+ $template->group = 'album';
+ $root = $this->attrs['DIR'];
+ $list = $this->getList();
+ $tot = count($list);
+ $rows = ceil($tot / $this->attrs['COLUMNS']);
+ $html_rows = '';
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) {
+ $html_cells = '';
+ for ($col = 0; $col < $this->attrs['COLUMNS']; $col++) {
+ $cur = $row * $this->attrs['COLUMNS'] + $col;
+ if ($photo = @$list[$cur]) {
+ if (is_null($photo['THUMB'])) {
+ $photo['THUMB'] = $this->makeThumb($photo['FILE']);
+ }
+ // FIXME - Si no se pudo crear el thumb, devuelve null
+ // (ver si se agrega otro template para indicar error
+ // o algo asi).
+ $photo['URL'] = $this->attrs['LINK-URL'] .
+ '?BIFE_ALBUM_FILE=' . urlencode($photo['FILE']);
+ if ($this->attrs['LINK-BIFE']) {
+ $photo['URL'] .= '&BIFE=' .
+ urlencode($this->attrs['LINK-BIFE']);
+ }
+ $html_cell = $template->parse('item', $photo);
+ } else {
+ $html_cell = $template->parse('empty');
+ }
+ $html_cells .= $template->parse('cell', 'CONTENTS', $html_cell);
+ }
+ $html_rows .= $template->parse('row', 'CONTENTS', $html_cells);
+ }
+ return $template->parse(
+ 'body',
+ array('DESC' => $this->getDescription(), 'CONTENTS' => $html_rows));
+ }
+ // -X2C
+ // +X2C Operation 95
+ /**
+ * Gets a list of photos with their descriptions and thumbnails.
+Returns an array of associative arrays with this keys:
+<li><b>file:</b> Photo filename.</li>
+<li><b>desc:</b> Photo Description.</li>
+<li><b>thumb:</b> Photo thumbnail filename.</li>
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @access protected
+ */
+ function getList() // ~X2C
+ {
+ $root = $this->attrs['DIR'];
+ $exts = $this->attrs['EXTENSIONS'];
+ $format = $this->attrs['THUMBSFORMAT'];
+ $return = array();
+ $d = dir($root);
+ if ($d) {
+ while (($file = $d->read()) !== false) {
+ list($path, $name, $ext) = $this->splitFilename("$root/$file");
+ if (is_readable("$root/$file") and in_array($ext, $exts)) {
+ $thumb = $this->getThumbFilename("$root/$file");
+ $return[] = array(
+ 'FILE' => "$root/$file",
+ 'DESC' => $name,
+ 'THUMB' => is_readable($thumb) ? $thumb : null,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $d->close();
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ // -X2C
+ // +X2C Operation 97
+ /**
+ * Creates an image thumbnail, returning his filename.
+ *
+ * @param string $filename Filename of the image to create the thumb.
+ * @param int $size Maximum thumbnail size.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ * @access protected
+ */
+ function makeThumb($filename, $size = 100) // ~X2C
+ {
+ $format = $this->attrs['THUMBSFORMAT'];
+ $thumb = $this->getThumbFilename($filename);
+ list($path, $name, $ext) = $this->splitFilename($thumb);
+ $img =& Image_Transform::factory('GD');
+ $img->load($filename);
+ // If image is larger than the maximum size, we resize it.
+ if ($img->img_x > $size or $img->img_y > $size ) {
+ if (!@is_dir($path) and !@mkdir($path)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (PEAR::isError($img)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!$img->scale($size)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ $img->save("$path/$name.$format", $format);
+ $img->free();
+ return $thumb;
+ }
+ // -X2C
+ // +X2C Operation 98
+ /**
+ * Returns the filename of an image thumb.
+ *
+ * @param string $filename Filename of the image to get the thumb name.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ * @access protected
+ */
+ function getThumbFilename($filename) // ~X2C
+ {
+ $root = $this->attrs['DIR'];
+ $format = $this->attrs['THUMBSFORMAT'];
+ $thumbsdir = $this->attrs['THUMBSDIR'];
+ list($path, $name, $ext) = $this->splitFilename($filename);
+ return "$root/$thumbsdir/$name.$format";
+ }
+ // -X2C
+ // +X2C Operation 102
+ /**
+ * Returns the description of the album.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ * @access protected
+ */
+ function getDescription() // ~X2C
+ {
+ $root = $this->attrs['DIR'];
+ return @join('', file($file));
+ }
+ // -X2C
+ // +X2C Operation 100
+ /**
+ * Splits a filename returning an array with the path, name and extension.
+ *
+ * @param string $filename Filename to split.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ */
+ function splitFilename($filename) // ~X2C
+ {
+ $path = explode('/', $filename);
+ $file = array_pop($path);
+ $ext = '';
+ if (strstr($file, '.')) {
+ preg_match('|([^/]+?)(\.([^\.]*))?$|', $file, $m);
+ $file = @$m[1] . ((@$m[2] == '.' ) ? '.' : '');
+ $ext = @$m[3];
+ }
+ $dir = count($path) ? join('/', $path) : '';
+ return array($dir, $file, $ext);