- * This module contains the garbage collector front-end.
+ * This module contains the garbage collector implementation.
- * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Digital Mars, www.digitalmars.com.
+ * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Digital Mars, www.digitalmars.com.
* All rights reserved.
* License:
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* be misrepresented as being the original software.
* o This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
- * Authors: Walter Bright, Sean Kelly
+ * Authors: Walter Bright, David Friedman, Sean Kelly
module gc.gc;
-import gc.x;
+// D Programming Language Garbage Collector implementation
+/************** Debugging ***************************/
+//debug = PRINTF; // turn on printf's
+//debug = COLLECT_PRINTF; // turn on printf's
+//debug = LOGGING; // log allocations / frees
+//debug = MEMSTOMP; // stomp on memory
+//debug = SENTINEL; // add underrun/overrrun protection
+//debug = PTRCHECK; // more pointer checking
+//debug = PTRCHECK2; // thorough but slow pointer checking
+/*************** Configuration *********************/
+version = STACKGROWSDOWN; // growing the stack means subtracting from the stack pointer
+ // (use for Intel X86 CPUs)
+ // else growing the stack means adding to the stack pointer
+import gc.bits;
import gc.stats;
-import tango.stdc.stdlib;
+import gc.alloc;
+import gc.libc;
+version (GNU)
+ // BUG: The following import will likely not work, since the gcc
+ // subdirectory is elsewhere. Instead, perhaps the functions
+ // could be declared directly or some other resolution could
+ // be found.
+ import gcc.builtins; // for __builtin_unwind_init
+struct BlkInfo
+ void* base;
+ size_t size;
+ uint attr;
+ enum BlkAttr : uint
+ {
+ FINALIZE = 0b0000_0001,
+ NO_SCAN = 0b0000_0010,
+ NO_MOVE = 0b0000_0100,
+ ALL_BITS = 0b1111_1111
+ }
+ extern (C) void* rt_stackBottom();
+ extern (C) void* rt_stackTop();
+ extern (C) void rt_finalize( void* p, bool det = true );
+ alias void delegate( void*, void* ) scanFn;
+ extern (C) void rt_scanStaticData( scanFn scan );
+ extern (C) bool thread_needLock();
+ extern (C) void thread_suspendAll();
+ extern (C) void thread_resumeAll();
+ extern (C) void thread_scanAll( scanFn fn, void* curStackTop = null );
+ extern (C) void onOutOfMemoryError();
+ enum
+ {
+ OPFAIL = ~cast(size_t)0
+ }
+alias GC gc_t;
+/* ======================= Leak Detector =========================== */
+debug (LOGGING)
+ struct Log
+ {
+ void* p;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t line;
+ char* file;
+ void* parent;
+ void print()
+ {
+ printf(" p = %x, size = %d, parent = %x ", p, size, parent);
+ if (file)
+ {
+ printf("%s(%u)", file, line);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ struct LogArray
+ {
+ size_t dim;
+ size_t allocdim;
+ Log *data;
+ void Dtor()
+ {
+ if (data)
+ .free(data);
+ data = null;
+ }
+ void reserve(size_t nentries)
+ {
+ assert(dim <= allocdim);
+ if (allocdim - dim < nentries)
+ {
+ allocdim = (dim + nentries) * 2;
+ assert(dim + nentries <= allocdim);
+ if (!data)
+ {
+ data = cast(Log*) .malloc(allocdim * Log.sizeof);
+ if (!data && allocdim)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ }
+ else
+ { Log *newdata;
+ newdata = cast(Log*) .malloc(allocdim * Log.sizeof);
+ if (!newdata && allocdim)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ .memcpy(newdata, data, dim * Log.sizeof);
+ .free(data);
+ data = newdata;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void push(Log log)
+ {
+ reserve(1);
+ data[dim++] = log;
+ }
+ void remove(size_t i)
+ {
+ .memmove(data + i, data + i + 1, (dim - i) * Log.sizeof);
+ dim--;
+ }
+ size_t find(void *p)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+ {
+ if (data[i].p == p)
+ return i;
+ }
+ return OPFAIL; // not found
+ }
+ void copy(LogArray *from)
+ {
+ reserve(from.dim - dim);
+ assert(from.dim <= allocdim);
+ .memcpy(data, from.data, from.dim * Log.sizeof);
+ dim = from.dim;
+ }
+ }
+/* ============================ GC =============================== */
+class GCLock { } // just a dummy so we can get a global lock
+const uint GCVERSION = 1; // increment every time we change interface
+ // to GC.
+class GC
+ // For passing to debug code
+ static size_t line;
+ static char* file;
+ uint gcversion = GCVERSION;
+ Gcx *gcx; // implementation
+ static ClassInfo gcLock; // global lock
+ void initialize()
+ {
+ gcLock = GCLock.classinfo;
+ gcx = cast(Gcx*) .calloc(1, Gcx.sizeof);
+ if (!gcx)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ gcx.initialize();
+ setStackBottom(rt_stackBottom());
+ }
+ void Dtor()
+ {
+ if (gcx)
+ {
+ gcx.Dtor();
+ .free(gcx);
+ gcx = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void enable()
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ assert(gcx.disabled > 0);
+ gcx.disabled--;
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ assert(gcx.disabled > 0);
+ gcx.disabled--;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void disable()
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.disabled++;
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.disabled++;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ uint getAttr(void* p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint go()
+ {
+ Pool* pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ uint oldb = 0;
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ auto biti = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / 16;
+ oldb = gcx.getBits(pool, biti);
+ }
+ return oldb;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return go();
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return go();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ uint setAttr(void* p, uint mask)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint go()
+ {
+ Pool* pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ uint oldb = 0;
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ auto biti = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / 16;
+ oldb = gcx.getBits(pool, biti);
+ gcx.setBits(pool, biti, mask);
+ }
+ return oldb;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return go();
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return go();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ uint clrAttr(void* p, uint mask)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint go()
+ {
+ Pool* pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ uint oldb = 0;
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ auto biti = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / 16;
+ oldb = gcx.getBits(pool, biti);
+ gcx.clrBits(pool, biti, mask);
+ }
+ return oldb;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return go();
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return go();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void *malloc(size_t size, uint bits = 0)
+ {
+ if (!size)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return mallocNoSync(size, bits);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return mallocNoSync(size, bits);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private void *mallocNoSync(size_t size, uint bits = 0)
+ {
+ assert(size != 0);
+ void *p = null;
+ Bins bin;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("GC::malloc(size = %d, gcx = %p)\n", size, gcx);
+ assert(gcx);
+ // Compute size bin
+ // Cache previous binsize lookup - Dave Fladebo.
+ static size_t lastsize = -1;
+ static Bins lastbin;
+ if (size == lastsize)
+ bin = lastbin;
+ else
+ {
+ bin = gcx.findBin(size);
+ lastsize = size;
+ lastbin = bin;
+ }
+ if (bin < B_PAGE)
+ {
+ p = gcx.bucket[bin];
+ if (p is null)
+ {
+ if (!gcx.allocPage(bin) && !gcx.disabled) // try to find a new page
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ /* Then we haven't locked it yet. Be sure
+ * and lock for a collection, since a finalizer
+ * may start a new thread.
