]> git.llucax.com Git - software/bife/hit.git/commitdiff
- Added @package to classes.
authorLeandro Lucarella <llucax@gmail.com>
Wed, 2 Jul 2003 05:44:34 +0000 (05:44 +0000)
committerLeandro Lucarella <llucax@gmail.com>
Wed, 2 Jul 2003 05:44:34 +0000 (05:44 +0000)
- Added 'provides' to package.xml.
- Setted svn:ignore to api directories.
- Updated HIT documentation.

HTML/Template/HIT.php [new file with mode: 0644]
hit.xmi [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/HTML/Template/HIT.php b/HTML/Template/HIT.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9c03dc5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// |                       BIFE - Buil It FastEr                        |
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This file is part of BIFE.                                         |
+// |                                                                    |
+// | BIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it    |
+// | under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  |
+// | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or  |
+// | (at your option) any later version.                                |
+// |                                                                    |
+// | BIFE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but        |
+// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         |
+// | General Public License for more details.                           |
+// |                                                                    |
+// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  |
+// | along with Hooks; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,   |
+// | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA      |
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Created: Wed Jun 17 19:03:14 2003                                  |
+// | Authors: Leandro Lucarella <luca@lugmen.org.ar>                    |
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id$
+// +X2C Class 130 :HIT
+ * Hooks vs IT Template Engine.
+Hooks vs IT (HIT) is a simple template implementation, based on hooks and IT template systems.
+ *
+ * @package HTML_Template
+ * @access public
+ */
+class HTML_Template_HIT {
+    /**
+     * Root directory where template files are.
+     *
+     * @var    string $root
+     * @access public
+     */
+    var $root = '.';
+    /**
+     * If it's true, it looks for template files in PHP's include_path.
+     *
+     * @var    bool $useIncludePath
+     * @access public
+     */
+    var $useIncludePath = false;
+    /**
+     * Group of templates to use (a subdirectory in root).
+     *
+     * @var    string $group
+     * @access protected
+     */
+    var $group = '';
+    /**
+     * Templates cache.
+     *
+     * @var    array $cache
+     * @access protected
+     */
+    var $cache = array();
+    /**
+     * Parsed templates buffer.
+     *
+     * @var    array $buffer
+     * @access protected
+     */
+    var $buffer = array();
+    // ~X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 136
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     *
+     * @param  string $root Root directory where template files are.
+     * @param  bool $useIncludePath If it's true, it looks for template files in PHP's include_path.
+     * @param  string $group Group of templates to use (a subdirectory in root).
+     *
+     * @return void
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function HTML_Template_HIT($root = '.', $useIncludePath = false, $group = '') // ~X2C
+    {
+        $this->__construct($root, $useIncludePath, $group);
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 137
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     *
+     * @param  int $root Root directory where template files are.
+     * @param  false $useIncludePath If it's true, it looks for template files in PHP's include_path.
+     * @param  string $group Group of templates to use (a subdirectory in root).
+     *
+     * @return void
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function __construct($root = '.', $useIncludePath = false, $group = '') // ~X2C
+    {
+        $this->root = $root;
+        $this->useIncludePath = $useIncludePath;
+        $this->pushGroup($group);
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 138
+    /**
+     * Parse a template returning the results.
+If $vars is an array, the {[keys]} are replaced with [values] ($val is ignored). If is a string, {$vars} is replaced with $val.
+     *
+     * @param  string $name Name of template to parse.
+     * @param  mixed $vars Variables to replace in the template.
+     * @param  string $val If $vars is a string, the value to replace for $vars.
+     * @param  mixed $group Group to use to parse this template. Null to use the current group.
+     *
+     * @return string
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function parse($name, $vars = '', $val = '', $group = null) // ~X2C
+    {
+        $group = is_null($group) ? end($this->group) : $group;
+        if ($group) {
+            $file = "{$this->root}/$group/$name.tpl.html";
+        } else {
+            $file = "{$this->root}/$name.tpl.html";
+        }
+        if (!isset($this->cache[$file])) {
+            // FIXME - replace join(file()) with file_get_contents().
+            $this->cache[$file] = join('', file($file, $this->useIncludePath));
+        }
+        if ($vars) {
+            if (is_string($vars)) {
+                $vars = array($vars => $val);
+            }
+            foreach ($vars as $key => $val) {
+                $keys[] = '{' . $key . '}';
+                $vals[] = $val;
+            }
+            return str_replace($keys, $vals, $this->cache[$file]);
+        } else {
+            return $this->cache[$file];
+        }
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 144
+    /**
+     * Parse a template adding the results to the buffer.
