--- /dev/null
+from pygments.token import *
+from pygments.style import Style
+class PrintStyle(Style):
+ background_color = '#FFF'
+ default_style = '#444'
+ styles = {
+ Generic: '#444',
+ Comment: 'bold italic #888',
+ Keyword: 'bold #444',
+ Keyword.Type: 'noinherit nobold italic #444',
+ Keyword.Constant: 'noinherit nobold italic #444',
+ Name: '#444',
+ Name.Builtin: 'noinherit nobold italic #000',
+ Number: '#000',
+ Operator: '#000',
+ Punctuation: '#000',
+ String: 'italic #444 bg:#e6e6e6',
+ }
\usepackage[final]{varioref} % XXX: breaks PDF index, use [final] when done
% Relaja restricciones de LaTeX para floats, ver:
% http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF/bibliog/latex/floats.html
% http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=floats
% Profundida maxima de tabla de contenidos
+% Color de fondo de codigo
+% Definiciones para PDF
+ pdftitle={Recolecci\'on de basura en D},
+ pdfauthor={Leandro Mat\'ias Lucarella},
+ pdfsubject={Tesis de Ingenier\'ia en Inform\'atica, FIUBA},
+ pdfkeywords={gc}{d}{cdgc}{fork}{concurrent}
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#latex_appendices = []
aspect = 0.5,
+# Para imprimir
+if True:
+ pygments_style = 'pygsty.PrintStyle'
+ latex_preamble += r'''
+ % Colores para imprimir
+ \definecolor{TitleColor}{rgb}{0,0,0}
+ \definecolor{InnerLinkColor}{rgb}{0,0,0}
+ \definecolor{OuterLinkColor}{rgb}{0,0,0}
+ \hypersetup{colorlinks=false}
+ '''