+ */
+ synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.fullcollectshell();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!gcx.fullcollectshell()) // collect to find a new page
+ {
+ //gcx.newPool(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!gcx.bucket[bin] && !gcx.allocPage(bin))
+ { int result;
+ gcx.newPool(1); // allocate new pool to find a new page
+ result = gcx.allocPage(bin);
+ if (!result)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ }
+ p = gcx.bucket[bin];
+ }
+ // Return next item from free list
+ gcx.bucket[bin] = (cast(List*)p).next;
+ if( !(bits & BlkAttr.NO_SCAN) )
+ .memset(p + size, 0, binsize[bin] - size);
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\tmalloc => %x\n", p);
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p, 0xF0, size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = gcx.bigAlloc(size);
+ if (!p)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ }
+ p = sentinel_add(p);
+ sentinel_init(p, size);
+ gcx.log_malloc(p, size);
+ if (bits)
+ {
+ Pool *pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ assert(pool);
+ gcx.setBits(pool, cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / 16, bits);
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void *calloc(size_t size, uint bits = 0)
+ {
+ if (!size)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return callocNoSync(size, bits);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return callocNoSync(size, bits);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private void *callocNoSync(size_t size, uint bits = 0)
+ {
+ assert(size != 0);
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("calloc: %x len %d\n", p, len);
+ void *p = mallocNoSync(size, bits);
+ .memset(p, 0, size);
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void *realloc(void *p, size_t size, uint bits = 0)
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return reallocNoSync(p, size, bits);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return reallocNoSync(p, size, bits);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private void *reallocNoSync(void *p, size_t size, uint bits = 0)
+ {
+ if (!size)
+ { if (p)
+ { freeNoSync(p);
+ p = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!p)
+ {
+ p = mallocNoSync(size, bits);
+ }
+ else
+ { void *p2;
+ size_t psize;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("GC::realloc(p = %x, size = %u)\n", p, size);
+ version (SENTINEL)
+ {
+ sentinel_Invariant(p);
+ psize = *sentinel_size(p);
+ if (psize != size)
+ {
+ if (psize)
+ {
+ Pool *pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ auto biti = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / 16;
+ if (bits)
+ {
+ gcx.clrBits(pool, biti, BlkAttr.ALL_BITS);
+ gcx.setBits(pool, biti, bits);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bits = gcx.getBits(pool, biti);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p2 = mallocNoSync(size, bits);
+ if (psize < size)
+ size = psize;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\tcopying %d bytes\n",size);
+ .memcpy(p2, p, size);
+ p = p2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ psize = gcx.findSize(p); // find allocated size
+ if (psize >= PAGESIZE && size >= PAGESIZE)
+ {
+ auto psz = psize / PAGESIZE;
+ auto newsz = (size + PAGESIZE - 1) / PAGESIZE;
+ if (newsz == psz)
+ return p;
+ auto pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ auto pagenum = (p - pool.baseAddr) / PAGESIZE;
+ if (newsz < psz)
+ { // Shrink in place
+ synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p + size, 0xF2, psize - size);
+ pool.freePages(pagenum + newsz, psz - newsz);
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ else if (pagenum + newsz <= pool.npages)
+ {
+ // Attempt to expand in place
+ synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = pagenum + psz; 1;)
+ {
+ if (i == pagenum + newsz)
+ {
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p + psize, 0xF0, size - psize);
+ .memset(&pool.pagetable[pagenum + psz], B_PAGEPLUS, newsz - psz);
+ return p;
+ }
+ if (i == pool.npages)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pool.pagetable[i] != B_FREE)
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (psize < size || // if new size is bigger
+ psize > size * 2) // or less than half
+ {
+ if (psize)
+ {
+ Pool *pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ auto biti = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / 16;
+ if (bits)
+ {
+ gcx.clrBits(pool, biti, BlkAttr.ALL_BITS);
+ gcx.setBits(pool, biti, bits);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bits = gcx.getBits(pool, biti);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p2 = mallocNoSync(size, bits);
+ if (psize < size)
+ size = psize;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\tcopying %d bytes\n",size);
+ .memcpy(p2, p, size);
+ p = p2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attempt to in-place enlarge the memory block pointed to by p by at least
+ * minbytes beyond its current capacity, up to a maximum of maxsize. This
+ * does not attempt to move the memory block (like realloc() does).
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 if could not extend p,
+ * total size of entire memory block if successful.
+ */
+ size_t extend(void* p, size_t minsize, size_t maxsize)
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return extendNoSync(p, minsize, maxsize);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return extendNoSync(p, minsize, maxsize);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private size_t extendNoSync(void* p, size_t minsize, size_t maxsize)
+ in
+ {
+ assert( minsize <= maxsize );
+ }
+ body
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("GC::extend(p = %x, minsize = %u, maxsize = %u)\n", p, minsize, maxsize);
+ version (SENTINEL)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ auto psize = gcx.findSize(p); // find allocated size
+ if (psize < PAGESIZE)
+ return 0; // cannot extend buckets
+ auto psz = psize / PAGESIZE;
+ auto minsz = (minsize + PAGESIZE - 1) / PAGESIZE;
+ auto maxsz = (maxsize + PAGESIZE - 1) / PAGESIZE;
+ auto pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ auto pagenum = (p - pool.baseAddr) / PAGESIZE;
+ size_t sz;
+ for (sz = 0; sz < maxsz; sz++)
+ {
+ auto i = pagenum + psz + sz;
+ if (i == pool.npages)
+ break;
+ if (pool.pagetable[i] != B_FREE)
+ { if (sz < minsz)
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sz < minsz)
+ return 0;
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p + psize, 0xF0, (psz + sz) * PAGESIZE - psize);
+ .memset(pool.pagetable + pagenum + psz, B_PAGEPLUS, sz);
+ gcx.p_cache = null;
+ gcx.size_cache = 0;
+ return (psz + sz) * PAGESIZE;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ size_t reserve(size_t size)
+ {
+ if (!size)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return reserveNoSync(size);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return reserveNoSync(size);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private size_t reserveNoSync(size_t size)
+ {
+ assert(size != 0);
+ assert(gcx);
+ return gcx.reserve(size);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void free(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return freeNoSync(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return freeNoSync(p);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private void freeNoSync(void *p)
+ {
+ assert (p);
+ Pool* pool;
+ size_t pagenum;
+ Bins bin;
+ size_t biti;
+ // Find which page it is in
+ pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ if (!pool) // if not one of ours
+ return; // ignore
+ sentinel_Invariant(p);
+ p = sentinel_sub(p);
+ pagenum = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / PAGESIZE;
+ biti = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / 16;
+ gcx.clrBits(pool, biti, BlkAttr.ALL_BITS);
+ bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pagenum];
+ if (bin == B_PAGE) // if large alloc
+ { size_t npages;
+ size_t n;
+ // Free pages
+ npages = 1;
+ n = pagenum;
+ while (++n < pool.npages && pool.pagetable[n] == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ npages++;
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p, 0xF2, npages * PAGESIZE);
+ pool.freePages(pagenum, npages);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Add to free list
+ List *list = cast(List*)p;
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p, 0xF2, binsize[bin]);
+ list.next = gcx.bucket[bin];
+ gcx.bucket[bin] = list;
+ }
+ gcx.log_free(sentinel_add(p));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the base address of the block containing p. If p is not a gc
+ * allocated pointer, return null.
+ */
+ void* addrOf(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return addrOfNoSync(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return addrOfNoSync(p);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ void* addrOfNoSync(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return gcx.findBase(p);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the allocated size of pointer p. If p is an interior pointer
+ * or not a gc allocated pointer, return 0.
