+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+A docutils script converting restructured text into Beamer-flavoured LaTeX.
+Beamer is a LaTeX document class for presentations. Via this script, ReST can
+be used to prepare slides. It can be called::
+ rst2beamer.py infile.txt > outfile.tex
+where ``infile.txt`` contains the rst and ``outfile.tex`` contains the
+Beamer-flavoured LaTeX.
+See <http:www.agapow.net/software/rst2beamer> for more details.
+# TODO: modifications for handout sections?
+# TOOD: sections and subsections?
+# TODO: convert document metadata to front page fields?
+# TODO: toc-conversion?
+# TODO: fix descriptions
+# TODO: 'r2b' or 'beamer' as identifying prefix?
+# This file has been modified by Ryan Krauss starting on 2009-03-25.
+# Please contact him if it is broken: ryanwkrauss@gmail.com
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
+__author__ = "Ryan Krauss <ryanwkrauss@gmail.com> & Paul-Michael Agapow <agapow@bbsrc.ac.uk>"
+__version__ = "0.6.6"
+### IMPORTS ###
+import re
+import pdb
+ locale.setlocale (locale.LC_ALL, '')
+ pass
+from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, default_description
+from docutils.writers.latex2e import Writer as Latex2eWriter
+from docutils.writers.latex2e import LaTeXTranslator, DocumentClass
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.nodes import fully_normalize_name as normalize_name
+from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, Directive
+from docutils import frontend
+from docutils.writers.latex2e import PreambleCmds
+ 'python': 'python',
+ 'guess': 'guess',
+ 'c++': 'cpp',
+ 'Beamer options',
+ 'These are derived almost entirely from the LaTeX2e options',
+ tuple (
+ [
+ (
+ 'Specify theme.',
+ ['--theme'],
+ {'default': 'Warsaw', }
+ ),
+ (
+ 'Overlay bulleted items. Put [<+-| alert@+>] at the end of '
+ '\\begin{itemize} so that Beamer creats an overlay for each '
+ 'bulleted item and the presentation reveals one bullet at a time',
+ ['--overlaybullets'],
+ {'default': True, }
+ ),
+ (
+ 'Default for whether or not to pass the fragile option to '
+ 'the beamber frames (slides).',
+ ['--fragile-default'],
+ {'default': True, }
+ ),
+ (
+ 'Center figures. All includegraphics statements will be put '
+ 'inside center environments.',
+ ['--centerfigs'],
+ {'default': True, }
+ ),
+ (
+ # TODO: this doesn't seem to do anything ...
+ 'Specify document options. Multiple options can be given, '
+ 'separated by commas. Default is "10pt,a4paper".',
+ ['--documentoptions'],
+ {'default': '', }
+ ),
+## (
+## 'Attach author and date to the document title.',
+## ['--use-latex-docinfo'],
+## {'default': 1, 'action': 'store_true',
+## 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}
+## ),
+ (
+ "Print embedded notes along with the slides. Possible "
+ "arguments include 'false' (don't show), 'only' (show "
+ "only notes), 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' (show in "
+ "relation to the annotated slide).",
+ ['--shownotes'],
+ {
+ 'action': "store",
+ 'type': 'choice',
+ 'dest': 'shownotes',
+ 'default': SHOWNOTES_FALSE,
+ }
+ ),
+ # should the pygments highlighter be used for codeblocks?
+ (
+ "Use the Pygments syntax highlighter to color blocks of "
+ "code. Otherwise, they will be typeset as simple literal "
+ "text. Obviously Pygments must be installed or an error. "
+ "will be raised. ",
+ ['--codeblocks-use-pygments'],
+ {
+ 'action': "store_true",
+ 'dest': 'cb_use_pygments',
+ 'default': False,
+ }
+ ),
+ # replace tabs inside codeblocks?
+ (
+ "Replace the leading tabs in codeblocks with spaces.",
+ ['--codeblocks-replace-tabs'],
+ {
+ 'action': 'store',
+ 'type': int,
+ 'dest': 'cb_replace_tabs',
+ 'default': 0,
+ }
+ ),
+ # what language the codeblock is if not specified
+ (
+ "The default language to hilight code blocks as. ",
+ ['--codeblocks-default-language'],
+ {
+ 'action': 'store',
+ 'type': 'choice',
+ 'dest': 'cb_default_lang',
+ 'choices': HILITE_OPTIONS.values(),
+ 'default': 'guess',
+ }
+ ),
+ ] + list (Latex2eWriter.settings_spec[2][2:])
+ ),
+ 'use_latex_toc': True,
+ 'output_encoding': 'latin-1',
+ 'documentclass': 'beamer',
+ 'documentoptions': 't',#text is at the top of each slide rather than centered. Changing to 'c' centers the text on each slide (vertically)
+BEAMER_DEFAULT_OVERRIDES = {'use_latex_docinfo': 1}
+bool_strs = ['false','true','0','1']
+bool_vals = [False, True, False, True]
+bool_dict = dict (zip (bool_strs, bool_vals))
+PreambleCmds.documenttitle = r"""
+%% Document title
+docinfo_w_institute = r"""
+%% Document title
+### UTILS
+LEADING_SPACE_RE = re.compile ('^ +')
+def adjust_indent_spaces (strn, orig_width=8, new_width=3):
+ """
+ Adjust the leading space on a string so as to change the indent width.
