module rt.gc.cdgc.opts;
+//debug = PRINTF;
import cstdlib = tango.stdc.stdlib;
import cstring = tango.stdc.string;
+import cerrno = tango.stdc.errno;
+debug (PRINTF) import tango.stdc.stdio: printf;
bool conservative = false;
bool fork = true;
bool eager_alloc = true;
+ uint min_free = 5; // percent of the heap (0-100)
+ size_t prealloc_psize = 0;
+ size_t prealloc_npools = 0;
package Options options;
+debug (PRINTF)
+void print_options()
+ int b(bool v) { return v; }
+ with (options)
+ printf("rt.gc.cdgc.opts: verbose=%u, log_file='%s', "
+ "malloc_stats_file='%s', collect_stats_file='%s', sentinel=%d, "
+ "mem_stomp=%d, conservative=%d, fork=%d, eager_alloc=%d, "
+ "early_collect=%d, min_free=%u, prealloc_psize=%lu, "
+ "prealloc_npools=%lu\n", verbose, log_file.ptr,
+ malloc_stats_file.ptr, collect_stats_file.ptr, b(sentinel),
+ b(mem_stomp), b(conservative), b(fork), b(eager_alloc),
+ b(early_collect), min_free, prealloc_psize, prealloc_npools);
bool cstr_eq(char* s1, char* s2)
return cstring.strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
+void parse_prealloc(char* value)
+ char* end;
+ cerrno.errno = 0;
+ long size = cstdlib.strtol(value, &end, 10);
+ if (end == value || cerrno.errno) // error parsing
+ return;
+ size *= 1024 * 1024; // size is supposed to be in MiB
+ long npools = 1;
+ if (*end == 'x') { // number of pools specified
+ char* start = end + 1;
+ npools = cstdlib.strtol(start, &end, 10);
+ if (*end != '\0' || end == start || cerrno.errno) // error parsing
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (*end != '\0') { // don't accept trailing garbage
+ return;
+ }
+ if (size > 0 && npools > 0) {
+ options.prealloc_psize = size;
+ options.prealloc_npools = npools;
+ }
+void parse_min_free(char* value)
+ char* end;
+ long free = cstdlib.strtol(value, &end, 10);
+ if (*end != '\0' || end == value || cerrno.errno || free < 0 || free > 100)
+ return;
+ options.min_free = free;
void process_option(char* opt_name, char* opt_value)
if (cstr_eq(opt_name, "verbose"))
options.mem_stomp = parse_bool(opt_value);
else if (cstr_eq(opt_name, "conservative"))
options.conservative = parse_bool(opt_value);
- else if (cstr_eq(opt_name, "no_fork"))
- options.fork = !parse_bool(opt_value);
+ else if (cstr_eq(opt_name, "fork"))
+ options.fork = parse_bool(opt_value);
else if (cstr_eq(opt_name, "eager_alloc"))
options.eager_alloc = parse_bool(opt_value);
+ else if (cstr_eq(opt_name, "min_free"))
+ parse_min_free(opt_value);
+ else if (cstr_eq(opt_name, "pre_alloc"))
+ parse_prealloc(opt_value);
opt_value[0] = '\0';
char* curr = opt_name.ptr;
size_t i = 0;
- if (opts_string is null)
+ if (opts_string is null) {
+ debug (PRINTF) printf("rt.gc.cdgc.opts: no options overriden\n");
+ }
for (; *opts_string != '\0'; opts_string++)
char c = *opts_string;
curr[i] = '\0';
process_option(opt_name.ptr, opt_value.ptr);
+ debug (PRINTF) print_options();
assert (conservative == false);
assert (fork == true);
assert (eager_alloc == true);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 0);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 0);
+ assert (min_free == 5);
with (options) {
assert (conservative == false);
assert (fork == true);
assert (eager_alloc == true);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 0);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 0);
+ assert (min_free == 5);
- parse("mem_stomp=0:verbose=2:conservative:no_fork=10:eager_alloc=0");
+ parse("mem_stomp=0:verbose=2:conservative:fork=0:eager_alloc=0");
with (options) {
assert (verbose == 2);
assert (log_file[0] == '\0');
assert (conservative == true);
assert (fork == false);
assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 0);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 0);
+ assert (min_free == 5);
parse("log_file=12345 67890:verbose=1:sentinel=4:mem_stomp=1");
with (options) {
assert (conservative == true);
assert (fork == false);
assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 0);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 0);
+ assert (min_free == 5);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc:min_free=30");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 0);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 0);
+ assert (min_free == 30);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=1");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 1 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 1);
+ assert (min_free == 30);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=5a:min_free=101");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 1 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 1);
+ assert (min_free == 30);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=5x:min_free=-1");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 1 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 1);
+ assert (min_free == 30);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=09x010:min_free=10a");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 9 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 10);
+ assert (min_free == 30);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=5x2:min_free=1.0");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 30);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=9x5x:min_free=-1");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 30);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=9x-5:min_free=0");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 0);
+ }
+ parse("pre_alloc=0x3x0x4:min_free=100");
+ with (options) {
+ assert (verbose == 1);
+ assert (cstring.strcmp(log_file.ptr, "12345 67890".ptr) == 0);
+ assert (sentinel == true);
+ assert (mem_stomp == true);
+ assert (conservative == true);
+ assert (fork == false);
+ assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 100);
with (options) {
assert (conservative == true);
assert (fork == false);
assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 100);
with (options) {
assert (conservative == true);
assert (fork == false);
assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 100);
with (options) {
assert (conservative == true);
assert (fork == false);
assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 100);
with (options) {
assert (conservative == true);
assert (fork == false);
assert (eager_alloc == false);
+ assert (prealloc_psize == 5 * 1024 * 1024);
+ assert (prealloc_npools == 2);
+ assert (min_free == 100);