1 Title: 64 bits support for mutest
2 Tags: en, mutest, 64 bits, mkmutest, x86_64
4 All the millions of users of mutest__ that were loosing their minds trying to
5 figure out why mkmutest__ was choking in 64 bits OSs, your suffering days are
6 over, since I added__ 64 bits OSs (Linux) support.
8 __ http://llucax.com.ar/proj/mutest/
9 __ http://llucax.com.ar/proj/mutest/#c-implementation
10 __ http://git.llucax.com.ar/w/software/mutest.git?a=commitdiff;h=329624aa75bd02c1ec3c32841ba2493b027b1d45
12 Yeah, a great day of pure joy for the entire humanity!
14 .. vim: set et sw=3 sts=3 :