-TESTPRG = test_suite
-TESTCMD = ./$(TESTPRG) --detect_memory_leak=1 --report_level=short \
-# --build_info=yes --log_level=test_suite \
-# | grep -v "Entering test case " | grep -v "Leaving test case"
-VALGRIND = valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --db-attach=no \
- --num-callers=24 --leak-resolution=high --track-fds=yes \
- --suppressions=valgrind.suppressions --error-exitcode=1
-SOURCES = $(shell find -name '*.cpp')
-OBJS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
-ifdef RELEASE
-ifdef DEBUG
-ifdef PROFILE
-ALL_CFLAGS += -g -pg -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
-ifneq ($(V), 1)
-NICE_CXX = @echo " CXX $@"; $(CXX)
-NICE_LINK = @echo " LINK $@"; $(CXX)
-NICE_TEST = @echo " TEST"; $(TESTCMD) > $(TESTPRG).log 2>&1
-NICE_MEMTEST = @echo " MEMTEST"; $(VALGRIND) --log-file=valgrind.log \
- $(TESTCMD) > valgrind.$(TESTPRG).log 2>&1
-NICE_CLEAN = @echo " CLEAN"; $(RM)
-NICE_CLEAN = $(RM) -v
-default: all
-all: $(TESTPRG)
-# dependency handling
-# XXX the mkdir *has* to be inside the rule, otherwise make will build the
-# dependencies over and over again, because of this:
-# When a file that is included in the Makefile need to be built by itself,
-# the Makefile is re-executed after building the files to include. The
-# problem is, the directory .deps is updated *after* the files are created
-# in it, so when the Makefile re-executes, the files to include are created
-# but one of it's dependencies (the .deps directory) is outdated, so the
-# the files to include are re-built and the Makefile re-executed again,
-# entering in an infinite loop.
-.deps/%.deps: %.cpp
- @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
- @set -e; rm -f $@; \
- $(CC) -MM -MG -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -MF $@.$$$$; \
- sed 's,\($(notdir $*)\)\.o[ :]*,$(dir $<)\1.o $@ : ,g' \
- < $@.$$$$ > $@; \
- rm -f $@.$$$$
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
--include $(addprefix .deps/,$(OBJS:.o=.deps))
-# main build
- $(NICE_LINK) $(ALL_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-$(OBJS): include
- $(NICE_CXX) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
- @mkdir -p include
- @ln -fs ../../src include/posixx
-test: .test-stamp
-.test-stamp: $(TESTPRG)
- @touch $@
-memtest: .memtest-stamp
-.memtest-stamp: $(TESTPRG)
- @touch $@
- $(NICE_CLEAN) -r $(TESTPRG) include $(OBJS) .deps valgrind.log \
- *.bb *.bbg *.da *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno gmon.out .*-stamp
-.PHONY: default all test memtest clean