+For a complete list, see the <a class="link" href="reference.html#commands" title="2. Configuration Commands">command reference</a>.
+All configuration files are expected to be in the current locale as
+specified by the <a class="link" href="reference.html#charset" title="3.25. charset">$charset</a> variable
+which doesn't have a default value since it's determined by Mutt at startup.
+If a configuration file is not encoded in the same character set the
+<a class="link" href="reference.html#config-charset" title="3.30. config_charset">$config_charset</a>
+variable should be used: all lines starting with the next are recoded
+from $config_charset to $charset.
+This mechanism should be avoided if possible as it has the
+following implications:
+</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>These variables should be set early in a configuration
+file with $charset preceding $config_charset so Mutt
+know what character set to convert to.</p></li><li><p>If $config_charset is set, it should be set
+in each configuration file because the value is global and <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span>
+per configuration file.</p></li><li><p>Because Mutt first recodes a line before it attempts to parse it,
+a conversion introducing question marks or other characters as
+part of errors (unconvertable characters, transliteration) may introduce syntax
+errors or silently change the meaning of certain tokens (e.g. inserting
+question marks into regular expressions).</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="addrgroup"></a>3. Address groups</h2></div></div></div><p>Usage:</p><div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">group</code> [
+<code class="option">-group</code>
+<em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em>
+...] {
+<code class="option">-rx</code>
+<em class="replaceable"><code>expr</code></em>
+... |
+<code class="option">-addr</code>
+<em class="replaceable"><code>expr</code></em>
+... }</p></div><div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">ungroup</code> [
+<code class="option">-group</code>
+<em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em>
+...] {
+<em class="replaceable"><code>*</code></em>
+ |
+<code class="option">-rx</code>
+<em class="replaceable"><code>expr</code></em>
+... |
+<code class="option">-addr</code>
+<em class="replaceable"><code>expr</code></em>
+... }</p></div><p>