bSensor set-direction to (-1,0,0).\r
bSensor set-id at 2.\r
bSensor set-body at self.\r
- #bSensor set-sensor-angle to (-1.6).\r
lSensor = (self add-sensor at (0, .4, 1.5)).\r
lSensor set-direction to (0,0,1).\r
lSensor set-id at 3.\r
valueb=bSensor get-data.\r
valuel=lSensor get-data.\r
valuer=rSensor get-data.\r
- \r
- #value = sensor get-data.\r
- #value = self get-sensor-value.\r
- #valueb = sensor2 get-sensor-value.\r
- if valuef >7: \r
+ self turn-left with-velocity(20).\r
+ self set-global-velocity to (15).\r
+ if valuef >7: \r
self set-global-velocity to (15).\r
else if (valuef <=7) && (valuef > 0):\r
{ \r
+ to get-data:\r
i (object).\r
x,y,z (float).\r
- a,b (float).\r
- v(vector).\r
+ min,dist (float).\r
+ v,obs(vector).\r
+ j (int).\r
wallBegin,wallEnd (float).\r
location (vector).\r
posObstacle,posSensor (vector).\r
- \r
- \r
- transDir = (self get-rotation) * direction.\r
+ \r
draw clear.\r
value = 0.0.\r
- foreach i in (all CeldasObstacles): { \r
- \r
- posObstacle=i get-location.\r
- #print "$i".\r
- \r
+ j=0.\r
+ min=0.\r
+ foreach i in (all CeldasObstacles): \r
+ {\r
+ posObstacle=i get-location.\r
+ \r
+ \r
if(dot((i get-direction),direction)==0):\r
{ \r
des2=1. \r
} \r
#Compruebo que el robot este frente a la pared\r
wallBegin=dot((i get-location),(i get-direction) )- (i get-large)/2.\r
wallEnd=dot((i get-location),(i get-direction) )+ (i get-large)/2. \r
yo=self get-location.\r
destiny=i get-direction.\r
- \r
+ v = (body get-location) - (self get-location ).\r
+ obsLoc::y=y=posObstacle::y. \r
+ \r
+ if (dot((i get-direction),(1,0,0))):\r
+ {\r
+ obsLoc::x=x=((self get-location)::x + ((posObstacle::z - (self get-location)::z)*v::x/v::z)).\r
+ obsLoc::z=z=posObstacle::z.\r
+ } \r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ obsLoc::z=z=((self get-location)::z + ((posObstacle::x - (self get-location)::x)*v::z/v::x)).\r
+ obsLoc::x=x=posObstacle::x.\r
+ } \r
- if (dot((self get-location),(i get-direction)) > wallBegin) && (dot((self get-location),(i get-direction)) < wallEnd):\r
+ if (dot((obsLoc),(i get-direction)) > wallBegin) && (dot((obsLoc),(i get-direction)) < wallEnd):\r
aux1=dot((self get-location),(i get-direction)).\r
- print "sensor: $id obstaculo: $posObstacle direP: $destiny direS: $direction yo: $yo ".\r
- print "dist: $aux1 begin: $wallBegin end: $wallEnd".\r
- v = (body get-location) - (self get-location ).\r
+ #print "sensor: $id obstaculo: $posObstacle direP: $destiny direS: $direction yo: $yo ".\r
+ #print "dist: $aux1 begin: $wallBegin end: $wallEnd".\r
print "sensor: $id , des1: $des1, des2: $des2, des3: $des3".\r
if ((des1) && (des2) && (des3)):\r
- { \r
+ { \r
draw clear. \r
- #print " posObstacle: $posObstacle". \r
- \r
- obsLoc::y=y=posObstacle::y. \r
- \r
- if (dot((i get-direction),(1,0,0))):\r
- {\r
- obsLoc::x=x=((self get-location)::x + ((posObstacle::z - (self get-location)::z)*v::x/v::z)).\r
- obsLoc::z=z=posObstacle::z.\r
- } \r
- else\r
- {\r
- obsLoc::z=z=((self get-location)::z + ((posObstacle::x - (self get-location)::x)*v::z/v::x)).\r
- obsLoc::x=x=posObstacle::x.\r
- } \r
- #Dibujo el laser\r
- \r
- draw set-color to (1, 0, 0).\r
- draw draw-line from (self get-location) to obsLoc.\r
- }\r
+ #print " posObstacle: $posObstacle". \r
+ \r
+ dist=|obsLoc - (self get-location)|.\r
+ if( (j==0) || (min>dist) ):\r
+ {\r
+ min=dist.\r
+ obs=obsLoc.\r
+ j++. \r
+ }\r
+ } \r
- }\r
+ } #end for\r
+ if(j!=0):\r
+ {\r
+ #Dibujo el laser\r
+ draw set-color to (1, 0, 0).\r
+ draw draw-line from (self get-location) to (obs).\r
+ return dist.\r
+ }\r
+ \r
value = -1.\r
return value.\r
\ No newline at end of file
obs = new CeldasObstacle .
obs init at-location (0,1,10)with-size (20,3,1).\r
obs set-direction at (0,0,1) .\r
+ \r
obs = new CeldasObstacle. \r
obs init at-location (-25,1,0) with-size (20,3,1).\r
obs set-direction at (0,0,1).\r
+ \r
obs = new CeldasObstacle.\r
obs init at-location (-10,1,-10) with-size (1,3,20).\r
obs set-direction at (1,0,0).\r
obs init at-location (-10,1,10) with-size (1,3,20).\r
obs set-direction at (1,0,0).\r
+ obs = new CeldasObstacle.\r
+ obs init at-location (10,1,10) with-size (1,3,20).\r
+ obs set-direction at (1,0,0).\r
vehicle = new CeldasVehicle.
self watch item vehicle.