* Agregar validación con formencode.
+* Ver como manejar la información sobre si un servicio está andando o no. Si se
+ agrega una acción 'status' para ver el estado y si ese estado se saca de posta
+ de /proc o si es un estado interno y se asume que los servicios no se caen (no
+ creo que sea una buena idea esto último). Además habría que ver cuando arranca
+ el pymin, si se inician servicios automáticamente o no y si la info de qué
+ servicios iniciar o no es persistente y si puede configurarla el usuario.
+* No usar comandos con templates, porque después si no hay que ejecutarlos con
+ un shell (porque el template devuelve un string todo grande) y hay que andar
+ teniendo cuidado de escapar las cosas (y hay riesgos de seguridad de shell
+ injection).
Estas cosas quedan sujetas a necesitada y a definición del protocolo.
Para mí lo ideal es que el protocolo de red sea igual que la consola del
usuario, porque después de todo no va a ser más que eso, mandar comanditos.
pickle_dir = 'var/lib/pymin/pickle/ip',
config_dir = 'var/lib/pymin/config/ip',
+ proxy = ProxyHandler(
+ pickle_dir = 'var/lib/pymin/pickle/proxy',
+ config_dir = 'var/lib/pymin/config/proxy',
+ ),
bind_addr = \
from services.dns import DnsHandler
from services.firewall import FirewallHandler
from services.ip import IpHandler
+from services.proxy import ProxyHandler
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 et sw=4 sts=4 :
-from mako.template import Template
-from mako.runtime import Context
from os import path
- import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle
- from seqtools import Sequence
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class Sequence: pass
- from dispatcher import Handler, handler, HandlerError
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class HandlerError(RuntimeError): pass
- class Handler: pass
- def handler(help):
- def wrapper(f):
- return f
- return wrapper
+from seqtools import Sequence
+from dispatcher import Handler, handler, HandlerError
+from services.util import Restorable, ConfigWriter
+from services.util import InitdHandler, TransactionalHandler
__ALL__ = ('DhcpHandler', 'Error', 'HostError', 'HostAlreadyExistsError',
'HostNotFoundError', 'ParameterError', 'ParameterNotFoundError')
-pickle_ext = '.pkl'
-pickle_vars = 'vars'
-pickle_hosts = 'hosts'
-config_filename = 'dhcpd.conf'
-template_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
class Error(HandlerError):
Error(message) -> Error instance :: Base DhcpHandler exception class.
@handler(u'Get information about a host.')
def get(self, name):
- r"""get(name) -> CSV string :: List all the information of a host.
- The host is returned as a CSV list of: hostname,ip,mac
- """
+ r"get(name) -> Host :: List all the information of a host."
if not name in self.hosts:
raise HostNotFoundError(name)
return self.hosts[name]
@handler(u'List hosts.')
def list(self):
- r"""list() -> CSV string :: List all the hostnames.
- The list is returned as a single CSV line with all the hostnames.
- """
+ r"list() -> tuple :: List all the hostnames."
return self.hosts.keys()
@handler(u'Get information about all hosts.')
def show(self):
- r"""show() -> CSV string :: List all the complete hosts information.
- The hosts are returned as a CSV list with each host in a line, like:
- hostname,ip,mac
- """
+ r"show() -> list of Hosts :: List all the complete hosts information."
return self.hosts.values()
-class DhcpHandler(Handler):
+class DhcpHandler(Restorable, ConfigWriter, InitdHandler, TransactionalHandler):
r"""DhcpHandler([pickle_dir[, config_dir]]) -> DhcpHandler instance.
Handles DHCP service commands for the dhcpd program.
Both defaults to the current working directory.
- def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
- r"Initialize DhcpHandler object, see class documentation for details."
- self.pickle_dir = pickle_dir
- self.config_dir = config_dir
- filename = path.join(template_dir, config_filename)
- self.template = Template(filename=filename)
- try:
- self._load()
- except IOError:
- # This is the first time the handler is used, create a basic
- # setup using some nice defaults
- self.hosts = dict()
- self.vars = dict(
+ _initd_name = 'dhcpd'
+ _persistent_vars = ('vars', 'hosts')
+ _restorable_defaults = dict(
+ hosts = dict(),
+ vars = dict(
domain_name = 'example.com',
dns_1 = 'ns1.example.com',
dns_2 = 'ns2.example.com',
net_start = '',
net_end = '',
net_gateway = '',
- )
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
+ ),
+ )
+ _config_writer_files = 'dhcpd.conf'
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
+ def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
+ r"Initialize DhcpHandler object, see class documentation for details."
+ self._persistent_dir = pickle_dir
+ self._config_writer_cfg_dir = config_dir
+ self._config_build_templates()
+ self._restore()
self.host = HostHandler(self.hosts)
+ def _get_config_vars(self, config_file):
+ return dict(hosts=self.hosts.values(), **self.vars)
@handler(u'Set a DHCP parameter.')
def set(self, param, value):
r"set(param, value) -> None :: Set a DHCP parameter."
@handler(u'List all available DHCP parameters.')
def list(self):
- r"""list() -> CSV string :: List all the parameter names.
- The list is returned as a single CSV line with all the names.
- """
+ r"list() -> tuple :: List all the parameter names."
return self.vars.keys()
@handler(u'Get all DHCP parameters, with their values.')
def show(self):
- r"""show() -> CSV string :: List all the parameters (with their values).
- The parameters are returned as a CSV list with each parameter in a
- line, like:
- name,value
- """
+ r"show() -> (key, value) tuples :: List all the parameters."
return self.vars.items()
- @handler(u'Start the service.')
- def start(self):
- r"start() -> None :: Start the DHCP service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Stop the service.')
- def stop(self):
- r"stop() -> None :: Stop the DHCP service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Restart the service.')
- def restart(self):
- r"restart() -> None :: Restart the DHCP service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Reload the service config (without restarting, if possible).')
- def reload(self):
- r"reload() -> None :: Reload the configuration of the DHCP service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Commit the changes (reloading the service, if necessary).')
- def commit(self):
- r"commit() -> None :: Commit the changes and reload the DHCP service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria que hace el pickle deberia llamarse
- #al hacerse un commit
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
- self.reload()
- @handler(u'Discard all the uncommited changes.')
- def rollback(self):
- r"rollback() -> None :: Discard the changes not yet commited."
