+ heap [k] = w;
+ ((W)heap [k])->active = k + 1;
+static void
+downheap (WT *heap, int N, int k)
+ WT w = heap [k];
+ while (k < (N >> 1))
+ {
+ int j = k << 1;
+ if (j + 1 < N && heap [j]->at > heap [j + 1]->at)
+ ++j;
+ if (w->at <= heap [j]->at)
+ break;
+ heap [k] = heap [j];
+ ((W)heap [k])->active = k + 1;
+ k = j;
+ }
+ heap [k] = w;
+ ((W)heap [k])->active = k + 1;
+typedef struct
+ WL head;
+ sig_atomic_t volatile gotsig;
+static ANSIG *signals;
+static int signalmax;
+static int sigpipe [2];
+static sig_atomic_t volatile gotsig;
+static struct ev_io sigev;
+static void
+signals_init (ANSIG *base, int count)
+ while (count--)
+ {
+ base->head = 0;
+ base->gotsig = 0;
+ ++base;
+ }
+static void
+sighandler (int signum)
+#if WIN32
+ signal (signum, sighandler);
+ signals [signum - 1].gotsig = 1;
+ if (!gotsig)
+ {
+ int old_errno = errno;
+ gotsig = 1;
+ write (sigpipe [1], &signum, 1);
+ errno = old_errno;
+ }
+static void
+sigcb (EV_P_ struct ev_io *iow, int revents)
+ WL w;
+ int signum;
+ read (sigpipe [0], &revents, 1);
+ gotsig = 0;
+ for (signum = signalmax; signum--; )
+ if (signals [signum].gotsig)
+ {
+ signals [signum].gotsig = 0;
+ for (w = signals [signum].head; w; w = w->next)
+ event (EV_A_ (W)w, EV_SIGNAL);
+ }
+static void
+siginit (EV_P)
+#ifndef WIN32
+ fcntl (sigpipe [0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ fcntl (sigpipe [1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ /* rather than sort out wether we really need nb, set it */
+ fcntl (sigpipe [0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ fcntl (sigpipe [1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ ev_io_set (&sigev, sigpipe [0], EV_READ);
+ ev_io_start (EV_A_ &sigev);
+ ev_unref (EV_A); /* child watcher should not keep loop alive */
+static struct ev_child *childs [PID_HASHSIZE];
+#ifndef WIN32
+static struct ev_signal childev;
+# define WCONTINUED 0
+static void
+child_reap (EV_P_ struct ev_signal *sw, int chain, int pid, int status)
+ struct ev_child *w;
+ for (w = (struct ev_child *)childs [chain & (PID_HASHSIZE - 1)]; w; w = (struct ev_child *)((WL)w)->next)
+ if (w->pid == pid || !w->pid)
+ {
+ ev_priority (w) = ev_priority (sw); /* need to do it *now* */
+ w->rpid = pid;
+ w->rstatus = status;
+ event (EV_A_ (W)w, EV_CHILD);
+ }
+static void
+childcb (EV_P_ struct ev_signal *sw, int revents)
+ int pid, status;
+ if (0 < (pid = waitpid (-1, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED | WCONTINUED)))
+ {
+ /* make sure we are called again until all childs have been reaped */
+ event (EV_A_ (W)sw, EV_SIGNAL);
+ child_reap (EV_A_ sw, pid, pid, status);
+ child_reap (EV_A_ sw, 0, pid, status); /* this might trigger a watcher twice, but event catches that */
+ }
+# include "ev_kqueue.c"
+# include "ev_epoll.c"
+# include "ev_poll.c"
+# include "ev_select.c"
+ev_version_major (void)
+ev_version_minor (void)
+/* return true if we are running with elevated privileges and should ignore env variables */
+static int
+enable_secure (void)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return 0;
+ return getuid () != geteuid ()
+ || getgid () != getegid ();
+ev_method (EV_P)
+ return method;
+static void
+loop_init (EV_P_ int methods)
+ if (!method)
+ {
+ {
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (!clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts))
+ have_monotonic = 1;
+ }
+ rt_now = ev_time ();
+ mn_now = get_clock ();
+ now_floor = mn_now;
+ rtmn_diff = rt_now - mn_now;
+ if (methods == EVMETHOD_AUTO)
+ if (!enable_secure () && getenv ("LIBEV_METHODS"))
+ methods = atoi (getenv ("LIBEV_METHODS"));
+ else
+ methods = EVMETHOD_ANY;
+ method = 0;
+#if EV_USE_WIN32
+ if (!method && (methods & EVMETHOD_WIN32 )) method = win32_init (EV_A_ methods);
+ if (!method && (methods & EVMETHOD_KQUEUE)) method = kqueue_init (EV_A_ methods);
+ if (!method && (methods & EVMETHOD_EPOLL )) method = epoll_init (EV_A_ methods);
+ if (!method && (methods & EVMETHOD_POLL )) method = poll_init (EV_A_ methods);
+ if (!method && (methods & EVMETHOD_SELECT)) method = select_init (EV_A_ methods);
+ ev_watcher_init (&sigev, sigcb);
+ ev_set_priority (&sigev, EV_MAXPRI);
+ }
+loop_destroy (EV_P)
+ int i;