+mutt (1.5.21-5nntp3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add new package mutt-nntp with NNTP patch:
+ http://mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-1.5.21/patch-1.5.21.vvv.nntp.gz
+ -- Leandro Lucarella <luca@llucax.com.ar> Tue, 3 Jul 2012 21:00:09 +0200
mutt (1.5.21-5) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/control: Standards-Version moved from to 3.9.2 for
+ 619216-gnutls-CN-validation.patch: fix the validation of the
commonname in the gnutls code (Closes: 619216)
+ 611410-no-implicit_autoview-for-text-html.patch: blacklist
- text/html from implicit_autoview, patch by Loïc Minier (Closes: 611410)
+ text/html from implicit_autoview, patch by Loïc Minier
+ (Closes: 611410, 620945)
* debian/patches/compressed-folders: remove partially uncompressed folder if
the open fails (Closes: 578098)
* debian/extra/samples/sidebar.muttrc: documented the options that