- self._load()
- def _dump(self):
- r"_dump() -> None :: Dump all persistent data to pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self._dump_var(self.vars, pickle_vars)
- self._dump_var(self.hosts, pickle_hosts)
- def _load(self):
- r"_load() -> None :: Load all persistent data from pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self.vars = self._load_var(pickle_vars)
- self.hosts = self._load_var(pickle_hosts)
- def _pickle_filename(self, name):
- r"_pickle_filename() -> string :: Construct a pickle filename."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return path.join(self.pickle_dir, name) + pickle_ext
- def _dump_var(self, var, name):
- r"_dump_var() -> None :: Dump a especific variable to a pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- pkl_file = file(self._pickle_filename(name), 'wb')
- pickle.dump(var, pkl_file, 2)
- pkl_file.close()
- def _load_var(self, name):
- r"_load_var() -> object :: Load a especific pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return pickle.load(file(self._pickle_filename(name)))
- def _write_config(self):
- r"_write_config() -> None :: Generate all the configuration files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base, ver como generalizar variables a
- # reemplazar en la template
- out_file = file(path.join(self.config_dir, config_filename), 'w')
- ctx = Context(out_file, hosts=self.hosts.values(), **self.vars)
- self.template.render_context(ctx)
- out_file.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
- dhcp_handler = DhcpHandler()
+ h = DhcpHandler()
def dump():
print '-' * 80
- print 'Variables:', dhcp_handler.list()
- print dhcp_handler.show()
+ print 'Variables:', h.list()
+ print h.show()
- print 'Hosts:', dhcp_handler.host.list()
- print dhcp_handler.host.show()
+ print 'Hosts:', h.host.list()
+ print h.host.show()
print '-' * 80
- dhcp_handler.host.add('my_name','','00:12:ff:56')
+ h.host.add('my_name','','00:12:ff:56')
- dhcp_handler.host.update('my_name','','00:12:ff:56')
+ h.host.update('my_name','','00:12:ff:56')
- dhcp_handler.host.add('nico','','00:00:00:00')
+ h.host.add('nico','','00:00:00:00')
- dhcp_handler.set('domain_name','baryon.com.ar')
+ h.set('domain_name','baryon.com.ar')
- dhcp_handler.set('sarasa','baryon.com.ar')
+ h.set('sarasa','baryon.com.ar')
except KeyError, e:
print 'Error:', e
- dhcp_handler.commit()
+ h.commit()
- for f in (pickle_vars + pickle_ext, pickle_hosts + pickle_ext,
- config_filename):
- os.unlink(f)
+ os.system('rm -f *.pkl ' + ' '.join(h._config_writer_files))
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 et sw=4 sts=4 :
-from mako.template import Template
-from mako.runtime import Context
from os import path
from os import unlink
+from new import instancemethod
- import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle
+from seqtools import Sequence
+from dispatcher import handler, HandlerError, Handler
+from services.util import Restorable, ConfigWriter, call
+from services.util import InitdHandler, TransactionalHandler
- from seqtools import Sequence
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class Sequence: pass
- from dispatcher import handler, HandlerError, Handler
-except ImportError:
- class HandlerError(RuntimeError): pass
- class Handler: pass
- def handler(help):
- def wrapper(f):
- return f
- return wrapper
-__ALL__ = ('DnsHandler',)
-pickle_ext = '.pkl'
-pickle_vars = 'vars'
-pickle_zones = 'zones'
-config_filename = 'named.conf'
-zone_filename = 'zoneX.zone'
-zone_filename_ext = '.zone'
+__ALL__ = ('DnsHandler', 'Error',
+ 'ZoneError', 'ZoneNotFoundError', 'ZoneAlreadyExistsError',
+ 'HostError', 'HostAlreadyExistsError', 'HostNotFoundError',
+ 'MailExchangeError', 'MailExchangeAlreadyExistsError',
+ 'MailExchangeNotFoundError', 'NameServerError',
+ 'NameServerAlreadyExistsError', 'NameServerNotFoundError',
+ 'ParameterError', 'ParameterNotFoundError')
template_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
def show(self):
return self.zones.values()
-class DnsHandler(Handler):
+class DnsHandler(Restorable, ConfigWriter, InitdHandler, TransactionalHandler):
r"""DnsHandler([pickle_dir[, config_dir]]) -> DnsHandler instance.
Handles DNS service commands for the dns program.
Both defaults to the current working directory.
- def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
- r"Initialize DnsHandler object, see class documentation for details."
- self.pickle_dir = pickle_dir
- self.config_dir = config_dir
- c_filename = path.join(template_dir, config_filename)
- z_filename = path.join(template_dir, zone_filename)
- self.config_template = Template(filename=c_filename)
- self.zone_template = Template(filename=z_filename)
- try :
- self._load()
- except IOError:
- self.zones = dict()
- self.vars = dict(
+ _initd_name = 'bind'
+ _persistent_vars = ('vars', 'zones')
+ _restorable_defaults = dict(
+ zones = dict(),
+ vars = dict(
isp_dns1 = '',
isp_dns2 = '',
bind_addr1 = '',
bind_addr2 = ''
- )
+ ),
+ )
+ _config_writer_files = ('named.conf', 'zoneX.zone')
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
+ def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
+ r"Initialize DnsHandler object, see class documentation for details."
+ self._persistent_dir = pickle_dir
+ self._config_writer_cfg_dir = config_dir
+ self.mod = False
+ self._config_build_templates()
+ self._restore()
self.host = HostHandler(self.zones)
self.zone = ZoneHandler(self.zones)
self.mx = MailExchangeHandler(self.zones)
self.ns = NameServerHandler(self.zones)
- self.mod = False
@handler(u'Set a DNS parameter')
def set(self, param, value):
def show(self):
return self.vars.values()
- @handler(u'Start the service.')
- def start(self):
- r"start() -> None :: Start the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Stop the service.')
- def stop(self):
- r"stop() -> None :: Stop the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Restart the service.')
- def restart(self):
- r"restart() -> None :: Restart the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Reload the service config (without restarting, if possible)')
- def reload(self):
- r"reload() -> None :: Reload the configuration of the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Commit the changes (reloading the service, if necessary).')
- def commit(self):
- r"commit() -> None :: Commit the changes and reload the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria que hace el pickle deberia llamarse
- #al hacerse un commit
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
- self.reload()
- @handler(u'Discard all the uncommited changes.')