+ */
+ size_t sizeOf(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return sizeOfNoSync(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return sizeOfNoSync(p);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private size_t sizeOfNoSync(void *p)
+ {
+ assert (p);
+ version (SENTINEL)
+ {
+ p = sentinel_sub(p);
+ size_t size = gcx.findSize(p);
+ // Check for interior pointer
+ // This depends on:
+ // 1) size is a power of 2 for less than PAGESIZE values
+ // 2) base of memory pool is aligned on PAGESIZE boundary
+ if (cast(size_t)p & (size - 1) & (PAGESIZE - 1))
+ size = 0;
+ return size ? size - SENTINEL_EXTRA : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (p == gcx.p_cache)
+ return gcx.size_cache;
+ size_t size = gcx.findSize(p);
+ // Check for interior pointer
+ // This depends on:
+ // 1) size is a power of 2 for less than PAGESIZE values
+ // 2) base of memory pool is aligned on PAGESIZE boundary
+ if (cast(size_t)p & (size - 1) & (PAGESIZE - 1))
+ size = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ gcx.p_cache = p;
+ gcx.size_cache = size;
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the base address of the block containing p. If p is not a gc
+ * allocated pointer, return null.
+ */
+ BlkInfo query(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ BlkInfo i;
+ return i;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ return queryNoSync(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ return queryNoSync(p);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ BlkInfo queryNoSync(void *p)
+ {
+ assert(p);
+ return gcx.getInfo(p);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Verify that pointer p:
+ * 1) belongs to this memory pool
+ * 2) points to the start of an allocated piece of memory
+ * 3) is not on a free list
+ */
+ void check(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ checkNoSync(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ checkNoSync(p);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private void checkNoSync(void *p)
+ {
+ assert(p);
+ sentinel_Invariant(p);
+ debug (PTRCHECK)
+ {
+ Pool* pool;
+ size_t pagenum;
+ Bins bin;
+ size_t size;
+ p = sentinel_sub(p);
+ pool = gcx.findPool(p);
+ assert(pool);
+ pagenum = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / PAGESIZE;
+ bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pagenum];
+ assert(bin <= B_PAGE);
+ size = binsize[bin];
+ assert((cast(size_t)p & (size - 1)) == 0);
+ debug (PTRCHECK2)
+ {
+ if (bin < B_PAGE)
+ {
+ // Check that p is not on a free list
+ List *list;
+ for (list = gcx.bucket[bin]; list; list = list.next)
+ {
+ assert(cast(void*)list != p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private void setStackBottom(void *p)
+ {
+ {
+ //p = (void *)((uint *)p + 4);
+ if (p > gcx.stackBottom)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("setStackBottom(%x)\n", p);
+ gcx.stackBottom = p;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //p = (void *)((uint *)p - 4);
+ if (p < gcx.stackBottom)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("setStackBottom(%x)\n", p);
+ gcx.stackBottom = cast(char*)p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * add p to list of roots
+ */
+ void addRoot(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.addRoot(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.addRoot(p);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * remove p from list of roots
+ */
+ void removeRoot(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.removeRoot(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.removeRoot(p);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * add range to scan for roots
+ */
+ void addRange(void *p, size_t sz)
+ {
+ if (!p || !sz)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("+GC.addRange(pbot = x%x, ptop = x%x)\n", pbot, ptop);
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.addRange(p, p + sz);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.addRange(p, p + sz);
+ }
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("-GC.addRange()\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * remove range
+ */
+ void removeRange(void *p)
+ {
+ if (!p)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.removeRange(p);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.removeRange(p);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * do full garbage collection
+ */
+ void fullCollect()
+ {
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("GC.fullCollect()\n");
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.fullcollectshell();
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.fullcollectshell();
+ }
+ version (none)
+ {
+ GCStats stats;
+ getStats(stats);
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("poolsize = %x, usedsize = %x, freelistsize = %x\n",
+ stats.poolsize, stats.usedsize, stats.freelistsize);
+ }
+ gcx.log_collect();
+ }
+ /**
+ * do full garbage collection ignoring roots
+ */
+ void fullCollectNoStack()
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.noStack++;
+ gcx.fullcollectshell();
+ gcx.noStack--;
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.noStack++;
+ gcx.fullcollectshell();
+ gcx.noStack--;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * minimize free space usage
+ */
+ void minimize()
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ gcx.minimize();
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ gcx.minimize();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve statistics about garbage collection.
+ * Useful for debugging and tuning.
+ */
+ void getStats(out GCStats stats)
+ {
+ if (!thread_needLock())
+ {
+ getStatsNoSync(stats);
+ }
+ else synchronized (gcLock)
+ {
+ getStatsNoSync(stats);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ private void getStatsNoSync(out GCStats stats)
+ {
+ size_t psize = 0;
+ size_t usize = 0;
+ size_t flsize = 0;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t bsize = 0;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("getStats()\n");
+ .memset(&stats, 0, GCStats.sizeof);
+ for (n = 0; n < gcx.npools; n++)
+ { Pool *pool = gcx.pooltable[n];
+ psize += pool.npages * PAGESIZE;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < pool.npages; j++)
+ {
+ Bins bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[j];
+ if (bin == B_FREE)
+ stats.freeblocks++;
+ else if (bin == B_PAGE)
+ stats.pageblocks++;
+ else if (bin < B_PAGE)
+ bsize += PAGESIZE;
+ }
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n < B_PAGE; n++)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("bin %d\n", n);
+ for (List *list = gcx.bucket[n]; list; list = list.next)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\tlist %x\n", list);
+ flsize += binsize[n];
+ }
+ }
+ usize = bsize - flsize;
+ stats.poolsize = psize;
+ stats.usedsize = bsize - flsize;
+ stats.freelistsize = flsize;
+ }
+/* ============================ Gcx =============================== */
+{ PAGESIZE = 4096,
+ POOLSIZE = (4096*256),
+ B_16,
+ B_32,
+ B_64,
+ B_128,
+ B_256,
+ B_512,
+ B_1024,
+ B_2048,
+ B_PAGE, // start of large alloc
+ B_PAGEPLUS, // continuation of large alloc
+ B_FREE, // free page
+alias ubyte Bins;
+struct List
+ List *next;
+struct Range
+ void *pbot;
+ void *ptop;
+const uint binsize[B_MAX] = [ 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 ];
+const uint notbinsize[B_MAX] = [ ~(16u-1),~(32u-1),~(64u-1),~(128u-1),~(256u-1),
+ ~(512u-1),~(1024u-1),~(2048u-1),~(4096u-1) ];
+/* ============================ Gcx =============================== */
+struct Gcx
+ void *p_cache;
+ size_t size_cache;
+ size_t nroots;
+ size_t rootdim;
+ void **roots;
+ size_t nranges;
+ size_t rangedim;
+ Range *ranges;
+ uint noStack; // !=0 means don't scan stack
+ uint log; // turn on logging
+ uint anychanges;
+ void *stackBottom;
+ uint inited;
+ int disabled; // turn off collections if >0
+ byte *minAddr; // min(baseAddr)
+ byte *maxAddr; // max(topAddr)
+ size_t npools;
+ Pool **pooltable;
+ List *bucket[B_MAX]; // free list for each size
