PDFLATEX := pdflatex
PDFLATEXFLAGS := -halt-on-error -file-line-error
+PLOTS := stw pause time mem ncol
+PROGS := bigarr conalloc concpu mcore rnddata sbtree split \
+ bh bisort em3d tsp voronoi dil
+STATS := ./stats.py
+TEMPLITE := ./templite.py
+EPSTOPDF := epstopdf
+GNUPLOT := gnuplot
+comma := ,
imgs := $O/img/mark-sweep-0.pdf \
$(patsubst %.dot,$O/%.pdf,$(wildcard img/mark-sweep-*.dot)) \
- $O/img/heap.pdf
+ $O/img/heap.pdf \
+ $(patsubst %,$O/img/norm-hist-%.pdf,$(PLOTS))
presentacion.pdf: $O/presentacion.tex $(imgs)
@echo "$(PDFLATEX) $< > $@"
@echo "$(AAFIG) $< > $@"
@$(AAFIG) $(AAFIGFLAGS) -t pdf -o $@ $<
+$O/img/norm-hist-%.csv: img/raw-hist-%.csv
+ @echo "norm $< > $@"
+ @awk -F, -v m=`cut -d, -f4 $< | $(STATS) '$$1' '%(max)s'` \
+ '{print $$1 "," $$2/m "," $$3/m "," $$4/m "," $$5/m}' \
+ $< > $@
+$O/img/norm-hist-%.eps: $(patsubst %,$O/img/norm-hist-\%-%.csv,$(PROGS))
+ @echo "plot $< > $@"
+ @$(TEMPLITE) "progs=($(patsubst %,'%'$(comma),$(PROGS))), " \
+ "files=($(patsubst %,'%'$(comma),$^))" \
+ < histogram-plot.tpl.gpi | $(GNUPLOT) > $@
+$O/img/norm-hist-%.pdf: $O/img/norm-hist-%.eps
+ @echo "$(EPSTOPDF) $< > $@"
+ @$(EPSTOPDF) --outfile=$@ $<
$O/img/%.pdf: img/%.pdf
@echo "cp $< > $@"
@cp $< $@
--- /dev/null
+progs="bigarr conalloc concpu mcore rnddata sbtree split"
+progs="$progs bh bisort em3d tsp voronoi dil"
+declare -A opts=(
+ [basic]="cdgc-conservative=1:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0"
+ [cdgc]="$cdgc_opts"
+declare -A time_opts=(
+ [basic]="basic"
+ [cdgc]="$cdgc_opts"
+declare -A exps=(
+ [pause]='$2'
+ [stw]='$4'
+ [mem]='($5+$6+$7+$8)/1024/1024'
+ [ncol]=''
+get_counts() {
+ exp="${exps[$1]}"
+ prog="$2"
+ opts="${opts[$3]}"
+ for f in "$res_root/raw-collect/collect-$prog-$opts-4cpu-"*.csv
+ do
+ sed 1d "$f" | wc -l
+ done
+get_maxs() {
+ exp="${exps[$1]}"
+ prog="$2"
+ opts="${opts[$3]}"
+ for f in "$res_root/raw-collect/collect-$prog-$opts-4cpu-"*.csv
+ do
+ $stats "$exp" '%(max)s' < $f
+ done
+declare -A funcs=(
+ [pause]=get_maxs
+ [stw]=get_maxs
+ [mem]=get_maxs
+ [ncol]=get_counts
+for val in stw pause mem ncol
+ for prog in $progs
+ do
+ dst="raw-hist-$val-$prog.csv"
+ echo $dst
+ rm -f $dst
+ for gc in basic cdgc
+ do
+ echo -n "$gc," >> $dst
+ ${funcs[$val]} $val $prog $gc | $stats >> $dst
+ done
+ done
+# time
+for prog in $progs
+ dst="raw-hist-time-$prog.csv"
+ echo $dst
+ rm -f $dst
+ for gc in basic cdgc
+ do
+ opts="${time_opts[$gc]}"
+ src="$res_root/raw-timemem/timemem-$prog-$opts-4cpu.csv"
+ echo -n "$gc," >> $dst
+ $stats < "$src" >> $dst
+ done
--- /dev/null
+# Terminal
+set term postscript eps color size 16cm,9cm 16
+# Style macros
+set macros
+min = "lc rgb 'gray20'"
+std = "lc rgb 'gray50'"
+max = "lc rgb 'gray90'"
+# Style
+set style histogram rows title offset character 2, 0.25, 0
+set style fill solid 1.00 border rgb 'black'
+set style data histograms
+set boxwidth 0.8 absolute
+set xtics border in scale 1,0.5 nomirror rotate by -45 offset character 0,0.3,0
+set yrange [0:1.18]
+# Data format
+set datafile separator ','
+# Labels
+#set ylabel "$ {ylabel}$"
+#set xlabel font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf,9"
+# Plot
+def title(i, name):
+ emit('title "%s"' % name if i == 0 else 'notitle')
+def end(i):
+ emit(', \\' if i != len(progs)-1 else '')
+def at(i):
+ emit(i*4)
+no_neg(x)=(x < 0) ? 0 : x
+only_neg(x)=(x < 0) ? x : 0
+plot ${ for i, name in enumerate(progs): }$ \
+ newhistogram '${name}$' at ${at(i)}$, '${files[i]}$' \
+ using (no_neg($2+only_neg($3-$2-$5))) ${title(i, 'min')}$ lt 1 @min, \
+ '' using (no_neg($3-$2-$5)) notitle lt 1 @max, \
+ '' using ($5):xtic(1) ${title(i, 'media+/-dstd')}$ lt 1 @std, \
+ '' using ($5+only_neg($4-$3-$5)) notitle lt 1 @std, \
+ '' using (no_neg($4-$3-$5)) ${title(i, 'max')}$ lt 1 @max ${end(i)}$
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
Banco de Pruebas
-Diapositiva 1
-Diapositiva 1
+* Múltiples corridas (20-50)
-Diapositiva 2
-Diapositiva 2
+ * Minimizar error en la medición
+ * Resultados expresados en función de:
+ * Mínimo
+ * Media
+ * Máximo
+ * Desvío estándar
-Tiempo de Stop-The-World
+* Minimizar variación entre corridas