- def rollback(self):
- r"rollback() -> None :: Discard the changes not yet commited."
- self._load()
- def _dump(self):
- r"_dump() -> None :: Dump all persistent data to pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self._dump_var(self.vars, pickle_vars)
- self._dump_var(self.zones, pickle_zones)
- def _load(self):
- r"_load() -> None :: Load all persistent data from pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self.vars = self._load_var(pickle_vars)
- self.zones = self._load_var(pickle_zones)
- def _pickle_filename(self, name):
- r"_pickle_filename() -> string :: Construct a pickle filename."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return path.join(self.pickle_dir, name) + pickle_ext
- def _dump_var(self, var, name):
- r"_dump_var() -> None :: Dump a especific variable to a pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- pkl_file = file(self._pickle_filename(name), 'wb')
- pickle.dump(var, pkl_file, 2)
- pkl_file.close()
- def _load_var(self, name):
- r"_load_var() -> object :: Load a especific pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return pickle.load(file(self._pickle_filename(name)))
+ def _zone_filename(self, zone):
+ return zone.name + '.zone'
+ def _get_config_vars(self, config_file):
+ return dict(zones=self.zones.values(), **self.vars)
def _write_config(self):
r"_write_config() -> None :: Generate all the configuration files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base, ver como generalizar variables a
- # reemplazar en la template
- #archivos de zona
delete_zones = list()
for a_zone in self.zones.values():
if a_zone.mod:
if not a_zone.new:
# TODO freeze de la zona
- print 'Freezing zone ' + a_zone.name + zone_filename_ext
- zone_out_file = file(path.join(self.config_dir, a_zone.name + zone_filename_ext), 'w')
- ctx = Context(
- zone_out_file,
+ call(('dns', 'freeze', a_zone.name))
+ vars = dict(
zone = a_zone,
hosts = a_zone.hosts.values(),
mxs = a_zone.mxs.values(),
nss = a_zone.nss.values()
- )
- self.zone_template.render_context(ctx)
- zone_out_file.close()
+ )
+ self._write_single_config('zoneX.zone',
+ self._zone_filename(a_zone), vars)
a_zone.mod = False
if not a_zone.new:
# TODO unfreeze de la zona
- print 'Unfreezing zone ' + a_zone.name + zone_filename_ext
+ call(('dns', 'unfreeze', a_zone.name))
else :
self.mod = True
a_zone.new = False
#borro el archivo .zone
self.mod = True
- unlink(path.join(self.config_dir, a_zone.name + zone_filename_ext))
+ unlink(self._zone_filename(a_zone))
except OSError:
#la excepcion pude darse en caso que haga un add de una zona y
#luego el del, como no hice commit, no se crea el archivo
for z in delete_zones:
del self.zones[z]
#archivo general
- if self.mod :
- cfg_out_file = file(path.join(self.config_dir, config_filename), 'w')
- ctx = Context(cfg_out_file, zones=self.zones.values(), **self.vars)
- self.config_template.render_context(ctx)
- cfg_out_file.close()
+ if self.mod:
+ self._write_single_config('named.conf')
self.mod = False
- print 'Restarting service'
+ self.reload()
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print 'ZONAS :'
- print dns.zone.show() + '\n'
- print 'HOSTS :'
- print dns.host.show()
+ print 'ZONAS :', dns.zone.show()
+ print 'HOSTS :', dns.host.show()
#test zone errors
- try:
- dns.zone.update('zone-sarasa','lalal')
- except ZoneNotFoundError, inst:
- print 'Error: ', inst
+ #try:
+ # dns.zone.update('zone-sarasa','lalal')
+ #except ZoneNotFoundError, inst:
+ # print 'Error: ', inst
except ZoneNotFoundError, inst:
print 'Error: ', inst
- try:
- dns.zone.add('zona_loca.com','ns1.dom.com','ns2.dom.com')
- except ZoneAlreadyExistsError, inst:
- print 'Error: ', inst
+ #try:
+ # dns.zone.add('zona_loca.com','ns1.dom.com','ns2.dom.com')
+ #except ZoneAlreadyExistsError, inst:
+ # print 'Error: ', inst
#test hosts errors
# TODO See if it's better (more secure) to execute commands via python instead
# of using script templates.
-from mako.template import Template
-from mako.runtime import Context
from os import path
- import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle
- from seqtools import Sequence
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class Sequence: pass
- from dispatcher import Handler, handler, HandlerError
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class HandlerError(RuntimeError): pass
- class Handler: pass
- def handler(help):
- def wrapper(f):
- return f
- return wrapper
+from seqtools import Sequence
+from dispatcher import Handler, handler, HandlerError
+from services.util import ServiceHandler, TransactionalHandler
+from services.util import Restorable, ConfigWriter
__ALL__ = ('FirewallHandler', 'Error', 'RuleError', 'RuleAlreadyExistsError',
-pickle_ext = '.pkl'
-pickle_rules = 'rules'
-config_filename = 'iptables.sh'
-template_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
class Error(HandlerError):
Error(command) -> Error instance :: Base FirewallHandler exception class.
r"show() -> list of Rules :: List all the complete rules information."
return self.rules
-class FirewallHandler(Handler):
+class FirewallHandler(Restorable, ConfigWriter, ServiceHandler,
+ TransactionalHandler):
r"""FirewallHandler([pickle_dir[, config_dir]]) -> FirewallHandler instance.
Handles firewall commands using iptables.
Both defaults to the current working directory.
+ _persistent_vars = 'rules'
+ _restorable_defaults = dict(rules=list())
+ _config_writer_files = 'iptables.sh'
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
- r"Initialize FirewallHandler object, see class documentation for details."
- self.pickle_dir = pickle_dir
- self.config_dir = config_dir
- filename = path.join(template_dir, config_filename)
- self.template = Template(filename=filename)
- try:
- self._load()
- except IOError:
- # This is the first time the handler is used, create a basic
- # setup using some nice defaults
- self.rules = list() # TODO defaults?
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
+ r"Initialize the object, see class documentation for details."
+ self._persistent_dir = pickle_dir
+ self._config_writer_cfg_dir = config_dir
+ self._service_start = path.join(self._config_writer_cfg_dir,
+ self._config_writer_files)
+ self._service_stop = ('iptables', '-t', 'filter', '-F')
+ self._service_restart = self._service_start
+ self._service_reload = self._service_start
+ self._config_build_templates()
+ self._restore()
self.rule = RuleHandler(self.rules)
- # Does this (start, stop, restart, reload) makes sense???