+ void initialize()
+ { int dummy;
+ (cast(byte*)this)[0 .. Gcx.sizeof] = 0;
+ stackBottom = cast(char*)&dummy;
+ log_init();
+ //printf("gcx = %p, self = %x\n", this, self);
+ inited = 1;
+ }
+ void Dtor()
+ {
+ inited = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < npools; i++)
+ { Pool *pool = pooltable[i];
+ pool.Dtor();
+ .free(pool);
+ }
+ if (pooltable)
+ .free(pooltable);
+ if (roots)
+ .free(roots);
+ if (ranges)
+ .free(ranges);
+ }
+ void Invariant() { }
+ invariant
+ {
+ if (inited)
+ {
+ //printf("Gcx.invariant(): this = %p\n", this);
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < npools; i++)
+ { Pool *pool = pooltable[i];
+ pool.Invariant();
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ assert(minAddr == pool.baseAddr);
+ }
+ if (i + 1 < npools)
+ {
+ assert(pool.opCmp(pooltable[i + 1]) < 0);
+ }
+ else if (i + 1 == npools)
+ {
+ assert(maxAddr == pool.topAddr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (roots)
+ {
+ assert(rootdim != 0);
+ assert(nroots <= rootdim);
+ }
+ if (ranges)
+ {
+ assert(rangedim != 0);
+ assert(nranges <= rangedim);
+ for (i = 0; i < nranges; i++)
+ {
+ assert(ranges[i].pbot);
+ assert(ranges[i].ptop);
+ assert(ranges[i].pbot <= ranges[i].ptop);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < B_PAGE; i++)
+ {
+ for (List *list = bucket[i]; list; list = list.next)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void addRoot(void *p)
+ {
+ if (nroots == rootdim)
+ {
+ size_t newdim = rootdim * 2 + 16;
+ void** newroots;
+ newroots = cast(void**) .malloc(newdim * newroots[0].sizeof);
+ if (!newroots)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ if (roots)
+ { .memcpy(newroots, roots, nroots * newroots[0].sizeof);
+ .free(roots);
+ }
+ roots = newroots;
+ rootdim = newdim;
+ }
+ roots[nroots] = p;
+ nroots++;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void removeRoot(void *p)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = nroots; i--;)
+ {
+ if (roots[i] == p)
+ {
+ nroots--;
+ .memmove(roots + i, roots + i + 1, (nroots - i) * roots[0].sizeof);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void addRange(void *pbot, void *ptop)
+ {
+ debug (PRINTF) printf("%x.Gcx::addRange(%x, %x), nranges = %d\n", this,
+ pbot, ptop, nranges);
+ if (nranges == rangedim)
+ {
+ size_t newdim = rangedim * 2 + 16;
+ Range *newranges;
+ newranges = cast(Range*) .malloc(newdim * newranges[0].sizeof);
+ if (!newranges)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ if (ranges)
+ { .memcpy(newranges, ranges, nranges * newranges[0].sizeof);
+ .free(ranges);
+ }
+ ranges = newranges;
+ rangedim = newdim;
+ }
+ ranges[nranges].pbot = pbot;
+ ranges[nranges].ptop = ptop;
+ nranges++;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void removeRange(void *pbot)
+ {
+ debug (PRINTF) printf("%x.Gcx.removeRange(%x), nranges = %d\n", this,
+ pbot, nranges);
+ for (size_t i = nranges; i--;)
+ {
+ if (ranges[i].pbot == pbot)
+ {
+ nranges--;
+ .memmove(ranges + i, ranges + i + 1, (nranges - i) * ranges[0].sizeof);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("Wrong thread\n");
+ // This is a fatal error, but ignore it.
+ // The problem is that we can get a Close() call on a thread
+ // other than the one the range was allocated on.
+ //assert(zero);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find Pool that pointer is in.
+ * Return null if not in a Pool.
+ * Assume pooltable[] is sorted.
+ */
+ Pool *findPool(void *p)
+ {
+ if (p >= minAddr && p < maxAddr)
+ {
+ if (npools == 1)
+ {
+ return pooltable[0];
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < npools; i++)
+ { Pool *pool;
+ pool = pooltable[i];
+ if (p < pool.topAddr)
+ { if (pool.baseAddr <= p)
+ return pool;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find base address of block containing pointer p.
+ * Returns null if not a gc'd pointer
+ */
+ void* findBase(void *p)
+ {
+ Pool *pool;
+ pool = findPool(p);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ size_t offset = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr);
+ size_t pn = offset / PAGESIZE;
+ Bins bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
+ // Adjust bit to be at start of allocated memory block
+ if (bin <= B_PAGE)
+ {
+ return pool.baseAddr + (offset & notbinsize[bin]);
+ }
+ else if (bin == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ {
+ do
+ { --pn, offset -= PAGESIZE;
+ } while (cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn] == B_PAGEPLUS);
+ return pool.baseAddr + (offset & (offset.max ^ (PAGESIZE-1)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we are in a B_FREE page
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find size of pointer p.
+ * Returns 0 if not a gc'd pointer
+ */
+ size_t findSize(void *p)
+ {
+ Pool* pool;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ pool = findPool(p);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ size_t pagenum;
+ Bins bin;
+ pagenum = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr) / PAGESIZE;
+ bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pagenum];
+ size = binsize[bin];
+ if (bin == B_PAGE)
+ {
+ ubyte* pt;
+ size_t i;
+ pt = &pool.pagetable[0];
+ for (i = pagenum + 1; i < pool.npages; i++)
+ {
+ if (pt[i] != B_PAGEPLUS)
+ break;
+ }
+ size = (i - pagenum) * PAGESIZE;
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ BlkInfo getInfo(void* p)
+ {
+ Pool* pool;
+ BlkInfo info;
+ pool = findPool(p);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ size_t offset = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr);
+ size_t pn = offset / PAGESIZE;
+ Bins bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // findAddr
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ if (bin <= B_PAGE)
+ {
+ info.base = pool.baseAddr + (offset & notbinsize[bin]);
+ }
+ else if (bin == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ {
+ do
+ { --pn, offset -= PAGESIZE;
+ } while (cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn] == B_PAGEPLUS);
+ info.base = pool.baseAddr + (offset & (offset.max ^ (PAGESIZE-1)));
+ // fix bin for use by size calc below
+ bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // findSize
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ info.size = binsize[bin];
+ if (bin == B_PAGE)
+ {
+ ubyte* pt;
+ size_t i;
-version (GCCLASS)
- alias GC gc_t;
- alias GC* gc_t;
+ pt = &pool.pagetable[0];
+ for (i = pn + 1; i < pool.npages; i++)
+ {
+ if (pt[i] != B_PAGEPLUS)
+ break;
+ }
+ info.size = (i - pn) * PAGESIZE;
+ }
-gc_t _gc;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // getBits
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private int _termCleanupLevel=1;
+ info.attr = getBits(pool, cast(size_t)(offset / 16));
+ }
+ return info;
+ }
-/// sets the cleanup level done by gc
-/// (0: none, 1: fullCollect, 2: fullCollectNoStack (might crash daemonThreads))
-/// result !=0 if the value was invalid
-extern (C) int gc_setTermCleanupLevel(int cLevel){
- if (cLevel<0 || cLevel>2) return cLevel;
- _termCleanupLevel=cLevel;
- return 0;
-/// returns the cleanup level done by gc
-extern (C) int gc_getTermCleanupLevel(){
- return _termCleanupLevel;
+ /**
+ * Compute bin for size.
+ */
+ static Bins findBin(size_t size)
+ { Bins bin;
-version (DigitalMars) version(OSX) {
- extern(C) void _d_osx_image_init();
+ if (size <= 256)
+ {
+ if (size <= 64)
+ {
+ if (size <= 16)
+ bin = B_16;
+ else if (size <= 32)
+ bin = B_32;
+ else
+ bin = B_64;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (size <= 128)
+ bin = B_128;
+ else
+ bin = B_256;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (size <= 1024)
+ {
+ if (size <= 512)
+ bin = B_512;
+ else
+ bin = B_1024;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (size <= 2048)
+ bin = B_2048;
+ else
+ bin = B_PAGE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bin;
+ }
-extern (C) void thread_init();
-extern (C) void gc_init()
- version (GCCLASS)
- { void* p;
- ClassInfo ci = GC.classinfo;
+ /**
+ * Allocate a new pool of at least size bytes.
+ * Sort it into pooltable[].