-Diapositiva 1
-Diapositiva 1
+ * ``cpufreq-set(1)``
+ * ``nice(1)``
+ * ``ionice(1)``
-Diapositiva 2
-Diapositiva 2
+* Triviales (7)
+ * Ejercitar aspectos puntuales
+ * No realizan una tarea útil
+ * Casos patológicos
-Tiempo de Pausa Real
+* Programas pequeños - *Olden Benchmark* (5)
-Diapositiva 1
-Diapositiva 1
+ * Relativamente pequeños (400-1000 *SLOC*)
+ * Realizan una tarea útil
+ * Manipulan mucho listas y árboles asignando mucha memoria
+ * No son ideales para probar un *GC*
-Diapositiva 2
-Diapositiva 2
+* Programas reales - **Dil** (1)
+ * Compilador de D escrito en D
+ * Grande y complejo (32K+ *SLOC*, 86 módulos, 300+ *clases*)
+ * Programado sin (limitaciones ni ventajas del) *GC* en mente
+ * Manipulación de *strings*, arreglos dinámicos y asociativos
+* Tiempo total de ejecución
+* Tiempo máximo de *stop-the-world*
+* Tiempo máximo de pausa real
+* Cantidad máxima de memoria utilizada
+* Cantidad total de recolecciones realizadas
-Tiempo de Ejecución
+Gráficos de Corridas
-Diapositiva 1
-Diapositiva 1
+Tiempo Máximo de Stop-The-World
+.. image:: img/norm-hist-stw.pdf
+ :width: 12.5cm
+Tiempo Máximo de Pausa Real
+.. image:: img/norm-hist-pause.pdf
+ :width: 12.5cm
+Tiempo Total de Ejecución
+.. image:: img/norm-hist-time.pdf
+ :width: 12.5cm
+Cantidad total de recolecciones realizadas
+.. image:: img/norm-hist-ncol.pdf
+ :width: 12.5cm
+Cantidad máxima de memoria utilizada
+.. image:: img/norm-hist-mem.pdf
+ :width: 12.5cm
-Diapositiva 2
-Diapositiva 2
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import re
+import sys
+import numpy.numarray.mlab as m
+exp = '$1'
+fmt = '%(min)s,%(mean)s,%(max)s,%(std)s'
+sep = ','
+ exp = sys.argv[1]
+ fmt = sys.argv[2]
+ sep = sys.argv[3]
+ pass
+vals = []
+for n, l in enumerate(sys.stdin):
+ l = l.strip()
+ if not l:
+ continue
+ try:
+ fields = dict([('$'+str(int(k)+1), float(v.strip()))
+ for k, v in enumerate(l.split(sep))])
+ v = float(eval(re.sub(r'(\$\d+)', r'%(\1)f', exp) % fields))
+ except:
+ if n == 0:
+ continue
+ raise
+ vals.append(v)
+vars = dict(min=min(vals), mean=m.mean(vals), max=max(vals), std=m.std(vals))
+print fmt % vars
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Templite+
+# A light-weight, fully functional, general purpose templating engine
+# Copyright (c) 2009 joonis new media
+# Author: Thimo Kraemer <thimo.kraemer@joonis.de>
+# Based on Templite - Tomer Filiba
+# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496702/
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import sys, re
+class Templite(object):
+ auto_emit = re.compile('(^[\'\"])|(^[a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]\'\"]+$)')
+ def __init__(self, template, start='${', end='}$'):
+ if len(start) != 2 or len(end) != 2:
+ raise ValueError('each delimiter must be two characters long')
+ delimiter = re.compile('%s(.*?)%s' % (re.escape(start), re.escape(end)), re.DOTALL)
+ offset = 0
+ tokens = []
+ for i, part in enumerate(delimiter.split(template)):
+ part = part.replace('\\'.join(list(start)), start)
+ part = part.replace('\\'.join(list(end)), end)
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if not part: continue
+ part = part.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
+ part = '\t' * offset + 'emit("""%s""")' % part
+ else:
+ part = part.rstrip()
+ if not part: continue
+ if part.lstrip().startswith(':'):
+ if not offset:
+ raise SyntaxError('no block statement to terminate: ${%s}$' % part)
+ offset -= 1
+ part = part.lstrip()[1:]
+ if not part.endswith(':'): continue
+ elif self.auto_emit.match(part.lstrip()):
+ part = 'emit(%s)' % part.lstrip()
+ lines = part.splitlines()
+ margin = min(len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) for l in lines if l.strip())
+ part = '\n'.join('\t' * offset + l[margin:] for l in lines)
+ if part.endswith(':'):
+ offset += 1
+ tokens.append(part)
+ if offset:
+ raise SyntaxError('%i block statement(s) not terminated' % offset)
+ self.__code = compile('\n'.join(tokens), '<templite %r>' % template[:20], 'exec')
+ def render(self, __namespace=None, **kw):
+ """
+ renders the template according to the given namespace.