+ :Parameters:
+ strn
+ The source string to change.
+ orig_width
+ The expected width for an indent in the source string.
+ new_width
+ The new width to make an ident.
+ :Returns:
+ The original string re-indented.
+ That takes strings that may be indented by a set number of spaces (or its
+ multiple) and adjusts the indent for a new number of spaces. So if the
+ expected indent width is 8 and the desired ident width is 3, a string has
+ been indented by 16 spaces, will be changed to have a indent of 6.
+ For example::
+ >>> adjust_indent_spaces (' foo')
+ ' foo'
+ >>> adjust_indent_spaces (' foo', orig_width=2, new_width=1)
+ ' foo'
+ This is useful where meaningful indent must be preserved (i.e. passed
+ through) ReST, especially tabs when used in the literal environments. ReST
+ transforms tabs-as-indents to 8 spaces, which leads to excessively spaced
+ out text. This function can be used to adjust the indent step to a
+ reasonable size.
+ .. note::
+ Excess spaces (those above and beyond a multiple of the original
+ indent width) will be preserved. Only indenting spaces will be
+ handled. Mixing tabs and spaces is - as always - a bad idea.
+ """
+ ## Preconditions & preparation:
+ assert (1 <= orig_width)
+ assert (0 <= new_width)
+ if (orig_width == new_width):
+ return strn
+ ## Main:
+ match = LEADING_SPACE_RE.match (strn)
+ if (match):
+ indent_len = match.end() - match.start()
+ indent_cnt = indent_len / orig_width
+ indent_depth = indent_cnt * orig_width
+ strn = ' ' * indent_cnt * new_width + strn[indent_depth:]
+ return strn
+def index (seq, f, fail=None):
+ """
+ Return the index of the first item in seq where f(item) is True.
+ :Parameters:
+ seq
+ A sequence or iterable
+ f
+ A boolean function an element of `seq`, e.g. `lambda x: x==4`
+ fail
+ The value to return if no item is found in seq.
+ While this could be written in a neater fashion in Python 2.6, this method
+ maintains compatiability with earlier version.
+ """
+ for index in (i for i in xrange (len (seq)) if f (seq[i])):
+ return index
+ return fail
+def node_has_class (node, classes):
+ """
+ Does the node have one of these classes?
+ :Parameters:
+ node
+ A docutils node
+ class
+ A class name or list of class names.
+ :Returns:
+ A boolean indicating membership.
+ A convenience function, largely for testing for the special class names
+ in containers.
+ """
+ ## Preconditions & preparation:
+ # wrap single name in list
+ if (not (issubclass (type (classes), list))):
+ classes = [classes]
+ ## Main:
+ for cname in classes:
+ if cname in node['classes']:
+ return True
+ return False
+def node_lang_class (node):
+ """
+ Extract a language specification from a node class names.
+ :Parameters:
+ node
+ A docutils node
+ :Returns:
+ A string giving a language abbreviation (e.g. 'py') or None if no
+ langauge is found.
+ Some sourcecode containers can pass a (programming) language specification
+ by passing it via a classname like 'lang-py'. This function searches a
+ nodes classnames for those starting with 'lang-' and returns the trailing
+ portion. Note that if more than one classname matches, only the first is
+ seen.
+ """
+ ## Main:
+ for cname in node['classes']:
+ if (cname.startswith ('lang-')):
+ return cname[5:]
+ return None
+def wrap_children_in_columns (par_node, children, width=None):
+ """
+ Replace this node's children with columns containing the passed children.
+ :Parameters:
+ par_node
+ The node whose children are to be replaced.
+ children
+ The new child nodes, to be wrapped in columns and added to the
+ parent.
+ width
+ The width to be assigned to the columns.
+ In constructing columns for beamer using either 'simplecolumns' approach,
+ we have to wrap the original elements in column nodes, giving them an
+ appropriate width. Note that this mutates parent node.
+ """
+ ## Preconditions & preparation:
+ # TODO: check for children and raise error if not?
+ width = width or 0.90
+ ## Main:
+ # calc width of child columns
+ child_cnt = len (children)
+ col_width = width / child_cnt
+ # set each element of content in a column and add to column set
+ new_children = []
+ for child in children:
+ col = column()
+ col.width = col_width
+ col.append (child)
+ new_children.append (col)
+ par_node.children = new_children
+def has_sub_sections (node):
+ """Test whether or not a section node has children with the
+ tagname section. The function is going to be used to assess
+ whether or not a certain section is the lowest level. Sections
+ that have not sub-sections (i.e. no children with the tagname
+ section) are assumed to be Beamer slides"""
+ for child in node.children:
+ if child.tagname == 'section':
+ return True
+ return False
+def string_to_bool (stringin, default=True):
+ """
+ Turn a commandline arguement string into a boolean value.
+ """
+ if type (stringin) == bool:
+ return stringin
+ temp = stringin.lower()
+ if temp not in bool_strs:
+ return default
+ else:
+ return bool_dict[temp]
+def highlight_code (text, lang):
+ """
+ Syntax-highlight source code using Pygments.
