The keys used are:
!: modified feature, -: deleted feature, +: new feature
+hg tip:
+ ! $fcc_attach is a quadoption now
+ + $honor_disposition to honor Content-Disposition headers
+ + $search_context specifies number of context lines for search results
+ in pager/page-based menus
+ + ssl_use_sslv2 defaults to no
+ + uncolor works for header + body objects, too
+ + the "flagged" and "replied" flags are enabled/supported for
+ POP when built with header caching
+ ! browser correctly displays maildir's mtime
+ + <set-flag> and <clear-flag> work in the pager, too
+ + ~x pattern also matches against In-Reply-To
+ + lower case patterns for string searches perform case-insensitive
+ search as regex patterns do (except IMAP)
+ + $ssl_verify_dates controls whether mutt checks the validity period of
+ SSL certificates
+ + $ssl_verify_hostname controls whether mutt will accept certificates whose
+ host names do not match the host name in the folder URL.
1.5.19 (2009-01-05):
+ support for SSL certificate chains