- # Implement a "try" command that apply the changes for some time and
- # then goes back to the previous configuration if the changes are not
- # commited. TODO
- @handler(u'Start the service.')
- def start(self):
- r"start() -> None :: Start the firewall."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Stop the service.')
- def stop(self):
- r"stop() -> None :: Stop the firewall."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Restart the service.')
- def restart(self):
- r"restart() -> None :: Restart the firewall."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Reload the service config (without restarting, if possible).')
- def reload(self):
- r"reload() -> None :: Reload the configuration of the firewall."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Commit the changes (reloading the service, if necessary).')
- def commit(self):
- r"commit() -> None :: Commit the changes and reload the firewall."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria que hace el pickle deberia llamarse
- #al hacerse un commit
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
- self.reload() # TODO exec the script
- @handler(u'Discard all the uncommited changes.')
- def rollback(self):
- r"rollback() -> None :: Discard the changes not yet commited."
- self._load()
- def _dump(self):
- r"_dump() -> None :: Dump all persistent data to pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self._dump_var(self.rules, pickle_rules)
- def _load(self):
- r"_load() -> None :: Load all persistent data from pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self.rules = self._load_var(pickle_rules)
- def _pickle_filename(self, name):
- r"_pickle_filename() -> string :: Construct a pickle filename."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return path.join(self.pickle_dir, name) + pickle_ext
- def _dump_var(self, var, name):
- r"_dump_var() -> None :: Dump a especific variable to a pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- pkl_file = file(self._pickle_filename(name), 'wb')
- pickle.dump(var, pkl_file, 2)
- pkl_file.close()
- def _load_var(self, name):
- r"_load_var() -> object :: Load a especific pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return pickle.load(file(self._pickle_filename(name)))
- def _write_config(self):
- r"_write_config() -> None :: Generate all the configuration files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base, ver como generalizar variables a
- # reemplazar en la template
- out_file = file(path.join(self.config_dir, config_filename), 'w')
- ctx = Context(out_file, rules=self.rules)
- self.template.render_context(ctx)
- out_file.close()
+ def _get_config_vars(self, config_file):
+ return dict(rules=self.rules)
if __name__ == '__main__':
+ fw_handler.stop()
- for f in (pickle_rules + pickle_ext, config_filename):
- os.unlink(f)
+ os.system('rm -f *.pkl iptables.sh')
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 et sw=4 sts=4 :
-from mako.template import Template
-from mako.runtime import Context
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from os import path
- import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle
- from seqtools import Sequence
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class Sequence: pass
- from dispatcher import handler, HandlerError, Handler
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class HandlerError(RuntimeError): pass
- class Handler: pass
- def handler(help):
- def wrapper(f):
- return f
- return wrapper
+from seqtools import Sequence
+from dispatcher import handler, HandlerError, Handler
+from services.util import Restorable, ConfigWriter
+from services.util import InitdHandler, TransactionalHandler
__ALL__ = ('IpHandler','Error','DeviceError','DeviceNotFoundError','RouteError','RouteNotFoundError',
-pickle_ext = '.pkl'
-pickle_devices = 'devs'
-template_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
-command_filename = 'command'
-device_com = 'device.command'
-ip_add_com = 'ip_add.command'
-ip_del_com = 'ip_del.command'
-ip_flush_com = 'ip_flush.command'
-route_add_com = 'route_add.command'
-route_del_com = 'route_del.command'
-route_flush_com = 'route_flush.command'
class Error(HandlerError):
Error(command) -> Error instance :: Base IpHandler exception class.
class DeviceHandler(Handler):
def __init__(self, devices):
+ # FIXME remove templates to execute commands
+ from mako.template import Template
self.devices = devices
- dev_fn = path.join(template_dir, device_com)
+ template_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
+ dev_fn = path.join(template_dir, 'device')
self.device_template = Template(filename=dev_fn)
@handler(u'Bring the device up')
def show(self):
return self.devices.items()
-class IpHandler(Handler):
+def get_devices():
+ p = Popen(('ip', 'link', 'list'), stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
+ string = p.stdout.read()
+ p.wait()
+ d = dict()
+ i = string.find('eth')
+ while i != -1:
+ eth = string[i:i+4]
+ m = string.find('link/ether', i+4)
+ mac = string[ m+11 : m+11+17]
+ d[eth] = Device(eth, mac)
+ i = string.find('eth', m+11+17)
+ return d
- def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
- r"Initialize DhcpHandler object, see class documentation for details."
+class IpHandler(Restorable, ConfigWriter, TransactionalHandler):
- self.pickle_dir = pickle_dir
- self.config_dir = config_dir
+ _persistent_vars = 'devices'
- ip_add_fn = path.join(template_dir, ip_add_com)
- ip_del_fn = path.join(template_dir, ip_del_com)
- ip_flush_fn = path.join(template_dir, ip_flush_com)
- self.ip_add_template = Template(filename=ip_add_fn)
- self.ip_del_template = Template(filename=ip_del_fn)
- self.ip_flush_template = Template(filename=ip_flush_fn)
+ _restorable_defaults = dict(devices=get_devices())
- route_add_fn = path.join(template_dir, route_add_com)
- route_del_fn = path.join(template_dir, route_del_com)
- route_flush_fn = path.join(template_dir, route_flush_com)
- self.route_add_template = Template(filename=route_add_fn)
- self.route_del_template = Template(filename=route_del_fn)
- self.route_flush_template = Template(filename=route_flush_fn)
+ _config_writer_files = ('device', 'ip_add', 'ip_del', 'ip_flush',
+ 'route_add', 'route_del', 'route_flush')
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
- try:
- self._load()
- except IOError:
- p = Popen('ip link list', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
- devs = _get_devices(p.stdout.read())
- self.devices = dict()
- for eth, mac in devs:
- self.devices[eth] = Device(eth, mac)
- self._dump()
+ def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
+ r"Initialize DhcpHandler object, see class documentation for details."
+ self._persistent_dir = pickle_dir
+ self._config_writer_cfg_dir = config_dir
+ self._config_build_templates()
+ self._restore()
self.addr = AddressHandler(self.devices)
self.route = RouteHandler(self.devices)
self.dev = DeviceHandler(self.devices)
- self.commit()
- @handler(u'Commit the changes (reloading the service, if necessary).')