+ :Parameters:
+ text
+ The code to be formatted.
+ lang
+ The language of the source code.
+ :Returns:
+ A LaTeX formatted representation of the source code.
+ """
+ ## Preconditions & preparation:
+ from pygments import highlight
+ from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter
+ ## Main:
+ lexer = get_lexer (text, lang)
+ lexer.add_filter('whitespace', tabsize=3, tabs=' ')
+ return highlight (text, lexer, LatexFormatter(tabsize=3))
+def get_lexer (text, lang):
+ """
+ Return the Pygments lexer for parsing this sourcecode.
+ :Parameters:
+ text
+ The sourcecode to be lexed for highlighting. This is analysed if
+ the language is 'guess'.
+ lang
+ An abbreviation for the programming langauge of the code. Can be
+ any 'name' accepted by Pygments, including 'none' (plain text) or
+ 'guess' (analyse the passed code for clues).
+ :Returns:
+ A Pygments lexer.
+ """
+ # TODO: what if source has errors?
+ ## Preconditions & preparation:
+ from pygments.lexers import (get_lexer_by_name, TextLexer, guess_lexer)
+ ## Main:
+ if lang == 'guess':
+ try:
+ return guess_lexer (text)
+ except Exception:
+ return None
+ elif lang == 'none':
+ return TextLexer
+ else:
+ return get_lexer_by_name (lang)
+### NODES ###
+# Special nodes for marking up beamer layout
+class columnset (nodes.container):
+ """
+ A group of columns to display on one slide.
+ Named as per docutils standards.
+ """
+ # NOTE: a simple container, has no attributes.
+class column (nodes.container):
+ """
+ A single column, grouping content.
+ Named as per docutils standards.
+ """
+ # TODO: should really init width in a c'tor
+class beamer_note (nodes.container):
+ """
+ Annotations for a beamer presentation.
+ Named as per docutils standards and to distinguish it from core docutils
+ node type.
+ """
+ pass
+class CodeBlockDirective (Directive):
+ """
+ Directive for a code block with special highlighting or line numbering
+ settings.
+ Unabashedly borrowed from the Sphinx source.
+ """
+ has_content = True
+ required_arguments = 0
+ optional_arguments = 1
+ final_argument_whitespace = False
+ option_spec = {
+ 'linenos': directives.flag,
+ }
+ def run (self):
+ # extract langauge from block or commandline
+ # we allow the langauge specification to be optional
+ try:
+ language = self.arguments[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ language = 'guess'
+ code = u'\n'.join (self.content)
+ literal = nodes.literal_block (code, code)
+ literal['classes'].append ('code-block')
+ literal['language'] = language
+ literal['linenos'] = 'linenos' in self.options
+ return [literal]
+for name in ['code-block', 'sourcecode']:
+ directives.register_directive (name, CodeBlockDirective)
+class SimpleColsDirective (Directive):
+ """
+ A directive that wraps all contained nodes in beamer columns.
+ Accept 'width' as an optional argument for total width of contained
+ columns.
+ """
+ required_arguments = 0
+ optional_arguments = 1
+ final_argument_whitespace = True
+ has_content = True
+ option_spec = {'width': float}
+ def run (self):
+ ## Preconditions:
+ self.assert_has_content()
+ # get width
+ width = self.options.get ('width', 0.9)
+ if (width <= 0.0) or (1.0 < width):
+ raise self.error ("columnset width '%f' must be between 0.0 and 1.0" % width)
+ ## Main:
+ # parse content of columnset
+ dummy = nodes.Element()
+ self.state.nested_parse (self.content, self.content_offset,
+ dummy)
+ # make columnset
+ text = '\n'.join (self.content)
+ cset = columnset (text)
+ # wrap children in columns & set widths
+ wrap_children_in_columns (cset, dummy.children, width)
+ ## Postconditions & return:
+ return [cset]
+for name in ['r2b-simplecolumns', 'r2b_simplecolumns']:
+ directives.register_directive (name, SimpleColsDirective)
+class ColumnSetDirective (Directive):
+ """
+ A directive that encloses explicit columns in a 'columns' environment.
+ Within this, columns are explcitly set with the column directive. There is
+ a single optional argument 'width' to determine the total width of
+ columns on the page, expressed as a fraction of textwidth. If no width is
+ given, it defaults to 0.90.
+ Contained columns may have an assigned width. If not, the remaining width
+ is divided amongst them. Contained columns can 'overassign' width,
+ provided all column widths are defined.
