1 Title: More adventures with the N900
2 Tags: en, floss, hardware, linux, maemo, n900, nokia, software, fix, notification, sound, skype
4 OK, after `I recovered my phone`__ without needing to *reflash* once,
5 I was even much closer to do it again because of a new problem.
7 __ /blog/blog/post/0797c823
9 After missing an appointment and arriving at work about 3 hours late,
10 I realized my phone stopped reproducing sound and vibrating when an
11 alarm was fired. At first I thought I put the alarm incorrectly but then
12 I verified that the alarm was not working. I still got a *popup* with
13 the alarm message, but no sound or vibration.
15 So... Time to debug the problem. After searching **a lot**, I couldn't
16 find anybody with my same problem, I found similar, but not the same, so
17 I decided to report a bug__. I got a very fast but `useless response`__.
20 __ https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12531
21 __ https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12531#c5
23 Making long story short, I finally found some `IRC channels`__ and
24 `mailing lists`__ where I could find a more opensourceish support that
25 the one provided in the forums__ and bugzilla__. So I'm happy I finally
26 found a place where you can talk to actual developers.
28 __ http://wiki.maemo.org/IRC
29 __ http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_mailing_lists
30 __ http://talk.maemo.org/
31 __ https://bugs.maemo.org/
33 `I commented my problem`__ and just after a very trivial but `extremely
34 useful suggestion`__ (`installing syslogd`__), I could `trace the origin
35 or the problem and fix it`__ (I just love you strace__!).
37 __ http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.maemo.devel/28676
38 __ http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.maemo.devel/28676/focus=28677
39 __ http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/devtools/maemo5/syslog
40 __ http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.maemo.devel/28676/focus=28678
41 __ http://maemo.org/packages/view/strace/
43 I also had another problem, suddenly the skype calls stopped working.
44 Again the syslog helped a lot. Unfortunately I didn't save the exact
45 syslog error message, but it was something like::
47 GStreamer - Could not convert static caps "!`phmcadion/x-rtp,
48 media=(string)video, payload=(int)[ 96, 127 ], clock-rate=(int)[ 1,
49 2147483647 ], encoding-name=(string)MP4V-ES"
51 As the MIME TYPE looked like garbage, I just grep(1)ed the filesystem
52 searching for that string, and I found some binary file at
53 ``/home/user/.gstreamer-0.10/registry.arm.bin``. I backed up the file,
54 remove it, and everything started working again (the file was recreated
55 but with a very different content).
57 I have no idea how the symlink or the gstreamer file got broken, except
58 maybe because of the unexpected reboot because of the broken
59 batterypatch__, but still, is really strange.
61 __ http://maemo.org/packages/view/batterypatch/
63 Anyway... Lessons learned:
65 * Maemo (Nokia) bugzilla is useless for getting help
66 * Install syslogd to debug Nokia N900 problems
67 * The `maemo developers mailing list`__ is your friend
69 __ https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
71 Conclusion: **Reflash my ass!**
73 .. vim: set et sw=3 sts=3 :