- def commit(self):
- r"commit() -> None :: Commit the changes and reload the DHCP service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria que hace el pickle deberia llamarse
- #al hacerse un commit
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
- @handler(u'Discard all the uncommited changes.')
- def rollback(self):
- r"rollback() -> None :: Discard the changes not yet commited."
- self._load()
- def _dump(self):
- r"_dump() -> None :: Dump all persistent data to pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self._dump_var(self.devices, pickle_devices)
- def _load(self):
- r"_load() -> None :: Load all persistent data from pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self.devices = self._load_var(pickle_devices)
- def _pickle_filename(self, name):
- r"_pickle_filename() -> string :: Construct a pickle filename."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return path.join(self.pickle_dir, name) + pickle_ext
- def _dump_var(self, var, name):
- r"_dump_var() -> None :: Dump a especific variable to a pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- pkl_file = file(self._pickle_filename(name), 'wb')
- pickle.dump(var, pkl_file, 2)
- pkl_file.close()
- def _load_var(self, name):
- r"_load_var()7 -> object :: Load a especific pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return pickle.load(file(self._pickle_filename(name)))
def _write_config(self):
r"_write_config() -> None :: Execute all commands."
for device in self.devices.values():
- print self.route_flush_template.render(dev=device.name)
- print self.ip_flush_template.render(dev=device.name)
+ print self._render_config('route_flush', dict(dev=device.name))
+ print self._render_config('ip_flush', dict(dev=device.name))
for address in device.addrs.values():
- print self.ip_add_template.render(
- dev=device.name,
- addr=address.ip,
- prefix=address.prefix,
- broadcast=address.broadcast
+ print self._render_config('ip_add', dict(
+ dev = device.name,
+ addr = address.ip,
+ prefix = address.prefix,
+ broadcast = address.broadcast,
+ )
for route in device.routes:
- print self.route_add_template.render(
- dev=device.name,
- net_addr=route.net_addr,
- prefix=route.prefix,
- gateway=route.gateway
+ print self._render_config('route_add', dict(
+ dev = device.name,
+ net_addr = route.net_addr,
+ prefix = route.prefix,
+ gateway = route.gateway,
+ )
-def _get_devices(string):
- l = list()
- i = string.find('eth')
- while i != -1:
- eth = string[i:i+4]
- m = string.find('link/ether', i+4)
- mac = string[ m+11 : m+11+17]
- l.append((eth,mac))
- i = string.find('eth', m+11+17)
- return l
if __name__ == '__main__':
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 et sw=4 sts=4 :
-from mako.template import Template
-from mako.runtime import Context
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from os import path
- import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
- import pickle
- from seqtools import Sequence
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class Sequence: pass
- from dispatcher import handler, HandlerError, Handler
-except ImportError:
- # NOP for testing
- class HandlerError(RuntimeError): pass
- class Handler: pass
- def handler(help):
- def wrapper(f):
- return f
- return wrapper
-__ALL__ = ('ProxyHandler')
-pickle_ext = '.pkl'
-pickle_vars = 'vars'
-pickle_hosts= 'hosts'
-pickle_users = 'users'
-config_filename = 'squid.conf'
-template_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
+from seqtools import Sequence
+from dispatcher import Handler, handler, HandlerError
+from services.util import Restorable, ConfigWriter
+from services.util import InitdHandler, TransactionalHandler
+__ALL__ = ('ProxyHandler', 'Error', 'HostError', 'HostAlreadyExistsError',
+ 'HostNotFoundError', 'ParameterError', 'ParameterNotFoundError')
class Error(HandlerError):
return self.hosts.items()
-class ProxyHandler(Handler):
+class ProxyHandler(Restorable, ConfigWriter, InitdHandler,
+ TransactionalHandler):
+ _initd_name = 'squid'
+ _persistent_vars = ('vars', 'hosts')
+ _restorable_defaults = dict(
+ hosts = dict(),
+ vars = dict(
+ ip = '',
+ port = '8080',
+ ),
+ )
+ _config_writer_files = 'squid.conf'
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
def __init__(self, pickle_dir='.', config_dir='.'):
- self.pickle_dir = pickle_dir
- self.config_dir = config_dir
- f = path.join(template_dir, config_filename)
- self.config_template = Template(filename=f)
- try:
- self._load()
- except IOError:
- self.hosts = dict()
- self.vars = dict(
- ip = '',
- port = '8080',
- )
+ r"Initialize DhcpHandler object, see class documentation for details."
+ self._persistent_dir = pickle_dir
+ self._config_writer_cfg_dir = config_dir
+ self._config_build_templates()
+ self._restore()
self.host = HostHandler(self.hosts)
+ def _get_config_vars(self, config_file):
+ return dict(hosts=self.hosts.values(), **self.vars)
@handler(u'Set a Proxy parameter')
def set(self, param, value):
r"set(param, value) -> None :: Set a Proxy parameter."
def show(self):
return self.vars.values()
- @handler(u'Start the service.')
- def start(self):
- r"start() -> None :: Start the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Stop the service.')
- def stop(self):
- r"stop() -> None :: Stop the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Restart the service.')
- def restart(self):
- r"restart() -> None :: Restart the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- pass
- @handler(u'Reload the service config (without restarting, if possible)')
- def reload(self):
- r"reload() -> None :: Reload the configuration of the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria el hook para arrancar el servicio
- print('reloading configuration')
- @handler(u'Commit the changes (reloading the service, if necessary).')
- def commit(self):
- r"commit() -> None :: Commit the changes and reload the DNS service."
- #esto seria para poner en una interfaz
- #y seria que hace el pickle deberia llamarse
- #al hacerse un commit
- self._dump()
- self._write_config()
- self.reload()
- @handler(u'Discard all the uncommited changes.')
- def rollback(self):
- r"rollback() -> None :: Discard the changes not yet commited."
