--- /dev/null
+Title: Better Call Dominguez!
+Tags: pic, photo, breaking bad, tv, series, la, los angeles, california, usa, attourney, humour, f/3.5, canon powershot sx210 is, 1/125s, f/3.1, 5.0 mm, 2013-04-29, iso320, 1/60s, 6.6 mm, aperture-priority ae, iso80, auto
+Seems like this is the real `Saul Goodman`__!
+__ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saul_Goodman_%28Breaking_Bad%29
+.. figure:: ##POST_URL##/better-call-dominguez-01.mini.jpg
+ :target: ##POST_URL##/better-call-dominguez-01.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :class: pic
+ :alt: On a bus
+ On a bus
+ | 2013-04-29 11:18:01 CEST
+ | [ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/125s f/3.5 iso80 6.6 mm Auto Aperture-priority AE ]
+.. figure:: ##POST_URL##/better-call-dominguez-02.mini.jpg
+ :target: ##POST_URL##/better-call-dominguez-02.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :class: pic
+ :alt: On the metro
+ On the metro
+ | 2013-04-29 11:50:21 CEST
+ | [ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/60s f/3.1 iso320 5.0 mm Auto Aperture-priority AE ]
+Signs like these were all over the streets in LA.
+.. vim: set et sw=3 sts=3 tw=80 fo+=lt1n:
2013/02/17-flattr.rst, 1361134935.0, 1361134935.0
2013/02/21-the-money-mith.rst, 1361481227.0, 1361481227.0
2013/04/13-radiohead-nude-via-zx80-printer-scanner-hdd.rst, 1365886382.0, 1365886382.0
+2013/07/better-call-dominguez.rst, 1374513557.0, 1374513557.0