=item ev_tstamp ev_time ()
-Returns the current time as libev would use it.
+Returns the current time as libev would use it. Please note that the
+C<ev_now> function is usually faster and also often returns the timestamp
+you actually want to know.
=item int ev_version_major ()
constructs, but the C<prepare> and C<check> watchers provide a better and
more generic mechanism.
+Here are the gory details of what ev_loop does:
+ 1. If there are no active watchers (reference count is zero), return.
+ 2. Queue and immediately call all prepare watchers.
+ 3. If we have been forked, recreate the kernel state.
+ 4. Update the kernel state with all outstanding changes.
+ 5. Update the "event loop time".
+ 6. Calculate for how long to block.
+ 7. Block the process, waiting for events.
+ 8. Update the "event loop time" and do time jump handling.
+ 9. Queue all outstanding timers.
+ 10. Queue all outstanding periodics.
+ 11. If no events are pending now, queue all idle watchers.
+ 12. Queue all check watchers.
+ 13. Call all queued watchers in reverse order (i.e. check watchers first).
+ 14. If ev_unloop has been called or EVLOOP_ONESHOT or EVLOOP_NONBLOCK
+ was used, return, otherwise continue with step #1.
=item ev_unloop (loop, how)
Can be used to make a call to C<ev_loop> return early (but only after it