- self._load()
- def _dump(self):
- r"_dump() -> None :: Dump all persistent data to pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self._dump_var(self.vars, pickle_vars)
- self._dump_var(self.hosts, pickle_hosts)
- def _load(self):
- r"_load() -> None :: Load all persistent data from pickle files."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- self.vars = self._load_var(pickle_vars)
- self.hosts = self._load_var(pickle_hosts)
- def _pickle_filename(self, name):
- r"_pickle_filename() -> string :: Construct a pickle filename."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return path.join(self.pickle_dir, name) + pickle_ext
- def _dump_var(self, var, name):
- r"_dump_var() -> None :: Dump a especific variable to a pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- pkl_file = file(self._pickle_filename(name), 'wb')
- pickle.dump(var, pkl_file, 2)
- pkl_file.close()
- def _load_var(self, name):
- r"_load_var() -> object :: Load a especific pickle file."
- # XXX podría ir en una clase base
- return pickle.load(file(self._pickle_filename(name)))
- def _write_config(self):
- r"_write_config() -> None :: Generate all the configuration files."
- out_file = file(path.join(self.config_dir, config_filename), 'w')
- ctx = Context(out_file,
- ip = self.vars['ip'],
- port = self.vars['port'],
- hosts = self.hosts.values()
- )
- self.config_template.render_context(ctx)
- out_file.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
--- /dev/null
+# vim: set encoding=utf-8 et sw=4 sts=4 :
+import subprocess
+from mako.template import Template
+from mako.runtime import Context
+from os import path
+ import cPickle as pickle
+except ImportError:
+ import pickle
+from dispatcher import Handler, handler, HandlerError
+#DEBUG = False
+DEBUG = True
+__ALL__ = ('ServiceHandler', 'InitdHandler', 'Persistent', 'ConfigWriter',
+ 'Error', 'ReturnNot0Error', 'ExecutionError', 'call')
+class Error(HandlerError):
+ r"""
+ Error(message) -> Error instance :: Base ServiceHandler exception class.
+ All exceptions raised by the ServiceHandler inherits from this one, so
+ you can easily catch any ServiceHandler exception.
+ message - A descriptive error message.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ r"Initialize the object. See class documentation for more info."
+ self.message = message
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.message
+class ReturnNot0Error(Error):
+ r"""
+ ReturnNot0Error(return_value) -> ReturnNot0Error instance.
+ A command didn't returned the expected 0 return value.
+ return_value - Return value returned by the command.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, return_value):
+ r"Initialize the object. See class documentation for more info."
+ self.return_value = return_value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'The command returned %d' % self.return_value
+class ExecutionError(Error):
+ r"""
+ ExecutionError(command, error) -> ExecutionError instance.
+ Error executing a command.
+ command - Command that was tried to execute.
+ error - Error received when trying to execute the command.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, command, error):
+ r"Initialize the object. See class documentation for more info."
+ self.command = command
+ self.error = error
+ def __str__(self):
+ command = self.command
+ if not isinstance(self.command, basestring):
+ command = ' '.join(command)
+ return "Can't execute command %s: %s" % (command, self.error)
+def call(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, universal_newlines=True,
+ **kw):
+ if DEBUG:
+ if not isinstance(command, basestring):
+ command = ' '.join(command)
+ print 'Executing command:', command
+ return
+ try:
+ r = subprocess.call(command, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr,
+ universal_newlines=universal_newlines,
+ close_fds=close_fds, **kw)
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ExecutionError(command, e)
+ if r is not 0:
+ raise ExecutionError(command, ReturnNot0Error(r))
+class ServiceHandler(Handler):
+ r"""ServiceHandler([start[, stop[, restart[, reload]]]]) -> ServiceHandler.
+ This is a helper class to inherit from to automatically handle services
+ with start, stop, restart, reload actions.
+ The actions can be defined by calling the constructor with all the
+ parameters or in a more declarative way as class attributes, like:
+ class TestHandler(ServiceHandler):
+ _service_start = ('command', 'start')
+ _service_stop = ('command', 'stop')
+ _service_restart = ('command', 'restart')
+ _service_reload = 'reload-command'
+ Commands are executed without using the shell, that's why they are specified
+ as tuples (where the first element is the command and the others are the
+ command arguments). If only a command is needed (without arguments) a single
+ string can be specified.
+ All commands must be specified.
+ """
+ # TODO implement it using metaclasses to add the handlers method by demand
+ # (only for specifieds commands).
+ def __init__(self, start=None, stop=None, restart=None, reload=None):
+ r"Initialize the object, see the class documentation for details."
+ for (name, action) in dict(start=start, stop=stop, restart=restart,
+ reload=reload).items():
+ if action is not None:
+ setattr(self, '_service_%s' % name, action)
+ @handler(u'Start the service.')
+ def start(self):
+ r"start() -> None :: Start the service."
+ call(self._service_start)
+ @handler(u'Stop the service.')
+ def stop(self):
+ r"stop() -> None :: Stop the service."
+ call(self._service_stop)
+ @handler(u'Restart the service.')
+ def restart(self):
+ r"restart() -> None :: Restart the service."
+ call(self._service_restart)
+ @handler(u'Reload the service config (without restarting, if possible).')
+ def reload(self):
+ r"reload() -> None :: Reload the configuration of the service."
+ call(self._service_reload)
+class InitdHandler(Handler):
+ r"""InitdHandler([initd_name[, initd_dir]]) -> InitdHandler.
+ This is a helper class to inherit from to automatically handle services
+ with start, stop, restart, reload actions using a /etc/init.d like script.
+ The name and directory of the script can be defined by calling the
+ constructor or in a more declarative way as class attributes, like:
+ class TestHandler(ServiceHandler):
+ _initd_name = 'some-service'
+ _initd_dir = '/usr/local/etc/init.d'
+ The default _initd_dir is '/etc/init.d', _initd_name has no default and
+ must be specified in either way.
+ Commands are executed without using the shell.
+ """
+ # TODO implement it using metaclasses to add the handlers method by demand
+ # (only for specifieds commands).
+ _initd_dir = '/etc/init.d'
+ def __init__(self, initd_name=None, initd_dir=None):
+ r"Initialize the object, see the class documentation for details."
+ if initd_name is not None:
+ self._initd_name = initd_name
+ if initd_dir is not None:
+ self._initd_dir = initd_dir
+ @handler(u'Start the service.')
+ def start(self):
+ r"start() -> None :: Start the service."
+ call((path.join(self._initd_dir, self._initd_name), 'start'))
+ @handler(u'Stop the service.')
+ def stop(self):
+ r"stop() -> None :: Stop the service."
+ call((path.join(self._initd_dir, self._initd_name), 'stop'))
+ @handler(u'Restart the service.')
