3 {%ToDo 'AlgoWars.todo'}
4 {%ToDo 'AlgoWars.test_vectores.todo'}
8 ObjetosVoladores in 'ObjetosVoladores.pas',
9 Vectores in 'Vectores.pas',
10 Objeto in 'Objeto.pas',
11 Tipos in 'Tipos.pas';
17 v: array [1..MAX] of cVector;
23 assignFile( fo, 'log.txt' );
25 v[1] := cVector.Create; // O
26 v[2] := cVector.Create( 1, pi / 2, 0 ); // j
27 v[3] := cVector.Create( v[2] ); // j
28 v[4] := cVector.Create( 0, 1, 0 ); // j
29 v[5] := cVector.Create( -3473, 67100, 12249 );
30 v[6] := cVector.Create( -3473, 67100, 12249 );
32 v[7] := cVector.Create( -3473, 67100, 12249 );
33 v[7].mMultiplicar( v[4] ); // k
34 v[8] := cVector.Create( v[5] );
35 v[8].mAddModulo( 10 );
36 v[9] := cVector.Create( v[8] );
37 v[9].mSetModulo( 10 );
38 v[10] := cVector.Create( v[9] );
39 v[10].mMultiplicarPor( 0.1 );
40 v[11] := cVector.Create( v[10] );
42 v[12] := cVector.Create( v[9] );
43 v[12].mMultiplicar( 1.5 );
44 v[13] := cVector.Create( v[9] );
45 v[13].mSumar( v[4] );
46 v[14] := cVector.create( -1, 1, 0 );
47 writeln( fo, 'v[5].v[5]: ' + floatToStr( v[5].mMultiplicarEsc( v[5] ) ) );
48 writeln( fo, 'v[3].v[4]: ' + floatToStr( v[3].mMultiplicarEsc( v[4] ) ) );
49 for i := 1 to MAX do begin
50 writeln( fo, 'VECTOR ' + IntToStr( i ) + ': ' + #13 + #10 + v[i].mGetDebugInfo + #13 + #10 );