+ * Mark all memory in the pool as B_FREE.
+ * Return the actual number of bytes reserved or 0 on error.
+ */
+ size_t reserve(size_t size)
+ {
+ size_t npages = (size + PAGESIZE - 1) / PAGESIZE;
+ Pool* pool = newPool(npages);
- p = tango.stdc.stdlib.malloc(ci.init.length);
- (cast(byte*)p)[0 .. ci.init.length] = ci.init[];
- _gc = cast(GC)p;
+ if (!pool)
+ return 0;
+ return pool.npages * PAGESIZE;
- else
+ /**
+ * Minimizes physical memory usage by returning free pools to the OS.
+ */
+ void minimize()
- _gc = cast(GC*) tango.stdc.stdlib.calloc(1, GC.sizeof);
+ size_t n;
+ size_t pn;
+ Pool* pool;
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ {
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ for (pn = 0; pn < pool.npages; pn++)
+ {
+ if (cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn] != B_FREE)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pn < pool.npages)
+ {
+ n++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pool.Dtor();
+ .free(pool);
+ .memmove(pooltable + n,
+ pooltable + n + 1,
+ (--npools - n) * (Pool*).sizeof);
+ minAddr = pooltable[0].baseAddr;
+ maxAddr = pooltable[npools - 1].topAddr;
+ }
- _gc.initialize();
- version (DigitalMars) version(OSX) {
- _d_osx_image_init();
+ /**
+ * Allocate a chunk of memory that is larger than a page.
+ * Return null if out of memory.
+ */
+ void *bigAlloc(size_t size)
+ {
+ Pool* pool;
+ size_t npages;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t pn;
+ size_t freedpages;
+ void* p;
+ int state;
+ npages = (size + PAGESIZE - 1) / PAGESIZE;
+ for (state = 0; ; )
+ {
+ // This code could use some refinement when repeatedly
+ // allocating very large arrays.
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ {
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ pn = pool.allocPages(npages);
+ if (pn != OPFAIL)
+ goto L1;
+ }
+ // Failed
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (disabled)
+ { state = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Try collecting
+ freedpages = fullcollectshell();
+ if (freedpages >= npools * ((POOLSIZE / PAGESIZE) / 4))
+ { state = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Release empty pools to prevent bloat
+ minimize();
+ // Allocate new pool
+ pool = newPool(npages);
+ if (!pool)
+ { state = 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pn = pool.allocPages(npages);
+ assert(pn != OPFAIL);
+ goto L1;
+ case 1:
+ // Release empty pools to prevent bloat
+ minimize();
+ // Allocate new pool
+ pool = newPool(npages);
+ if (!pool)
+ goto Lnomemory;
+ pn = pool.allocPages(npages);
+ assert(pn != OPFAIL);
+ goto L1;
+ case 2:
+ goto Lnomemory;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ L1:
+ pool.pagetable[pn] = B_PAGE;
+ if (npages > 1)
+ .memset(&pool.pagetable[pn + 1], B_PAGEPLUS, npages - 1);
+ p = pool.baseAddr + pn * PAGESIZE;
+ .memset(cast(char *)p + size, 0, npages * PAGESIZE - size);
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p, 0xF1, size);
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\tp = %x\n", p);
+ return p;
+ Lnomemory:
+ return null; // let mallocNoSync handle the error
- // NOTE: The GC must initialize the thread library
- // before its first collection.
- thread_init();
-extern (C) void gc_term()
- if (_termCleanupLevel<1) {
- // no cleanup
- } else if (_termCleanupLevel==2){
- // a more complete cleanup
- // NOTE: There may be daemons threads still running when this routine is
- // called. If so, cleaning memory out from under then is a good
- // way to make them crash horribly.
- // Often this probably doesn't matter much since the app is
- // supposed to be shutting down anyway, but for example tests might
- // crash (and be considerd failed even if the test was ok).
- // thus this is not the default and should be enabled by
- // I'm disabling cleanup for now until I can think about it some
- // more.
- //
- _gc.fullCollectNoStack(); // not really a 'collect all' -- still scans
- // static data area, roots, and ranges.
- _gc.Dtor();
- } else {
- // default (safe) clenup
- _gc.fullCollect();
+ /**
+ * Allocate a new pool with at least npages in it.
+ * Sort it into pooltable[].
+ * Return null if failed.
+ */
+ Pool *newPool(size_t npages)
+ {
+ Pool* pool;
+ Pool** newpooltable;
+ size_t newnpools;
+ size_t i;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("************Gcx::newPool(npages = %d)****************\n", npages);
+ // Minimum of POOLSIZE
+ if (npages < POOLSIZE/PAGESIZE)
+ else if (npages > POOLSIZE/PAGESIZE)
+ { // Give us 150% of requested size, so there's room to extend
+ auto n = npages + (npages >> 1);
+ if (n < size_t.max/PAGESIZE)
+ npages = n;
+ }
+ // Allocate successively larger pools up to 8 megs
+ if (npools)
+ { size_t n;
+ n = npools;
+ if (n > 8)
+ n = 8; // cap pool size at 8 megs
+ if (npages < n)
+ npages = n;
+ }
+ pool = cast(Pool *) .calloc(1, Pool.sizeof);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ pool.initialize(npages);
+ if (!pool.baseAddr)
+ goto Lerr;
+ newnpools = npools + 1;
+ newpooltable = cast(Pool **) .realloc(pooltable, newnpools * (Pool *).sizeof);
+ if (!newpooltable)
+ goto Lerr;
+ // Sort pool into newpooltable[]
+ for (i = 0; i < npools; i++)
+ {
+ if (pool.opCmp(newpooltable[i]) < 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ .memmove(newpooltable + i + 1, newpooltable + i, (npools - i) * (Pool *).sizeof);
+ newpooltable[i] = pool;
+ pooltable = newpooltable;
+ npools = newnpools;
+ minAddr = pooltable[0].baseAddr;
+ maxAddr = pooltable[npools - 1].topAddr;
+ }
+ return pool;
+ Lerr:
+ pool.Dtor();
+ .free(pool);
+ return null;
-extern (C) void gc_enable()
- _gc.enable();
-extern (C) void gc_disable()
- _gc.disable();
+ /**
+ * Allocate a page of bin's.
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 failed
+ */
+ int allocPage(Bins bin)
+ {
+ Pool* pool;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t pn;
+ byte* p;
+ byte* ptop;
-extern (C) void gc_collect()
- _gc.fullCollect();
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("Gcx::allocPage(bin = %d)\n", bin);
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ {
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ pn = pool.allocPages(1);
+ if (pn != OPFAIL)
+ goto L1;
+ }
+ return 0; // failed
+ L1:
+ pool.pagetable[pn] = cast(ubyte)bin;
-extern (C) void gc_minimize()
- _gc.minimize();
+ // Convert page to free list
+ size_t size = binsize[bin];
+ List **b = &bucket[bin];
-extern (C) uint gc_getAttr( void* p )
- return _gc.getAttr( p );
+ p = pool.baseAddr + pn * PAGESIZE;
+ ptop = p + PAGESIZE;
+ for (; p < ptop; p += size)
+ {
+ (cast(List *)p).next = *b;
+ *b = cast(List *)p;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
-extern (C) uint gc_setAttr( void* p, uint a )
- return _gc.setAttr( p, a );
-extern (C) uint gc_clrAttr( void* p, uint a )
- return _gc.clrAttr( p, a );
+ /**
+ * Search a range of memory values and mark any pointers into the GC pool.