+ def restart(self):
+ r"restart() -> None :: Restart the service."
+ call((path.join(self._initd_dir, self._initd_name), 'restart'))
+ @handler(u'Reload the service config (without restarting, if possible).')
+ def reload(self):
+ r"reload() -> None :: Reload the configuration of the service."
+ call((path.join(self._initd_dir, self._initd_name), 'reload'))
+class Persistent:
+ r"""Persistent([vars[, dir[, ext]]]) -> Persistent.
+ This is a helper class to inherit from to automatically handle data
+ persistence using pickle.
+ The variables attributes to persist (vars), and the pickle directory (dir)
+ and file extension (ext) can be defined by calling the constructor or in a
+ more declarative way as class attributes, like:
+ class TestHandler(Persistent):
+ _persistent_vars = ('some_var', 'other_var')
+ _persistent_dir = 'persistent-data'
+ _persistent_ext = '.pickle'
+ The default dir is '.' and the default extension is '.pkl'. There are no
+ default variables, and they should be specified as string if a single
+ attribute should be persistent or as a tuple of strings if they are more.
+ The strings should be the attribute names to be persisted. For each
+ attribute a separated pickle file is generated in the pickle directory.
+ You can call _dump() and _load() to write and read the data respectively.
+ """
+ # TODO implement it using metaclasses to add the handlers method by demand
+ # (only for specifieds commands).
+ _persistent_vars = ()
+ _persistent_dir = '.'
+ _persistent_ext = '.pkl'
+ def __init__(self, vars=None, dir=None, ext=None):
+ r"Initialize the object, see the class documentation for details."
+ if vars is not None:
+ self._persistent_vars = vars
+ if dir is not None:
+ self._persistent_dir = dir
+ if ext is not None:
+ self._persistent_ext = ext
+ def _dump(self):
+ r"_dump() -> None :: Dump all persistent data to pickle files."
+ if isinstance(self._persistent_vars, basestring):
+ self._persistent_vars = (self._persistent_vars,)
+ for varname in self._persistent_vars:
+ self._dump_var(varname)
+ def _load(self):
+ r"_load() -> None :: Load all persistent data from pickle files."
+ if isinstance(self._persistent_vars, basestring):
+ self._persistent_vars = (self._persistent_vars,)
+ for varname in self._persistent_vars:
+ self._load_var(varname)
+ def _dump_var(self, varname):
+ r"_dump_var() -> None :: Dump a especific variable to a pickle file."
+ f = file(self._pickle_filename(varname), 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(getattr(self, varname), f, 2)
+ f.close()
+ def _load_var(self, varname):
+ r"_load_var() -> object :: Load a especific pickle file."
+ f = file(self._pickle_filename(varname))
+ setattr(self, varname, pickle.load(f))
+ f.close()
+ def _pickle_filename(self, name):
+ r"_pickle_filename() -> string :: Construct a pickle filename."
+ return path.join(self._persistent_dir, name) + self._persistent_ext
+class Restorable(Persistent):
+ r"""Restorable([defaults]) -> Restorable.
+ This is a helper class to inherit from that provides a nice _restore()
+ method to restore the persistent data if any, or load some nice defaults
+ if not.
+ The defaults can be defined by calling the constructor or in a more
+ declarative way as class attributes, like:
+ class TestHandler(Restorable):
+ _persistent_vars = ('some_var', 'other_var')
+ _restorable_defaults = dict(
+ some_var = 'some_default',
+ other_var = 'other_default')
+ The defaults is a dictionary, very coupled with the _persistent_vars
+ attribute inherited from Persistent. The defaults keys should be the
+ values from _persistent_vars, and the values the default values.
+ The _restore() method returns True if the data was restored successfully
+ or False if the defaults were loaded (in case you want to take further
+ actions). If a _write_config method if found, it's executed when a restore
+ fails too.
+ """
+ # TODO implement it using metaclasses to add the handlers method by demand
+ # (only for specifieds commands).
+ _restorable_defaults = dict()
+ def __init__(self, defaults=None):
+ r"Initialize the object, see the class documentation for details."
+ if defaults is not None:
+ self._restorable_defaults = defaults
+ def _restore(self):
+ r"_restore() -> bool :: Restore persistent data or create a default."
+ try:
+ self._load()
+ return True
+ except IOError:
+ for (k, v) in self._restorable_defaults.items():
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ self._dump()
+ if hasattr(self, '_write_config'):
+ self._write_config()
+ return False
+class ConfigWriter:
+ r"""ConfigWriter([initd_name[, initd_dir]]) -> ConfigWriter.
+ This is a helper class to inherit from to automatically handle
+ configuration generation. Mako template system is used for configuration
+ files generation.
+ The configuration filenames, the generated configuration files directory
+ and the templates directory can be defined by calling the constructor or
+ in a more declarative way as class attributes, like:
+ class TestHandler(ConfigWriter):
+ _config_writer_files = ('base.conf', 'custom.conf')
+ _config_writer_cfg_dir = '/etc/service'
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir = 'templates'
+ The generated configuration files directory defaults to '.' and the
+ templates directory to 'templates'. _config_writer_files has no default and
+ must be specified in either way. It can be string or a tuple if more than
+ one configuration file must be generated.
+ The template filename and the generated configuration filename are both the
+ same (so if you want to generate some /etc/config, you should have some
+ templates/config template). That's why _config_writer_cfg_dir and
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir can't be the same.
+ When you write your Handler, you should call _config_build_templates() in
+ you Handler constructor to build the templates.
+ To write the configuration files, you must use the _write_config() method.
+ To know what variables to replace in the template, you have to provide a
+ method called _get_config_vars(tamplate_name), which should return a
+ dictionary of variables to pass to the template system to be replaced in
+ the template for the configuration file 'config_file'.
+ """
+ # TODO implement it using metaclasses to add the handlers method by demand
+ # (only for specifieds commands).
+ _config_writer_files = ()
+ _config_writer_cfg_dir = '.'
+ _config_writer_tpl_dir = 'templates'
+ def __init__(self, files=None, cfg_dir=None, tpl_dir=None):
+ r"Initialize the object, see the class documentation for details."
+ if files is not None:
+ self._config_writer_files = files
+ if cfg_dir is not None:
+ self._config_writer_cfg_dir = cfg_dir
+ if tpl_dir is not None:
+ self._config_writer_tpl_dir = tpl_dir
+ self._config_build_templates()
+ def _config_build_templates(self):
+ r"_config_writer_templates() -> None :: Build the template objects."