+ """
+ required_arguments = 0
+ optional_arguments = 1
+ final_argument_whitespace = True
+ has_content = True
+ option_spec = {'width': float}
+ def run (self):
+ ## Preconditions:
+ self.assert_has_content()
+ # get and check width of column set
+ width = self.options.get ('width', 0.9)
+ if ((width <= 0.0) or (1.0 < width)):
+ raise self.error ( \
+ "columnset width '%f' must be between 0.0 and 1.0" % width)
+ ## Main:
+ # make columnset
+ text = '\n'.join (self.content)
+ cset = columnset (text)
+ # parse content of columnset
+ self.state.nested_parse (self.content, self.content_offset, cset)
+ # survey widths
+ used_width = 0.0
+ unsized_cols = []
+ for child in cset:
+ child_width = getattr (child, 'width', None)
+ if (child_width):
+ used_width += child_width
+ else:
+ unsized_cols.append (child)
+ if (1.0 < used_width):
+ raise self.error ( \
+ "cumulative column width '%f' exceeds 1.0" % used_width)
+ # set unsized widths
+ if (unsized_cols):
+ excess_width = width - used_width
+ if (excess_width <= 0.0):
+ raise self.error ( \
+ "no room for unsized columns '%f'" % excess_width)
+ col_width = excess_width / len (unsized_cols)
+ for child in unsized_cols:
+ child.width = col_width
+ elif (width < used_width):
+ # TODO: should post a warning?
+ pass
+ ## Postconditions & return:
+ return [cset]
+for name in ['r2b-columnset', 'r2b_columnset']:
+ directives.register_directive (name, ColumnSetDirective)
+class ColumnDirective (Directive):
+ """
+ A directive to explicitly create an individual column.
+ This can only be used within the columnset directive. It can takes a
+ single optional argument 'width' to determine the column width on page.
+ If no width is given, it is recorded as None and should be later assigned
+ by the enclosing columnset.
+ """
+ required_arguments = 0
+ optional_arguments = 1
+ final_argument_whitespace = True
+ has_content = True
+ option_spec = {'width': float}
+ def run (self):
+ ## Preconditions:
+ self.assert_has_content()
+ # get width
+ width = self.options.get ('width', None)
+ if (width is not None):
+ if (width <= 0.0) or (1.0 < width):
+ raise self.error ("columnset width '%f' must be between 0.0 and 1.0" % width)
+ ## Main:
+ # make columnset
+ text = '\n'.join (self.content)
+ col = column (text)
+ col.width = width
+ # parse content of column
+ self.state.nested_parse (self.content, self.content_offset, col)
+ # adjust widths
+ ## Postconditions & return:
+ return [col]
+for name in ['r2b-column', 'r2b_column']:
+ directives.register_directive (name, ColumnDirective)
+class NoteDirective (Directive):
+ """
+ A directive to include notes within a beamer presentation.
+ """
+ required_arguments = 0
+ optional_arguments = 0
+ final_argument_whitespace = True
+ has_content = True
+ option_spec = {}
+ def run (self):
+ ## Preconditions:
+ self.assert_has_content()
+ ## Main:
+ ## Preconditions:
+ # make columnset
+ text = '\n'.join (self.content)
+ note_node = beamer_note (text)
+ # parse content of note
+ self.state.nested_parse (self.content, self.content_offset, note_node)
+ ## Postconditions & return:
+ return [note_node]
+for name in ['r2b-note', 'r2b_note']:
+ directives.register_directive (name, NoteDirective)
+class beamer_section (Directive):
+ required_arguments = 1
+ optional_arguments = 0
+ final_argument_whitespace = True
+ has_content = True
+ def run (self):
+ title = self.arguments[0]
+ section_text = '\\section{%s}' % title
+ text_node = nodes.Text (title)
+ text_nodes = [text_node]
+ title_node = nodes.title (title, '', *text_nodes)
+ name = normalize_name (title_node.astext())
+ section_node = nodes.section(rawsource=self.block_text)
+ section_node['names'].append(name)
+ section_node += title_node
+ messages = []
+ title_messages = []
+ section_node += messages
+ section_node += title_messages
+ section_node.tagname = 'beamer_section'
+ return [section_node]
+for name in ['beamer_section', 'r2b-section', 'r2b_section']:
+ directives.register_directive (name, beamer_section)
+class BeamerTranslator (LaTeXTranslator):
+ """
+ A converter for docutils elements to beamer-flavoured latex.
