+class ContainerError(Error, KeyError):
+ r"""
+ ContainerError(key) -> ContainerError instance.
+ This is the base exception for all container related errors.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, key):
+ r"Initialize the object. See class documentation for more info."
+ self.message = u'Container error: "%s"' % key
+class ContainerNotFoundError(ContainerError):
+ r"""
+ ContainerNotFoundError(key) -> ContainerNotFoundError instance.
+ This exception is raised when trying to operate on an container that
+ doesn't exists.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, key):
+ r"Initialize the object. See class documentation for more info."
+ self.message = u'Container not found: "%s"' % key
+class Address(Sequence):
+ def __init__(self, ip, netmask, broadcast=None, peer=None):
+ self.ip = ip
+ self.netmask = netmask
+ self.broadcast = broadcast
+ self.peer = peer
+ def update(self, netmask=None, broadcast=None):
+ if netmask is not None: self.netmask = netmask
+ if broadcast is not None: self.broadcast = broadcast
+ def as_tuple(self):
+ return (self.ip, self.netmask, self.broadcast, self.peer)
+class Device(Sequence):
+ def __init__(self, name, mac, ppp):
+ self.name = name
+ self.mac = mac
+ self.ppp = ppp
+ self.active = True
+ self.addrs = dict()
+ self.routes = list()
+ def as_tuple(self):
+ return (self.name, self.mac, self.active, self.addrs)
+def get_network_devices():
+ p = subprocess.Popen(('ip', '-o', 'link'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ close_fds=True)
+ string = p.stdout.read()
+ p.wait()
+ d = dict()
+ devices = string.splitlines()
+ for dev in devices:
+ mac = ''
+ if dev.find('link/ether') != -1:
+ i = dev.find('link/ether')
+ mac = dev[i+11 : i+11+17]
+ i = dev.find(':')
+ j = dev.find(':', i+1)
+ name = dev[i+2: j]
+ d[name] = Device(name,mac,False)
+ elif dev.find('link/ppp') != -1:
+ i = dev.find('link/ppp')
+ mac = '00:00:00:00:00:00'
+ i = dev.find(':')
+ j = dev.find(':', i+1)
+ name = dev[i+2 : j]
+ d[name] = Device(name,mac,True)
+ #since the device is ppp, get the address and peer
+ try:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(('ip', '-o', 'addr', 'show', name), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ close_fds=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ string = p.stdout.read()
+ p.wait()
+ addrs = string.splitlines()
+ inet = addrs[1].find('inet')
+ peer = addrs[1].find('peer')
+ bar = addrs[1].find('/')
+ from_addr = addrs[1][inet+5 : peer-1]
+ to_addr = addrs[1][peer+5 : bar]
+ d[name].addrs[from_addr] = Address(from_addr,24, peer=to_addr)
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ return d
+def get_peers():
+ p = subprocess.Popen(('ip', '-o', 'addr'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ close_fds=True)