+ */
+ void mark(void *pbot, void *ptop)
+ {
+ void **p1 = cast(void **)pbot;
+ void **p2 = cast(void **)ptop;
+ size_t pcache = 0;
+ uint changes = 0;
-extern (C) void* gc_malloc( size_t sz, uint ba = 0 )
- return _gc.malloc( sz, ba );
+ //printf("marking range: %p -> %p\n", pbot, ptop);
+ for (; p1 < p2; p1++)
+ {
+ Pool *pool;
+ byte *p = cast(byte *)(*p1);
-extern (C) void* gc_calloc( size_t sz, uint ba = 0 )
- return _gc.calloc( sz, ba );
+ //if (log) debug(PRINTF) printf("\tmark %x\n", p);
+ if (p >= minAddr && p < maxAddr)
+ {
+ if ((cast(size_t)p & ~(PAGESIZE-1)) == pcache)
+ continue;
-extern (C) void* gc_realloc( void* p, size_t sz, uint ba = 0 )
- return _gc.realloc( p, sz, ba );
+ pool = findPool(p);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ size_t offset = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr);
+ size_t biti;
+ size_t pn = offset / PAGESIZE;
+ Bins bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
-extern (C) size_t gc_extend( void* p, size_t mx, size_t sz )
- return _gc.extend( p, mx, sz );
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\t\tfound pool %x, base=%x, pn = %d, bin = %d, biti = x%x\n", pool, pool.baseAddr, pn, bin, biti);
-extern (C) size_t gc_reserve( size_t sz )
- return _gc.reserve( sz );
+ // Adjust bit to be at start of allocated memory block
+ if (bin <= B_PAGE)
+ {
+ biti = (offset & notbinsize[bin]) >> 4;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\t\tbiti = x%x\n", biti);
+ }
+ else if (bin == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ {
+ do
+ { --pn;
+ } while (cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn] == B_PAGEPLUS);
+ biti = pn * (PAGESIZE / 16);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Don't mark bits in B_FREE pages
+ continue;
+ }
-extern (C) void gc_free( void* p )
- _gc.free( p );
+ if (bin >= B_PAGE) // Cache B_PAGE and B_PAGEPLUS lookups
+ pcache = cast(size_t)p & ~(PAGESIZE-1);
-extern (C) void* gc_addrOf( void* p )
- return _gc.addrOf( p );
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\t\tmark(x%x) = %d\n", biti, pool.mark.test(biti));
+ if (!pool.mark.test(biti))
+ {
+ //if (log) debug(PRINTF) printf("\t\tmarking %x\n", p);
+ pool.mark.set(biti);
+ if (!pool.noscan.test(biti))
+ {
+ pool.scan.set(biti);
+ changes = 1;
+ }
+ log_parent(sentinel_add(pool.baseAddr + biti * 16), sentinel_add(pbot));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ anychanges |= changes;
+ }
-extern (C) size_t gc_sizeOf( void* p )
- return _gc.sizeOf( p );
-extern (C) BlkInfo gc_query( void* p )
- return _gc.query( p );
+ /**
+ * Return number of full pages free'd.
+ */
+ size_t fullcollectshell()
+ {
+ // The purpose of the 'shell' is to ensure all the registers
+ // get put on the stack so they'll be scanned
+ void *sp;
+ size_t result;
+ version (GNU)
+ {
+ __builtin_unwind_init();
+ sp = & sp;
+ }
+ else version(LDC)
+ {
+ version(X86)
+ {
+ uint eax,ecx,edx,ebx,ebp,esi,edi;
+ asm
+ {
+ mov eax[EBP], EAX ;
+ mov ecx[EBP], ECX ;
+ mov edx[EBP], EDX ;
+ mov ebx[EBP], EBX ;
+ mov ebp[EBP], EBP ;
+ mov esi[EBP], ESI ;
+ mov edi[EBP], EDI ;
+ mov sp[EBP],ESP ;
+ }
+ }
+ else version (X86_64)
+ {
+ ulong rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rbp,rsi,rdi,rsp,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,r13,r14,r15;
+ asm
+ {
+ movq rax[RBP], RAX ;
+ movq rbx[RBP], RBX ;
+ movq rcx[RBP], RCX ;
+ movq rdx[RBP], RDX ;
+ movq rbp[RBP], RBP ;
+ movq rsi[RBP], RSI ;
+ movq rdi[RBP], RDI ;
+ movq rsp[RBP], RSP ;
+ movq r8[RBP], R8 ;
+ movq r9[RBP], R9 ;
+ movq r10[RBP], R10 ;
+ movq r11[RBP], R11 ;
+ movq r12[RBP], R12 ;
+ movq r13[RBP], R13 ;
+ movq r14[RBP], R14 ;
+ movq r15[RBP], R15 ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static assert( false, "Architecture not supported." );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asm
+ {
+ pushad ;
+ mov sp[EBP],ESP ;
+ }
+ }
+ result = fullcollect(sp);
+ version (GNU)
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ else version(LDC)
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asm
+ {
+ popad ;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
-// NOTE: This routine is experimental. The stats or function name may change
-// before it is made officially available.
-extern (C) GCStats gc_stats()
- GCStats stats = void;
- _gc.getStats( stats );
- return stats;
-extern (C) void gc_addRoot( void* p )
- _gc.addRoot( p );
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ size_t fullcollect(void *stackTop)
+ {
+ size_t n;
+ Pool* pool;
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("Gcx.fullcollect()\n");
+ thread_suspendAll();
+ p_cache = null;
+ size_cache = 0;
+ anychanges = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ {
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ pool.mark.zero();
+ pool.scan.zero();
+ pool.freebits.zero();
+ }
+ // Mark each free entry, so it doesn't get scanned
+ for (n = 0; n < B_PAGE; n++)
+ {
+ for (List *list = bucket[n]; list; list = list.next)
+ {
+ pool = findPool(list);
+ assert(pool);
+ pool.freebits.set(cast(size_t)(cast(byte*)list - pool.baseAddr) / 16);
+ }
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ {
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ pool.mark.copy(&pool.freebits);
+ }
+ rt_scanStaticData( &mark );
+ if (!noStack)
+ {
+ // Scan stacks and registers for each paused thread
+ thread_scanAll( &mark, stackTop );
+ }
+ // Scan roots[]
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("scan roots[]\n");
+ mark(roots, roots + nroots);
+ // Scan ranges[]
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("scan ranges[]\n");
+ //log++;
+ for (n = 0; n < nranges; n++)
+ {
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("\t%x .. %x\n", ranges[n].pbot, ranges[n].ptop);
+ mark(ranges[n].pbot, ranges[n].ptop);
+ }
+ //log--;
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("\tscan heap\n");
+ while (anychanges)
+ {
+ anychanges = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ {
+ uint *bbase;
+ uint *b;
+ uint *btop;
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ bbase = pool.scan.base();
+ btop = bbase + pool.scan.nwords;
+ for (b = bbase; b < btop;)
+ { Bins bin;
+ size_t pn;
+ size_t u;
+ size_t bitm;
+ byte* o;
+ bitm = *b;
+ if (!bitm)
+ { b++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ *b = 0;
+ o = pool.baseAddr + (b - bbase) * 32 * 16;
+ if (!(bitm & 0xFFFF))
+ {
+ bitm >>= 16;
+ o += 16 * 16;
+ }
+ for (; bitm; o += 16, bitm >>= 1)
+ {
+ if (!(bitm & 1))
+ continue;
+ pn = cast(size_t)(o - pool.baseAddr) / PAGESIZE;
+ bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
+ if (bin < B_PAGE)
+ {
+ mark(o, o + binsize[bin]);
+ }
+ else if (bin == B_PAGE || bin == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ {
