defaults={
+ -- 500 or less makes seconds increment relatively smoothly while playing
+ update_interval=500,
+ -- mpd server info (localhost:6600 are mpd defaults)
+ address="localhost",
+ port=6600,
+ -- mpd password (if any)
+ password=nil,
+ -- seconds to consider the mpd in 'important' hint (0 never, -1 always)
+ important_time = 10, -- seconds
+ -- display template
+ -- ---
+ -- can use the following:
+ -- track metadata: %artist, %title, %num, %album, %year, %len
+ -- current track position: %pos
+ -- volume: %volume
+ -- escape for the percent character: %%
+ -- a default template
+ template = "%artist - %num - %title (%pos / %len)"
+local settings=table.join(statusd.get_config("mpd"), defaults)
+local success
+local last_success
+local last_volume
+local last_state
+local function get_mpd_status()
+ local cmd_string = "status\ncurrentsong\nclose\n"
+ if settings.password ~= nil then
+ cmd_string = "password " .. settings.password .. "\n" .. cmd_string
+ end
+ cmd_string = string.format('echo -n "%s" | '..NETCAT..' %s %d',
+ cmd_string, settings.address, settings.port)
+ last_success = success
+ success = false
+ local mpd = io.popen(cmd_string, "r")
+ -- welcome msg
+ local data = mpd:read()
+ if data == nil or string.sub(data,1,6) ~= "OK MPD" then
+ mpd:close()
+ statusd.inform("mpd_hint", "critical")
+ return "mpd not running"
+ end
+ -- 'password' response (if necessary)
+ if settings.password ~= nil then
+ repeat
+ data = mpd:read()
+ until data == nil or string.sub(data,1,2) == "OK"
+ or string.sub(data,1,3) == "ACK"
+ if data == nil or string.sub(data,1,2) ~= "OK" then
+ mpd:close()
+ statusd.inform("mpd_hint", "critical")
+ return "bad mpd password"
+ end
+ end
+ local info = {}
+ local hint = "normal"
+ -- 'status' response
+ repeat
+ data = mpd:read()
+ if data == nil then break end
+ local _,_,attrib,val = string.find(data, "(.-): (.*)")
+ if attrib == "time" then
+ _,_,info.pos,info.len = string.find(val, "(%d+):(%d+)")
+ if settings.important_time == -1
+ or info.pos+0 <= settings.important_time
+ and settings.important_time ~= 0 then
+ hint = "important"
+ end
+ info.pos = string.format("%d:%02d", math.floor(info.pos / 60),
+ math.mod(info.pos, 60))
+ info.len = string.format("%d:%02d", math.floor(info.len / 60),
+ math.mod(info.len, 60))
+ elseif attrib == "state" then
+ info.state = val
+ if info.state ~= last_state then
+ hint = "important"
+ end
+ last_state = info.state
+ elseif attrib == "volume" then
+ info.volume = val .. "%"
+ if info.volume ~= last_volume then
+ hint = "important"
+ end
+ last_volume = info.volume
+ end
+ until string.sub(data,1,2) == "OK" or string.sub(data,1,3) == "ACK"
+ if data == nil or string.sub(data,1,2) ~= "OK" then
+ mpd:close()
+ statusd.inform("mpd_hint", "critical")
+ return "error querying mpd status"
+ end
+ -- 'currentsong' response
+ repeat
+ data = mpd:read()
+ if data == nil then break end
+ local _,_,attrib,val = string.find(data, "(.-): (.*)")
+ if attrib == "Artist" then info.artist = val
+ elseif attrib == "Title" then info.title = val
+ elseif attrib == "Album" then info.album = val
+ elseif attrib == "Track" then info.num = val
+ elseif attrib == "Date" then info.year = val
+ end
+ until string.sub(data,1,2) == "OK" or string.sub(data,1,3) == "ACK"
+ if data == nil or string.sub(data,1,2) ~= "OK" then
+ mpd:close()
+ statusd.inform("mpd_hint", "critical")
+ return "error querying current song"
+ end
+ mpd:close()
+ success = true
+ -- done querying; now build the string
+ statusd.inform("mpd_hint", hint)
+ if info.state == "play" then
+ local mpd_st = settings.template
+ -- fill in %values
+ mpd_st = string.gsub(mpd_st, "%%([%w%_]+)",
+ function (x) return(info[x] or "") end)
+ mpd_st = string.gsub(mpd_st, "%%%%", "%%")
+ return mpd_st
+ elseif info.state == "pause" then
+ return "Paused"
+ else
+ return "No song playing"
+ end
+local mpd_timer
+local function update_mpd()
+ -- update unless there's an error that's not yet twice in a row, to allow
+ -- for transient errors due to load spikes
+ local mpd_st = get_mpd_status()
+ if success or not last_success then
+ statusd.inform("mpd", mpd_st)
+ end
+ mpd_timer:set(settings.update_interval, update_mpd)
+-- Init
+-- vim: set et sts=4 sw=4 :
--- /dev/null
+osd_cat -b percentage -c green -s 3 -o 10 -A center -p bottom -T VOLUMEN -P 10 -d 2 -f -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-1