+ __namespace - a dictionary serving as a namespace for evaluation
+ **kw - keyword arguments which are added to the namespace
+ """
+ namespace = {}
+ if __namespace: namespace.update(__namespace)
+ if kw: namespace.update(kw)
+ namespace['emit'] = self.write
+ __stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = self
+ self.__output = []
+ eval(self.__code, namespace)
+ sys.stdout = __stdout
+ return ''.join(self.__output)
+ def write(self, *args):
+ for a in args:
+ self.__output.append(str(a))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if '--demo' not in sys.argv:
+ vars = eval('dict(' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) + ')')
+ sys.stdout.write(Templite(sys.stdin.read()).render(vars))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ template = r"""
+This we already know:
+ <body>
+ ${
+ def say_hello(arg):
+ emit("hello ", arg, "<br>")
+ }$
+ <table>
+ ${
+ for i in range(10):
+ emit("<tr><td> ")
+ say_hello(i)
+ emit(" </tr></td>\n")
+ }$
+ </table>
+ ${emit("hi")}$
+ tralala ${if x > 7:
+ say_hello("big x")}$ lala
+ $\{this is escaped starting delimiter
+ ${emit("this }\$ is an escaped ending delimiter")}$
+ ${# this is a python comment }$
+ </body>
+But this is completely new:
+${if x > 7:}$
+ x is ${emit('greater')}$ than ${print x-1}$ Well, the print statement produces a newline.
+ This terminates the previous code block and starts an else code block
+ Also this would work: $\{:end}\$$\{else:}\$, but not this: $\{:end}\$ $\{else:}\$
+${:this terminates the else-block
+only the starting colon is essential}$
+So far you had to write:
+ if x > 3:
+ emit('''
+ After a condition you could not continue your template.
+ You had to write pure python code.
+ The only way was to use %%-based substitutions %s
+ ''' % x)
+${if x > 6:}$
+ Now you do not need to break your template ${print x}$
+${:elif x > 3:}$
+ This is great
+${for i in range(x-1):}$ Of course you can use any type of block statement ${i}$ ${"fmt: %s" % (i*2)}$
+Single variables and expressions starting with quotes are substituted automatically.
+Instead $\{emit(x)}\$ you can write $\{x}\$ or $\{'%s' % x}\$ or $\{"", x}\$
+Therefore standalone statements like break, continue or pass
+must be enlosed by a semicolon: $\{continue;}\$
+The end
+ t = Templite(template)
+ print t.render(x=8)
+ # Output is:
+ """
+This we already know:
+ <body>
+ <table>
+ <tr><td> hello 0<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 1<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 2<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 3<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 4<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 5<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 6<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 7<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 8<br> </tr></td>
+<tr><td> hello 9<br> </tr></td>
+ </table>
+ hi
+ tralala hello big x<br> lala
+ ${this is escaped starting delimiter
+ this }$ is an escaped ending delimiter
+ </body>
+But this is completely new:
+ x is greater than 7
+ Well, the print statement produces a newline.
+So far you had to write:
+ After a condition you could not continue your template.
+ You had to write pure python code.
+ The only way was to use %-based substitutions 8
+ Now you do not need to break your template 8
+ Of course you can use any type of block statement 0 fmt: 0
+ Of course you can use any type of block statement 1 fmt: 2
+ Of course you can use any type of block statement 2 fmt: 4
+ Of course you can use any type of block statement 3 fmt: 6
+ Of course you can use any type of block statement 4 fmt: 8
+ Of course you can use any type of block statement 5 fmt: 10
+ Of course you can use any type of block statement 6 fmt: 12
+Single variables and expressions starting with quotes are substituted automatically.
+Instead ${emit(x)}$ you can write ${x}$ or ${'%s' % x}$ or ${"", x}$
+Therefore standalone statements like break, continue or pass
+must be enlosed by a semicolon: ${continue;}$
+The end