+ if (bin == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ {
+ while (pool.pagetable[pn - 1] != B_PAGE)
+ pn--;
+ }
+ u = 1;
+ while (pn + u < pool.npages && pool.pagetable[pn + u] == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ u++;
+ mark(o, o + u * PAGESIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thread_resumeAll();
+ // Free up everything not marked
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("\tfree'ing\n");
+ size_t freedpages = 0;
+ size_t freed = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ { size_t pn;
+ uint* bbase;
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ bbase = pool.mark.base();
+ for (pn = 0; pn < pool.npages; pn++, bbase += PAGESIZE / (32 * 16))
+ {
+ Bins bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
+ if (bin < B_PAGE)
+ { byte* p;
+ byte* ptop;
+ size_t biti;
+ size_t bitstride;
+ auto size = binsize[bin];
+ p = pool.baseAddr + pn * PAGESIZE;
+ ptop = p + PAGESIZE;
+ biti = pn * (PAGESIZE/16);
+ bitstride = size / 16;
+ version(none) // BUG: doesn't work because freebits() must also be cleared
+ {
+ // If free'd entire page
+ if (bbase[0] == 0 && bbase[1] == 0 && bbase[2] == 0 && bbase[3] == 0 &&
+ bbase[4] == 0 && bbase[5] == 0 && bbase[6] == 0 && bbase[7] == 0)
+ {
+ for (; p < ptop; p += size, biti += bitstride)
+ {
+ if (pool.finals.nbits && pool.finals.testClear(biti))
+ rt_finalize(cast(List *)sentinel_add(p), false/*noStack > 0*/);
+ gcx.clrBits(pool, biti, BlkAttr.ALL_BITS);
+ List *list = cast(List *)p;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("\tcollecting %x\n", list);
+ log_free(sentinel_add(list));
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p, 0xF3, size);
+ }
+ pool.pagetable[pn] = B_FREE;
+ freed += PAGESIZE;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("freeing entire page %d\n", pn);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; p < ptop; p += size, biti += bitstride)
+ {
+ if (!pool.mark.test(biti))
+ {
+ sentinel_Invariant(sentinel_add(p));
+ pool.freebits.set(biti);
+ if (pool.finals.nbits && pool.finals.testClear(biti))
+ rt_finalize(cast(List *)sentinel_add(p), false/*noStack > 0*/);
+ clrBits(pool, biti, BlkAttr.ALL_BITS);
+ List *list = cast(List *)p;
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("\tcollecting %x\n", list);
+ log_free(sentinel_add(list));
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p, 0xF3, size);
+ freed += size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (bin == B_PAGE)
+ { size_t biti = pn * (PAGESIZE / 16);
+ if (!pool.mark.test(biti))
+ { byte *p = pool.baseAddr + pn * PAGESIZE;
+ sentinel_Invariant(sentinel_add(p));
+ if (pool.finals.nbits && pool.finals.testClear(biti))
+ rt_finalize(sentinel_add(p), false/*noStack > 0*/);
+ clrBits(pool, biti, BlkAttr.ALL_BITS);
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("\tcollecting big %x\n", p);
+ log_free(sentinel_add(p));
+ pool.pagetable[pn] = B_FREE;
+ freedpages++;
+ debug (MEMSTOMP) .memset(p, 0xF3, PAGESIZE);
+ while (pn + 1 < pool.npages && pool.pagetable[pn + 1] == B_PAGEPLUS)
+ {
+ pn++;
+ pool.pagetable[pn] = B_FREE;
+ freedpages++;
+ debug (MEMSTOMP)
+ { p += PAGESIZE;
+ .memset(p, 0xF3, PAGESIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Zero buckets
+ bucket[] = null;
+ // Free complete pages, rebuild free list
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("\tfree complete pages\n");
+ size_t recoveredpages = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < npools; n++)
+ { size_t pn;
+ pool = pooltable[n];
+ for (pn = 0; pn < pool.npages; pn++)
+ {
+ Bins bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
+ size_t biti;
+ size_t u;
+ if (bin < B_PAGE)
+ {
+ size_t size = binsize[bin];
+ size_t bitstride = size / 16;
+ size_t bitbase = pn * (PAGESIZE / 16);
+ size_t bittop = bitbase + (PAGESIZE / 16);
+ byte* p;
+ biti = bitbase;
+ for (biti = bitbase; biti < bittop; biti += bitstride)
+ { if (!pool.freebits.test(biti))
+ goto Lnotfree;
+ }
+ pool.pagetable[pn] = B_FREE;
+ recoveredpages++;
+ continue;
+ Lnotfree:
+ p = pool.baseAddr + pn * PAGESIZE;
+ for (u = 0; u < PAGESIZE; u += size)
+ { biti = bitbase + u / 16;
+ if (pool.freebits.test(biti))
+ { List *list;
+ list = cast(List *)(p + u);
+ if (list.next != bucket[bin]) // avoid unnecessary writes
+ list.next = bucket[bin];
+ bucket[bin] = list;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("recovered pages = %d\n", recoveredpages);
+ debug(COLLECT_PRINTF) printf("\tfree'd %u bytes, %u pages from %u pools\n", freed, freedpages, npools);
+ return freedpages + recoveredpages;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ uint getBits(Pool* pool, size_t biti)
+ in
+ {
+ assert( pool );
+ }
+ body
+ {
+ uint bits;
+ if (pool.finals.nbits &&
+ pool.finals.test(biti))
+ bits |= BlkAttr.FINALIZE;
+ if (pool.noscan.test(biti))
+ bits |= BlkAttr.NO_SCAN;
+// if (pool.nomove.nbits &&
+// pool.nomove.test(biti))
+// bits |= BlkAttr.NO_MOVE;
+ return bits;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void setBits(Pool* pool, size_t biti, uint mask)
+ in
+ {
+ assert( pool );
+ }
+ body
+ {
+ if (mask & BlkAttr.FINALIZE)
+ {
+ if (!pool.finals.nbits)
+ pool.finals.alloc(pool.mark.nbits);
+ pool.finals.set(biti);
+ }
+ if (mask & BlkAttr.NO_SCAN)
+ {
+ pool.noscan.set(biti);
+ }
+// if (mask & BlkAttr.NO_MOVE)
+// {
+// if (!pool.nomove.nbits)
+// pool.nomove.alloc(pool.mark.nbits);
+// pool.nomove.set(biti);
+// }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ void clrBits(Pool* pool, size_t biti, uint mask)
+ in
+ {
+ assert( pool );
+ }
+ body
+ {
+ if (mask & BlkAttr.FINALIZE && pool.finals.nbits)
+ pool.finals.clear(biti);
+ if (mask & BlkAttr.NO_SCAN)
+ pool.noscan.clear(biti);
+// if (mask & BlkAttr.NO_MOVE && pool.nomove.nbits)
+// pool.nomove.clear(biti);
+ }
+ /***** Leak Detector ******/
+ debug (LOGGING)
+ {
+ LogArray current;
+ LogArray prev;
+ void log_init()
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("+log_init()\n");
+ current.reserve(1000);
+ prev.reserve(1000);
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("-log_init()\n");
+ }
+ void log_malloc(void *p, size_t size)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("+log_malloc(p = %x, size = %d)\n", p, size);
+ Log log;
+ log.p = p;
+ log.size = size;
+ log.line = GC.line;
+ log.file = GC.file;
+ log.parent = null;
+ GC.line = 0;
+ GC.file = null;
+ current.push(log);
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("-log_malloc()\n");
+ }
+ void log_free(void *p)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("+log_free(%x)\n", p);
+ size_t i;
+ i = current.find(p);
+ if (i == OPFAIL)
+ {
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("free'ing unallocated memory %x\n", p);
+ }
+ else
+ current.remove(i);
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("-log_free()\n");
