3 RST2PDFFLAGS := --compressed --smart-quotes=1
6 RST2HTMLFLAGS := --section-subtitles
8 # Transform reST documents to PDF
9 $(VD)/%.pdf: $T/%.rst $G/rst2pdf-flags
10 $(call exec,$(RST2PDF) $(RST2PDFFLAGS) -o $@ $<)
12 # Transform reST documents to HTML
13 $(VD)/%.html: $T/%.rst $G/rst2html-flags
14 $(call exec,$(RST2HTML) $(RST2HTMLFLAGS) $< $@)
17 $(VD)/resume.pdf: RST2PDFFLAGS += -l en_US
18 $(VD)/resume.html: RST2HTMLFLAGS += -l en
24 html: $(VD)/resume.html
28 # Create files containing the current flags to trigger a rebuild if they change
29 setup_flag_files__ := $(call gen_rebuild_flags,$G/rst2pdf-flags,\
30 $(RST2PDFFLAGS) $(RST2PDF),rst2pdf)
31 setup_flag_files__ := $(setup_flag_files__)$(call gen_rebuild_flags,\
32 $G/rst2html-flags,$(RST2HTMLFLAGS) $(RST2HTML),rst2html)
33 # Print any generated message (if verbose)
34 $(if $V,$(if $(setup_flag_files__), \
35 $(info !! Flags or commands changed:$(setup_flag_files__) re-building \