+ """
+ def __init__ (self, document):
+ LaTeXTranslator.__init__ (self, document)
+ self.organization = None#used for Beamer title and possibly
+ #header/footer. Set from docinfo
+ # record the the settings for codeblocks
+ self.cb_use_pygments = document.settings.cb_use_pygments
+ self.cb_replace_tabs = document.settings.cb_replace_tabs
+ self.cb_default_lang = document.settings.cb_default_lang
+ self.head_prefix = [x for x in self.head_prefix
+ if ('{typearea}' not in x)]
+ #hyperref_posn = [i for i in range (len (self.head_prefix))
+ # if ('{hyperref}' in self.head_prefix[i])]
+ hyperref_posn = index (self.head_prefix,
+ lambda x: '{hyperref}\n' in x)
+ if (hyperref_posn is None):
+ self.head_prefix.extend ([
+ '\\usepackage{hyperref}\n'
+ ])
+ #self.head_prefix[hyperref_posn[0]] = '\\usepackage{hyperref}\n'
+ self.head_prefix.extend ([
+ '\\definecolor{rrblitbackground}{rgb}{0.55, 0.3, 0.1}\n',
+ '\\newenvironment{rtbliteral}{\n',
+ '\\begin{ttfamily}\n',
+ '\\color{rrblitbackground}\n',
+ '}{\n',
+ '\\end{ttfamily}\n',
+ '}\n',
+ ])
+ if (self.cb_use_pygments):
+ #from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter
+ #fmtr = LatexFormatter()
+ self.head_prefix.extend ([
+ '\\usepackage{fancyvrb}\n',
+ '\\usepackage{color}\n',
+ #LatexFormatter().get_style_defs(),
+ ])
+ # set appropriate header options for theming
+ theme = document.settings.theme
+ if theme:
+ self.head_prefix.append ('\\usetheme{%s}\n' % theme)
+ # set appropriate header options for note display
+ shownotes = document.settings.shownotes
+ if shownotes == SHOWNOTES_TRUE:
+ shownotes = SHOWNOTES_RIGHT
+ use_pgfpages = True
+ if (shownotes == SHOWNOTES_FALSE):
+ option_str = 'hide notes'
+ use_pgfpages = False
+ elif (shownotes == SHOWNOTES_ONLY):
+ option_str = 'show only notes'
+ else:
+ if (shownotes == SHOWNOTES_LEFT):
+ notes_posn = 'left'
+ elif (shownotes in SHOWNOTES_RIGHT):
+ notes_posn = 'right'
+ elif (shownotes == SHOWNOTES_TOP):
+ notes_posn = 'top'
+ elif (shownotes == SHOWNOTES_BOTTOM):
+ notes_posn = 'bottom'
+ else:
+ # TODO: better error handling
+ assert False, "unrecognised option for shownotes '%s'" % shownotes
+ option_str = 'show notes on second screen=%s' % notes_posn
+ if use_pgfpages:
+ self.head_prefix.append ('\\usepackage{pgfpages}\n')
+ self.head_prefix.append ('\\setbeameroption{%s}\n' % option_str)
+ self.head_prefix.append ('\\usepackage{xmpmulti}\n')
+ if (self.cb_use_pygments):
+ from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter
+ fmtr = LatexFormatter()
+ self.head_prefix.extend ([
+ LatexFormatter().get_style_defs(),
+ ])
+ self.overlay_bullets = string_to_bool (document.settings.overlaybullets, False)
+ self.fragile_default = string_to_bool (document.settings.fragile_default, True)
+ #using a False default because
+ #True is the actual default. If you are trying to pass in a value
+ #and I can't determine what you really meant, I am assuming you
+ #want something other than the actual default.
+ self.centerfigs = string_to_bool(document.settings.centerfigs, False)#same reasoning as above
+ self.in_columnset = False
+ self.in_column = False
+ self.in_note = False
+ self.frame_level = 0
+ # this fixes the hardcoded section titles in docutils 0.4
+ self.d_class = DocumentClass ('article')
+ def depart_document(self, node):
+ # Complete header with information gained from walkabout
+ # a) conditional requirements (before style sheet)
+ self.requirements = self.requirements.sortedvalues()
+ # b) coditional fallback definitions (after style sheet)
+ self.fallbacks = self.fallbacks.sortedvalues()
+ # c) PDF properties
+ self.pdfsetup.append(PreambleCmds.linking % (self.colorlinks,
+ self.hyperlink_color,
+ self.hyperlink_color))
+ if self.pdfauthor:
+ authors = self.author_separator.join(self.pdfauthor)
+ self.pdfinfo.append(' pdfauthor={%s}' % authors)
+ if self.pdfinfo:
+ self.pdfsetup += [r'\hypersetup{'] + self.pdfinfo + ['}']
+ # Complete body
+ # a) document title (part 'body_prefix'):
+ # NOTE: Docutils puts author/date into docinfo, so normally
+ # we do not want LaTeX author/date handling (via \maketitle).
+ # To deactivate it, we add \title, \author, \date,
+ # even if the arguments are empty strings.
+ if self.title or self.author_stack or self.date:
+ authors = ['\\\\\n'.join(author_entry)
+ for author_entry in self.author_stack]
+ title = [''.join(self.title)] + self.title_labels
+ shorttitle = ''.join(self.title)
+ shortauthor = ''.join(self.pdfauthor)
+ if self.subtitle:
+ title += [r'\\ % subtitle',
+ r'\large{%s}' % ''.join(self.subtitle)
+ ] + self.subtitle_labels
+ docinfo_list = [shorttitle,
+ '%\n '.join(title),
+ shortauthor,
+ ' \\and\n'.join(authors),
+ ', '.join(self.date)]
+ if self.organization is None:
+ docinfo_str = PreambleCmds.documenttitle % tuple(docinfo_list)
+ else:
+ docinfo_list.append(self.organization)
+ docinfo_str = docinfo_w_institute % tuple(docinfo_list)
+ self.body_pre_docinfo.append(docinfo_str)
+ # b) bibliography
+ # TODO insertion point of bibliography should be configurable.