+Parse a template appending the results to an internal buffer. If $vars is an array, the {[keys]} are replaced with [values] ($val is ignored). If is a string, {$vars} is replaced with $val.
+     *
+     * @param  string $name Name of template to parse.
+     * @param  mixed $vars Variables to replace in the template.
+     * @param  string $val If $vars is a string, the value to replace for $vars.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function parseBuffered($name, $vars = '', $val = '') // ~X2C
+    {
+        @$this->buffer["{$this->group}/$name"] .= $this->parse($name, $vars, $val);
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 145
+    /**
+     * Gets a parsed buffer.
+     *
+     * @param  string $name Name of the parsed template to get.
+     *
+     * @return string
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function getBuffer($name) // ~X2C
+    {
+        return @$this->buffer["{$this->group}/$name"];
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 146
+    /**
+     * Gets a parsed buffer and removes it.
+     *
+     * @param  string $name Name of the buffer to flush.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function popBuffer($name) // ~X2C
+    {
+        $return = @$this->buffer["{$this->group}/$name"];
+        unset($this->buffer["{$this->group}/$name"]);
+        return $return;
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 139
+    /**
+     * Sets the group to use and add it to the groups stack.
+     *
+     * @param  string $group Group to use.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function pushGroup($group = '') // ~X2C
+    {
+        $this->group[] = $group;
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 140
+    /**
+     * Removes the group from the groups stack and returns to the previous used group.
+     *
+     * @return string
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function popGroup() // ~X2C
+    {
+        return array_pop($this->group);
+    }
+    // -X2C
+    // +X2C Operation 159
+    /**
+     * Tells if a template exists.
+True if the template $name exists in $group (or the current group).
+     *
+     * @param  string $name Name of the template.
+     * @param  mixed $group Template's group. If it's null it uses the current group.
+     *
+     * @return bool
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function exists($name, $group = null) // ~X2C
+    {
+        $group = is_null($group) ? end($this->group) : $group;
+        if ($group) {
+            $file = "{$this->root}/$group/$name.tpl.html";
+        } else {
+            $file = "{$this->root}/$name.tpl.html";
+        }
+        if (!$this->useIncludePath) {
+            return is_readable($file);
+        } else {
+            $include_path = array_unique(preg_split('/[:;]/', ini_get('include_path')));
+            foreach ($include_path as $path) {
+                if (is_readable("$path/$file")) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // -X2C
+} // -X2C Class :HIT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hit.xmi b/hit.xmi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fce1054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hit.xmi
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<XMI xmlns:UML="org.omg/standards/UML" verified="false" timestamp="" xmi.version="1.2" >
+ <XMI.header>
+  <XMI.documentation>
+   <XMI.exporter>umbrello uml modeller http://uml.sf.net</XMI.exporter>
+   <XMI.exporterVersion>1.1</XMI.exporterVersion>
+  </XMI.documentation>
+  <XMI.model xmi.name="hit" href="/home/luca/website/www/test/bife/hit/hit.xmi" />
+  <XMI.metamodel xmi.name="UML" href="UML.xml" xmi.version="1.3" />
+ </XMI.header>
+ <XMI.content>
+  <docsettings viewid="132" documentation="Parse XML data getting widgets." uniqueid="159" />
+  <umlobjects>
+   <UML:Class stereotype="" package="HTML/Template" xmi.id="130" abstract="0" documentation="Hooks vs IT Template Engine.
+Hooks vs IT (HIT) is a simple template implementation, based on hooks and IT template systems." name="HIT" static="0" scope="200" >
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="136" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor." name="HTML_Template_HIT" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="'.'" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Root directory where template files are." name="root" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="false" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="If it's true, it looks for template files in PHP's include_path." name="useIncludePath" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Group of templates to use (a subdirectory in root)." name="group" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="137" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Constructor." name="__construct" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="'.'" type="int" abstract="0" documentation="Root directory where template files are." name="root" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="false" type="false" abstract="0" documentation="If it's true, it looks for template files in PHP's include_path." name="useIncludePath" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Group of templates to use (a subdirectory in root)." name="group" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="138" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Parse a template returning the results.
+If $vars is an array, the {[keys]} are replaced with [values] ($val is ignored). If is a string, {$vars} is replaced with $val." name="parse" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Name of template to parse." name="name" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Variables to replace in the template." name="vars" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="If $vars is a string, the value to replace for $vars." name="val" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="4" value="null" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Group to use to parse this template. Null to use the current group." name="group" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="144" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Parse a template adding the results to the buffer.
