+ static void
+ io_cb (ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents)
+ {
+ }
+ // create io watchers for each fd and a timer before blocking
+ static void
+ adns_prepare_cb (ev_loop *loop, ev_prepare *w, int revents)
+ {
+ int timeout = 3600000;
+ struct pollfd fds [nfd];
+ // actual code will need to loop here and realloc etc.
+ adns_beforepoll (ads, fds, &nfd, &timeout, timeval_from (ev_time ()));
+ /* the callback is illegal, but won't be called as we stop during check */
+ ev_timer_init (&tw, 0, timeout * 1e-3);
+ ev_timer_start (loop, &tw);
+ // create one ev_io per pollfd
+ for (int i = 0; i < nfd; ++i)
+ {
+ ev_io_init (iow + i, io_cb, fds [i].fd,
+ ((fds [i].events & POLLIN ? EV_READ : 0)
+ | (fds [i].events & POLLOUT ? EV_WRITE : 0)));
+ fds [i].revents = 0;
+ ev_io_start (loop, iow + i);
+ }
+ }
+ // stop all watchers after blocking
+ static void
+ adns_check_cb (ev_loop *loop, ev_check *w, int revents)
+ {
+ ev_timer_stop (loop, &tw);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nfd; ++i)
+ {
+ // set the relevant poll flags
+ // could also call adns_processreadable etc. here
+ struct pollfd *fd = fds + i;
+ int revents = ev_clear_pending (iow + i);
+ if (revents & EV_READ ) fd->revents |= fd->events & POLLIN;
+ if (revents & EV_WRITE) fd->revents |= fd->events & POLLOUT;
+ // now stop the watcher
+ ev_io_stop (loop, iow + i);
+ }
+ adns_afterpoll (adns, fds, nfd, timeval_from (ev_now (loop));
+ }
+Method 2: This would be just like method 1, but you run C<adns_afterpoll>
+in the prepare watcher and would dispose of the check watcher.
+Method 3: If the module to be embedded supports explicit event
+notification (adns does), you can also make use of the actual watcher
+callbacks, and only destroy/create the watchers in the prepare watcher.
+ static void
+ timer_cb (EV_P_ ev_timer *w, int revents)
+ {
+ adns_state ads = (adns_state)w->data;
+ update_now (EV_A);
+ adns_processtimeouts (ads, &tv_now);
+ }
+ static void
+ io_cb (EV_P_ ev_io *w, int revents)
+ {
+ adns_state ads = (adns_state)w->data;
+ update_now (EV_A);
+ if (revents & EV_READ ) adns_processreadable (ads, w->fd, &tv_now);
+ if (revents & EV_WRITE) adns_processwriteable (ads, w->fd, &tv_now);
+ }
+ // do not ever call adns_afterpoll
+Method 4: Do not use a prepare or check watcher because the module you
+want to embed is too inflexible to support it. Instead, youc na override
+their poll function. The drawback with this solution is that the main
+loop is now no longer controllable by EV. The C<Glib::EV> module does
+ static gint
+ event_poll_func (GPollFD *fds, guint nfds, gint timeout)
+ {
+ int got_events = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < nfds; ++n)
+ // create/start io watcher that sets the relevant bits in fds[n] and increment got_events
+ if (timeout >= 0)
+ // create/start timer
+ // poll
+ ev_loop (EV_A_ 0);
+ // stop timer again
+ if (timeout >= 0)
+ ev_timer_stop (EV_A_ &to);
+ // stop io watchers again - their callbacks should have set
+ for (n = 0; n < nfds; ++n)
+ ev_io_stop (EV_A_ iow [n]);
+ return got_events;
+ }
+=head2 C<ev_embed> - when one backend isn't enough...