+ }
+ void log_collect()
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("+log_collect()\n");
+ // Print everything in current that is not in prev
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("New pointers this cycle: --------------------------------\n");
+ size_t used = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < current.dim; i++)
+ {
+ size_t j;
+ j = prev.find(current.data[i].p);
+ if (j == OPFAIL)
+ current.data[i].print();
+ else
+ used++;
+ }
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("All roots this cycle: --------------------------------\n");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < current.dim; i++)
+ {
+ void *p;
+ size_t j;
+ p = current.data[i].p;
+ if (!findPool(current.data[i].parent))
+ {
+ j = prev.find(current.data[i].p);
+ if (j == OPFAIL)
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("N");
+ else
+ debug(PRINTF) printf(" ");;
+ current.data[i].print();
+ }
+ }
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("Used = %d-------------------------------------------------\n", used);
+ prev.copy(¤t);
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("-log_collect()\n");
+ }
+ void log_parent(void *p, void *parent)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("+log_parent()\n");
+ size_t i;
+ i = current.find(p);
+ if (i == OPFAIL)
+ {
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("parent'ing unallocated memory %x, parent = %x\n", p, parent);
+ Pool *pool;
+ pool = findPool(p);
+ assert(pool);
+ size_t offset = cast(size_t)(p - pool.baseAddr);
+ size_t biti;
+ size_t pn = offset / PAGESIZE;
+ Bins bin = cast(Bins)pool.pagetable[pn];
+ biti = (offset & notbinsize[bin]);
+ debug(PRINTF) printf("\tbin = %d, offset = x%x, biti = x%x\n", bin, offset, biti);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current.data[i].parent = parent;
+ }
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("-log_parent()\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ void log_init() { }
+ void log_malloc(void *p, size_t size) { }
+ void log_free(void *p) { }
+ void log_collect() { }
+ void log_parent(void *p, void *parent) { }
+ }
-extern (C) void gc_addRange( void* p, size_t sz )
+/* ============================ Pool =============================== */
+struct Pool
- _gc.addRange( p, sz );
+ byte* baseAddr;
+ byte* topAddr;
+ GCBits mark; // entries already scanned, or should not be scanned
+ GCBits scan; // entries that need to be scanned
+ GCBits freebits; // entries that are on the free list
+ GCBits finals; // entries that need finalizer run on them
+ GCBits noscan; // entries that should not be scanned
+ size_t npages;
+ ubyte* pagetable;
+ void initialize(size_t npages)
+ {
+ size_t poolsize;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("Pool::Pool(%u)\n", npages);
+ poolsize = npages * PAGESIZE;
+ assert(poolsize >= POOLSIZE);
+ baseAddr = cast(byte *)os_mem_map(poolsize);
+ // Some of the code depends on page alignment of memory pools
+ assert((cast(size_t)baseAddr & (PAGESIZE - 1)) == 0);
+ if (!baseAddr)
+ {
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("GC fail: poolsize = x%x, errno = %d\n", poolsize, errno);
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("message = '%s'\n", sys_errlist[errno]);
+ npages = 0;
+ poolsize = 0;
+ }
+ //assert(baseAddr);
+ topAddr = baseAddr + poolsize;
+ mark.alloc(cast(size_t)poolsize / 16);
+ scan.alloc(cast(size_t)poolsize / 16);
+ freebits.alloc(cast(size_t)poolsize / 16);
+ noscan.alloc(cast(size_t)poolsize / 16);
+ pagetable = cast(ubyte*) .malloc(npages);
+ if (!pagetable)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ .memset(pagetable, B_FREE, npages);
+ this.npages = npages;
+ }
+ void Dtor()
+ {
+ if (baseAddr)
+ {
+ int result;
+ if (npages)
+ {
+ result = os_mem_unmap(baseAddr, npages * PAGESIZE);
+ assert(result);
+ npages = 0;
+ }
+ baseAddr = null;
+ topAddr = null;
+ }
+ if (pagetable)
+ .free(pagetable);
+ mark.Dtor();
+ scan.Dtor();
+ freebits.Dtor();
+ finals.Dtor();
+ noscan.Dtor();
+ }
+ void Invariant() { }
+ invariant
+ {
+ //mark.Invariant();
+ //scan.Invariant();
+ //freebits.Invariant();
+ //finals.Invariant();
+ //noscan.Invariant();
+ if (baseAddr)
+ {
+ //if (baseAddr + npages * PAGESIZE != topAddr)
+ //printf("baseAddr = %p, npages = %d, topAddr = %p\n", baseAddr, npages, topAddr);
+ assert(baseAddr + npages * PAGESIZE == topAddr);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < npages; i++)
+ { Bins bin = cast(Bins)pagetable[i];
+ assert(bin < B_MAX);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allocate n pages from Pool.
+ * Returns OPFAIL on failure.
+ */
+ size_t allocPages(size_t n)
+ {
+ size_t i;
+ size_t n2;
+ //debug(PRINTF) printf("Pool::allocPages(n = %d)\n", n);
+ n2 = n;
+ for (i = 0; i < npages; i++)
+ {
+ if (pagetable[i] == B_FREE)
+ {
+ if (--n2 == 0)
+ { //debug(PRINTF) printf("\texisting pn = %d\n", i - n + 1);
+ return i - n + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ n2 = n;
+ }
+ return OPFAIL;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Free npages pages starting with pagenum.
+ */
+ void freePages(size_t pagenum, size_t npages)
+ {
+ .memset(&pagetable[pagenum], B_FREE, npages);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used for sorting pooltable[]
+ */
+ int opCmp(Pool *p2)
+ {
+ if (baseAddr < p2.baseAddr)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return cast(int)(baseAddr > p2.baseAddr);
+ }
-extern (C) void gc_removeRoot( void *p )
+/* ============================ SENTINEL =============================== */
+version (SENTINEL)
- _gc.removeRoot( p );
+ const size_t SENTINEL_PRE = cast(size_t) 0xF4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4UL; // 32 or 64 bits
+ const ubyte SENTINEL_POST = 0xF5; // 8 bits
+ const uint SENTINEL_EXTRA = 2 * size_t.sizeof + 1;
+ size_t* sentinel_size(void *p) { return &(cast(size_t *)p)[-2]; }
+ size_t* sentinel_pre(void *p) { return &(cast(size_t *)p)[-1]; }
+ ubyte* sentinel_post(void *p) { return &(cast(ubyte *)p)[*sentinel_size(p)]; }
+ void sentinel_init(void *p, size_t size)
+ {
+ *sentinel_size(p) = size;
+ *sentinel_pre(p) = SENTINEL_PRE;
+ *sentinel_post(p) = SENTINEL_POST;
+ }
+ void sentinel_Invariant(void *p)
+ {
+ assert(*sentinel_pre(p) == SENTINEL_PRE);
+ assert(*sentinel_post(p) == SENTINEL_POST);
+ }
+ void *sentinel_add(void *p)
+ {
+ return p + 2 * size_t.sizeof;
+ }
-extern (C) void gc_removeRange( void *p )
+ void *sentinel_sub(void *p)
+ {
+ return p - 2 * size_t.sizeof;
+ }
- _gc.removeRange( p );
+ const uint SENTINEL_EXTRA = 0;
+ void sentinel_init(void *p, size_t size)
+ {
+ }
+ void sentinel_Invariant(void *p)
+ {
+ }
+ void *sentinel_add(void *p)
+ {
+ return p;
+ }
+ void *sentinel_sub(void *p)
+ {
+ return p;
+ }