+ if self._use_latex_citations and len(self._bibitems)>0:
+ if not self.bibtex:
+ widest_label = ''
+ for bi in self._bibitems:
+ if len(widest_label)<len(bi[0]):
+ widest_label = bi[0]
+ self.out.append('\n\\begin{thebibliography}{%s}\n' %
+ widest_label)
+ for bi in self._bibitems:
+ # cite_key: underscores must not be escaped
+ cite_key = bi[0].replace(r'\_','_')
+ self.out.append('\\bibitem[%s]{%s}{%s}\n' %
+ (bi[0], cite_key, bi[1]))
+ self.out.append('\\end{thebibliography}\n')
+ else:
+ self.out.append('\n\\bibliographystyle{%s}\n' %
+ self.bibtex[0])
+ self.out.append('\\bibliography{%s}\n' % self.bibtex[1])
+ # c) make sure to generate a toc file if needed for local contents:
+ if 'minitoc' in self.requirements and not self.has_latex_toc:
+ self.out.append('\n\\faketableofcontents % for local ToCs\n')
+ def visit_docinfo_item(self, node, name):
+ if name == 'author':
+ self.pdfauthor.append(self.attval(node.astext()))
+ if self.use_latex_docinfo:
+ if name in ('author', 'contact', 'address'):
+ # We attach these to the last author. If any of them precedes
+ # the first author, put them in a separate "author" group
+ # (in lack of better semantics).
+ if name == 'author' or not self.author_stack:
+ self.author_stack.append([])
+ if name == 'address': # newlines are meaningful
+ self.insert_newline = 1
+ text = self.encode(node.astext())
+ self.insert_newline = False
+ else:
+ text = self.attval(node.astext())
+ self.author_stack[-1].append(text)
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ elif name == 'date':
+ self.date.append(self.attval(node.astext()))
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ elif name == 'organization':
+ self.organization = node.astext()
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ self.out.append('\\textbf{%s}: &\n\t' % self.language_label(name))
+ if name == 'address':
+ self.insert_newline = 1
+ self.out.append('{\\raggedright\n')
+ self.context.append(' } \\\\\n')
+ else:
+ self.context.append(' \\\\\n')
+ #LaTeXTranslator.visit_docinfo_item(self, node, name)
+ def latex_image_length(self, width_str):
+ match = re.match('(\d*\.?\d*)\s*(\S*)', width_str)
+ if not match:
+ # fallback
+ return width_str
+ res = width_str
+ amount, unit = match.groups()[:2]
+ if unit == "px":
+ # LaTeX does not know pixels but points
+ res = "%spt" % amount
+ elif unit == "%":
+ res = "%.3f\\linewidth" % (float(amount) / 100.0)
+ return res
+ def visit_image(self, node):
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ if not 'align' in attrs and self.centerfigs:
+ attrs['align'] = 'center'
+ #if ('height' not in attrs) and ('width' not in attrs):
+ # attrs['height'] = '0.75\\textheight'
+ LaTeXTranslator.visit_image(self, node)
+ ## #Old approach
+ ## if self.centerfigs:
+ ## self.out.append('\\begin{center}\n')
+ ## attrs = node.attributes
+ ## # Add image URI to dependency list, assuming that it's
+ ## # referring to a local file.
+ ## self.settings.record_dependencies.add(attrs['uri'])
+ ## pre = [] # in reverse order
+ ## post = []
+ ## include_graphics_options = []
+ ## inline = isinstance(node.parent, nodes.TextElement)
+ ## if 'scale' in attrs:
+ ## # Could also be done with ``scale`` option to
+ ## # ``\includegraphics``; doing it this way for consistency.
+ ## pre.append('\\scalebox{%f}{' % (attrs['scale'] / 100.0,))
+ ## post.append('}')
+ ## if 'width' in attrs:
+ ## include_graphics_options.append('width=%s' % (
+ ## self.latex_image_length(attrs['width']), ))
+ ## if 'height' in attrs:
+ ## include_graphics_options.append('height=%s' % (
+ ## self.latex_image_length(attrs['height']), ))
+ ## if ('height' not in attrs) and ('width' not in attrs):
+ ## include_graphics_options.append('height=0.75\\textheight')
+ ## if 'align' in attrs:
+ ## align_prepost = {
+ ## # By default latex aligns the bottom of an image.
+ ## (1, 'bottom'): ('', ''),
+ ## (1, 'middle'): ('\\raisebox{-0.5\\height}{', '}'),
+ ## (1, 'top'): ('\\raisebox{-\\height}{', '}'),
+ ## (0, 'center'): ('{\\hfill', '\\hfill}'),
+ ## # These 2 don't exactly do the right thing. The image should
+ ## # be floated alongside the paragraph. See
+ ## # http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/objects.html#adef-align-IMG
+ ## (0, 'left'): ('{', '\\hfill}'),
+ ## (0, 'right'): ('{\\hfill', '}'),}
+ ## try:
+ ## pre.append(align_prepost[inline, attrs['align']][0])
+ ## post.append(align_prepost[inline, attrs['align']][1])
+ ## except KeyError:
+ ## pass # XXX complain here?
+ ## if not inline:
+ ## pre.append('\n')
+ ## post.append('\n')
+ ## pre.reverse()
+ ## self.out.extend( pre )
+ ## options = ''
+ ## if len(include_graphics_options)>0:
+ ## options = '[%s]' % (','.join(include_graphics_options))
+ ## self.out.append( '\\includegraphics%s{%s}' % (
+ ## options, attrs['uri'] ) )
+ ## self.out.extend( post )
+ ## def depart_image(self, node):
+ ## #This goes with the old approach above
+ ## if self.centerfigs:
+ ## self.out.append('\\end{center}\n')
+ ## def visit_Text (self, node):
+ ## self.out.append(self.encode(node.astext()))
+ def depart_Text(self, node):
+ pass
+ def node_fragile_check(self, node):
+ """Check whether or not a slide should be marked as fragile.
