2 Tags: en, python, interpreter, curses, software, bpython, floss
4 I'll just copy what the home page:
6 bpython__ is a fancy interface to the Python__ interpreter for Unix-like
7 operating systems (I hear it works fine on OS X). It is released under the
8 MIT License. It has the following features:
10 * In-line syntax highlighting.
11 * Readline-like autocomplete with suggestions displayed as you type.
12 * Expected parameter list for any Python function.
13 * "Rewind" function to pop the last line of code from memory and re-evaluate.
14 * Send the code you've entered off to a pastebin.
15 * Save the code you've entered to a file.
18 __ http://www.bpython-interpreter.org/
19 __ http://www.python.org/
21 .. image:: ##POST_URL##/03-bpython.png
23 :target: http://www.bpython-interpreter.org/screenshots/
25 .. vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :