# This file is part of mutest, a micro testing framework for C.
# Please, read the README file for more details.
-#include <stdio.h> /* printf(), fprintf() */
-/* macro for running a single test case */
-#define run_case(name) \
- do { \
- if (mutest_verbose > 2) \
- printf("\\t- executing test case \"" #name "\"\\n"); \
- void name(); \
- mutest_case_name = #name; \
- name(); \
- if (mutest_case_failed) { \
- ++mutest_failed_cases; \
- mutest_suite_failed = 1; \
- } else ++mutest_passed_cases; \
- mutest_case_failed = 0; \
- } while (0)
-/* globals for managing test suites */
-static const char* mutest_suite_name;
-static int mutest_failed_suites;
-static int mutest_passed_suites;
-static int mutest_suite_failed;
-/* globals for managing test cases */
-static const char* mutest_case_name;
-static int mutest_failed_cases;
-static int mutest_passed_cases;
-int mutest_case_failed;
-/* globals for managing checks */
-int mutest_failed_checks;
-int mutest_passed_checks;
- * verbosity level (each level shows all the previous levels too):
- * 0 shows only errors
- * 1 shows a summary
- * 2 shows test suites progress
- * 3 shows test cases progress
- */
-int mutest_verbose;
-static void run_suites();
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- /*
- * arguments checking, both -v -v and -vv are accepted for setting
- * verbosity to 2.
- */
- while (*++argv)
- if (strncmp(*argv, "-v", 2) == 0) {
- ++mutest_verbose;
- char* c = (*argv) + 1;
- while (*++c)
- if (*c == '"'v'"')
- ++mutest_verbose;
- else
- break;
- }
- run_suites();
- if (mutest_verbose) {
- printf("\\n");
- printf("Tests done:\\n");
- printf("\\t%d test suite(s) passed, %d failed.\\n",
- mutest_passed_suites,
- mutest_failed_suites);
- printf("\\t%d test case(s) passed, %d failed.\\n",
- mutest_passed_cases,
- mutest_failed_cases);
- printf("\\t%d check(s) passed, %d failed.\\n",
- mutest_passed_checks, mutest_failed_checks);
- }
- return mutest_failed_checks ? 1 : 0;
# the trick here is getting all the test cases present in an object file using
# nm. All the tests must take and return void, start with "mutest_" and, of
# course, should not be static, which leads to a small limitation: all test
# cases must have unique names, even across test suites.
-echo "$TESTER"
-echo "static void run_suites() {"
+# the first argument should be mutest.h
+echo "#include \"$mutest_h\""
+echo "void mu_run_suites() {"
for file in "$@"
- suite="`basename $file .o`"
- echo "\tmutest_suite_name = \"$suite\";"
- echo "\tif (mutest_verbose > 1)"
- echo "\t\tprintf(\"\\\\nRunning suite \\\"$suite\\\"\\\\n\");"
+ suite="`basename "$file" .o | sed 's/\"/\\\\\"/g'`"
+ echo -e '\tmutest_suite_name = "'"$suite"'";'
+ echo -e '\tmu_print(MU_SUITE, "\\nRunning suite \"'"$suite"'\"\\n");'
for symbol in `nm -p "$file" \
| egrep '^[[:xdigit:]]{8} T mu_test_\w+$' \
| cut -c12-`
- echo "\trun_case($symbol);"
+ echo -e "\tmu_run_case($symbol);"
- echo "\tif (mutest_suite_failed) ++mutest_failed_suites;"
- echo "\telse ++mutest_passed_suites;"
- echo "\tmutest_suite_failed = 0;"
+ echo -e "\tif (mutest_suite_failed) ++mutest_failed_suites;"
+ echo -e "\telse ++mutest_passed_suites;"
+ echo -e "\tmutest_suite_failed = 0;"
echo "}"