+ If the slide has class attributes of fragile or notfragile,
+ then the document default is overriden."""
+ if 'notfragile' in node.attributes['classes']:
+ return False
+ elif 'fragile' in node.attributes['classes']:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return self.fragile_default
+ def begin_frametag (self, node):
+ bf_str = '\n\\begin{frame}'
+ if self.node_fragile_check(node):
+ bf_str += '[fragile]'
+ bf_str += '\n'
+ return bf_str
+ def end_frametag (self):
+ return '\\end{frame}\n'
+ def visit_section (self, node):
+ if has_sub_sections (node):
+ temp = self.section_level + 1
+ if temp > self.frame_level:
+ self.frame_level = temp
+ else:
+ self.out.append (self.begin_frametag(node))
+ LaTeXTranslator.visit_section (self, node)
+ def bookmark (self, node):
+ """I think beamer alread handles bookmarks well, so I
+ don't want duplicates."""
+ return ''
+ def depart_section (self, node):
+ # Remove counter for potential subsections:
+ LaTeXTranslator.depart_section (self, node)
+ if (self.section_level == self.frame_level):#0
+ self.out.append (self.end_frametag())
+ def visit_title (self, node):
+ if node.astext() == 'dummy':
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ if (self.section_level == self.frame_level+1):#1
+ self.out.append ('\\frametitle{%s}\n\n' % \
+ self.encode(node.astext()))
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ else:
+ LaTeXTranslator.visit_title (self, node)
+ def depart_title (self, node):
+ if (self.section_level != self.frame_level+1):#1
+ LaTeXTranslator.depart_title (self, node)
+ def visit_literal_block (self, node):
+ # FIX: the purpose of this method is unclear, but it causes parsed
+ # literals in docutils 0.6 to lose indenting. Thus we've solve the
+ # problem be just getting rid of it. [PMA 20091020]
+ # TODO: replace leading tabs like in codeblocks?
+ if (node_has_class (node, 'code-block') and self.cb_use_pygments):
+ self.visit_codeblock (node)
+ else:
+ self.out.append ('\\setbeamerfont{quote}{parent={}}\n')
+ LaTeXTranslator.visit_literal_block (self, node)
+ def depart_literal_block (self, node):
+ # FIX: see `visit_literal_block`
+ if (node_has_class (node, 'code-block') and self.cb_use_pygments):
+ self.visit_codeblock (node)
+ else:
+ LaTeXTranslator.depart_literal_block (self, node)
+ self.out.append ( '\\setbeamerfont{quote}{parent=quotation}\n' )
+ def visit_codeblock (self, node):
+ # was langauge argument defined on node?
+ lang = node.get ('language', None)
+ # otherwise, was it defined in node classes?
+ if (lang is None):
+ lang = node_lang_class (node)
+ # otherwise, use commandline argument or default
+ if lang is None:
+ lang = self.cb_default_lang
+ # replace tabs if required
+ srccode = node.rawsource
+ if (self.cb_replace_tabs):
+ srccode = '\n'.join (adjust_indent_spaces (x,
+ new_width=self.cb_replace_tabs) for x in srccode.split ('\n'))
+ # hilight the code
+ hilite_code = highlight_code (srccode, lang)
+ self.out.append ('\n' + hilite_code + '\n')
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ def depart_codeblock (self, node):
+ pass
+ def visit_bullet_list (self, node):
+ # NOTE: required by the loss of 'topic_classes' in docutils 0.6
+ # TODO: so what replaces it?
+ if (hasattr (self, 'topic_classes') and
+ ('contents' in self.topic_classes)):
+ if self.use_latex_toc:
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ self.out.append( '\\begin{list}{}{}\n' )
+ else:
+ begin_str = '\\begin{itemize}'
+ if self.node_overlay_check(node):
+ begin_str += '[<+-| alert@+>]'
+ begin_str += '\n'
+ self.out.append (begin_str)
+ def node_overlay_check(self, node):
+ """Assuming that the bullet or enumerated list is the child of
+ a slide, check to see if the slide has either nooverlay or
+ overlay in its classes. If not, default to the commandline
+ specification for overlaybullets."""
+ if 'nooverlay' in node.parent.attributes['classes']:
+ return False
+ elif 'overlay' in node.parent.attributes['classes']:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return self.overlay_bullets
+ def depart_bullet_list (self, node):
+ # NOTE: see `visit_bullet_list`
+ if (hasattr (self, 'topic_classes') and
+ ('contents' in self.topic_classes)):
+ self.out.append( '\\end{list}\n' )
+ else:
+ self.out.append( '\\end{itemize}\n' )
+## def latex_image_length(self, width_str):
+## if ('\\textheight' in width_str) or ('\\textwidth' in width_str):
+## return width_str
+## else:
+## return LaTeXTranslator.latex_image_length(self, width_str)
+ def visit_enumerated_list (self, node):
+ #LaTeXTranslator has a very complicated
+ #visit_enumerated_list that throws out much of what latex
+ #does to handle them for us. I am going back to relying
+ #on latex.