+ if isinstance(self._config_writer_files, basestring):
+ self._config_writer_files = (self._config_writer_files,)
+ if not hasattr(self, '_config_writer_templates') \
+ or not self._config_writer_templates:
+ self._config_writer_templates = dict()
+ for t in self._config_writer_files:
+ f = path.join(self._config_writer_tpl_dir, t)
+ self._config_writer_templates[t] = Template(filename=f)
+ def _render_config(self, template_name, vars=None):
+ r"""_render_config(template_name[, config_filename[, vars]]).
+ Render a single config file using the template 'template_name'. If
+ vars is specified, it's used as the dictionary with the variables
+ to replace in the templates, if not, it looks for a
+ _get_config_vars() method to get it.
+ """
+ if vars is None:
+ if hasattr(self, '_get_config_vars'):
+ vars = self._get_config_vars(template_name)
+ else:
+ vars = dict()
+ elif callable(vars):
+ vars = vars(template_name)
+ return self._config_writer_templates[template_name].render(**vars)
+ def _write_single_config(self, template_name, config_filename=None, vars=None):
+ r"""_write_single_config(template_name[, config_filename[, vars]]).
+ Write a single config file using the template 'template_name'. If no
+ config_filename is specified, the config filename will be the same as
+ the 'template_name' (but stored in the generated config files
+ directory). If it's specified, the generated config file is stored in
+ the file called 'config_filename' (also in the generated files
+ directory). If vars is specified, it's used as the dictionary with the
+ variables to replace in the templates, if not, it looks for a
+ _get_config_vars() method to get it.
+ """
+ if not config_filename:
+ config_filename = template_name
+ if vars is None:
+ if hasattr(self, '_get_config_vars'):
+ vars = self._get_config_vars(template_name)
+ else:
+ vars = dict()
+ elif callable(vars):
+ vars = vars(template_name)
+ f = file(path.join(self._config_writer_cfg_dir, config_filename), 'w')
+ ctx = Context(f, **vars)
+ self._config_writer_templates[template_name].render_context(ctx)
+ f.close()
+ def _write_config(self):
+ r"_write_config() -> None :: Generate all the configuration files."
+ for t in self._config_writer_files:
+ self._write_single_config(t)
+class TransactionalHandler(Handler):
+ r"""TransactionalHandler([initd_name[, initd_dir]]) -> TransactionalHandler.
+ This is a helper class to inherit from to automatically handle
+ transactional handlers, which have commit and rollback commands.
+ The handler should provide a reload() method (see ServiceHandler and
+ InitdHandler for helper classes to provide this) which will be called
+ when a commit command is issued (if a reload() command is present).
+ The persistent data will be written too (if a _dump() method is provided,
+ see Persistent and Restorable for that), and the configuration files
+ will be generated (if a _write_config method is present, see ConfigWriter).
+ """
+ # TODO implement it using metaclasses to add the handlers method by demand
+ # (only for specifieds commands).
+ @handler(u'Commit the changes (reloading the service, if necessary).')
+ def commit(self):
+ r"commit() -> None :: Commit the changes and reload the service."
+ if hasattr(self, '_dump'):
+ self._dump()
+ if hasattr(self, '_write_config'):
+ self._write_config()
+ if hasattr(self, '_reload'):
+ self.reload()
+ @handler(u'Discard all the uncommited changes.')
+ def rollback(self):
+ r"rollback() -> None :: Discard the changes not yet commited."
+ if hasattr(self, '_load'):
+ self._load()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Execution tests
+ class STestHandler1(ServiceHandler):
+ _service_start = ('service', 'start')
+ _service_stop = ('service', 'stop')
+ _service_restart = ('ls', '/')
+ _service_reload = ('cp', '/la')
+ class STestHandler2(ServiceHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ServiceHandler.__init__(self, 'cmd-start', 'cmd-stop',
+ 'cmd-restart', 'cmd-reload')
+ class ITestHandler1(InitdHandler):
+ _initd_name = 'test1'
+ class ITestHandler2(InitdHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ InitdHandler.__init__(self, 'test2', '/usr/local/etc/init.d')
+ handlers = [
+ STestHandler1(),
+ STestHandler2(),
+ ITestHandler1(),
+ ITestHandler2(),
+ ]
+ for h in handlers:
+ print h.__class__.__name__
+ try:
+ h.start()
+ except ExecutionError, e:
+ print e
+ try:
+ h.stop()
+ except ExecutionError, e:
+ print e
+ try:
+ h.restart()
+ except ExecutionError, e:
+ print e
+ try:
+ h.reload()
+ except ExecutionError, e:
+ print e
+ print
+ # Persistent test
+ print 'PTestHandler'
+ class PTestHandler(Persistent):
+ _persistent_vars = 'vars'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.vars = dict(a=1, b=2)
+ h = PTestHandler()
+ print h.vars
+ h._dump()
+ h.vars['x'] = 100
+ print h.vars
+ h._load()
+ print h.vars
+ h.vars['x'] = 100
+ h._dump()
+ print h.vars
+ del h.vars['x']
+ print h.vars
+ h._load()
+ print h.vars
+ print
+ # Restorable test
+ print 'RTestHandler'
+ class RTestHandler(Restorable):
+ _persistent_vars = 'vars'
+ _restorable_defaults = dict(vars=dict(a=1, b=2))
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._restore()
+ h = RTestHandler()
+ print h.vars
+ h.vars['x'] = 100
+ h._dump()
+ h = RTestHandler()
+ print h.vars
+ print
+ # ConfigWriter test
+ print 'CTestHandler'
+ import os
+ os.mkdir('templates')
+ f = file('templates/config', 'w')
+ f.write('Hello, ${name}! You are ${what}.')
+ f.close()
+ print 'template:'
+ print file('templates/config').read()
+ class CTestHandler(ConfigWriter):
+ _config_writer_files = 'config'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._config_build_templates()
+ def _get_config_vars(self, config_file):
+ return dict(name='you', what='a parrot')
+ h = CTestHandler()
+ h._write_config()
+ print 'config:'
+ print file('config').read()
+ os.unlink('config')
+ os.unlink('templates/config')
+ os.rmdir('templates')
+ print