+Parse a template appending the results to an internal buffer. If $vars is an array, the {[keys]} are replaced with [values] ($val is ignored). If is a string, {$vars} is replaced with $val." name="parseBuffered" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Name of template to parse." name="name" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="''" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Variables to replace in the template." name="vars" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="3" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="If $vars is a string, the value to replace for $vars." name="val" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="145" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Gets a parsed buffer." name="getBuffer" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Name of the parsed template to get." name="name" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="146" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Gets a parsed buffer and removes it." name="popBuffer" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Name of the buffer to flush." name="name" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="139" type="void" abstract="0" documentation="Sets the group to use and add it to the groups stack." name="pushGroup" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Group to use." name="group" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="140" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Removes the group from the groups stack and returns to the previous used group." name="popGroup" static="0" scope="200" />
+    <UML:Operation stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="159" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="Tells if a template exists.
+True if the template $name exists in $group (or the current group)." name="exists" static="0" scope="200" >
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="1" value="" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Name of the template." name="name" static="0" scope="200" />
+     <UML:Parameter stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="2" value="null" type="mixed" abstract="0" documentation="Template's group. If it's null it uses the current group." name="group" static="0" scope="200" />
+    </UML:Operation>
+    <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="133" value="'.'" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Root directory where template files are." name="root" static="0" scope="200" />
+    <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="158" value="false" type="bool" abstract="0" documentation="If it's true, it looks for template files in PHP's include_path." name="useIncludePath" static="0" scope="200" />
+    <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="134" value="''" type="string" abstract="0" documentation="Group of templates to use (a subdirectory in root)." name="group" static="0" scope="202" />
+    <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="135" value="array()" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Templates cache." name="cache" static="0" scope="202" />
+    <UML:Attribute stereotype="" package="" xmi.id="147" value="array()" type="array" abstract="0" documentation="Parsed templates buffer." name="buffer" static="0" scope="202" />
+   </UML:Class>
+  </umlobjects>
+  <diagrams>
+   <diagram snapgrid="1" showattsig="1" fillcolor="#ffffc0" showgrid="1" showopsig="0" usefillcolor="1" snapx="10" snapy="10" showatts="1" xmi.id="132" documentation="" type="402" showops="1" showpackage="1" name="HIT Classes" localid="30000" showstereotype="0" showscope="1" font="Helvetica,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" linecolor="#ff0000" >
+    <widgets>
+     <UML:ConceptWidget usesdiagramfillcolour="0" width="195" showattsigs="601" usesdiagramusefillcolour="0" x="30" linecolour="#ff0000" y="30" showopsigs="600" usesdiagramlinecolour="0" fillcolour="#ffffc0" height="225" usefillcolor="1" showattributes="1" xmi.id="130" showoperations="1" showpackage="1" showscope="1" showstereotype="0" font="Helvetica,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" />
+    </widgets>
+    <messages/>
+    <associations/>
+   </diagram>
+  </diagrams>
+  <listview>
+   <listitem open="1" type="800" id="-1" label="Views" >
+    <listitem open="1" type="801" id="-1" label="Logical View" >
+     <listitem open="1" type="803" id="-1" label="HIT" >
+      <listitem open="0" type="813" id="130" label="HIT" >
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="136" label="HTML_Template_HIT" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="137" label="__construct" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="814" id="147" label="buffer" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="814" id="135" label="cache" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="159" label="exists" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="145" label="getBuffer" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="814" id="134" label="group" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="138" label="parse" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="144" label="parseBuffered" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="146" label="popBuffer" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="140" label="popGroup" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="815" id="139" label="pushGroup" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="814" id="133" label="root" />
+       <listitem open="0" type="814" id="158" label="useIncludePath" />
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem open="1" type="807" id="132" label="HIT Classes" />
+     </listitem>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem open="1" type="802" id="-1" label="Use Case View" />
+   </listitem>
+  </listview>
+ </XMI.content>
index bcf9483dcd11d4f783ae0730511b8a79b5108443..d7f18ed8a19c724e6dbb2900a1691d5683e151ab 100644 (file)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ like IT so every chunk must be in a separated file if you want to iterate it.
         <notes>Check http://www.llucax.hn.org/desarrollo/bife/ for details.</notes>
         <notes>Check http://www.llucax.hn.org/desarrollo/bife/ for details.</notes>
+        <provides type="class" name="HTML_Template_HIT"/>
             <!-- PHP -->
             <file role="php">HTML/Template/HIT.php</file>
             <!-- PHP -->
             <file role="php">HTML/Template/HIT.php</file>