+mutt (1.5.20-8~unrel) unreleased; urgency=low
+ * debian/control:
+ + Flip Maintainer and Uploaders. I'm pretty inactive these days.
+ + Nuke DM-Upload-Allowed.
+ * Explicitely use source format 1.0 due to the quilt magic we are using to
+ built mutt-patched.
+ * Switch to tokyocabinet (Closes: #530670)
+ -- Christoph Berg <myon@debian.org> Sun, 30 May 2010 12:38:59 +0200
mutt (1.5.20-7) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/NEWS: backported a note about the new behavior with attachments
* debian/patches:
+ upstream/548494-swedish-intl.patch: fixes to Swedish translation
(Closes: 548494)
+ + upstream/553238-german-intl.patch: small fix to the German translation
+ (Closes: 553238)
+ upstream/553321-ansi-escape-segfault.patch: prevent mutt from segfaulting
with large ASCII escape sequences (Closes: 553321)
+ + upstream/557395-muttrc-crypto.patch: small fix to the muttrc man
+ (Closes: 557395)
+ + upstream/545316-header-color.patch: do not store the color in header cache
+ (Closes: 545316)
+ + upstream/568295-references.patch: preserve the References header if the
+ In-Reply-To is not initially present (Closes: 568295)
+ + upstream/547980-smime_keys-chaining.patch: support certificate chaining in
+ smime_keys (Closes: 547980, 549006)
+ + upstream/528233-readonly-open.patch: open attachments in read-only
+ (Closes: 528233)
+ + upstream/228671-pipe-mime.patch: don't mess up the terminal while piping
+ attachments (Closes: 228671)
+ + upstream/383769-score-match.patch: match full name with ~f, same as
+ mutt-ng (Closes: 383769)
+ + upstream/547739-manual-typos.patch: typos in manual.txt (Closes: 547739)
+ + upstream/311296-rand-mktemp.patch: more random file creation in /tmp, see
+ CVE CAN-2005-2351 (Closes: 311296)
+ + debian-specific/Muttrc: set time_inc to be 250ms (Closes: 537746)
* debian/control:
+ bumping Standards-Version to 3.8.4, nothing to be done
+ adding ${misc:Depends} to make lintian happy
+ * debian/rules: adding a commented rule to enable tokyocabinet if we want
- -- Antonio Radici <antonio@dyne.org> Fri, 29 Jan 2010 23:32:55 +0000
+ -- Antonio Radici <antonio@dyne.org> Mon, 08 Feb 2010 00:27:55 +0000
mutt (1.5.20-6) unstable; urgency=low