+ if ('contents' in getattr (self, 'topic_classes', [])):
+ if self.use_latex_toc:
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ self.out.append( '\\begin{list}{}{}\n' )
+ else:
+ begin_str = '\\begin{enumerate}'
+ if self.node_overlay_check(node):
+ begin_str += '[<+-| alert@+>]'
+ begin_str += '\n'
+ self.out.append(begin_str)
+ if node.has_key('start'):
+ self.out.append('\\addtocounter{enumi}{%d}\n' \
+ % (node['start']-1))
+ def depart_enumerated_list (self, node):
+ if ('contents' in getattr (self, 'topic_classes', [])):
+ self.out.append ('\\end{list}\n')
+ else:
+ self.out.append ('\\end{enumerate}\n' )
+## def astext (self):
+## if self.pdfinfo is not None and self.pdfauthor:
+## self.pdfinfo.append ('pdfauthor={%s}' % self.pdfauthor)
+## if self.pdfinfo:
+## pdfinfo = '\\hypersetup{\n' + ',\n'.join (self.pdfinfo) + '\n}\n'
+## else:
+## pdfinfo = ''
+## head = '\\title{%s}\n' % self.title
+## if self.auth_stack:
+## auth_head = '\\author{%s}\n' % ' \\and\n'.join (\
+## ['~\\\\\n'.join (auth_lines) for auth_lines in self.auth_stack])
+## head += auth_head
+## if self.date:
+## date_head = '\\date{%s}\n' % self.date
+## head += date_head
+## return ''.join (self.head_prefix + [head] + self.head + [pdfinfo]
+## + self.out_prefix + self.out + self.out_suffix)
+## def visit_docinfo (self, node):
+## """
+## Docinfo is ignored for Beamer documents.
+## """
+## pass
+## def depart_docinfo (self, node):
+## # see visit_docinfo
+## pass
+ def visit_columnset (self, node):
+ assert not self.in_columnset, \
+ "already in column set, which cannot be nested"
+ self.in_columnset = True
+ self.out.append ('\\begin{columns}[T]\n')
+ def depart_columnset (self, node):
+ assert self.in_columnset, "not in column set"
+ self.in_columnset = False
+ self.out.append ('\\end{columns}\n')
+ def visit_column (self, node):
+ assert not self.in_column, "already in column, which cannot be nested"
+ self.in_column = True
+ self.out.append ('\\column{%.2f\\textwidth}\n' % node.width)
+ def depart_column (self, node):
+ self.in_column = False
+ self.out.append ('\n')
+ def visit_beamer_note (self, node):
+ assert not self.in_note, "already in note, which cannot be nested"
+ self.in_note = True
+ self.out.append ('\\note{\n')
+ def depart_beamer_note (self, node):
+ self.in_note = False
+ self.out.append ('}\n')
+ def visit_container (self, node):
+ """
+ Handle containers with 'special' names, ignore the rest.
+ """
+ # NOTE: theres something wierd here where ReST seems to translate
+ # underscores in container identifiers into hyphens. So for the
+ # moment we'll allow both.
+ if (node_has_class (node, 'r2b-simplecolumns')):
+ self.visit_columnset (node)
+ wrap_children_in_columns (node, node.children)
+ elif (node_has_class (node, 'r2b-note')):
+ self.visit_beamer_note (node)
+ else:
+ # currently the LaTeXTranslator does nothing, but just in case
+ LaTeXTranslator.visit_container (self, node)
+ def depart_container (self, node):
+ if (node_has_class (node, 'r2b-simplecolumns')):
+ self.depart_columnset (node)
+ elif (node_has_class (node, 'r2b-note')):
+ self.depart_beamer_note (node)
+ else:
+ # currently the LaTeXTranslator does nothing, but just in case
+ LaTeXTranslator.depart_container (self, node)
+ # Convert strong from \textbf to \alert
+ def visit_strong(self, node):
+ self.out.append('\\alert{')
+ if node['classes']:
+ self.visit_inline(node)
+ def depart_strong(self, node):
+ if node['classes']:
+ self.depart_inline(node)
+ self.out.append('}')
+class BeamerWriter (Latex2eWriter):
+ """
+ A docutils writer that produces Beamer-flavoured LaTeX.
+ """
+ settings_spec = BEAMER_SPEC
+ settings_default_overrides = BEAMER_DEFAULT_OVERRIDES
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.settings_defaults.update(BEAMER_DEFAULTS)
+ Latex2eWriter.__init__(self)
+ self.translator_class = BeamerTranslator
+### TEST & DEBUG ###
+# TODO: should really move to a test file or dir
+def test_with_file (fpath, args=[]):
+ """
+ Call rst2beamer on the given file with the given args.
+ During development, it's handy to be able to easily call the writer from
+ within Python. This is a convenience function that wraps the docutils
+ functions to do so.
+ """
+ return publish_cmdline (writer=BeamerWriter(), argv=args+[fpath])
+### MAIN ###
+def main ():
+ description = (
+ "Generates Beamer-flavoured LaTeX for PDF-based presentations." +
+ default_description)
+ publish_cmdline (writer=BeamerWriter(), description=description)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+### END ###